Latest URL: "Peng——!"

Partridge attacked Li Er with a punch, and Li Er retreated after blocking the punch. Partridge, a fat man, was extremely powerful, and Li Er didn't want to fight him.

"Zhang Mazi, you go!" Li Er shouted and stepped aside, letting Chen Jiaju and Partridge face each other.


As soon as Partridge and Chen Jiaju fought each other, they punched each other head-on. Chen Jiaju took a horse step, retracted his fist behind his back and shook it, and secretly cursed Partridge's fist for being so fucking hard.

"Drink!" Chen Jiaju took the initiative and specialized in the foot of partridge. He was very familiar with the shortcomings of partridge. Partridge's body is fat and its foot is stable, but it also made the foot of partridge clumsy. The reaction was half a beat slow.

"Bang bang!" Partridge didn't dare to be tripped by Chen Jiaju, and kept dodging, but Chen Jiaju took the opportunity to hit him twice.

"Hi!" Dasheng screamed strangely, put his hands on his temples, and muttered in his mouth: "You can't see me, you can't see me! You can't see me!"

Li Er: "..."

"You can't see me, you can't see me!" Da Sheng approached Li Er slowly.

"Huh! He really doesn't seem to be able to see you." Luo Han Guo smiled happily.

Li Er felt his IQ being rubbed against the ground, he quickly raised his palm, and slammed it fiercely at Dashengdi's shoehorn's face.


After Dashengdi volleyed 360 degrees, he fell heavily on the floor. This guy was slapped by Li Eryi and passed out.

Obviously, mental retardation cannot be contagious, at least it is impossible for Li Er to be reduced to the same level by Dashengdi's funny moves.

"Ah! I'll fight with you!" Luo Han Guo shouted angrily and rushed towards Li Er when he saw that Da Sheng was fainted by Li Er's slap.

It might be a little troublesome for Li Er to beat partridges, but to beat the other four "five lucky stars" is like catching the bastard in a pot-ninety-five.

Luo Han Guo hadn't rushed in front of Li Er, but he was timid. The guy whose anger was empty turned around and ran away, it was too late! Li Er suddenly raised his foot and kicked Luo Han Guo's ass vigorously.

"Pfft!" Luo Han Guo rolled back like a gourd.

"Don't!" Instructor Hu pulled Li Er's hand covertly. Of course, she had recognized Li Er and Chen Jiaju long ago, but she didn't say anything for the sake of action. The team training of the special police team is mission first. For the mission, everything can give up.

If Li Er really seriously injured all the 'Five Lucky Stars', it would definitely affect his actions.

After Li Er saw Instructor Hu's wink, he naturally knew that Instructor Hu had seen their identities. The stockings are very thin, as long as you pay attention, you can definitely see the outline of Li Er's face.

In the next second, Li Er's heart trembled. Instructor Hu's little action indicated that she not only saw through Li Er and Chen Jiaju, but also saw through the "Five Lucky Stars" who pretended to be robbers. Lucky star's profiteering, the special police team is really doing whatever it takes to achieve its goal.

Li Er vaguely remembered that Bai Anni told him that Instructor Hu hated the beauty tricks of the women's special police team, but what Instructor Hu is using now is a beauty trick. Li Er didn't know what method Cao Dahua used to brainwash his subordinates. Began to be deeply vigilant against this old guy who seems to have insufficient IQ.

"What the hell are you doing with partridge and Luo Han Guo? Why is it taking so long?" Rhino Pi scolded in a low voice. He and American Ginseng were waiting outside. The next batch will be the two of them playing robbers. These guys are fair and take turns. To take advantage of Instructor Hu.

"Wait no more! Go!" Rhino Pi was impatient, put on the mask, and rushed into the room with American ginseng, and just happened to bump into Luo Han Guo and was kicked away by Li Er.

Chen Jiaju and Partridge are still fighting, and Partridge has learned a lot of dirty moves in prison, Chen Jiaju really can't beat him for a while.

"What's the situation?" Rhinopi was stunned when he saw Dashengdi and Luo Han Guo lying on the ground.

"Come and help me, they are robbers." Partridge shouted quickly.

"Scared!" American Ginseng heard that the other party was also robbing, and immediately opened his hands, raised one foot, and stared at Li Er warily.

Li Er looked at the nondescript American ginseng's combination of Golden Rooster Independence and White Crane Spreading Wings. He rushed to the opponent's body at a gallop, and his body jumped to the ground at the same time.

If a person didn't have feces in his head, how could he use such a move with his chest wide open? Before American Ginseng could figure out the situation, Li Er's knee had already hit his chest.


American Ginseng rolled his eyelids and passed out from the pain. If it wasn't for Li Er's merciless foot, the heavy impact of his foot's strength superimposed speed, American Ginseng would have broken several ribs.

Rhinopi saw that American ginseng was knocked down just as he turned around, which surprised him.

"I surrender!"

After Li Er knocked down the American ginseng, he slapped Rhino Pi with his backhand, but unexpectedly, Rhino Pi suddenly knelt down and avoided Li Er's sweep for no reason, which made Li Er very embarrassed.

"Boom!" Li Er kicked Rhino Pi down, and Rhino Pi endured the severe pain in his neck, lying on the floor and knocked unconscious.

Li Er joined Chen Jiaju and Partridge in the battle circle, two against one, Partridge was in a hurry, able to block Chen Jiaju's fist, but unable to block Li Er's cunning feet.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Partridge suddenly had a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Chen Jiaju laughed wildly in his heart. Since he was a child, he has been bullied by Partridge. In the past, he and Li Er could not beat Partridge together. Unexpectedly, Li Er is so powerful now. He was so fat that he had no strength to fight back.

"Stop!" Partridge yelled loudly: "Can I quit, I won't rob, you guys fight."

"Okay! Let's go!" Li Er said with a sharp voice.

Partridge turned around, Li Er immediately swept out with his legs, and Chen Jiaju tacitly jumped up and pressed down on Partridge.

Of course, Partridge was wary of Li Er and Chen Jiaju. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Li Er's foot, and immediately took a step forward. Unfortunately, his foot was weak for no reason, and his movement was half a beat slow.

"Crack!" Partridge fell heavily on the ground, and suddenly became dizzy. With his weight, he was really injured when he fell, and Chen Jiaju, who took off, had already landed.

"Boom!" Chen Jiaju hit Partridge's back with an elbow, and Partridge's eyes went dark from the pain. Fortunately, he was rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so he didn't faint.

"Haha! You lost, are you convinced?" Chen Jiaju clasped Partridge's hands back excitedly.

Partridge's head is very confused, this guy's voice and tone are very familiar.

Seeing Partridge's expression, Li Er gave Chen Jiaju a hard look.

"Robbery, we are the most professional, tie them all up!" Li Er shouted loudly deliberately.

Five minutes later, the five people, Partridge, Rhinoceros, American Ginseng, Dashengdi, and Mangosteen, were all stripped down to a pair of underwear, and tied up in the hall on the first floor. Chen Jiaju didn't know whether Li Er was a robber or not, but He felt that Li Er's tying up was definitely a professional level. Li Er was able to draw a sexy groove out of Partridge's fat body, and Chen Jiaju felt chills in his heart.

"Boss, what if there is another woman upstairs?"

"What should we do? We rob money but not sex. If a thief has no principles, what is the difference with the Japanese devils?"

"Boss is particular about it, I admire it!"

The voices of Li Er and Chen Jiaju gradually drifted away, and the 'Five Lucky Stars' downstairs breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wake up, don't pretend to be dizzy, what are the origins of those two robbers, why are they so fierce?" Rhinoceros immediately whispered.

"It hurts me to death!" Dasheng groaned in a low voice, his ears are buzzing now after being slapped by Li Eryi.

"Partridge, why are you stunned, don't you usually brag about yourself beating ten?" Rhinoceros scolded.

Partridge was a little distracted, he always felt that he knew the two robbers, but he couldn't remember who they were.


Li Er and Chen Jiaju walked into Li Xianying's room, only to find that Li Xianying had been knocked out. Li Er shook his head with a wry smile. Li Xianying was careless.

"Jiaju, you go first, I have something to discuss with Instructor Hu." Li Er said.

"Ah! Don't you think so?" Chen Jiaju said angrily.

"Miss you idiot, she already recognized us." Li Er said.

Chen Jiaju's face turned pale. If Instructor Hu knew about them, he must also know that the two of them were peeping outside the bathroom again. Chen Jiaju immediately jumped from the window on the second floor without saying a word.

"I'll go!" Seeing Chen Jiaju jumping off the building without hesitation, Li Er sighed inwardly, it's okay to jump down like this.

"Return the silk stockings to you. What's going on? When did the police find someone to do something and use beauty tricks?" Li Er snorted coldly with an unkind expression.

Instructor Hu gave Li Er a blank look: "You almost ruined my mission. This is Superintendent Cao's plan. Don't ask me any more. I can't help it. We have to ask those five guys to cover the operation."

"What's Superintendent Cao's plan? You are my subordinate now." Li Er said with a rare stubbornness: "I can guarantee that those five guys beat them up violently, it will work better than any beauty trick."

Instructor Hu shook her head with a smirk. She was sure that Li Er didn't know the power of beauty tricks. Doing things willingly and coercion are two completely different effects.

"How do you know they're going to come in and take advantage of me?" Instructor Hu changed the subject and asked.

"You didn't draw the curtains." Li Er said.

Instructor Hu blushed: "I won't forget to wash the curtains in the bathroom too!"

"Yes, you forgot!" Li Er said angrily.

Instructor Hu shrugged her shoulders. She knew that Li Er and Chen Jiaju's surveillance cars were parked on the side of the road, three or four hundred meters away from the small building, and they couldn't see anything at that distance.

"I brought a night vision monitor, the one you use." After Li Er finished speaking, he followed Chen Jiaju and jumped out of the window of the room.

"Ah!" Instructor Hu blushed to the back of his ears.

"Oh, shit!" Li Er limped away, jumping off a building is really not something everyone can do.

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