What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

One hundred and eighty first chapter lost body journey

Latest URL: Although Li Er was on the same flight as Instructor Hu and the others, they did not board the plane together. Li Er took the VIP channel. This guy spends the public money of the British government and has never been soft. He booked the first-class cabin Air tickets.

"Hello, sir! Please take off your sunglasses!" The beautiful security inspector at the VIP channel said with a smile.

Li Er took off his glasses, quickly put them back on after passing the security check, and then glued the prepared mustache to the top of his mouth. Li Er's temperament suddenly became more than ten years old, and he looked like a middle-aged man over thirty. young man.

Safety comes first, no one needs to be reminded of this, Li Er is very conscious of his own safety.


Li Er's luck is good, his neighbor is a fashionable beauty with long blonde hair, her lips are painted with scarlet lipstick, she looks very hot and gorgeous.

Li Er nodded silently, he would soon be unfamiliar with the place, and he didn't want to make trouble at this time.

Li Er didn't want to make trouble, but the blond beauty had been staring at Li Er with great interest since Li Er sat down.

"What's the matter?" Li Er frowned and said in a muffled voice.

"Don't you think I'm pretty?" The blond beauty said and straightened her back, making her breasts more upright.

Li Er's nose was a little itchy, and his angle was just right enough to see a beautiful scenic groove on the other's chest.

"My child is already six years old." Li Er said seriously.

The blond beauty burst into a smile: "Master, you want to lie again!"

"Master?" Li Er was stunned.

The blond beauty took off the wide sunglasses on her face, and proudly made a victorious 'V' gesture to Li Er.

"Master, my disguise skills are not bad!" Bai Anni smiled comfortably.

Li Er's face collapsed: "What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you that this operation has certain elements of danger?"

"Hee hee!" Bai Anni changed the subject and laughed softly: "Master, I squeezed it a little bit, it's not smaller than Teacher He's!"


Li Er was embarrassed immediately.

"No, how do you know I'm on this flight?" Li Er asked strangely.

"I really booked the air ticket for you." Bai Anni smiled.

Li Er nodded, Jian Huizhen was too low-key, Li Er almost forgot that she was also from the women's special police team, and she was teammates with Bai Anni.

"Forget it, the plane has taken off, you can cover me with me!" Li Er said with a sigh, this guy already had a faint feeling that Instructor Hu's former women's special police team had almost taken over the management of the CID department and the serious crime team.

"Okay!" Bai Anni smiled sweetly, "Master, do I look good in this dress?"

Li Er quickly looked around and found that no one was paying attention, so he immediately reached out and pulled up the clothes in front of Bai Anni's chest.

"It looks better this way!"

Bo Anni squinted her crescent-like eyes and smiled even more happily.



"Master, the hotel business in Japan is booming, and there is only one room left tonight." Bai Anni handed back Li Er's fake passport and said with a smile.

Li Er gave Bai Anni a sideways look: "Do you think I believe it or not?"

"It's true, Instructor Hu and the seven of them only have one room." Bai Anni nodded.

Li Er's face turned green, didn't he! Six men and one woman?

"Forget it, it's a twin room!"

"It's a single bed, Master, I'll sleep on the sofa and let you sleep on the bed!" Bai Anni said generously.

Li Er: "..."

"Do you think it's possible?" Li Er put his luggage into the closet and found that the room really only had a big bed.

"Hee hee! I knew Master loved me, so let's sleep together!" Bo Anni made a 'V' sign to herself.

"..." Li Er felt that he was going to lose his dignity during his trip to Japan.

On the other side, after Instructor Hu assigned Li Xianying and Partridge the tasks for tomorrow, they began to allocate rooms. The method is very simple. This is a hotel suite with one bedroom and one living room. Instructor Hu sleeps in the room, and everyone else Lay the floor in the living room.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Rhino immediately seized the largest sofa.

Li Xianying was even faster, and her toes had already stepped on a corner of the sofa.

"What are you looking at? I want the sofa, but if you don't accept it, you will bite me." Rhinoceros laughed arrogantly.

"Yes!" Li Xianying had been waiting for this sentence for a long time, and as soon as Rhinopi finished speaking, Li Xianying's fist had already been swung.

"Be careful with the rhinoceros!" Partridge yelled and rushed towards Li Xianying.

No matter whether Li Xianying smashed at his partridge like a big sandbag of human flesh, the way of his fist remained the same, but his strength increased.




Rhinopi covered his face with his hands and fell down screaming. Li Xianying was pushed down on the sofa by the partridge, and immediately rolled around and jumped up.

American Ginseng, Dashengdi, and Luo Han Guo joined the battle circle one after another, posing their own exclusive fighting postures.

When Rhino Hide got up from the ground, his eye sockets were already black and blue.

"Believe it or not, we threw you out of the window." Rhinoceros roared angrily, gnashing his teeth.

"Come on! Let me see what you guys are capable of. Whoever says he won't do it will be the grandson!" Li Xianying is known as the toughest guy in the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station. He looked down on these gangsters from the bottom of his heart.

Rhino Hide: "..."

Rhinopi was a little embarrassed by Li Xianying. Even if Li Xianying stood still and didn't fight back, he didn't dare to throw people downstairs, and these guys made a lot of noise.

"Forget it! Let him forget the sofa. We'll make the floor. Didn't you realize that the carpets in this hotel are soft and clean?" Partridge laughed awkwardly again as a peacemaker.

Instructor Hu shook his head and smiled wryly. It is really painful to lead this kind of team.

"I still have a bed in my room!" Instructor Hu said.

Rhinopi, who was still pretending to be a dead dog just now, jumped up in an instant as if he had drunk "Nightly Meng", and rushed to the door of Hu's instructor's room in seconds.

"The bed is mine, whoever snatches it from me will be my life and death enemy!" Rhinopi shouted excitedly.

Instructor Hu had a headache for a moment: "I want you to move this unused bed to the living room."

Rhino Pi and the others were immediately discouraged, and listlessly began to move the bed.

The camera turns back to Li Er's room.

Li Er carefully checked the environment of the room, carefully checking every corner.

"Master, what are you looking for?" Bai Anni couldn't help asking.

"Didn't you say that there was only one room in the hotel when we booked the room? If we were being targeted, it would be easy for someone to tamper with the room." Li Er said seriously.

Bai Anni rolled her eyes, her master really has a little persecution paranoia, we hid it so well, even instructor Hu, Li Xianying and others passed in front of us without recognizing us, they were too cautious.

"Let me tell you, the Japanese are the worst bastards other than the Yankees. You must be careful in their land." Li Er said with certainty.

"Good master!" Bai Anni stood at attention and saluted, and then helped Li Er to touch left and right, as if the master saw that I listened to you more.

After Li Er found nothing tricky in the room, he began to look for a safe passage. Their room was on the eighth floor. Li Er stuck his head out of the window and found that the window sills on the outer wall were very wide. Every window on two floors had a window sill. Jumping down the window edge, you can transfer from the eighth floor to the first floor by yourself with four ups and downs, and then quickly dodge.

"Annie, confirm the positions of Instructor Hu and the others." Li Er said to Bai Anni while setting up a simple mechanism above the door.

"Good master!" Bai Anni was unusually obedient tonight.

In order to facilitate his work, Li Er installed a micro-tracker on the sole of Instructor Hu's shoe very early on, and later installed another on the sole of Li Xianying's shoe to buy double insurance. Now Bai Anni is also here to track and lock Instructor Hu's The task was naturally handed over to Bai Anni.

"Master, their room is on the same floor as ours, and they are in the first room at the end of the corridor." Bai Anni reported.

"Yeah!" Li Er nodded in satisfaction. Bai Anni was much better than him in using these instruments. Li Er could judge the approximate location at most by looking at the data, but Bai Anni could even calculate which room she was in.

"Follow them from a distance, they are bait, don't trap us too." Li Er said as he took off his jacket, the weather in Japan was really cold at this time, fortunately Zhu Wanfang brought clothes.

"Annie, I'm going to take a shower first. You can check the information on the local gangsters, especially an organization called the 'Scarecrow Club'." Li Er finished speaking and entered the bathroom.

"I know!" Bai Anni's cheeks were flushed, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

At the same time, Chen Jiaju was in big trouble. He partnered with a special police officer from the special police team, and the two tracked down the "Scarecrow Club". At that time, he was hiding in a small hotel.

"Li Er and the others don't know if they have arrived?" Chen Jiaju shrank into the quilt in the cold and muttered to himself.

The conditions of the small hotel are naturally not very good, at least there is no heating, but Chen Jiaju is considered lucky. This guy can only speak one sentence in Japanese, and he can't contact other special police members. He is almost going to be the only Hong Kong Island policeman wandering in Japan Fortunately, I ran into a Northeast brother who opened a hotel in Japan.

Chen Jiaju is different from other Hong Kong people. This guy's Mandarin is not bad, and he quickly got acquainted with the Northeast brothers.

"Brother, do you want an hour?" The Northeast brother knocked on the door enthusiastically and asked with a smile.

"Don't drink or drink, what time is it!" Chen Jiaju smiled wryly, this guy likes to join in the fun and drink, but in fact he doesn't hold a lot of alcohol, and this Northeast big brother is a macho who blows the whole bottle.

"Brother, you asked me to inquire about the news for you. I found out, and there is good news." The Northeast brother smiled through the paper wooden door.

Chen Jiaju hurriedly opened the door, and there was a tall man who was at least 1.9 meters standing outside the door, holding two beer bottles. Chen Jiaju knew that it contained self-brewed liquor, and Chen Jiaju could barely make two bottles. The white ones are true. Three cups of blush, five cups of wine and madness.

"Brother Jianguo, I really can't drink it!" Chen Jiaju hurriedly declared.

"Then I'll drink it myself!" Ding Jianguo sat on the cushion casually, but unconsciously put another wine bottle in front of Chen Jiaju with his right hand.

Chen Jiaju: "..."

"The 'Scarecrow Club' you asked me to check is actually not a gang in Tokyo, they belong to a gang in Yokohama." Ding Jianguo said, taking a sip of his wine.

"What's the difference?" Chen Jiaju frowned.

"The difference is big. They are not gangsters in Tokyo, so they can't come to Tokyo to arrest people, so you are safe for the time being." Ding Jianguo waved his hand and said: "But also be careful that they will entrust local gangsters to do things."

Chen Jiaju nodded, he didn't care about it.

"The playground you told me that day is called Mount Fuji Platinum Playground, which is the headquarters of the 'Scarecrow Club'." Ding Jianguo continued.

Chen Jiaju's eyes brightened: "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure! It's not a big secret on the Tao. I asked a brother from the Taiwan Gang. He is the head of the Taiwan Gang." Ding Jianguo nodded.

"Brother Jianguo! Thank you so much, I offer you a toast." Chen Jiaju, who had agreed not to drink, picked up the bottle and found that there was no quilt.

Chen Jiaju smiled bitterly and drank.

"Haha, you're welcome! It's a trivial matter, we are all Chinese, and of course we have to help each other in a foreign country." Ding Jianguo smiled and shook his hand boldly.

"By the way, there is another piece of good news. Let's see what it is?" Ding Jianguo picked up a piece of paper and handed it to Chen Jiaju.

"What?" Although a large part of Japanese is Chinese, Chen Jiaju still can't understand it.

"Brother helped you with this. With this, you can find a job. After working for three years, you can transfer your nationality. If you want to survive here, you can't get along as a gangster. Both black and white will mess with you." " Ding Jianguo said seriously.

Chen Jiaju concealed his identity. Ding Jianguo always thought that Chen Jiaju was also a fellow smuggler in China, but this guy was very warm-hearted.

"This—!" Chen Jiaju awkwardly accepted, and neither did he push.

"Brother Jianguo, did you spend a lot of money?" Chen Jiaju asked.

"A little more than 30,000 yuan, money is not a problem, you find something to do, and then slowly pay me back the money, this kind of guarantee, even if you have money, you can't find a way, brother, I still have some skills!" Ding Jianguo proudly smile.

Chen Jiaju nodded movedly, meeting by chance, he can help you in this way, although Chen Jiaju only has a few hundred yen in his pocket now, and this guarantee is of no use to Chen Jiaju, but Chen Jiaju knows that he must return the money people.

Ding Jianguo took some of his fellow villagers to run a small hotel, and the business was not very good.

"Brother Jianguo, I respect you!" Chen Jiaju raised his bottle and said.

the other side.


"Master, be gentle." Bai Anni said in a low voice.

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