What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 228: The Fierce Gunfight

Yunlai Tea House.

"Attention everyone, the target person appears!"

The person sitting at a dining table by the wall turned out to be Yuan Haoyun from the West District Police Station, and several police officers from the West District Police Station disguised themselves as waiters in a teahouse. There might be a police gathering tonight.

Four middle-aged men walked up to the second floor of the teahouse with a birdcage in their hands.

"Brother Biao, here!" The two men in the middle of the teahouse stood up and waved.

Several middle-aged men walked over.

"Brother Biao, didn't you say it's 3:30? Brother Qiang has been waiting for you for two full hours. I'm just an intermediary. Please let me know in advance if you have anything to do. Don't make things difficult for me." A skinny little man grimaced. Said.

"Go away!" Brother Biao took out two or three thousand dollars from his pocket, without counting them, and threw them directly to the skinny little man.

The skinny man received the money, hurriedly stuffed it into his pocket, and said with a smile, "Thank you Brother Biao! You two bosses, talk! I'll disappear immediately."

The thin, skinny man wisely picked up a basket of steamed dumplings on the dining table, nodded and bowed and walked to another table to sit down. He has been in this business for a long time, relying on never asking for information about buyers and sellers.

"Brother, make a table!" The skinny man took out the money in his pocket at this time, and quickly counted it, and it was 2,700 yuan.

The skinny little man smiled, he was lucky tonight, but unfortunately he didn't know, he fought so desperately to be at the same table with Yuan Haoyun.

Yuan Haoyun shook his head slightly to the police officer beside him.

There is a reason why Sangbiao came late. He heard that the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station was making a big move tonight, and the "Detective Death" was personally leading the team. Sangbiao was so scared that he packed his luggage and prepared to run to Taiwan Island to hide for a while. The sky is sheltered from the limelight.

As a result, before Sangbiao got on the smuggling boat, he heard a report from his subordinates that the Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Squad was working on another case tonight. After they killed a few unlucky ghosts, they had already closed the team.

"Is the money ready?" Sang Biao asked in a low voice.

"Cash!" Zhang Qiangdong patted the cloth bag he had put on the chair, and said with a grim expression, "But I didn't see what you brought!"

Sangbiao smiled, and it is good to have cash. In fact, he is just a second-hander, earning hard money, and Johnny Wang's subordinates get the most of it.


This is Tsim Sha Tsui, and the checks are strict. Of course, our delivery is safety first. "Sang Biao knocked on the birdcage he brought: "The goods are in the bottom compartment. "

Zhang Qiangdong glanced at the birdcages brought by Sangbiao and the others.

"The goods are not right! In addition to twelve 'May Fourth', we also need four AKs." Zhang Qiangdong frowned.

Obviously, even if the birdcage brought by Sangbiao and the others could fit a Type 54 pistol, it couldn't fit an AK47.

"No!" Sangbiao said unhappily: "Brother, you thought it was grocery shopping. You didn't make it clear when you placed the order, and you only need to add the goods temporarily. Where can I get you a long guy?"

Zhang Qiangdong nodded. This guy is very vigilant. He doesn't know Sangbiao, he only knows the thin monkey who is the middleman. He wants to test whether the other party is the police of Hong Kong Island.

After confirming that the transaction was safe, Zhang Qiangdong readily handed the bag to Sangbiao.

Sangbiao was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect these mainland guys to be so straightforward, and hurriedly pushed several birdcages towards Zhang Qiangdong.

Zhang Qiangdong randomly opened a corner of the hidden compartment of a birdcage, and after just a glance inside, he knew it was a good product.

At the same time, Li Er and the others arrived at Yunlai Tea House in three cars.

"Bosses, I'll help you park your car." The valet parking guy downstairs walked over quickly and smiled.

"There's no need to park, just watch the car for us." Bai Anni casually took out two hundred yuan and threw it to the younger brother who parked the car.

"Boss, this is against the rules." The parking gangster put away the money and smiled reluctantly.

"You idiot, you have no eyesight at all, these are sirs." Liang Kun ran out from nowhere and patted his subordinates on the head vigorously.

"Li sir, leave the car to me, don't worry!" Liang Kun smiled flatteringly, then snatched the two hundred yuan from his subordinates, and handed it back to Bai Anni with both hands.

It was hard for him to win the spectator and valet parking on this street, but he must not offend Li Er, and Liang Kun recognized Li Xianying, Ma Jun and Chen Jiaju, these dozen people are probably all plainclothes He can't afford to offend the police.


"Get ready for action!" Yuan Haoyun said in a low voice.

All the police officers in the teahouse received Yuan Haoyun's order.

Zhou Xingxing and Instructor Hu were stunned.

Zhou Xingxing looked at Instructor Hu very eye-catchingly.

Instructor Hu hurriedly yelled in a low voice: "What is the action? There are too many ordinary citizens in the teahouse, and everyone is not allowed to act rashly. We will attack them one by one when they go downstairs."

Instructor Hu has a strong desire to control, but it is a pity that Yuan Haoyun is also a guy who does things extremely selfishly. The goal has been completed and the evidence is solid. Yuan Haoyun will not listen to Instructor Hu at this time, and it is even more impossible for Yuan Haoyun's subordinates to listen to Instructor Hu.

A police officer from the West District Serious Crime Squad, disguised as a store clerk, swung a kettle in his hand and knocked away the birdcage on Sangbiao's dining table.


Yuan Haoyun stood up quickly, stepped on the dark compartment of the birdcage, and four 54-style pistols fell out of the dark compartment to the floor.

"The police are handling the case, don't move!" Yuan Haoyun took out his pistol and shouted loudly.

Police officers from the Western District Crime Squad revealed their identities one after another.

"Damn it!" Instructor Hu's face turned green. She had already noticed that Zhang Qiangdong and his party kept their right hands in their pockets.

"Bang bang bang..." Instructor Hu's ominous premonition came true, and Zhang Qiangdong fought back decisively.

"Get out of the way!" Yuan Haoyun pushed away the men who were attacked by the bandits.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Bang bang—!"

"Ah! Help, run!"

"Get down, get down, everyone—!"

Immediately after the first gunshot sounded, there was a chain reaction of shooting each other. The bullets flew across the sky. The first people to be shot were not the police and the gangsters, but ordinary citizens who had no ability to resist.

"Ah!" The middleman, the thin monkey, saw the gun battle, and immediately got under the table cleverly. Unfortunately, he didn't look at the almanac when he went out, so he got shot unluckily. The stray bullet shot through the thin monkey's head. There is no chance to spend the more than 2,000 yuan I just earned.

Sangbiao and the others saw that Zhang Qiangdong and other mainlanders were so tough, and they also drew their guns to fight back against the police. Selling arms is a serious crime, and if they can escape, no one will choose to arrest them without a fight.

"Bang bang bang bang..." Yuan Haoyun frantically pulled the trigger, but his marksmanship was bad enough. When he shot at close range, Yuan Haoyun only hit one gangster, and most of his firepower was concentrated on the On the body of a gangster, the other party has become a sieve to death, Yuan Haoyun is still shooting at him, not like killing the enemy, but rather venting his anger.

"Ah! I've been shot, please help me."

"Ah, damn it, it hurts so much, I will die with you!"


The police and the gangsters set up close to each other in a small space. After one round, no matter whether it was the police or the gangsters, both sides were shot. The few police officers and gangsters who had the shortest contact with each other immediately went to the bull's head and horse face to report.

Instructor Hu's face at this time was so dark that it couldn't be darker.

"Get down, everyone get down! Zhou Xingxing save people!" Instructor Hu fired back at the gangsters and shouted loudly to the citizens to get down. At this moment, Instructor Hu's eyes were red with anxiety. With such dense bullets flying across, only Get down to avoid being shot as much as possible, and only as much as possible.

"Da da da da da..."

It was the sound of a submachine gun, and there were gangsters carrying such powerful firearms.

"Bang bang!" Zhou Xingxing huddled in a corner and shot the gangster. This guy reacted very quickly and retreated from the dining table to the back. Zhou Xingxing pretended not to hear Instructor Hu's order. In such a chaotic battlefield, he But dare not brave the gunfire and rush out to save people.

Chen Baila's reaction was slow, and he was shot before he could stand up, but this guy lied on the floor pretending to be a dead body.

Chen Baila squinted his eyes, feeling the bullets passing over the bridge of his nose. This guy had a pistol in his waist, but he dared not draw it.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Li Er and others downstairs in Yunlai Teahouse stopped in their tracks.

"Li sir, it's absolutely none of my business!" Liang Kun is not deaf, of course he also heard the deafening gunshots from upstairs, and he immediately squatted on the ground with his head in his hands conspicuously.

"what happened?"

Li Er and the others had doubts in their hearts, but they still pulled out their police guns in time.

"Help, help!"

More than a dozen diners ran down from the upstairs. These people were terrified and crowded. Several guys were knocked down, and immediately pushed others to roll down the stairs. Several people smashed their heads. But they didn't care, and ran outside as soon as their feet touched the ground.

"Save—!" Chen Jiaju saw that two of the fleeing citizens had been shot, and hurried over to help them.

"Don't be afraid, we are the police, tell me what happened above?" Chen Jiaju asked loudly while supporting the citizen who was shot.

No one answered Chen Jiaju. The citizens who were not shot kept running outside. The citizen who was shot broke free from Chen Jiaju's grip and ran reluctantly. They don't believe the police now.

"Die, don't get in the way of me, damn it, let me die." Sang Biao took two of his men and ran to the stairs. Although this guy was shot twice in the stomach, he was not fatal. Now he can If you can't control other people, running for your own life is the right way.

Sangbiao ran halfway up the stairs and was blocked by other fleeing citizens. They raised their pistols and were about to shoot into the crowd, and then saw a dozen people standing under the stairs.

Li Er, Li Xianying, Ma Jun, Lin Haiying, Chen Jiaju, and Zhang Dazui lined up. Bo Anni, Chen Yalun, Hui Yinghong, Datou, and Tie Dan stood in the second row.

The muzzles of eleven guns downstairs attacked the three of Sangbiao.

"Push the street—!" The three of Sangbiao only had time to think of this sentence.

"Boom bang bang bang..."

Yuan Haoyun ran to the stairs. He was about to chase and intercept the three Sangbiao who were about to escape, and was shocked to see that the three Sangbiao were beaten into a sieve.

Liangkun squatted on the ground and watched the bodies of Sangbiao and the other three roll down the stairs. He was so frightened that he quickly lay down on the ground, and then took advantage of the fact that Li Er and the others were not paying attention to him, this guy moved slowly like a worm. Rolled to Li Er and the others parked under the car on the road, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

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