What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 252: The Not-So-Smart Mother-in-law

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"Next Wednesday, the Cointreau Hotel will have a private collection of jewelry appreciation. They only invite more than a hundred people, all of whom are celebrities. I managed to get three tickets. I will take the opportunity to meet some rich and powerful businessmen and invest in us. new movie." Long Wei's manager smiled triumphantly.

"I, Long Wei, is opening a new movie, so I still want to take the initiative to find someone to invest in?" Long Wei snorted proudly, this guy is a big brother in action movies, and has a lot of sponsors and investors, so he really doesn't need to nod and bow down. Seek investment from capitalists.

"It's always right to know more rich people!" Long Wei's manager laughed.

Long Wei curled his lips: "Are there any beauties first?"

Long Wei's manager said with a smirk, "The most senior and beautiful beauties on Hong Kong Island will participate!"

"Senior?" Long Wei sneered, and then asked in shock: "Will Bai Qianni go?"

"Hey, as far as I know, Bai Qianni has also received an invitation card and will attend the party as a special guest." Longwei's agent said, and asked in confusion: "Young Master Long, Bai Qianni is thirty How old is it, what is the attraction?"

Long Wei gave his manager a contemptuous glance.

"You old guys only like little girls, but I, as always, insist on liking mature women." Long Wei said seriously with a loyal expression.

Long Wei's manager: "..."

"Cough, cough, cough—!" Long Wei, who was smoking a pipe, was choked by Long Wei's words, and coughed desperately.

"Old Dou, are you okay!" Long Wei hurried over and patted his father on the back with concern. Although this guy is lecherous, he is a dutiful son.


On the other side, Li Er and Bai Anni were eating at Bai Qianni's house.

In order not to make it difficult for his precious apprentice, Li Er dressed neatly this time, with suits and leather shoes, and his hair was trimmed again.

Bai Qianni gave Li Er a sideways look, and nodded noncommittally: "If you tidy it up carefully, you can still be seen by others."

The corner of Li Er's mouth twitched, is this fucking a compliment or a detriment?

"I heard that someone even used bombs to buy Long Wei's life, is it true?" Bai Qianni asked Li Er curiously.

Li Er frowned and looked at Bai Anni.

"Who told you about this?"

Bai Qianni put down the knife and fork, picked up a handkerchief and wiped the corners of her mouth with a light smile, "What secrets can there be in the entertainment industry? It has been spread in the circle for a long time. Is it true, or is Long Wei Company promoting a new movie again?" means?"

"Can this be used for publicity?" Li Er was taken aback for a moment. He didn't understand the entertainment industry, and he didn't want to understand.

"Mum, it's true. Someone planted a landmine on Longwei's filming site and wanted to blow him up." Bai Anni reminded: "Longwei is fine now, and the killer may not give up. If you have any activities recently It's related to Longwei's company, so it's best to stop for a while."

"Using landmines to kill people?" Bai Qianni's face turned pale when she heard Bai Anni's words. Everyone in the entertainment industry knows that Long Wei is a flamboyant person. He is protected by a large group of bodyguards when he goes in and out. Some people dare to kill him.

"Li Er, what security monitoring did you install, and when will it be ready?" Bai Qianni asked worriedly.

"Only these two days!" Li Er delayed, he handed over this matter to Bai Anni, but Bai Anni has no time recently, this guy plans to delay until next week.

"Master, let's find time tomorrow to help my mommy install the security system!" Bai Anni thought for a while and said, with the recent frequent occurrence of major crimes on Hong Kong Island, Bai Anni is also a little worried about her mommy.

"Baby Annie in our family is the most obedient, it's not in vain that Mommy loves you so much!" Bai Qianni smiled happily.

Bai Anni rolled her eyes at her mother. After Bai Qianni gave birth to Annie at the age of seventeen, she was worried that Annie would affect her stardom, so she secretly fostered Annie in a nursery.

Except for sending money regularly, Bai Qianni never cared about Annie.

This woman is definitely not a qualified mother, let alone love her. Fortunately, Annie was optimistic and sensible since she was a child, and she didn't take it to heart.

"Mommy, I just saw an invitation card from the private collection of 'Countreau Hotel' on the table in the living room. You are not going to attend the private collection appreciation meeting of 'Countreau Hotel' next Wednesday!" Bai Anni worried asked.

"That's right! I heard that three priceless jewels will be exhibited at the appreciation fair." Bai Qianni was in high spirits when she mentioned jewels.

"I advise you not to go!"

Bai Qianni spoke honestly, but was interrupted by Li Er, an annoying guy.

"Why?" Bai Qianni asked with a dark face.

"Mommy, if it's really the jewelry fair next Wednesday, you'd better reject it!" Bai Anni also persuaded.

"But why?" Bai Qianni was unhappy.

Annie looked at her master.

Bai Qianni was even more upset.

"Look at what he is doing. Could it be that there is something wrong with you? You can still hide it from Mommy. I can tell you that men are unreliable." Bai Qianni said angrily.

Li Er broke into a cold sweat.

"It's none of your business!" Bo Anni replied, raised her eyebrows and groaned, "Do you think I'm the same as you because you misjudged the person yourself?"

Bai Qianni's face turned red with anger at Annie's words. She really wanted to say that she was doing it for Annie's good, but this was simply untenable.

Li Er was worried that the mother and daughter would quarrel, so he quickly said: "Our police have received reliable information that a group of thugs will rob the jewelry appreciation meeting at the 'Countreau Hotel' next Wednesday. This is an internal police secret. Absolutely no secrets."

"Ah!" Bai Qianni yelled in horror, and then gave Li Er a hard look: "Don't tell me I'm someone who can tell secrets."

Bai Qianni was actually not angry with Annie, she was angry with Li Er. The few times her precious daughter vomited with her recently, it was all because of this bastard in front of her.

Li Er explained embarrassingly: "We are not worried that you will leak the secret, but this group of gangsters are extraordinary. Today, Annie and I went to the 'Countreau Hotel' to check in, and found that the gangsters have sent a ghost to sneak into the hotel to collect information. People work very strictly, and we are all thinking about your safety."

"Oh—!" Bai Qianni nodded: "Then you can inform the organizer to cancel the jewelry appreciation meeting."

Li Er saw that his mother-in-law was so naive in her thirties, and couldn't help feeling a little toothache.

Bai Anni also covered her face in embarrassment and said: "Canceling the jewelry exhibition will only make the gangsters lurk, and next time they will not be the same as robbery. Most importantly, the next time the gangsters change their targets, our police may not be so reliable. information."

"I don't know anything about your police!" Bai Qianni has already realized her mistake, but she still has to criticize Bai Anni: "You are my daughter, if you don't remind me, who will remind me!"

Bai Anni gave her mother a blank look, and said in her heart, "It's really bad luck to be your daughter."

"Not good! If I suddenly reject the invitation and don't go to the jewelry appreciation meeting at the 'Countreau Hotel', will the gangsters suspect that I know the inside story? What if you don't catch all of them and they retaliate against me? "Bai Qianni cried nervously.

It can't be said that there is no such situation at all, but Bai Qianni doesn't believe her son-in-law too much when she says so, and Li sir makes a move, and the fish that slip through the net are extremely limited.

"So you should find a reasonable reason to decline the invitation." Li Er suggested.

"On the day of the Jewelry Appreciation Meeting, if you just say you're in a bad mood, it's fine if you don't go. Anyway, it's not the first time you have broken your word." Bai Anni slandered softly.

Bai Qianni thought without changing her face: "That's fine, but I want the safest one. It just so happens that there is an advertisement to be shot on Taiwan Island, so I decline the invitation and just leave Hong Kong Island. I'm really too smart."

Li Er and Bai Anni nodded indifferently, anyway, as long as Bai Qianni doesn't go to the jewelry appreciation meeting at the 'Countreau Hotel', she can go wherever she likes.

On the other side, Li Jie kept staring at his mobile phone without blinking.

Li Jie has already made up his mind, if Li Er refuses to allow him to participate in the operation, he will secretly follow Li Er, and he will definitely find the 'doctor'.

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