Latest URL: "Oh——! Comfortable! Why do you want 10,000 yuan?" Li Er asked strangely lying on the bed.

With her bare feet, He Min stood on Li Er's back and stomped on it. She saw on TV that this would relieve fatigue, otherwise Li Er would get angry if he drank wolfberry soup every day.

"Did I step on it too hard?" He Min asked in a low voice.

"It's not heavy, it's not heavy, I'm struggling, right, right, just the position of the tailbone, oh--! I'm going to die!" Li Er sighed in comfort, no wonder so many men like big swords, Qiao Shancheng does not bully Me, it's so cool.

"Amin, how could you think of this? I really love you." Li Er had never had such a high-level enjoyment in his life, and his scalp was indeed numb.

"I watched it on a TV show." He Min blushed slightly, holding on to the horizontal bar on the ceiling with both hands, stepping on Li Er's back. Li Er often exercises physically, and the muscles on his back are very strong and strong. Sensation, He Min's eyes are like water.

"Hey! You haven't said why you want 10,000 yuan?" Li Er's memory at this time is amazing.

He Min thought for a while and decided that this matter must be told to Li Er. Although she felt that there were so many tea restaurants in Hong Kong Island, the tea restaurant opened by Salina could not affect the business of Li Er's tea restaurant.

He Min told Li Er what happened a few days ago.

"Salina invited me to become a shareholder of her Linji Tea Restaurant. She said that for 10,000 yuan, I can get 20% of the shares. Do you think it's a good deal?"

Li Er's eyes sharpened, He Min, a simple female teacher, couldn't see through the tricks inside, but Li Er could see through Sarina's intentions at a glance, and borrowed himself as a shield if he wanted to use 20% of the stock, which was a fool's errand beautiful.

"Amin, you said that the decoration style of the tea restaurant opened by Salina is very similar to that of Liji Tea Restaurant?" Li Er finally understood the reason why Salina ran so graciously to the "Li Ji Tea Restaurant" a while ago. Planning to steal a teacher.

When He Min heard what Li Er said, he hesitated and said, "In general, they are very similar, but the decoration of Salina's tea restaurant is more exquisite than that of 'Li Ji Tea Restaurant'."

'It's true, Selina is a woman who plagiarized herself. It's really unlucky. As a time traveler, she has always only copied others. It's a counter-routine to be countered by others. It's too embarrassing for other time traveler seniors. ’ Li Er was not angry but wanted to laugh.

"Amin, I don't bring that much cash,

I'll get you money tomorrow! "Li Er twisted his neck and said.

"Really!" He Min was overjoyed, and sat on Li Er's waist to help Li Er gently massage his neck.

"Isn't it just 10,000 yuan!" It was rare for Li sir to be generous, and with the addition of money ability, the man's charm suddenly soared, and He Min massaged even harder.

"By the way, for the matter of Salina's tea restaurant, you can just buy dry shares, and stop messing with Salina's business." Li Er reminded.

Li Er doesn't like that He Min always walks with Salina. Salina's city is too deep, and it would be bad if his precious female teacher is distracted by that bad woman, Salina.

"Oh! I got it." He Min replied, she also felt that Li Er didn't like Salina very much, it was really strange, she was so beautiful, many men would courteously strike up a conversation with her.

"Baby, are all the regular massages taught on TV? Are there any special items?" Li Er suddenly said with a smirk.

"Press—!" He Min blushed suddenly.


the next day.

Li Kee Tea Restaurant.

"Boss, teach me two tricks when you have time! I can learn them anytime!"

In recent days, He Jinyin has been pestering Li Yi every chance he has, begging Li Yi to teach him the trick of punching flying people that day, of course Li Yi would not agree, if it wasn't because of He Jinyin's sincere attitude and tea The champion delivery guy in the restaurant, such an annoying guy, Li Yi had already kicked him away.

At this time Li Xianying and Ma Jun just walked in.

Li Yi immediately pointed to Ma Jun and said to He Jinyin: "When you are free, you can learn from Ma Jun. He can kill people with one punch."

"Really?" He Jinyin turned to look at Ma Jun with bright eyes.

"Brother Yi, we're back for dinner again." Li Xianying and Ma Jun laughed.

"There's someone upstairs!" Li Yi pointed to the upstairs and said.

"Boy, what are you looking at?" Ma Jun glared at He Jinyin, whose eyes were shining.

‘This kid can’t be a gay! ’ Ma Jun had just had a plaster cast removed from his hands, and his forehand was itchy.

He Jinyin was about to pray to Ma Jun to teach him kung fu, when a call came from the back kitchen: "One number one number, your takeaway order can be delivered."

Work was urgent, so He Jinyin hurried to the back kitchen.

Li Yi glanced at the cashier, then turned and walked to the second floor.

Li Shiya at the cash register is teaching Wang Gangsheng how to use the cash register and how to identify genuine and counterfeit coins.

Li Shiya: "Sister-in-law, there are very few counterfeit banknotes in these change money, what you need to pay attention to is one hundred denominations."

Wang Gangsheng blushed and whispered, "Xiaoya, why do you call me sister-in-law?"

"My second brother asked me to call him." Li Shiya said naturally.

"Ah—" Wang Gangsheng was taken aback. She was actually a little afraid of Li Er's police status, but she never expected that Li Er would be the first to admit herself.

Wang Gangsheng came to Hong Kong Island illegally, just looking for a job as a handyman, trying to make money and improve his life, how could he think that he would be spotted by a handsome boss like Li Yi, she vaguely heard from the staff of the tea restaurant that Li Yi's family still has Several stores, this is just one of them.

"Xiaoya, it's too difficult to be a cashier. I'm afraid I can't do it well. I want to be a waiter. I can clear tables and deliver food very quickly." Wang Gangsheng said with a little inferiority.

"Huh?" Li Shiya whispered anxiously: "Sister-in-law, if you become a waiter, my elder brother will lose face."

"Oh, then I'll study hard! I'm afraid of making mistakes, in case I get too much money to go out." Wang Gang said timidly. When she heard that Li Yi would lose face as a waiter, she immediately dismissed the idea.

"It's okay!" Li Shiya imitated Li Er's posture, patted her chest confidently and said, "Just ask them to get the wrong money back."

"Besides, this job is easy to learn. I'm still a student. I learned everything in a day, and sister Wanfang will too." Li Shiya shook her head triumphantly and said, "Sister-in-law, you are so beautiful, you will definitely learn it soon. "

Wang Gangsheng didn't understand the connection between being beautiful and learning things, but he still couldn't help asking: "Xiaoya, who is Sister Wanfang?"

"Oh! Sister Wanfang is our neighbor and my friend. She works as a cashier in another branch of our family." Li Shiya was suddenly stunned as she spoke.

The third brother looks at the cash register of the head office, and the eldest brother asks his sister-in-law to learn the cashier work in the branch store, and he can also handle the cash. We are a family, but why can sister Wanfang also watch the cash register?

"Brother Yi, Ma Jun and I have found someone for you. Wang Meiqin, from Wai Village, Tsuen Wan, is married to a local scalper. However, she said that she has no niece named Wang Gangsheng, but she has a niece named Maotou." Xianying took the cigarette handed over by Li Yi and said.

"Isn't it the wrong person?" Li Yi asked.

"So I took a photo and let my sister-in-law recognize it." Li Xianying smiled and took out a photo that had just been developed.

Li Yi called Wang Gangsheng to the second floor, and Wang Gangsheng gave up his aunt at a glance.

"Brother Yi, this is my aunt." Wang Gangsheng grabbed Li Yi's arm excitedly, then turned to Li Xianying and Ma Jun and said anxiously: "Two police comrades, can you tell me the address? Thank you very much you guys."

Li Xianying scratched her head in embarrassment: "Sister-in-law, you can call me by my name. My name is Lao Ying, and this guy's name is Ma Jun. Boss Yi finally asked us to do something. We are willing to define it."

Ma Jun also nodded quickly. These two guys eat and drink for nothing. Li Yi has been eating and drinking for so long. Li Yi asked them for help. They are indeed happier than not doing anything.

Wang Gangsheng raised her head and gave Li Yi a shy look. She just hadn't seen much of the world, and she wasn't stupid, so she soon realized that everyone was looking at Li Yi's face.

"Brother Yi, thank you!" Wang Gangsheng said in a low voice.

"Thank you, I'll go find someone with you!" Li Yi turned to Li Xianying and said, "Yingying, lend me your car."

Li Yi is very pragmatic. Although he has some money on hand now, he walks to and from get off work and has never bought a car.

"No, Ma Jun and I have nothing to do today, let's go together, and the bungalows over there are intertwined, and the place is not so easy to find. Ma Jun and I know the way." Li Xianying smiled.

Li Yi nodded in agreement.

Li Yi visited his 'relatives' for the first time, and was about to go straight to the destination. Fortunately, Li Xianying had some experience and reminded him that he should buy some fruit gifts or something.

Li Yi took a thousand yuan from the cash register and gave it to Li Xianying: "Yingying, work hard again and help me get it done."

"You don't need so much!" Li Xianying sincerely took away three one hundred yuan: "Three hundred yuan can already buy a lot of things."

Li Yi handed over the remaining 700 yuan to Wang Gangsheng beside him.

Wang Gangsheng shook his hands nervously: "Brother Yi, I...I don't want it, I don't need to spend money."

"Sister-in-law, you want to buy clothes, but you don't have any clothes to wear." Li Shiya reminded in a low voice.

Wang Gangsheng is too tall for her to wear Li Shiya's clothes. She is wearing Li Yi's pants and shirts now.

"That doesn't cost so much money!" Wang Gangsheng said softly.

"Stupid sister-in-law, of course the more money the better!" Li Shiya reminded kindly.

"Brother, I'm going to meet relatives, should I take my sister-in-law to buy clothes and dress up first?" Li Shiya said attentively.

Li Yi nodded: "Well, it should be like this. Fortunately, Xiaoya reminded us to go to the mall to buy clothes."

Li Yi took another two thousand yuan from the cash register.

"Brother, I'm going too. I can help my sister-in-law's staff buy some clothes." Li Shiya smiled even more enthusiastically, and if she went by herself, she would definitely get a lot of free clothes.

Wang Gangsheng didn't want to go at first, but when he heard that Li Shiya could accompany him, he nodded quickly.

Of course Li Yi doesn't care.

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