"What to do if you open the wrong plug-in ()" Find the latest chapter!

Li Er and Bai Anni were busy for several hours, and finally completed the monitoring and control of the entire building. In order to save time and cost, Bai Anni installed a camera every two floors of the corridor.


The elevator door opened, and a group of female receptionists from the Cointreau Hotel walked into the elevator. After seeing Li Er and Bo Anni, they automatically moved away from Li Er and Bo Anni. After all, Li Er and Bo Anni were sweaty , the smell is really not good.

"Put me down on the second floor!" A woman who seemed to be the leader of the receptionist said with disgust.

Li Er was indifferent as if he didn't hear it.

"Hello! Are you deaf? Push me to the second floor!" the female receptionist said in a bad tone.

Only then did Li Er lift his peaked cap.

"Am I your father? I want to listen to you, or you are disabled, and you can't press yourself."

A group of female receptionists turned red with anger: "You, you, you, how are you swearing, what is your job number, we will definitely complain to your maintenance department."

"You fucking complained to me, and I still want to tell you your job number, you are stupid, don't think the whole world thinks like you." Li Er said with his mouth tilted.

Bai Anni's make-up skills are very reliable, none of these female receptionists can recognize the guy in front of him, he is a terrifying detective of death.

"Without quality, you deserve to be maintenance workers for the rest of your life." The female receptionist who spoke angrily pressed the open button of the elevator, they were unwilling to take the same elevator with Li Er and Bai Anni.

"Be careful to poke the button and explode it." Li Er reminded when he saw the female receptionist desperately poking the elevator button.

"My pleasure!"

The female receptionist poked well, and an electric arc flashed on the elevator control panel with a bang, the elevator stopped running, and the elevator door was locked under the protection mechanism.

The corners of Li Er's eyes twitched.

‘I’m not going to be infected with crow’s mouth by the broom star! '

"Ah! What should I do?" A group of female receptionists panicked.

"Master, aren't you two maintenance workers? Hurry up and fix the elevator!" A pretty female receptionist said nervously to Li Er.

Li Er shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm good at connecting the sewers. If you like the high-end work of elevators, you can do it yourself!" Li Er said and handed a screwdriver to the female receptionist.

"Huh??" The female receptionist was dumbfounded.

"There is an alarm button on the control panel of the elevator. Press the alarm button and the duty room will receive the alarm." The cool female receptionist who has not spoken has been speaking.

"Oh! That's right, tell the duty room immediately." The nervous female receptionist hurriedly pressed the elevator's alarm button.

The security of the Cointreau Hotel is really good. Within a few minutes, the staff in the duty room arrived. They opened the elevator with a special key from the outside and let a group of people inside come out.

Li Er and Bo Anni walked at the end.

"Master, she is too vigilant, I failed to secretly install a tracker on her." Bai Anni looked at the back of a female receptionist who walked out of the elevator, and whispered with some disappointment.

As soon as Li Er and Bai Anni saw the cool female receptionist, they sensed that there was something wrong with each other. The police could come to the Cointreau Hotel to scout out spots, and the criminal group that was going to rob would naturally arrange for people to scout out spots.

The cool female receptionist instinctively seized the most favorable corner position as soon as she entered the elevator, and then glanced at Li Er's satchel warily, and then stood still with her hands crossed after she found that there was no problem. Something was wrong, but Li Er and Bai Anni were both old fritters, and after exchanging glances, they confirmed that there was something wrong with each other.

Li Er rubbed his shoulders comfortingly: "If it doesn't work this time, next time. She doesn't only work for one day, she will continue tomorrow. Then you will cover me, and I will put the tracker on."

After Li Er finished speaking, he quickly shut up, he suspected that he had the crow's mouth attribute now, the suspect female receptionist wouldn't really stop coming tomorrow, right?

"Oh—!" Bai Anni nodded.

Li Er guessed it right. Although Zhu Fei didn't realize that Li Er and Bo Anni were staring at her, she was inexplicably restless. She decided not to continue to step on the spot, and miraculously escaped Li Er and Bo Anni's pursuit .

the other side.

Cai Yuanqi was also checking the target he was responsible for. For absolute safety, this guy also arranged a live ammunition drill, and he was relieved after confirming that even if the army was dispatched, it might not be able to snatch the target.

"Hello! Li Er, how is the situation over there?" Cai Yuanqi worried that Li Er would intervene in the case, and the Wanchai Police Station would not cooperate, so he called with concern.

"The weather is calm!" Li Er said perfunctorily with a haha: "I asked the organizer of the exhibition. Their jewelry exhibition is on the 70th floor. I plan to cut off the elevator of the building when their jewelry exhibition dance starts. Wires, so even if the robbers want to rob jewels, wait until they climb the seventy-odd floors from the first floor to ensure that they have three legs that are not soft enough."

"Ugh!" Cai Yuanqi broke into cold sweat, "You're not telling the truth, are you?"

"Of course I'm serious. I bought two pairs of Wang Mazi's scissors and carried them with me. If the transition is safe, I'll just wire the elevator." Li Er said solemnly.

Cai Yuanqi was shocked by Li Er's shameless idea, but he calmed down and thought about it. Li Er's idea is as cheap as it is cheap, but it is very effective. Let alone the robbers climbing upstairs, even if they successfully rob the jewels, going downstairs will be difficult. is a problem.

"Li Er, the Cointreau Hotel is the property of the Li Group. If you disrupt the normal operation of the elevator, you will not be able to bear the complaint." Cai Yuanqi felt that he had to remind Li Er.

"Oh! That's it!" Li Er nodded seriously: "Then I just proposed such an idea, and I didn't do it. What if their elevator breaks down for no reason?"

"Uh—! Pretend I didn't say anything." Cai Yuanqi quickly hung up the phone.

"Cai sir, Li Er must be joking, we are the police, how can we do such a thing?" Cai Yuanqi's deputy said in a low voice.

"Hmm! Makes sense!" Cai Yuanqi nodded, "Go and buy two scissors, Wang Mazi brand."

"Ah???" Assistant Cai Yuanqi was dumbfounded.

Cai Yuanqi said no, but he really liked it in his heart. The target he wanted to protect was also on the 70th floor.

Meanwhile, Murphy returns to their organization's rendezvous.

"Feifei, how is it? Have you figured out the security of the Cointreau Hotel?" the doctor asked relaxedly.

The doctor's other subordinates are testing guns. Rabbit has already bought the required ammunition from Johnny Wang. The small Hong Kong Island has surprisingly complete equipment, and even plastic bombs can be bought.

"There are 20 to 30 people in the security team of the entire Cointreau Hotel Building. The elevators are all monitored, and the alarm button in the front lobby is directly connected to the police call of the Wanchai Police Station." Murphy leaned against the doctor and chuckled, "But it's all There are only two security guards in the underground parking lot of their building.”

The doctor nodded in satisfaction, and it seemed that he could break through from the underground parking lot.

"Rabbit, is the boat ready to go to sea?" the doctor asked his brother.

A guy in sunglasses proudly gave an ok sign.

"Book at Wan Chai Wharf, grab the goods and leave the port directly, and also invite three groups of small gangsters, and at the same time do things at the other three wharves to confuse the cops." Rabbit smiled proudly: "The bumpkins on Hong Kong Island must be the most dangerous. The safest place."

At this time, Liang Kun stared blankly at the 10,000 yuan on the table.

"You can get 30,000 yuan just by doing something casually at the Star Ferry Pier?" Liangkun felt that things were not that simple. Pie fell from the sky, and there were so many people underground. There was no reason that the one who hit him was himself. Liang Kun didn't have any hope for his luck, and today it has been declining from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.

"Silly Qiang, check it secretly. Besides us, has anyone else received the money?" Liang Kun said cautiously. He just took the valet parking of two more venues, and he didn't want to make a mistake and be caught in the pot. Now, the long flow of water is more important than anything else, and now is not the time to be arrogant.

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