What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 123: Zhou Xingxing's Undercover Career

When Li Er woke up, it was already the next day, he turned over, and there was no one beside the bed.

"A Min!" Li Er got up and couldn't find He Min.

‘Uh——, it couldn’t be me who flirted last night, right? ’ Li Er lowered his head and looked at himself. As a chosen child of time travel, even if it can’t be for an hour or two, then it can’t be for a minute or two, so it must be fake.

Although He Min was not at home, she left a sticky note for Li Er on the dining table.

‘Li Er, I’m going to be late for work, so I drove away your car, tell me what you want to eat, and I’ll make something delicious for you when I come back at noon. ’ At the end of the post-it note is the phone number of He Min’s teacher’s office.

Edinburgh schools.

Wearing a blue school uniform, Zhou Xingxing came to the Academic Affairs Office to report. He was not afraid, but very scared. If it wasn't for his poor academic performance, who would want to be a policeman? Now he has to go back, Sir Zhou I feel very anxious.

"You are Zhou Xingxing who transferred from England Middle School?" The dean of students snorted coldly, "England Middle School specializes in trash, I don't care what relationship you have with our school board, since you have entered our Edinburgh school, you must abide by the rules here. School rules, I don't teach people to be talented, and I don't know how to impart knowledge. I only do one thing, and that is to kick people out of school. Don't engage in petty tricks in our school, otherwise the school directors will not give face. not understand?"

"!" Zhou Xingxing habitually stood at attention and saluted.

Dean of students:"......"

"Uh——! I'm sorry, I made a mistake. I'm thanking the director." Zhou Xingxing nodded and bowed.

"Let's go to the classroom, the last classroom you turn right when you go out is your class." said the Dean of Students.

Of course, Huang Bingyao had already checked which class in the Edinburgh school he was visiting at the police station, and he helped Zhou Xingxing greatly narrow the scope of the investigation.

He Min looked at Zhou Xingxing who walked into the classroom with a strange face. When Zhou Xingxing saw He Min, he quickly lowered his head and walked past the podium like a human ostrich.

He Min: "..."

He Min didn't say much, and started lecturing as usual.

After one class, Zhou Xingxing couldn't understand what He Min was teaching, and at the same time found that all the boys in the class were looking at He Min passionately, whether these bastards were in class or looking at beautiful women.

Zhou Xingxing's deskmate was a creepy guy. While watching He Min on the podium giving a lecture, this weird guy quietly put his hand into his trouser pocket and grabbed at the middle.

"What the hell are you doing?" Zhou Xingxing patted Wang Xiaogui on the head when He Min turned around to write on the blackboard.

Wang Xiaogui turned his head angrily, looked at Zhou Xingxing's 'casserole'-sized fist, was immediately discouraged, and whispered wretchedly, "Brother, stop pretending, your pants are arched."

Zhou Xingxing bowed his head in shame.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Zhou Xingxing quickly stood up and chased He Min.

"Mr. He, Mr. He, that, I'm Zhou Xingxing, do you remember me?" Zhou Xingxing said in a low voice.

He Min nodded: "Remember, why are you here?"

Zhou Xingxing glanced around obscenely, and said in a low voice: "I can't tell you this, but we police officers will not do bad things, so keep it secret for me."

When He Min heard Zhou Xingxing say 'police officers will not do bad things',

Two patches of bright red floated on her fair face.

"Understood!" He Min replied.

"Hey, Mr. He, especially Li Er should not know about this matter." Seeing that He Min was about to leave, Zhou Xingxing hurried after him and continued.

"I see!" He Min agreed again.

Zhou Xingxing walked back to the classroom with confidence, and found that Wang Xiaogui was looking at him adoringly.

"Boss, my name is Wang Xiaogui, what do you call me?" Wang Xiaogui said excitedly.

Zhou Xingxing glanced at Wang Xiaogui with contempt: "Zhou Xingxing."

"Brother Xing, Brother Xing, you are so awesome, how dare you chase Teacher He in the school! My little brother bows down!" Wang Xiaogui said with a cheap smile.

"Who told you what nonsense, I'm asking the teacher for my study." Zhou Xingxing scolded.

"Oh—!" Wang Xiaogui rolled his eyes, with a look of sudden realization: "Understood, understood, clear, good idea."

Zhou Xingxing: "..."

"Wang Xiaogui, did our class visit the police station a few days ago?" Zhou Xingxing patted Wang Xiaogui on the shoulder and asked.

"Yes, the whole class has gone, wow, brother Xing, you missed a good opportunity, there are many beautiful police officers in the serious crime team of the police station, all of them are top beauties." Wang Xiaogui squinted his eyes a little bit Confusedly sighed: "Tsk tsk, this is simply a temptation to subdue."

"Brother Xing, I will definitely be admitted to the police academy in the future and join the serious crime team of the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station." Wang Xiaogui said firmly.

"Are you up to the standard?" Zhou Xingxing glanced at Wang Xiaogui, who was no taller than 1.6 meters.

"Uh—!" Wang Xiaogui felt powerless for a moment.

"By the way, apart from visiting the crime squad, have you visited any high-level administrative departments?" Zhou Xingxing pretended to ask unintentionally.

Wang Xiaogui shook his head: "I don't know, I'll stay in the serious crime team until the end of the visit."

Zhou Xingxing: "Then do you know that some students went to visit the administrative department?"

Wang Xiaogui shook his head feebly: "I don't know."

"Trash!" Zhou Xingxing slapped Wang Xiaogui on the head again.

Edinburgh school entrance.

"Hi! Amin, I'm off work, I'll take you home!" Huang Sir, the leader of the Anti-Mafia Team, waved happily.

"Huang sir, I'm sorry, I drove my friend's car to work today, and please call me Teacher He." He Min said seriously.

"Hello, Mr. He!" Huang sir smiled nonchalantly, "Then can I treat you to lunch?"

"No need!" He Min said as he walked away and started the car.

"Tou, you really have vision. This woman is unbearable just by looking at her. She is so familiar that she is about to ooze water." One of Huang Sir's men said, swallowing.

Huang sir's face was very gloomy: "Damn it, there is a competitor, find out who owns that black car."

"It seems to be a license plate starting with AM, our police car." Another subordinate of Huang Sir said.

Huang sir's face became even uglier.

"Tou, do you want to do our old routine again and continue to play the hero to save the beauty." Huang sir's subordinates smirked.

Huang sir didn't answer, his eyes are very gloomy now, such a beautiful peach woman, don't let people pick it first.

Thirty minutes later, He Min, who promised Zhou Xingxing to keep it a secret, had already told his lover everything.

"Zhou Xingxing is going to school? Has the truancy started?" Li Er murmured in a low voice: "So the old fat man lost his gun."

He Min couldn't understand what Li Er was saying, so he got up and went to look at the wolfberry bone soup stewed in the clay pot.

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