Instructor Hu and Li Xianying found forty-five AK47 automatic rifles in the carriage, thousands of bullets, and even two hand grenades. When Instructor Hu reported to Li Er, his voice was shaking.

'Li Er must have been taken care of by someone above him. Without any preparation, he suddenly received such a big case, which is simply giving credit. ’ Instructor Hu secretly guessed his superior.

At this time, Lin Haiying and Zhou Xingxing had already arrested Lai Dafei to guard the parking lot. There are more than a dozen of them. A large amount of ammunition. Looking at the ammunition displayed on the ground and being counted, the faces of these unlucky ghosts are pale. If the punishment is judged by the amount of ammunition, this time I am afraid that they will be jailed.

On the other side, Li Er asked Bai Anni to guard the door, and made a phone call to Huang Bingyao himself.

"Hello! How's it going?" Huang Bingyao asked nervously. It was impossible for anyone else to call the director's office at this time except Li Er.

"It's done!" Li Er said succinctly.

Huang Bingyao: "..."

You're too succinct!

Huang Bingyao quickly asked: "Has the gun ever been fired? Has anyone else seen the gun? Where are you now?"

"Don't worry, everything is under control. The gun is in my hands and it is intact." Li Er said in a low voice: "By the way, there is a surprise. During the process of solving the case, a large amount of ammunition was seized."

Huang Bingyao didn't care about arms, he only cared about his own gun, he was relieved when he heard that the gun was fine, the old fat man smiled with satisfaction: "Very, very good, I know you are reliable, Talking nonsense about the Flying Tigers made me worry about it for two weeks, but I didn’t find a single hair. As soon as you made a move, you found me a gun on the same day, just like I did back then.”

Li Er: "..."

Huang Bingyao is definitely the most shameless fat man Li Er has ever seen, not one of them.

"By the way, you just said that you have seized a large amount of ammunition. How can you do so?" Huang Bingyao asked casually when he learned that he was out of time for his 'Spear of Kindness'.

Li Er "" "A large number of translations means fifty AK47s."

"Boom!" Li Er seemed to hear the sound of someone falling, and he immediately felt refreshed.

Thirty minutes later, Huang Bingyao arrived at the scene with a group of uniformed police.

"Where's the gun?" Huang Bingyao asked with a pun.

Li Er gave Bai Anni a wink, Bai Anni led Chen Yalun away, Li Er stretched out his right hand, and Huang Bingyao's gun slipped out of Li Er's cuff.

Huang Bingyao hurriedly snatched Li's second-hand police gun, and looked through the code on the police gun. It was his own gun. The old fat man immediately turned on the wheel to check the bullets. All six bullets were there.

Only then did the old fat man knock on the revolver of the pistol with satisfaction, and put the gun back into the holster on his waist.

"It's really an AK!" Huang Bingyao picked up an AK47 automatic rifle and rubbed it: "Didn't you say there were fifty? Why did you only see five?"

"The other forty-five are in another hiding place, and they have been brought under control." Li Er replied with a nod.

"That's good, you kid, you can always surprise people!" Huang Bingyao patted Li Er's shoulder and smiled.

Li Er grinned,

Try to look flattered.

"By the way, how many of our guys were injured?"

Huang Bingyao could finally remember the casualties of his clerk. Although Chang Mao shot for the first and last time in his life, the bullet holes he swept across the office were shocking, and it was obvious that he had gone through a fierce battle.

"Is a guy injured?" Li Er said seriously.

"Just one?" Huang Bingyao was stunned for a moment: "Fifty AK47 automatic rifles?"

Li Er briefly explained the case to Huang Bingyao, and Huang Bingyao suddenly realized that he looked at Li Er as if he was watching a monster.

'This kid is so lucky? Even the broom star can't get his good luck. '

"That buddy in the serious crime team was shot by an AK and practiced his gun, so he can go to the hospital by himself?" Huang Bingyao opened an AK47 magazine in disbelief and squeezed out a bullet.

"It turned out to be a soil bomb made by the small workshop!" Huang Bingyao said, looking at the bullet carefully in front of the light.

Li Er curled his lips, the old fat man spoke as if he was very knowledgeable.

"Director, if there is nothing wrong, I have another operation, so I will withdraw first." Li Er said.

"Get busy!" Huang Bingyao didn't ask what Li Er was doing. He now believes in Li Er's ability very much, and too much intervention may not be good. The most important thing is that Huang Bingyao is the only person who can compare Li Er's laziness. He is too lazy. Take care of Li Er.

Li Er's daily affairs were handed over to Instructor Hu and Jian Huizhen, and Huang Bingyao completely let Superintendent Chen go. The old fat man was only in charge of signing. If he hadn't lost his gun today, he would have fallen asleep by this point.

Feihong Mountain.

Lai Dafei has no choice but to come to the deal, Li Er must replace Lai Dafei to attend the appointment, people can be lazy, but they must keep their promises.

A man in a black trench coat stood in front of a car.

This kind of lonely hero going to the meeting alone is naturally not Li Er. Li Er originally wanted to call Li Xianying by name, but Zhou Xingxing volunteered to raise his hand and walked out with a toothpick in his mouth.

Li Er squatted behind a small dirt slope, with Instructor Hu on his right and Bai Anni on his left.

Li Xianying was lying in ambush in the car next to Zhou Xingxing.

Zhou Xingxing looked at his watch anxiously. He did not have any outstanding results tonight. He was very worried that Huang Bingyao would be kicked out of the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station tomorrow. Zhou Xingxing was just unlucky. He was not stupid. Li Er must have found Huang Bingyao's missing gun, which means that Zhou Xingxing has no value to use.

"Master, there are so many mosquitoes!" Bai Anni waved the mosquitoes beside her irritably.

Li Er smiled, and actually took out a bottle of toilet water from his pocket and handed it to Bai Anni. This guy looked like a veteran, and it was definitely not the first time he was playing wild, but it was the first time for the two beauties on the left and right.

"Hee hee, Master, you are awesome!" Bai Anni quickly took the toilet water and sprayed it around.

"Li sir, even if we catch the buyer with this kind of fishing law enforcement, we won't be able to sue the other party." Instructor Hu said with a puzzled frown.

"Then what do you say?" Li Er didn't answer Instructor Hu's question, but asked Instructor Hu instead.

Instructor Hu was stunned for a while, but she didn't have any good opinions.

Li Er smiled.

"Even if you can't tell the other party, at least you have to find out who wants to buy the gun. Fifty AK47s are enough to attack the Governor's Mansion." Li Er muttered to himself: "They It would be great if it could be done.”

Instructor Hu's face suddenly became serious.

At this time, a Mercedes-Benz S-class car drove up, followed by a Land Rover.

"Two cars, there may be more than ten people, if the other party wants to come, we may not be able to stop it." Instructor Hu said carefully.

Li Er nodded.

"If it's hard, it will save me a lot of trouble."

"Attention everyone, the target has appeared." After Li Er notified everyone, he said to Zhou Xingxing: "Zhou Xingxing, the next step is to test your self-cultivation as an actor!"

Zhou Xingxing replied seriously: "!"

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