What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 160 Worship to Guan Gong and show loyalty

"Brother Hui, good morning!"

Sanghui's face changed, and he turned around and ran without hesitation. He stopped when he just ran into an alley.

"Brother Xiong, it's none of my business!" Sang Hui said quickly.

The polar bear pointed the gun at Sanghui's forehead, and said with a smile on his face, "You know it's none of your business before I say anything?"

Sanghui's face turned even paler, and he was about to defend himself, but the polar bear stopped him with a wave of his hand.

"Needless to say, those dead cops must be tortured to death, I understand."

Sanghui was overjoyed: "Yes, yes, thank you Brother Xiong."

The other three accomplices of the polar bear surrounded them from the other end of the alley.

"Run, why don't you run away?" The gangster who greeted Sanghui just now cursed angrily.

"Brother Bin, your lord has a lot, Brother Xiong said he doesn't care about it." Sanghui said hastily.

The polar bear reached out and patted Sanghui's shoulder: "Friends can't be fussy, now we have something to ask you for help, you won't haggle with us, will you?"

Sanghui quickly straightened his shoulders: "Brother Xiong, if you need help with anything, just ask, it's fine."

The polar bear smiled.

Galaxy Group President's Office.

"It seems that you really think of us as bums, thinking that you can catch us by calling the police."

"You must have misunderstood, we never called the police! I swear." The president of Galaxy Group said solemnly.

"Stop swearing. Be careful that you have a son without a will. We didn't believe what you rich people said. Money is really not that easy to get." The voice on the other end of the phone said: "Today at twelve o'clock at noon, we I will give you another big gift, as for the money, it’s up to you, we can’t get any money, so we will give you a big gift every week.”

"Don't, we have prepared the money you want, and we can do it now..."

The president of Galaxy Group hadn't finished speaking before the call was hung up.

"Help me get through Director Lin's call quickly." The president of Yinhe Group yelled to his assistant after thinking for a while.

As the bombers say, you can't trust the rich.

The president of the Galaxy Group didn't know that his phone had been monitored by the police. At this time, the joint case handling team of the Central Control Center was already searching for the location of the phone.

Instructor Hu put down the headset, and said with a frustrated expression: "The other party is using a wireless modified phone this time, and the location cannot be found."

The police officers of the joint team were immediately discouraged.

"President Feng, don't worry, these gangsters are just yawning toads. We have identified their identities and will definitely bring them to justice. Of course, we will also send a large number of police forces to guard the properties under your company's name. Make sure you are safe."

Lin Leimeng walked quickly to the command center after answering the call from the president of Galaxy Group.

"We absolutely can't let them be so rampant, they can blow up as soon as they say, Jia Kui, if you have any needs, just ask, all the resources of our police operation department will cooperate with you."

"!" Chen Jiaju shouted excitedly.

Instructor Hu frowned slightly when she heard Lin Leimeng's words. She felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't see what was wrong.


Can you contact sir Li? Instructor Hu turned to Bai Anni and asked with some embarrassment.

Li Er had already emphasized before his vacation that unless the People's Liberation Army entered Hong Kong ahead of schedule, he must be notified to celebrate and not to disturb him.

Although Instructor Hu and the others thought that what Li Er said was ironic, they also knew that Li Er definitely didn't want to be disturbed.

"What's the matter?" Bai Anni asked in a low voice.

"Our serious crime team's participation in this bombing case has not been reported to Sir Li. I want to report the progress to him." Instructor Hu said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Oh!" Bai Anni quickly dialed Li Er's phone.

"Master, what are you busy with?" Bai Anni smiled coquettishly.

"Master is doing physical work in the tea restaurant, why? Do you want to come over and help?" Li Er said in a bad tone.

"Ma Jun, you carry this signboard to the second floor first. It will be easier to install the signboard from the window on the second floor." Li Er on the other end of the phone shouted to Ma Jun.

"Tou, I'm disabled, and you still want me to carry such a heavy thing, can I paste the wallpaper?" Ma Jun raised his plaster hands and wailed.

"Go ahead and put up the wallpaper! I didn't see you yelling when I was eating." Li Er scolded, maybe he also felt that Ma Jun's plaster hand could not hold the sign firmly, and it would be bad if it fell off.

Li Er wants to open a new branch, so naturally Li Xianying and Ma Jun will not be missed. Anyway, Li Xianying and Ma Jun are now suspended for investigation. In Li Er's words, being idle is also idle , people do not exercise will be abolished.

"Master, Instructor Hu has something to ask for you."

Bo Anni didn't seem to be in a good mood when she heard that her master was in a bad mood, so she hurriedly handed her mobile phone to Instructor Hu.

"Instructor Hu, what's the matter?" Li Er asked.

Instructor Hu hurriedly told Li Er about the bombing in a simple and quick manner.

"Li sir, did I do something wrong? Now that the case is so big, but the director of the Central District still only let Chen Jiaju, the team leader with the rank of police sergeant, be in charge of the case, and gave Chen Jiaju great command power ’” Instructor Hu said worriedly.

"Oh! This is very simple. Chen Jiaju is responsible for the blame. This case must be directed by Lin Leimeng now. Chen Jiaju does not have the ability to coordinate the overall situation. In short, you do what others arrange for you. Don't mention anything. Opinion, otherwise, after the accident, you will also become blamers." Li Er saw through Lin Leimeng's intention in an instant.

Instructor Hu was very smart in the first place, but the authorities were obsessed with it. Now when Li Er reminded him, he took a deep breath.

"Thank you, Sir!" Instructor Hu hurriedly thanked her. She hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice, "Sir, can you take your vacation temporarily..."

"You have a good idea! You took this case without permission and I haven't bothered with you yet. I'll deal with you like this after I'm on vacation." Li Er cut off her fantasy before Instructor Hu finished speaking.

Li Er's words were a little ambiguous. Instructor Hu's fair face had two blushes, and he returned the mobile phone to Annie.

"Instructor Hu, what did my master say?" Bai Anni asked curiously.

"Sir Li asked us to do our part well." Instructor Hu nodded with flickering eyes.

On the other side, Li Er was also hesitant to call Chen Jiaju to remind him. Chen Jiaju likes to show off and has a sense of justice. If he reminds him, he might scold him for being a villain.

Li Er put down his mobile phone and concentrated on decorating the new branch, Chen Jiaju? Let him go to the street, anyway, he is used to being blamed.

Just as Li Er said, Chen Jiaju is currently in charge of the explosion on the surface, but in fact it is Lin Leimeng who personally intervened in the command. The operation department of the entire Central District Police Station was dispatched under the order of Lin Leimeng to monitor the Galaxy Group. All property buildings under the banner, all suspicious persons will be searched.

At the same time, a group of bombers drove a van towards the direction of the Central District Police Station.

"Sanghui, help us put these things in one place." The polar bear said with a smile.

"Brother Xiong, what's inside?" Sanghui asked in fear.

"Don't ask if you're a friend, but you should be able to guess what it is, don't worry, as long as you do what we say, we'll wait for you to come out before detonating it." Polar Bear patted Sanghui on the shoulder: "We came out to mess around. I worship Guan Gong, and the most important thing is to be honest and honest."

"Yes, yes, you must be loyal, we are brothers." Sang Hui wiped the cold sweat off his face, and said loudly.

The polar bear smiled and didn't answer.

Lin Leimeng sent all the policemen from various departments who could do things to protect the properties under the Galaxy Group. Now the police force in the entire Central District Police Station is very empty. Sang Hui walked into the police station with two bags, but no one stopped him. Fai check it out.

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