What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 222: Working Overtime Tonight

When Li Er was driving down the mountain, he saw some ungrateful woman throwing a pair of red high-heeled shoes in the middle of the road.

At this time, the woman who has no sense of public morality has been punished.

"Brother Hao, this girl is not important, let me play with it!" Ji Xiong looked at Le Huizhen very excitedly with fiery eyes.

Le Huizhen's pretty face turned pale immediately, and she squeezed desperately to Tong Keren's side.

"Miss Tong!" Le Huizhen trembled in horror.

Le Huizhen naturally knew Tong Keren, a celebrity in the business world.

Although Tong Keren was also very scared at this time, but she was kind-hearted, and immediately said nervously: "Mr. Zhang, I.. I also paid the ransom for this lady."

Zhang Zihao smiled. He liked this kind of honest woman the most. The gangster who was driving turned his head and looked at Zhang Zihao, the co-pilot, and laughed too. They had a hunch that the business trip would be very smooth.

"Li Er, ah——! Li sir, help!" Le Huizhen was terrified when she suddenly saw Li Er's car approaching in the rearview mirror of the commercial vehicle, and hurriedly called for help.

"Shut up, bastard!" Ji Xiong in the second row was startled when he heard Le Huizhen's call, turned over in a hurry, slapped Le Huizhen hard on the face, and then covered it tightly with his hands. Le Huizhen's mouth.

"If you dare to speak out, I will rape you." Ji Xiong glared at Tong Keren and growled.

"Adong, slow down and let him overtake." Zhang Zihao said calmly.

When Li Er's car was parallel with Zhang Zihao's business car, he turned his head and took a look at Zhang Zihao. Li Er led the team to capture Zhang Zihao, so he naturally remembered this guy. Zhang Zihao was also deeply impressed by Li Er.

Seeing that it was Li Er, Zhang Zihao nodded with a gracious smile, with a smile that showed no grudges.

Li Er smiled coldly, stepped on the accelerator and overtook the car, of course he would not believe in the bullshit demeanor of smiling and obliterating grievances when meeting on a narrow road.

It's a pity that Li Er didn't know that two beauties were kidnapped from Zhang Zihao's commercial vehicle.

Seeing Li Er's car leave, Zhang Zihao's accomplices all heaved a sigh of relief. These guys said they were not afraid of Li Er, but in fact they were still afraid of Li Er, the "evil killer" promoted by the news media. of.


"Master, you have worked hard!" Bo Anni poured Li Er a glass of water with a smile.

Li Er gave his precious apprentice an angry look.

"Did you know in advance that your mommy would criticize me today?" Li Er snorted coldly.

Bai Anni's eyes flickered, and she said with an innocent face: "No way! Did my mommy criticize you? If I knew in advance, I would definitely go to rescue you, Master."

Li Er closed his eyes and rubbed his brows with a headache, this little girl must have known about it in advance.

Seeing that Li Er closed his eyes, Bo Anni secretly stuck out her tongue, then obediently walked behind the sofa, and gently rubbed Li Er's temples.

"I didn't see you today, what have you been up to?" Li Er was not afraid of Bai Qianni before, but now he has stolen his precious daughter who has been raised for more than ten years, it is impossible for him not to be afraid of Bai Qianni at all Well, at least this guy felt guilty when Bai Qianni looked into his eyes.

"I'll accompany sister-in-law and brother Yi to apply for a marriage certificate!" Bai Anni smiled happily.

"Get a marriage certificate?" Li Er was stunned for a moment: "Why didn't anyone tell me about this?"

"Hee hee! Master, you must have been neglected. Brother Yi is treating you to dinner tonight. Li Xianying and Ma Jun, who has just been discharged from the hospital, have already arrived upstairs. You must not know it!" Bo Anni smiled triumphantly.

"Only a marriage certificate, no wedding banquet?" Li Er asked strangely.

"I don't know about that, Master, what do you think I should buy as a gift for my sister-in-law!" Bai Anni asked with a charming smile.

Li Er was still thinking about the fact that Li Yi only had a marriage certificate and no wedding banquet, but he didn't hear what Bai Anni asked clearly.

In fact, Li Yi planned to hold a wedding banquet. He was about to discuss with Li Er, but Wang Gangsheng offered to propose that now is the busiest time for business, and persuaded Li Yi to get a marriage certificate first, and then hold a wedding banquet when business is not so busy. Not too late.

Wang Gangsheng's aunt saw that Li Yi and Wang Gangsheng's official marriage certificate had been obtained, and she finally let go of her heart that had been carrying it all the time, and followed Wang Gangsheng to persuade Li Yi that his career should be the most important thing, and the wedding banquet will be discussed later.

"Master!" Bo Anni suddenly smiled sweetly.

"Uh—!" Bai Anni gave Li Er a weird look: "Brother has already received a marriage certificate, when shall we?"

Li Er already had a headache, but now he wants to die.

"I don't care! Anyway, I can't lose to He Min, Xiaofang will let me." Bai Anni counted something with her fingers, and then her face suddenly changed: "Master, you are a big carrot, there will be no other woman!"

Li Er slumped on the sofa powerlessly, he finally knew why Bai Anni always gave Zhu Wanfang small jewelry and women's mobile phones, this precious apprentice has many things in mind.

"It seems that there is not!" Bo Anni nodded in satisfaction when she saw Li Er's pained posture.

"Hello! What, there's a case, okay! I'll be there right away!" Li Er immediately bounced off the sofa after receiving a call. This guy is unprecedentedly active. He suspects that Zhu Wanfang and He Min will be there tonight. The picture was so wonderful that Li Er didn't dare to think about it. fall in love with literature network

"Master, dinner is about to start. Now it's off-duty time. If you have any case, just hand it over to Instructor Hu and the others!" Bo Anni frowned. She had something to say to Li Er tonight.

"Uh——! Instructor Hu and the others can't handle such an important case." Li Er put on his coat while speaking.

"Wait for me to come back!" Li Er kissed Bai Anni, ready to escape.

"I don't want it, I'll go with you." Bai Anni said quickly, and then caught up with Li Er.

It didn't matter to Li Er, the master and apprentice hurried back to the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

"Annie, this way, the director's office!" Seeing that Bo Anni was going to the serious crime team, Li Er quickly waved and said.

There are two stern-looking guys in the director's office, one is Huang Bingyao, and the other is an old guy that Li Er doesn't know.

"Li Er, you are finally here, let me introduce you." Huang Bingyao relaxed when he saw Li Er.

"No need to introduce. I've heard of Police Officer Li. I suspect that my daughter has been kidnapped. What can you do?" Before Huang Bingyao finished speaking, the old guy Li Er didn't know said nervously.

"Ugh!" Li Er frowned and looked at Huang Bingyao.

Huang Bingyao patted the old guy on the shoulder: "Yinghao, too anxious is meaningless to the case, let Li Er understand the case first!"

"Li Er, this is Tong Yinghao, the chairman of the Tong Group." Huang Bingyao said to Li Er: "He suspects that his daughter, Tong Keren, has been kidnapped by kidnappers."

"Tong Keren?"

Li Er and Bai Anni looked at each other and were stunned for a moment.

"You two know each other?" Tong Yinghao is an old fox in the business world. He saw Li Er and Bai Anni's expressions, and he guessed that Li Er and Bai Anni knew their daughter.

"We just met!" Li Er nodded.

"Did the kidnapper call?"

"No!" Tong Yinghao shook his head.

"How did you know that Tong Keren was kidnapped?" Bai Anni asked strangely.

"Keren's car is at the door of the house, her handbag and mobile phone are also in the car, but she is missing, she was kidnapped or something!" Tong Yinghao said firmly: "Keren is very good, she doesn't know how to do this. Don't go home in time, and don't give me a call."

"Where does she live?" Li Er asked.

No. 6, Fei'e Mountain Villa Area.

Li Er's face darkened, it couldn't be such a coincidence! Bai Qianni seems to live in No. 8, and Li Er just came back from Fei'e Mountain.

"When was the last time Tong Keren reported her safety?" Li Er asked.

"It should be four o'clock in the afternoon. Keren called her assistant to prepare materials for tomorrow's meeting." Tong Yinghao said and handed Tong Keren's personal mobile phone to Li Er.

Naturally, Tong Keren's private phone was obtained in the car.

"Officer Li, you and I are good brothers who have been friends for many years. I don't care what method you use, as long as you guarantee my daughter's safety, I will do anything." Tong Yinghao said nervously.

Huang Bingyao also nodded to Li Er.

Li Er quickly checked Tong Keren's mobile phone. Tong Keren used the latest mobile phone, and there was an inquiry about the communication records, but Tong Keren had a record of making calls at four o'clock in the afternoon.

'Fei'eshan, Tong Keren, kidnapping. ’ Li Er’s eyes flashed.

'Putting Street, it's Zhang Zihao! ’ Li Er patted his forehead.

"Mr. Tong, I probably figured out what happened. Your judgment is very accurate. It is very likely that Ms. Tong was kidnapped." Li Er said seriously.

Hearing Li Er's words, Tong Yinghao was both surprised and happy. Tong Keren was kidnapped for real, and Tong Yinghao was very anxious, but Li Er acted so resolutely, and Tong Yinghao felt that he had found the right person. Just now Tong Yinghao told Huang Bingyao Regarding the suspicion of kidnapping, Huang Bingyao, an old friend, still complained that he had been out of contact for several hours, and it was not even counted as missing, so it was impossible to file a case for investigation.

"Annie, give him a communicator from our serious crime team." Li Er turned to Bai Anni and said.

"Mr. Tong, if Ms. Tong is really kidnapped, the kidnappers should call and ask for a ransom. We need to monitor your phone call." Li Er said to Tong Yinghao.

"No problem! Hurry up and monitor!" Tong Yinghao hurriedly handed his personal mobile phone to Li Er, and then added nervously: "Do you want to monitor the phones of my residence and office together?"

"Of course!" Li Er nodded and said.

"Annie, call Instructor Hu and the others to work overtime tonight!"

"Okay, okay, Officer Li, it's up to you, as long as Keren can come back safely, I will definitely thank you." Tong Yinghao saw that Li Er had taken the kidnapping speculation without sufficient basis as a real kidnapping case seriously, said very gratefully.

Tong Yinghao believes in the so-called morality of the police more than the kidnapper, and of course Li Er does too, so he wants to catch Zhang Zihao and rescue Tong Keren before Zhang Zihao extorts ransom from Tong Yinghao.

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