What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 230: Instructor Hu is in Pain

"What should I do if I open the wrong plug-in ()"

With the addition of Li Er, a new force, the battle was quickly ended.

Unlike Yuan Haoyun and his team, who jumped up and down with high firepower output, which seemed to be extremely destructive but rarely actually killed the enemy, Li sir was very restrained, but every time his gunshot sounded, a life would be harvested , very neatly.

"Tou, Zhou Xingxing is reporting!" Zhou Xingxing saluted courteously. He performed well just now and took the initiative to attract firepower, allowing Li Er to shoot calmly.

"Hmm!" Li Er let out a cold 'hmm', but his eyes were on Instructor Hu who was walking over.

"Report our casualties."

Zhou Xingxing's face changed when he heard Li Er's words.

"Ale!" Zhou Xingxing hurriedly turned around to look for Chen Baile in the pile of dead people.

Only then did Chen Baila pat his ass and get up from the ground. This guy brazenly patted Zhou Xingxing's shoulder and smiled: "How about it, I didn't hold you back!"

Zhou Xingxing: "..."

"What the hell are you doing lying in the pile of dead people?" Zhou Xingxing let out a sigh of relief and scolded sharply: "I thought the six hundred yuan I borrowed from you was in vain."

"Damn!" Chen Baila's little emotion disappeared, and he gave Zhou Xingxing a middle finger.

"Boss, we lost two guys." Zhou Xingxing reported to Li Er in frustration.

Yuan Haoyun suddenly started to act. The two police officers of Zhou Xingxing's team couldn't react in time. The first round of shooting was turned into a sieve by the gangsters.

"Okay! Good!"

Li Er's tone was very gloomy, staring at Zhou Xingxing made him feel chills.

"Tou, I just killed two gangsters." Zhou Xingxing said bravely.

Li Er ignored Zhou Xingxing's desire to shirk responsibility, and only looked at the policeman who was shot and fell to the ground in the teahouse and the ordinary citizens who were innocent and killed.

Zhou Xingxing followed Li Er's gaze, only to realize that Instructor Hu was helping the wounded, so he hurried over to help.


Li Xianying and Ma Jun escorted two gangsters out of the back kitchen. The two of them came in from the water pipe in the back alley to surround them. The army blocked one.

"Tou, go on!" Ma Jun threw a white object to Li Er.

Li Er took it smoothly, and it turned out to be a barbecued pork bun.

Li Er: "..."

The scene of the gun battle was extremely brutal and bloody, and many of the dead were swept away by bullets. Ma Jun, an idiot, still had the appetite to eat.

"Are you okay?" Li Er asked with a frown. He found that Li Xianying had been shot twice in the chest. It was said that they were just two young men, and it was unlikely that they could hit the combination of Li Xianying and Ma Jun.

"It's okay, there is a bulletproof vest inside." Li Xianying shook his head and said.

"So careless?" Li Er stuffed Li Xianying with the big pork bun in his hand.

"Tou, it's not that we were careless, it's that idiot!" Ma Jun pointed to Yuan Haoyun who came out from the back kitchen.

"Sorry, I didn't expect to have my own people in the back kitchen, so I didn't see clearly." Yuan Haoyun said apologetically.

"Fuck, you just shot indiscriminately, so why didn't we identify the wrong person? We were still wearing police IDs, and you didn't wear anything." Ma Jun cursed angrily.

Yuan Haoyun did shoot when he saw the figure, and he didn't confirm the identity of the other person at all. Fortunately, he shot Li Xianying this time.

Li Xianying has the psychological shadow of accidentally hurting innocent people. Even if he was shot twice by Yuan Haoyun for no reason, he still cautiously confirmed the identity of the opponent before fighting back. As a result, he immediately recognized Yuan Haoyun as his buddy. If Yuan Haoyun shot Ma Jun, Ma Jun will definitely shoot at him until he dies.

"My boss has already apologized, what else do you want?" One of Yuan Haoyun's subordinates replied unhappily to Ma Jun.

Ma Jun was immediately happy. This guy swallowed the barbecued pork buns in his hand. He was really hungry. At noon yesterday, Li Xianying told him that Li Yi was treating guests to dinner in the evening. Ma Jun didn't eat lunch, so he was waiting for dinner in the evening OK,

As a result, there was action, dinner was not completed, supper was missed, and there was a shootout after going out for morning tea with the team. Ma Jun felt that if he didn't eat anything, he would really faint from hunger.

"According to what you said, I apologize to you now, but it's okay for you to let me shoot twice?" Ma Jun snorted coldly.

"Ma Jun, forget it! Everyone is buddy." Li Xianying stopped Ma Jun and said, "I'm fine!"

When Ma Jun saw Li Xianying open his mouth, it was impossible for him not to give Li Xianying face, but he had already scolded angrily: "If you shoot like him, you will kill your buddy sooner or later."

Yuan Haoyun also stopped his own subordinates, but Li Er's first impression of him was extremely bad.

The ambulance arrived at the scene quickly, and Lin Haiying came up with a team of ambulancemen. Instructor Hu had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk towards Li Er.

"Li sir!" Instructor Hu lowered his head and said in frustration.

"Instructor Hu, if I don't have amnesia, I seem to have given an order not to allow our department to get involved in this case." Li Er looked into Instructor Hu's eyes and said sinisterly. Instructor Hu saved face.

"Yes!" Instructor Hu whispered with an ugly face.

Even worse than Instructor Hu's face was Zhou Xingxing. This guy immediately understood that he had been tricked by Instructor Hu. Instructor Hu never told him about Li Er's order from the beginning to the end.

Zhou Xingxing moved his steps quietly and moved closer to Ma Jun. This guy prayed in his heart that Li Er suddenly went blind and couldn't see him.

"Then tell me, what's the situation now?" Li Er snorted coldly.

Instructor Hu lowered her head and opened her mouth several times without knowing how to explain. She had just inspected the scene. At least seven police officers were killed, two of them were from the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, and more than 20 innocent citizens were injured. The exact number of deaths will have to wait for hospital statistics.

Instructor Hu never thought that the situation would collapse to such an extent, no matter how she explained it, it was a mistake.


Li Er was about to scold Instructor Hu severely, but Bai Anni carefully pulled the corner of Li Er's clothes.

"Master, there are outsiders here, and the situation is already like this, let's think about how to deal with the aftermath better!" Bai Anni said softly standing beside Li Er.

Instructor Hu gave Bai Anni a grateful look.

Li Er is not good at dealing with the aftermath, and Bai Anni is helping Instructor Hu to create opportunities to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds.

Li Er looked up and saw Yuan Haoyun's subordinates looking at a joke, and suddenly became angry.


Li Ergang wanted Li Xianying to take care of the aftermath, and Instructor Hu to be his deputy. He suddenly realized that this case involved heavy casualties. Li Xianying was not careful enough. If he failed to handle one, the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station would take the main responsibility.

Instructor Hu is really responsible for this matter. It seems that this is the real reason why Bai Anni reminded Li Er. Bai Anni really deserves to be Li Er's precious apprentice. , at least not yet.

"What's the matter?" Li Xianying looked at Li Er.

Li Er shook his head.

"Take care of the aftermath, you know what to do." Li Er reached out and patted Instructor Hu on the shoulder.

Instructor Hu's face turned pale, and Li Er's slap was so hard, Instructor Hu gritted his teeth and endured it, and finally he didn't make a sound, but his shoulders were probably bruised.

"Yessir!" Instructor Hu replied seriously.

Li Er smiled coldly, and the palm on Instructor Hu's shoulder suddenly exerted force. Instructor Hu took a deep breath, and finally let out a 'hum' out of pain.

"After the end, I have a satisfactory statement!"



Li Er took away all the people, leaving only Instructor Hu to take care of the aftermath. Seeing that the situation was not going well, Zhou Xingxing followed closely behind Ma Jun and sneaked away.

Instructor Hu no longer has the energy to take care of Zhou Xingxing's scumbag at this time, and she is now devoting all her energy to shirking responsibility with Yuan Haoyun. Instructor Hu believes that the failure of this operation was originally Yuan Haoyun's "willingness to go his own way", and she is very confident that she will retreat. On the 25th, let the serious crime team of the West District take the main responsibility, but what Instructor Hu really wants to do is to let Yuan Haoyun take full responsibility.

"Instructor Hu!"

"You're back like this?" Instructor Hu looked at Hui Yinghong and Chen Yalun in surprise.

"Annie asked us to sneak back and come back to help you." Chen Yalun said honestly.

Instructor Hu was overjoyed. Li Er took all the people away, which made her very upset, because it was Li Er who led the team to join in and turned the defeat into victory. If Li Er and the others all leave, Instructor Hu will not be able to take advantage of the situation. The most important thing is the reporter. It's coming soon, and it's going to be very ugly.

"Li sir, you saw it just now. I have been downstairs all the time. What happened tonight can't be related to me. I haven't received any rumors. Otherwise, I would appoint Boss Ying to ventilate." After waiting anxiously downstairs for a long time, finally seeing Li Er coming downstairs, he hurried over to show his innocence loudly.

"Get out!" Li Er was in a bad mood, and kicked Liang Kun away.

At this time, Liang Kun was not the gangster of the later party, but he was overjoyed when he heard Li Er's words. This guy shouted happily: "Thank you, thank you, Li sir, I will disappear immediately!"

Liangkun's running posture was girly, but her speed was not slow, and she disappeared at the end of the street in no time. The two subordinates who were squatting on the ground and holding their heads were stunned.

"Annie, can you do the work of Instructor Hu?" Li Er asked in a low voice.

"I don't want it!" Bai Anni pouted.

Li Er forgot one thing, Bai Anni may be very smart, but she is as lazy as Li Er, she is the master who can sit but not stand.

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