What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 243: Peach Blossom Tribulation Has Been Realized

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Li Er rushed to Bai Qianni's house, and Bai Qianni really felt a sense of crisis after watching the news of the gunfight broadcast on TV.

Bai Qianni wanted Li Er to help her build a reliable security system at home and ask someone else to do it, but Bai Qianni could not believe it.

"Ok, no problem!" Li Er nodded resolutely, which makes sense. Being a bodyguard or something is simply whimsical.

Li Er didn't have too much narcissism about his appearance, but he was 100% vigilant about his ability to get lucky. If the bodyguard went to bed to protect him in front of him, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Then you give me 500,000 yuan for materials first, and I want to buy some monitoring equipment and enhance the safety level of your car." Li Er said seriously.

In fact, Li Er knew a lot about security. He took the money and asked Bai Anni to help with the work. It's a pity that Bai Qianni believed in Li Er's celebrity, but not his daughter.

"500,000, is it so expensive?" Bai Qianni frowned and asked, "The highest offer from the security companies that Xiaoxue was looking for was only 200,000."

The corner of Li Er's eyes twitched, and he said solemnly without changing his face: "I'm helping you arm yourself with the security of the president. If you think that your life can be discounted, I can also charge 200,000 yuan to buy equipment that is one level worse."

'Damn it, these bastard security companies dare to cheat my mother-in-law, Li Er, and they can charge 200,000 yuan. ’ Li Er cursed in his heart, but he didn’t think about it, he was the most ruthless one, but this guy’s mother-in-law cheated on him, it’s better than leaving the fat water to outsiders.

"How dare you!" Bai Qianni glared at Li Er angrily and said, "Do as you want, and I didn't say that your fee is expensive."

"Don't worry! In case there are any gangsters, just give me your name and make sure they won't touch you!" Li Er boasted.

"Really?" Bai Qianni took it seriously. Li Er's name was a frequent visitor to police news, and was often praised as the 'criminal killer'.

"Fake!" Li Er rolled Bai Qianni's eyes with a headache, a person in his decades is still so naive.

"If you really meet a gangster, don't report my name. The right way is to delay as much as possible." Li Er warned.

"Oh!" Bai Qianni said with some disappointment, she thought Li Erhui would be a pair of aces, but it turned out to be only three belts and one, which is really boring.

Bai Qianni wrote a check for 500,000 yuan to Li Er. She was worried that Li Er would cut corners for her, and added an additional 100,000 yuan in labor costs to Li Er, which made Li Er feel a little conscience and doubted herself. Is it too much to deceive the mother-in-law?

On the other side, although Cao Dahua captured Johnny Wang and Jiang Lang, Johnny Wang and Jiang Lang escaped from the scene of the shootout. According to the fucking laws of Hong Kong Island, Cao Dahua simply does not have enough evidence to sue the other party.

Of course, even so, Cao Dahua's actions still frightened Superintendent Peng of the West District Police Station. You must know that Jiang Lang is his ace undercover agent. Once he is detained by Cao Dahua, Superintendent Peng's entire plan will be cancelled. , Hurry up and send someone to understand the situation.

Wan Chai District Crime Squad.

Johnny Wang sat on the chair with a rebellious face. His lawyer had already arrived. This guy really had money to do whatever he wanted. The lawyers hired a whole team, a total of twelve people.

"Who are you in charge? I would like to ask why you detain my client." The leading lawyer, the old guy, shouted loudly.

Everyone in the crime team looked at Cao Dahua.

"..." Cao Dahua realized at this time that the boss is not easy to do.

Ten minutes later, Johnny Wang and Jiang Lang strutted out of the Wanchai police station and complained to Cao Dahua. Of course, his small complaint was not painful to Cao Dahua, a tough guy in the background.

Cao Dahua and Johnny Wang formed a relationship. This time, this soft-fed guy was not cowardly, and sent Miao Zhishun's team to keep an eye on Johnny Wang.


Li Er looked at the woman in front of him with disgust,

Of course, the smile on his face was very sincere.

"Miss Le, what's the matter?" Li Er asked with a smile on his face.

"You promised me an exclusive interview, but you never fulfilled it once. I regret it." Le Huizhen pouted and looked at Li Er with a frown.

Le Huizhen is a beautiful woman who is hard to hate, especially for men. It's a pity that she wants to interview Li Er. As a man, it's not bad for Li Er to pick other people. It's the other way around for beautiful women to pick. , Li Er seemed to be happy too, obviously, this guy is a guy with Cao Dahua's potential.

Uh——, the input method went astray.

The main reason why Li Er didn't want to be interviewed was because he didn't like being exposed to the public, which was the instinctive reaction of a low-level assassin.

"I have already said that when Zhang Zihao's case is over, I will definitely give you a free private interview." Li Er said with certainty.

Le Huizhen was overjoyed, and secretly made a yes sign to herself.

"Could you give me some exclusive news about the case that happened at the Wanchai Wharf last night?" Le Huizhen hurriedly picked up the notebook and pen that she carried with her.

"No!" Li Er's tone was still very sure.

Le Huizhen: "..."

Le Huizhen was not happy anymore: "I won't testify in court if you're like this. They're crossing the river and demolishing the bridge. Before you cross the river, the bridge will be demolished."

Li Er pinched his brows with a headache. Zhang Zihao, that bastard, spent huge sums of money to hire a law firm. Now that the case has entered a stalemate, Le Huizhen's statement in court is very important to the police.

Li Er: "You're an entertainment gossip reporter. If you don't shoot celebrity cheating, what are you doing shooting a murder case?"

"I'm happy!" Le Huizhen grinned.

Li Er nodded, since Le Huizhen is so happy, sooner or later he will let her cry rhythmically.

"This case is in charge of Li Xianying, and I'll arrange—" Li Er paused at this point.

"Let me arrange for a police officer who participated in the operation to interview you! I'm not at the scene of this case, and I can't give you any useful news materials." Li Er said seriously.

"You're not at the scene? But I heard Sir, who was speaking on TV, say that you are the commander-in-chief of this operation." Le Huizhen said incredulously.

"I'm his immediate superior. If he doesn't say that, what should I say?" Li Er asked back.

Le Huizhen understood, and looked at Li Er with a small expression of "you are so treacherous".

Li Er called the CID department and found Zhou Xingxing.

When Zhou Xingxing heard that a reporter wanted to interview him, he was so excited that he felt like he had been pumped.

"Understood, Yessir, I promise to complete the task." Zhou Xingxing excitedly stood at attention and shouted.

Li Er hung up the phone.

"Okay, I've arranged for one of the best elite police officers to do an exclusive interview with you."

"Hee hee! I knew Li sir that you are not someone who crosses rivers and destroys bridges. I will treat you to dinner when I am free." Le Huizhen smiled happily.

Li Er nodded calmly, pointed at Le Huizhen's white chest that was exposed because of bending over.

"Ah!" Le Huizhen hurriedly covered her chest: "You are so bad!"

"..." Li Er was a little speechless. I'll remind you to call it good or bad. I hope that guy Zhou Xingxing can live up to his high expectations and use his skills as a prank expert to make this woman cry. Take revenge on yourself.

Le Huizhen was looking forward to this interview, and it didn't matter that she took out lipstick to touch up her makeup in front of Li Er.

Li Er had to admit that Le Huizhen was really pretty.

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