Southeast schools.

"Xiaofang, did you use the lipstick I gave you last night?" Guo Xiaozhen asked in a low voice.

"Press—!" Zhu Wanfang lowered her head and let out an 'hmm', blushing to the back of her ears.

Guo Xiaozhen hurriedly asked in a low voice: "How is the effect? ​​Does Li Er like it?"

"Press—!" Zhu Wanfang said 'hmm' again, and then said in a soft voice: "Second brother said that I am a student, so I can't wear lipstick."

Guo Xiaozhen chuckled: "That's why I like it. Men's mouths are the most deceptive. They obviously like it in their hearts, but they love being prudish on the surface."

"My second brother can't!" Zhu Wanfang retorted immediately.

Guo Xiaozhen gave Zhu Wanfang a speechless glance, then asked softly with a smile, "Did you get along with Li Er last night?"

Zhu Wanfang's face turned red as if she had a fever.

"No... no!"

"Ah! Is it true?" Guo Xiaozhen didn't believe it.

"Really!" Zhu Wanfang said seriously.

"Huh?" Guo Xiaozhen was stunned: "Li Er can't do it!"

Zhu Wanfang's face was flushed with shame, but she couldn't help but spit at Guo Xiaozhen: "Second brother is not bad."

"Then how can he bear it?" Guo Xiaozhen was incredulous.

"I...I won't tell you." Zhu Wanfang said falteringly.

Guo Xiaozhen pestered curiously: "Zhu Wanfang, I'm your best friend, tell me what's going on?"

"Second brother said that I am underage, too early is not good for my health, let me use... with my hands." Zhu Wanfang's voice became softer and weaker.

Guo Xiaozhen was shocked, how could a normal man bear it?

Guo Xiaozhen will never understand, love is presumptuous, but love is restraint.


After Li Er sent Zhu Wanfang and Li Shiya to school, he went to the branch of the tea restaurant to confirm the opening of the tea restaurant with Li Yi. Not so important anymore.

The reason why many people can’t get along in business partnerships is that most of them are unwilling to make concessions. Li Shan and Li Shiya listen to Li Yi’s everything, and Li Yi yields to Li Er, so in the end it is Li Er, the lucky guy, who has the final say .

With the experience of opening the first tea restaurant, the planning of the branch of the tea restaurant is very smooth. Li Yi has recruited several master chefs, and now they are all familiar with the work in the back kitchen of the main store. Naturally, the purchase of dishes and other products is also shared with the main store. Even because of the larger purchase volume, Li Yi negotiated a lot lower prices with the supplier.

"Brother, I still think that the food delivery is the biggest profit of our tea restaurant, so the delivery speed must be fast, as long as the food delivery is fast, the delivery speed of the food delivery staff can be improved. I mean, add more Two stoves, hire more master chefs." Li Er said after thinking for a while.

"Understood, second child, I find that you are very nagging now!" Li Yi smiled and said, "Two stoves have been added to the main store, and the back kitchen here is bigger. I plan to add three more stoves." Taiwan, it depends on whether the marketing team you are looking for can borrow so many takeaway orders."

"You still can't believe what I do, that's all right." Li Er said with a smug smile.

After Zhu Tao's case was over, Li Er had a two-week vacation. He went off in person, full of self-confidence. People in this era have certain limitations in vision.

Li Er felt that no matter how bad he was, he could always win by copying homework.

Li Er insisted on setting up a marketing department that was useless in the eyes of Li Yi and others. He also customized uniform clothing and was responsible for distributing takeaway leaflets at stalls in various office buildings and shopping malls, and at the same time signing large orders for takeout groups. order business.

The two brothers Li Yi and Li Er were busy until noon before returning to the main shop of the tea restaurant for lunch. The business in the main shop was getting more and more prosperous. Li Yi and Li Er couldn't find a separate table, so they had to share a table with other diners.

Li Er ordered a rice with barbecued pork and braised pork, and Li Yi was almost the same. There are Li Er's tricks in it. A notable feature of the dishes is that the dishes are served very quickly, and there is no need to stir-fry them. As long as the main dishes are cut and served with side dishes, they can be served or packed immediately. The hand of the spoon master is cramping.

Of course, there are small stir-fries in tea restaurants, but the price is a little more expensive. After all, there are still many customers who are not so sensitive to prices. As long as they are delicious, they are willing to pay a premium. This kind of customers usually come to a large table. And most of them are regular customers.

Li Er had just finished eating when his mobile phone rang.

"Hello! Who is it?" Li Er picked up the mobile phone and asked.

"Amin, haha, moving, yes, yes, how could I forget, I'm already on the road, there is a traffic jam today, don't worry, I will be there soon." Li Er laughed and hung up the phone, and then found Li Yi looked at him contemptuously.

"Who is this Amin?" Li Yi snorted coldly.

This second child is really elusive, either no one cares about it, or suddenly it seems like luck, surrounded by a group of good girls. Although Li Yi doesn't say anything, he can see the relationship between Li Er and Zhu Wanfang It's a bit ambiguous, especially that Bo Anni, who has been clinging to Li Er all day long, and almost regards the tea restaurant as her own restaurant.

"Hey, a good friend, boss, I have something to do in the afternoon, you can take care of the branch by yourself." Li Er took two bottles of water from the refrigerator and ran out.

The school He Min teaches is a little far away from where she lives. She rents an apartment building close to the school, and the security conditions there are better. Unlike housing estates where people and snakes mix together, it is not very safe for He Min to live as a single woman. .

"Amin, open the door, I'm here!" Li Er knocked on the door and said.

He Min opened the door. She had already packed up all her things, and put all the scattered and small items into the box. Li Er was mainly responsible for carrying some heavy objects. Of course, the most important thing was that Li Er had a car to carry them. convenient.

"Come in quickly, I have a lot of things, and the room is also very messy." He Min opened the door and said.

When Li Er entered the room, he found that the room was not very messy, which is usually the case when moving, but He Min really has a lot of things to move. The trunk of the car must not fit so much, but it can be stuffed into the back seat. make two trips.

"Let's get started! I'll carry the big items, and you carry the small ones." Li Er clapped his hands and said, there is no elevator in the housing estate, so I'm afraid he's busy today.

"Let's carry it together, it will be lighter this way." He Min said shyly.

"No, let me show a masculinity." Li Er made an exaggerated pose to show his biceps.

He Min gave Li Er a white look: "Then be careful and tell me when you are tired."

"No matter how hard a man is, he won't say he's tired!" Li Erniu said angrily.

Two hours later, the man who never said he was tired went downstairs out of breath.

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