The latest website: "Brother D, Deng Bo has been re-elected for so many terms, will this year's selection of the office be a string of top positions?" A subordinate with shoulder-length hair whispered to Big D.

Big D turned his head in surprise: "Changmao, you have a future, otherwise you would think that the five thousand yuan I just gave was for nothing."

"Oh——!" Changmao let out an 'oh', and looked at Big D with admiration: "Boss is wise."

"Hey! It's cool to sit in the restaurant, and you've developed just by eating and respecting yourself." Big D murmured with yearning: "It's a pity that my qualifications are too young, and I won't reach my seniority in a few more rounds."

It's a pity that Big D doesn't know that times will change. Now he can collect money when he sits in the hall. When it's Big D's turn to run for the sitter, he will have to throw out a lot of money.

"Brother D, what's so good about being a club. I think you can make a lot of money to get ahead. When something happens to the club club, the first thing you call is the club." Another subordinate of Big D said.

Big D squinted at the subordinate who spoke.

"You fucking know how to be an eagle. If you have money but no power, others won't be afraid of you." Big D scolded.

All of Big D's subordinates dared not speak. Big D inexplicably remembered Li Yi who had just passed by, which club this guy belonged to, and he was a little afraid of him when he was so arrogant.

"Brother D, we have the goods in our hands now, and there are people, why don't we have a big meal by ourselves, and transfer the goods to others?" One of Big D's subordinates boldly asked.

"How long does it take to get caught for robbery? How long does it take to get caught for arms trafficking? I don't want to take this risk." Big D said naturally.

"No! Brother D, it seems that robbery and arms trafficking are similarly punished." The speaking subordinate hurriedly reminded.

"No way!" Big D was stunned.

"It's on the street, this batch of goods must be sold as soon as possible." Hearing what his subordinates said, Big D immediately became anxious: "Long Mao, help me recruit a guy who knows the law. It's best to have a lawyer's license, otherwise sooner or later he will be banned." You don’t have the culture to play yourself to death.”

"Understood, Brother D!" Changmao nodded.

On Hong Kong Island, as long as they are willing to spend money, there are many bastard lawyers who want to join the club.


"Auntie!" Wang Gangsheng recognized the middle-aged woman sitting on the bench washing clothes from a distance.

"Maotou, why did you come here?" Wang Gangsheng's aunt saw Wang Gangsheng stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Li Yi who was holding a bag of oranges, and frowned even more.

"Who is this?" Aunt Wang Gangsheng asked.

"Auntie, this is Brother Yi. I came here on a smuggled boat. Fortunately, I met Brother Yi to help me." Wang Gangsheng said quickly.

Seeing Wang Gangsheng holding Li Yi's hand, Wang Gangsheng's aunt had already guessed her relationship with Li Yi, and thought to herself that this little niece was not bad luck. , looks good too, although he is also a poor ghost.

"Hello, aunt!" Li Yi said with a stiff smile. This guy is not used to smiling at strangers, and he was already sweating profusely after saying this sentence.

"Well! Come in and sit!" Aunt Wang Gangsheng put down the clothes in the plastic bucket and said, wiping her wet hands on her trouser legs.

"Thank you, aunt!" Wang Gangsheng responded, pulling Li Yi into the house.

There were actually five children in the house, the oldest looked no more than seven or eight years old, and the youngest was a baby. A group of children were crowded and noisy in the small room.

When Li Yi saw a table, he put the oranges in his hands on the table. Several older children immediately opened the paper bag and grabbed it.

"I still don't thank your cousin and cousin's husband." Wang Gangsheng's aunt stared at her group of children and shouted.

"Uuuuh—!" The seven or eight-year-old child didn't listen to her at all, and he put the orange in his mouth and bit it open without peeling the orange.

Li Yi's face was a little uncomfortable.

"Brother Yi, if you don't like it, you can wait for me outside the door." Wang Gangsheng whispered embarrassedly when he saw that Li Yi was uncomfortable.

"That's not necessary!" Li Yi shook his head and said.

"Auntie, I want to find my birth certificate and apply for residence in Hong Kong Island." Wang Gangsheng said.

"Oh! After you two get married, you can also apply for residence in Hong Kong?" Wang Gangsheng's aunt said with a frown. The clothes are very good, and Li Yi doesn't look poor at all.

"Boss Yi, why are you two walking so fast? We are going to be exhausted." Ma Jun yelled loudly and pushed open the wooden door with his butt.

"Where are the things?" Ma Jun looked at Wang Gangsheng's aunt.

"Boot, who are they?" Wang Gangsheng's aunt asked nervously.

"Auntie, they are friends of Brother Yi."

"Hehe, put it on the bed, just put it all on the bed." Aunt Wang Gangsheng grinned.

There is an old bed in the house.

Ma Jun was holding fruits and vegetables in his hands, as well as two big bags of pork, chicken, duck, goose and other meat dishes. Li Xianying was a little more relaxed and took gift boxes such as candies and biscuits from the mall, but there were so many Things, no matter how cheap they are, cost hundreds of dollars.

No wonder Aunt Wang Gangsheng's disgusted face instantly turned into a smile.

Ma Jun quickly put all his things on the bed, and Li Xianying also put them on the bed.

"Well, aunt, let's go outside to smoke a cigarette!" Li Yi smiled reluctantly, he really couldn't understand such a snobbish middle-aged woman.

"Okay, okay, I'll bring you some chairs. The air in the room is indeed not very good. It's cooler outside." Aunt Wang Gangsheng said with a smile on her face.

"No, no, we can just take it ourselves."

Li Yi, Li Xianying, and Ma Jun walked out of the house each with a chair.

"Maotou, what do your men do? They can't be gangsters!" Aunt Wang Gangsheng asked in a low voice.

She just heard Ma Jun calling Boss Yi or something, and both Ma Jun and Li Xianying have a tough look on their faces, but the social atmosphere on Hong Kong Island is poor and prosperous, even if they are gangsters, as long as they can make money Money is good.

"No!" Wang Gangsheng quickly waved his hands: "Brother Yi runs a restaurant, and Lao Ying and Ma Jun are police officers."

"Ah! Those two who took things just now are policemen?" Aunt Wang Gangsheng was taken aback. The identity of a policeman on Hong Kong Island is still somewhat intimidating in the countryside. The niece and son-in-law are friends of the policeman, so it should be very satisfying, Wang Gangsheng Aunt thought to herself.

"Maotou, you can ask your man to introduce you to work in restaurants. Everything in Hong Kong Island needs money. Two people can make money faster than one." Aunt Wang Gangsheng said shrewdly.

Wang Gangsheng nodded: "Yeah, I'm working as a cashier in a restaurant now."

"Isn't the cash register done by the boss or the proprietress?" Aunt Wang Gangsheng was taken aback for a moment.

Wang Gangsheng blushed and said softly: "Brother Yi is the owner of the restaurant, then I will be..."

Before Wang Gangsheng had finished speaking, her aunt's eyes widened.

"Is he the owner of the restaurant?" Wang Gangsheng's aunt herself misunderstood, she always thought that Li Yi was working in a restaurant.

Wang Gangsheng nodded.

"Mao Tou, can his restaurant make a lot of money?" Aunt Wang Gangsheng asked quickly.

Wang Gangsheng shook his head in embarrassment: "Auntie, I don't understand this. The business should be okay! But I only work in one of the restaurants, and I haven't been to the other three branches. I don't know if it makes money or not."

Aunt Wang Gangsheng's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, but in the end, the guests naturally enjoyed themselves.

When Aunt Wang Gangsheng learned that Li Yi's family lived in Tsim Sha Tsui, she enthusiastically expressed that she would definitely visit when she had time, and then took Wang Gangsheng to the back room and whispered that she must take good care of her man. It's very playful, and I must give birth to a few big fat sons as soon as possible.

Wang Gangsheng's pretty face suddenly turned red and looked very attractive. At this moment, Aunt Wang Gangsheng finally understood how a young and rich guy like Li Yi would fall in love with his niece from the mainland.

In the end, Wang Gangsheng gave his aunt all the more than 2,000 yuan that Li Yi gave her.

Aunt Wang Gangsheng hid the money and smiled happily to keep everyone for dinner, but everyone politely refused.

"I'm very tired!" Wang Gangsheng said embarrassedly to Li Yi beside him as she walked on the road. She remembered the things her aunt taught her, and her face was still flushed.

Li Xianying and Ma Jun, the two big light bulbs, followed far behind very well.

"Not tired!" Li Yi smiled.

"Hey, so you little bitch is hiding here!" Shetouwei suddenly stopped Li Yi and Wang Gangsheng: "Let me find it after a meal."

Li Yi's face turned cold.

Wang Gangsheng shrank behind Li Yi with fear on his face after seeing the snake head.

"Brother Yi, let's go, he is the smuggler who wants to catch me." Wang Gangsheng trembled in horror, her legs were trembling with fear.

"Go away if you don't want to die!" Snakehead Wei pushed Li Yi.

Li Xianying and Ma Jun stood with their hands clasped not far away watching the play.

"Pa——!" Li Yi slapped Shetouwei heavily on the face with his backhand. Shetouwei's red and swollen cheeks were instantly black and blue. Naturally, Li Yi's strength was not comparable to that of Big D. He slapped him Snakehead Wei turned 360 degrees on the spot, and a row of teeth fell out of his mouth.

"Pfft!" Shetouwei spat out a big mouthful of blood mixed with his teeth, and his face became even more ferocious.

"Brother Yi, let's go!" Wang Gangsheng hid behind Li Yi, and became even more frightened when he saw the hideous expression on the snake's head.

"Get lost!" Li Yi snorted disdainfully as he looked at the vicious snake head. The real ruthless people are always calm.

"Fuck you!" Snakehead Wei's eyes sharpened, it's okay to be bullied by Big D, after all, Big D's bastard is more bullying than others, but there is only one person on the other side.

Shetouwei stretched his hands behind his back angrily, Big D didn't wrong Shetouwei for one thing, Shetouwei did take several guns from Big D.

Li Yi frowned. He had a lot of experience, and when he saw Shetouwei's backhand, he felt something was wrong. Li Yi thought that Shetouwei wanted to take out a knife, but he didn't expect that what Shetouwei pulled out was a black star pistol.

"Death!" Li Yi let go of Wang Gangsheng's hand, his body accelerated instantly, and he slammed his knee into Shetouwei's chest.

"Peng—!" Snakehead Wei backed up vomiting blood, the gun in his hand was too late to point at Li Yi, the ribs in his chest were broken, and he almost fainted from the pain.

"Bang bang!" Snakehead Wei pulled the trigger indiscriminately, trying to shock Li Yi and continue to attack.

The gunfire was effective, and Snakehead Wei found that Li Yi hadn't attacked, so he grinned reluctantly and got up.

"Let you hit me, I'll kill you with one shot!" Shetouwei looked up, only to find that there were two guns pointing at him.

what happened?

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