What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 92 Si... is the most annoying!

Chapter 92 Si. is the most annoying!

Aokiji took a rare break and bought a bunch of fast food and took it home.

Pizza, burgers, French fries, fried chicken, a bag full.

Today he felt pain all over his body. He was so tired that he just wanted to lie down on the bed and have a good sleep. He really didn't want to cook much. At this age, Qiong probably enjoys eating this kind of food the most.

As soon as I got home, I opened the door and saw Qiong holding a black rabbit on the dining table in the living room.

Qiong's silver hair fell down his shoulders, his brows were slightly furrowed, and his eyes were worried and a little angry. He pursed his lips tightly and stared at the injured Aoki Si. He sat on the chair next to the dining table and stared at Aoki Si without saying a word. .

Aokiji put the food on the table and awkwardly held his school uniform in front of him, covering his tattered white tight-fitting vest. His expression was a little embarrassed: "Why isn't Qiong playing on the computer upstairs?"

Qiong just stood up and took the school uniform jacket held in Aokiji's arms. Looking at the dried blood and dusty soil marks on his white vest, his breathing became heavier: "Fight again." Already?"

Seeing that Qiong Mingming looked young, but his expression was serious and serious like an adult, Aokiji touched his head, a little funny: "I don't fight every day. It's okay, I just happened with someone. There was a small conflict and it has been resolved."

Qiong looked at Aoki Si, his eyes full of anger: "You lied!"

Aoki Si was stunned. This was the first time Qiong had shown such an angry look in front of him.

Qiong put the school uniform on the table and unfolded it. He saw that the coat was full of footprints, bloodstains, and even had small holes in some places. He said angrily: "Terubashi Sumimi told me."

This guy. Aokiji secretly curled his lips, why did Teruhashi Sumimi tell Qiong about this? She has a bad heart to begin with. What if she develops a heart problem out of worry?

Deciding to have a good chat with Teruhashi Komimi on his mobile phone for a while, Aokiji smiled awkwardly: "It's really okay. The injuries on my body are all superficial injuries. At most, they will hurt a little bit. They will be gone soon." OK."

Qiong looked at Aoki Si, pursed his lips, and his eyes gradually filled with mist: "Can't you stop fighting?"

"Teruhashi Shinmei said that those gangsters from the third and second grade of high school have all united to find trouble for you." Qiong lowered his eyes and hugged the black rabbit doll in his arms tightly: "It doesn't matter. Lie. people!"

There was a hint of crying in her voice.

Aokiji sighed, squatted down, rubbed her hair with his bandaged hand, and crossed her eyebrows with his fingers: "Okay, I was wrong!"

"I'm sorry!" Aokiji said seriously: "I'm really sorry for making you worry! But they won't come to trouble me in the future, I have already solved it."

Qiong's small body swayed slightly, and she could faintly hear the suppressed cry in her throat: "Why do you want to fight with them, Si?"

Aokiji blinked, held her little face with both hands, and asked her to raise her head to look at him, staring into her big hazy eyes with gentle eyes: "Don't cry, don't cry."

"I'm very strong!" Aokiji smiled and caught the tears on her face with his fingers: "And it's not that I want to fight with them, it's just..."

Aokiji sighed and said sincerely: "It's just that there are some things that I have to do. There are some troubles that I can't avoid just because I want to."

Qiong looked at Aoki Si, his eyes were red and his small nose was twitching slightly: "Don't fight with them in the future, okay?"

Aokiji looked away with some guilt, not knowing how to reply. If possible, of course he would also like to be a leisurely salted fish, reading books, watching videos, and playing games every day, so that he can spend the day happily.

But now, not only because of the constraints of the system, but more importantly, behind him are the expectations of Maeda Tora and others, and even the growing ambition in his heart. Because all this is destined to make it impossible for him to avoid future consequences. Conflict, so he cannot make casual promises about the future.

Opening and closing his lips, Aokiji couldn't say anything against his will, and finally fell into silence.

Qiong stretched out his hand and pushed away Aokiji's hand holding her cheek, his expression became a little cold: "Why?"

Aokiji licked his somewhat white lips, raised his head, and stared at the ceiling: "I"

"Si" Qiong's breathing gradually became heavier and his voice became louder: "Didn't Si say that he would always protect me? If Si gets injured in a fight, how can he abide by the agreement!"

"Si said it, I will not break the promise!" Qiong's tears flowed down the corner of his eyes and fell on his delicate chin. He looked up at Aoki Si with a hint of pleading in his eyes: "If he were Si, he would definitely do it. Arrived, right? The worst thing is, if they bully you, Si can just study at home like me. I, I have already studied all the high school courses."

"I can teach Si's homework, and Si can also play games with me. I, we are okay."

Aokiji took a deep breath, lowered his head, looked at Qiong's expectant eyes, and interrupted her with a heavy tone: "I'm sorry, Qiong. I can't make you such a promise that I won't fight in the future."

"." Qiong gradually lowered his head, his expectant eyes gradually turning into disappointment.

"But I will never, never break our agreement! I will do my best to protect you." Aokiji stretched out his hand to touch the top of Qiong's head, with sincere eyes: "Believe me, Qiong .”

Qiong still lowered his head, but held the little hand of the rabbit doll a little tighter.

Looking at Qiong's appearance, Aokiji felt a little distressed.

"Qiong" Aokiji gently held her in his arms: "I'm sorry, please believe me again."

Qiong sobbed silently, and for a long time, he pushed Aoki Si away. He wiped his eyes and looked at Aoki Si's dirty vest. When he raised his head again, he looked cold again.


"I hate you!"

"Si is the most annoying!"

There were still some tears on her face, only disappointment and sadness remained in her eyes, and her voice was trembling and angry.

After saying that, she turned around and trotted upstairs, leaving Aokiji standing alone in the empty living room, unable to speak for a long time.

Finally, Aokiji let out a long sigh, grabbed the clothes on the table, went to the bathroom, took off his bloody vest, and threw it into the washing machine.

With his hands on the sink, Aoki looked expressionlessly at the bald man with a cold face in the mirror. Looking at his well-muscled but scarred body, he felt both familiar and strange at the same time.


PS: I feel like I’m dying without a recommendation vote.

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