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The Ma Jun has been attacking, and Li Jie has been avoiding and retreating all the way. Ma Jun's punches are wide open and closed. Li Jie's movements are small, but he breaks Ma Jun's fierce offensive, piece by piece.

"Uh——!" Li Er had never seen Li Jie's style of fighting. This guy was from the army, so he should be doing military boxing. It looked like a traditional martial art.


Ma Jun attacked Li Jie with a straight punch, Li Jie retreated half a step to avoid Ma Jun's attack, Ma Jun immediately stepped forward, and his body jumped up.

When Li Er saw Ma Jun's posture, he knew that Ma Jun was going to kick straight.

What Ma Jun is best at is this combination of fighting skills, allowing the opponent to defend against the first move, but not the second move. Li Er used brute force to overthrow Ma Jun, and no one else could escape Ma Jun. Army's final double-foot strangle.

Li Er looked at Li Jie with great interest, he really wanted to see how Li Jie cracked Ma Jun's combo skills.


Li Jie crossed his hands, blocking Ma Jun's straight kick, and took a step back with his body.


Ma Jun kicked straight to the ground with his left foot, turned his body along with the trend, and the side kick with his right foot hit Li Jie's neck.

Li Jie's face changed slightly. He seemed to have figured out Ma Jun's attacking intention in an instant. He couldn't let Ma Jun continue to attack wave after wave, otherwise the opponent's power would superimpose along with the trend, and each kick would definitely be heavier than the other.

Li Jie held his head with one hand and covered his neck with his arms.


Ma Jun's side kick hit Li Jie on the arm guarding his neck. Li Jie groaned and endured the pain. Ma Jun was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand why Li Jie didn't hide. Speed, it is not too difficult to dodge this side kick.


After Ma Jun was stunned for a while, Li Jie finally made an attack, and he punched Ma Jun's inner knee.

Ma Jun's eyes sharpened. It was too late for him to withdraw his feet at this time, so he simply launched the strangulation in advance, twisting his feet towards Li Jie's neck.

"Aww!" Ma Jun screamed and fell to the floor. After Li Jie's punch hit the inside of Ma Jun's knee, Ma Jun trembled in pain, and his strangulation was self-defeating.

Bai Anni opened her mouth slightly and looked at Li Jie in surprise. She had never seen anyone who could defeat Ma Jun except her master.

"Crack clap clap..."

Li Er couldn't help clapping his hands.

"Are you really an ordinary bodyguard?" Before Li Er could speak, Bai Anni couldn't help but ask. Now she also felt that Li Jie was very suspicious.

"Several police officers, you don't need to waste your time trying to test me, I'm definitely not a bad person." Li Jie said as he stretched out his hand to pull Ma Jun up.

"I believe you!" Ma Jun said boldly: "You are quite good at fighting, and I will introduce a good friend to you someday."

"Ah!" Li Jie was stunned for a moment. He was restrained and couldn't keep up with Ma Jun's out-of-the-box thinking.

"Tou, the image of the suspect has been spelled out, does he look like a local?" Ma Jun handed the puzzle made by Li Jie to Li Er.

Li Er took a look at the jigsaw puzzle, and thought to himself, it really is "Die Dragon". The long hair on the puzzle is Billy Zhou, but he doesn't know when they started robbing jewels and where they are, but staring at Long Wei That idiot is always right, if it didn't happen in Tsim Sha Tsui, then let him go, Sir Li is very lazy and generous.

"Send a wanted warrant!" Li Er handed the puzzle to Bai Anni.

"Master, this is just his one-sided statement. It is against the rules to issue a wanted warrant." Bai Anni reminded in a low voice.

Li Er waved his hand and said with a very heroic smile: "You didn't hear Ma Jun say that this brother is trustworthy, and I also believe that he is not a bad person."

"Uh—!" Bai Anni gave her master a weird look, since when did he trust people so easily.

"Thank you, thank you!" Li Jie said gratefully.

"How did you two fight?" Li Er asked pretendingly curious.

Ma Jun grinned and said, "Brother Li Jie said that when he was chasing the suspect, he climbed over a three-meter-high wall in one fell swoop. I didn't quite believe it, so I tried it out."

"It's okay, we don't know each other if we don't fight. Brother Li Jie is not a stingy person, so he won't mind." Ma Jun patted his chest and shouted loudly.

Li Jie nodded awkwardly: "I don't mind, I don't mind!"

"Brother Li Jie, do you dare to fight my boss? If you can defeat him, I will really obey you." Ma Jun remembered something and suddenly said excitedly.

"Ah——! This." Li Jie quickly shook his hands: "I have no eyes in my fists and feet, so forget it, my fists and feet are very average."

"What do you mean? Your boxing skills are mediocre, so if you beat me, wouldn't I be even more mediocre?" Ma Jun was a little angry when he heard Li Jie's words.

"No, no, no!" Li Jie explained with a blushing face, "Ma sir, I definitely don't mean that, I mean that I am very ordinary."

"That means I am even more ordinary after being knocked down by you!" Ma Jun rolled up his sleeves angrily: "Come on, I was careless just now, let's compete again."

Li Jie explained differently to Ma Jun, and looked at Li Er for help.

Li Er unbuttoned his shirt, took off the shirt and put it aside.

"The rules of the rivers and lakes, click as far as you can!" Li Er also wanted to fight Li Jie to see who was better.

"Okay! Then let's have a discussion, it won't hurt the peace!" Li Jie had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, and then made a defensive posture.

Bai Anni was going back to the office to write the application form for the arrest warrant, but when she heard that there was a good show to watch, she hurriedly stopped.

"I think you'd better take off your coat!" Li Er reminded him friendly.

Li Jie thought that Li Ershi felt that he didn't respect him, so he immediately took off his coat and folded it aside.

Li Er: "..."

Ma Jun: "..."

Bai Anni: "..."

Li Jie folded the coat very neatly, as if it had just been taken out of the packing box and was not worn. I was born in a garment factory.

"Be careful, I'm going to make a move!" Li Er said with a smile.


Li Jie made a gesture of asking for advice, but unfortunately Li Er, a fake martial artist, couldn't understand it, so he punched out immediately.


The speed of Li Er's punches with all his strength was naturally not comparable to Ma Jun's.

Li Jie's complexion changed suddenly, and he secretly said in his heart how fast it was.

Li Jie hurriedly retreated obliquely in a sideways arc. The straight-line distance between two points is the shortest and the easiest way to explode strength. Li Jie wanted to extend the distance and consume Li Er's energy.

Li Er was really taken aback by Li Jie not retreating, nor advancing head-on, so he could only take advantage of the situation and change his fist into an uppercut to hit Li Jie's head. Because of the change of direction, his speed and strength were exhausted at once. Most of it.

"Huh—!" Li Er also discovered Li Jie's 'trick', what a clever way to deal with it.

After Li Jie found out that Li Er was losing his strength, he immediately swung his fist at Li Er's fist. He wanted to test how strong Li Er's punch was.


Li Er and Li Jie's fists touched each other instantly.

Li Er took two steps back, but Li Jie took five or six steps back before barely stopping.

Li Er smiled all over his face.

Li Jie fisted with the back of his hand, shaking quickly to relieve the pain, and looked at Li Er as if he had seen a ghost. The strength of this guy in front of him was too terrifying. I even took off half of his strength, but he was still no match for him. fist strength.

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