What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 247 Doctor, here I come.

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"Li Jie, go back to your job first! If you find any clues, you can contact me directly." Li Er sent Li Jie away in a friendly manner.

"Tou, a homicide has occurred in the Zhaofeng Factory Building. Superintendent Chen asked us to send someone over to check it out." Broomstar suddenly came up to the serious crime team and conveyed the above notice to Li Er.


Li Er glanced at the office of the serious crime team. Except for Lin Haiying who was on duty, everyone else had gone to work, as if he was the only one left idle.

"Then let Shuihua take some CID guys to check it out!" Li Er said after thinking for a while.

"Boss, Superintendent Chen said, let you send someone from the serious crime team!" Broom Star reminded.

Li Er frowned, when did Chen Xiangnan manage so leniently? He is not afraid that I will send a broom star to stand guard at his door?

"That's fine! I'll take a look and call some guys from the CID room for me." Li Er nodded and said.

"Okay!" Broom Star happily replied.

five minutes later.

Li Er looked at the people Sao Baxing called with a headache.

Two thin bamboo poles with crooked melons and jujubes, and one is Chen Baile. Is the social circle of the broom star so weird?

"Get in the car!" Li Er waved helplessly.


The three guys who were called by the broom star said weakly.

But broom star himself was very excited.

"Wait! Are you going too?" As soon as Li Er opened the car door, he found that Broom Star had already sat in the passenger seat.

"That's right!" Sao Baxing said as a matter of course, and then looked at Li Er with resentment: "Tou, you haven't taken me out of the field for a long time."


Li Er scratched his brows in embarrassment. Since he killed Xiao Sa together with the broom star, this guy really hasn't worked with the broom star again.

"Who said no, why don't we take you out this time?" Li Er spread his arms and said with a smile.

Sao Baxing nodded in satisfaction.

Mega Factory Building.

When Li Er and Sao Ba Xing arrived, the military police had already arrived first and pulled up the isolation belt.

"What's the situation?" Li Er asked a small captain of a uniformed police officer.

"Li sir, I know!" A little fat man hurriedly replied.

Li Er turned his head, it was Gao Yanbo, a fat boy.

"It's rare for your forensics department to finally arrive at the scene of the crime in time!" Li Er laughed sarcastically.

"Hey, people change!" Gao Yanbo shook his head indifferently and said, "Our department is also changing in a positive direction."

"Then tell me the case! What's going on?" Li Er had already seen a corpse lying on the ground, and Broom Star was squatting on the ground pretending to look around.

"Killed!" Gao Yanbo walked towards the corpse, and pointed to a wound on the back of the corpse, which was lying on the floor facing the floor.

"The murder weapon was stabbed from the back of the victim, and a knife pierced the victim's heart."

"Have you found the murder weapon?" Li Er asked, while glancing at the victim's profile, he didn't recognize him.

"I found it, a military dagger." Gao Yanbo picked up the dagger in the ziplock bag from the evidence box and handed it to Li Er.

Li Er casually looked at it a few times: "There must be fingerprints on the handle!"

"It stands to reason that there should be fingerprints of the murderer, but the final confirmation can only be confirmed after returning to the laboratory of our forensics department." Gao Yanbo replied rigorously.

"Tou, I seem to know this person!" Sao Baxing said suddenly after looking at the corpse for a long time.

Li Er was taken aback for a moment.

‘You know, who is so unlucky to know you? '

Li Er turned his head and found that the broom star was referring to the murdered victim, and nodded silently, it was unlucky enough, he was already dead.

"Have you found out the identity of the victim?" Li Er asked Gao Yanbo.

Gao Yanbo laughed awkwardly: "Li sir, this is not the work of our forensic department!"

Li Er looked at Broom Star.

"Didn't you say you knew each other?"

Sao Baxing frowned vigorously: "I've seen this person somewhere, but I can't remember who he is."

Li Er: "..."

"This man is an undercover agent of our Operations Department, and he is investigating a case of an international robber." A voice sounded from behind Li Er.

Li Er quickly turned around, and it turned out to be Cai Yuanqi from the Operations Department of the Police Department.

"Cai sir, your police department will not take over this case!" Li Er asked with a smile.

Cai Yuanqi nodded and smiled, "Exactly, but on behalf of the Operations Department, I can invite you, Sir, to join the investigation team."

"That's not necessary. Small police stations in our area may not be able to handle such a big case with an international prefix. It's better for you, Sir Cai, to do more work for you!" Li Er said with great certainty.

Cai Yuanqi and the four or five detectives from the police department all looked at Li Er in astonishment. Cooperating with the police department was a job that no one else could ask for, but this guy actually refused.

"Fatty, give Cai sir all the information you know." Li Er immediately asked Gao Yanbo to hand over.

"Ding! You have a new task order, please feel free to check it!" Li Er had just finished speaking when a cheap voice sounded from his mind.

It is the system prompt tone.

Li Er stared at the system every day, thinking that the product was broken, but turned out to be just lazy.

'Open the mission order! ’ Li Er gave instructions to the system.

Assassination mission.

Target: 'Doctor'.

Time limit: within ten days.

Mission requirements: die.

Task reward: experience value 8000.

Punishment for mission failure: It will never be destroyed humanely, please feel free to try it boldly.

Li Er swallowed instinctively.

"Li sir, Li sir!" Cai Yuanqi noticed that Li Er was distracted, and stretched out his hand in front of Li Er's eyes.

"What's the matter?" Li Er came back to his senses and asked.

"Why don't we investigate together?" Cai Yuanqi invited again, he knew that Xu Rulin admired this guy in front of him very much.

Li Er stretched out his right hand.

"Since Cai sir is so sincere, if I refuse again, I will not give you face."

Li Er turned too fast, Cai Yuanqi was stunned for two seconds before he could react.

"Welcome, welcome!" Cai Yuanqi shook hands with Li Er and said with a big laugh. This guy is very rich, and it is hard to tell whether he is really welcoming or not.

"The man killed by our operations department is investigating a criminal gang headed by the nickname 'Doctor'." Cai Yuanqi shared information with Li Er in a low voice.

Li Er was happy in his heart, and secretly thought that it was so.

"So he was killed because the 'doctor' saw through his identity?" Li Er asked.

Cai Yuanqi nodded: "This is the greatest possibility."

"Is there a trace of 'Doctor'?" Li Er followed Cai Yuanqi's words and asked.

Cai Yuanqi smiled wryly: "After our fellow was murdered, we really lost track of him."

"However, according to the information sent back by our buddies last time, the criminal gang of 'Doctor' will make a big move in the near future." Cai Yuanqi said with certainty.

"Oh—!" Li Er nodded, thinking to himself, ten days should be regarded as the near future!

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