What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 260 Fucking Your Family

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Two black Mercedes were forced to a stop, their tires punctured with nails.

Li Er's car also stopped in front, and the triangular nail was naturally thrown by this guy. Since the expansion of the mustard space, Li Er, a third-rate assassin, has stuffed some essential weapons for home travel and killing people in the mustard space.

"Don't come out without my order!" Li Er said that he had a gun in his hand and night vision goggles on his eyes.

"I know everything, second brother, be careful!" Zhu Wanfang obediently lay on the passenger seat.

On the other side, Li Xianying and Ma Jun also stopped the car, and together with Li Er, they blocked the two ends of a road and sandwiched the black Mercedes-Benz.


"Bang bang bang..."

Responding to Ma Jun's shouts were rows of bullets.

"Hem home shovel--!"

Li Xianying and Ma Jun quickly drew their guns and squatted behind the car as a cover.

"Brother Ying, are you wearing night vision goggles?" Ma Jun asked in a low voice.

"Fuck the street, the night vision goggles are in my own car!" Li Xianying said with a green face, just a few bullets hit Lisa's BMW car, this is not his second-hand classic car, God knows Can it be fixed.

"Ma Jun, I'll draw the other party's attention, you shoot." Li Xianying said, shrinking her neck and bending over, and ran to the grass on the right side of the road.

Li Xianying doesn't draw the other party's attention now, and when he shoots and suppresses him, Lisa's BMW will really be scrapped.

Ma Jun was obviously aware of this too. If it was his and Li Xianying's rotten car, the opponent would shoot whatever they wanted, and after letting the opponent shoot for a round, he would take the opportunity to fight back and catch the opponent by surprise.

"Precious cars are so fucking troublesome!" Ma Jun cursed secretly, squatting on the wheel with guns in both hands, waiting for Li Xianying's signal.


Before Ma Jun could wait for the signal from Li Xianying, Li sir had already fired first. Li Er was the only one with night vision goggles on the scene. This guy exploded the head of an unlucky ghost with one shot. I pray that they are not a clean government. People from the Office!

In order not to be exposed by the gunfire in the dark, Li Er quickly shifted his position to the left after killing a target.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Li Er's gunfire caused the opponent to fight back fiercely. Ma Jun only heard the gunshot, but didn't feel the bullet. He immediately knew that his boss had ended.

Ma Jun stood up excitedly, and fired at the gunfire under the cover of gunfire.

"Bang bang—!"

Li Er was wearing dark clothes and night vision goggles on his head, and he shot very calmly. Two more unlucky ghosts were headshot, and Li Er shifted his position again.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Li Er curled his lips, the angle of the opponent's muzzle was dozens of degrees different from his own, and he wanted to shoot Li Er unless the bullet would bend.

"Bang bang—!"

Li Er reaped two more lives, Ma Jun also hit an unlucky ghost in the back from behind, Li Xianying had also stepped forward, and the three police elites stood in a triangle position to start the massacre mode.

The ten gunmen in the two Mercedes lay down one after another.

"Keep two alive!" Li Er hurriedly reminded.

This guy Ma Jun was in high spirits, while shooting, he ran and charged towards the Mercedes-Benz. If he didn't stop him quickly, he would really wipe out his opponent in minutes.

"Tell me! Who sent you here?" Li Er squatted down and asked the two survivors lying on the ground.

The two gunmen looked at each other, but neither spoke.

"Hmmm! You have character!" Li Er said appreciatively.

"Ma Jun!"


As soon as Li Er's words fell, Ma Jun immediately made a move, and the eyes of the two guys with personalities darkened.

"Can you still maintain your character?" Li Er asked friendly.

The two gunmen gave Li Er a hard look.

Li Er snapped his fingers.


Ma Jun put away his fists,

He casually wiped the blood on his hands, this guy's punches are getting more and more accurate now, and the damage is superimposed. The panda eyes of the two gunmen are dark and bruised, and the eyes are so swollen that they can only open a thin slit.

"Do you want to continue?" Li Er continued to ask the other party's opinion calmly.

"Tou!" Li Xianying found a photo of Li Er from a Mercedes-Benz, which was cut out from a newspaper.

"The target is really me!" Li Er quickly recalled his enemy, this guy thought narcissistically, a peaceful and harmonious person like himself should not have offended anyone.

"Li sir, let's be honest, can you let us live?" a gunman suddenly said.

Li Er nodded with a smile on his face: "Don't be stupid, we are policemen, not gangsters, you have already surrendered, of course you will be handed over to the law for punishment, as for your escape from prison later on, it is out of my control. "

The faces of the two gunmen relaxed.

"It's Johnny Wang."

"Understood!" Li Er nodded. It seemed that Johnny Wang had already guessed that he was the man in black in the Warehouse War. This guy really wanted revenge.

"Johnny Wang asked us to check the family members around you, and we will do it when the time is right, but your family members seem to have moved away." Another gunman said.

Li Yi's family first moved into a high-end apartment complex, and then moved to an office building to work. The people sent by Johnny Wang squatted in various branches of the "Li Ji Tea Restaurant" for several days, but they did not see them. Li Er's family.

"Okay! Be ruthless!" After hearing what the two gunmen said, Li Er's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Eagle, show me where Johnny Wang is, just tonight." Li Er turned his head and glanced at Li Xianying.

Li Xianying nodded solemnly: "Understood!"

"Leave this to Instructor Hu, Ma Jun, you go and help the eagle."


Li Er returned to his car.

"Second brother, are you not injured?" Zhu Wanfang asked worriedly, she clearly heard the dense gunshots just now.

"It's okay! Xiaofang, don't go home to sleep tonight." Li Er was worried that Johnny Wang's people had already targeted Zhu Wanfang.

"Ah!" Zhu Wanfang blushed when she heard Li Er's words: "Then...then I'll go to your room to sleep, Shiya and the others know about our relationship."

Li Er started the car, turned his head and glanced at Zhu Wanfang, this little girl blushed to the back of her ears.

"Then you can share a room with Shi Ya, or, if Annie is not at home, you can sleep at Annie's house for one night." Inside a hospital.

When Zhu Wanfang heard that she was not sleeping in Li Er's room, she was immediately discouraged.

"Then I'll go to sleep at Sister Anne's place. Second brother, will you sleep at Sister Anne's place tonight too?" Zhu Wanfang asked expectantly.

"Second brother has action tonight, I don't know how late he will be back." Li Er said, turning the steering wheel and driving towards the residential area.

"Oh—!" Zhu Wanfang knew that Li Er really had something to do, so she nodded obediently: "Second brother, let me down at the bus station, I'll take a taxi back, don't be too tired."

"No!" Li Er resolutely refused.

Just kidding, putting such a cute little beauty like Zhu Wanfang at the bus stop on such a late night, Li Er may think that the law and order on Hong Kong Island is too good, or maybe he wants a hat to wear.

Thirty minutes later, Li Er sent Zhu Wanfang downstairs and handed Zhu Wanfang the key to Annie's room.

"Take a bath early and go to bed, don't stay up late, your sister Annie is very generous, you can use whatever is in her room, just put it back to her where it was." Li Er couldn't help but said seeing Zhu Wanfang's timid appearance.

"I see, second brother, go get busy! Come back early!" Zhu Wanfang walked towards the elevator with both big and small shopping bags in her hands.

"Ying, find me Yuan Haoyun from the West District, you have his contact information!" Li Er had a flash of inspiration and dialed Li Xianying's mobile phone.

"Understood! I'll go find him right away." Li Xianying said as he loosened the collar of a guy in a red suit.

"Bosses, if there's anything you need, just call and tell me, don't bother you to go there yourself!" Liang Kun straightened the collar of his suit with a bitter face.

"Ask someone, Johnny Wang, you know him!" Ma Jun clenched his right hand into a fist, and his knuckles snapped immediately.

"I know, I must know. I don't know anyone on Guilao Wang Road, but I don't know people like me." Liang Kun nodded quickly and said, this guy is not self-effacing. He really can only be regarded as a little guy.

"Get him out for us!" Ma Jun said viciously.

Liang Kun's face froze: "Bosses, I didn't offend you recently, did I! Let me go to Gui Lao Wang, you might as well tell me to die."

Li Xianying patted Liang Kun on the shoulder: "Don't pretend to be a dead dog for me, it's just for you to find someone. You will benefit from news."

"How much?" Liang Kun asked seriously.

Ma Jun raised his fist.

"Ten thousand yuan!" Li Xianying stopped Ma Jun's fist.

"Deal, Sir Li, then I'm going to find someone." Fearing Ma Jun's fist, Liang Kun hurriedly nodded and bowed with a smile: "Can the two bosses stop rushing to my place to find someone, and let others know that I am the second?" Wu Zai, I'm dead."

Li Xianying nodded without speaking, and led Ma Jun away.

Liang Kun breathed a sigh of relief, looked at his dark eye sockets in the mirror in the toilet, and Ma Jun, the shoveler from the house, punched his eyes before he could speak.

Liang Kun made the eye sockets on her hand a little more miserable, and then walked out of the toilet slowly.

"Brother Kun, Brother Kun, are you okay!" A bald middle-aged man asked Liang Kun nervously.

"Is it okay?" Liang Kun pointed to her injured eye socket: "Boss Liu, those two friends had their wallets and passports stolen in a nightclub. They said they would come to check the cards every night, and my eye sockets were blown out by them." gone."

"Then what should I do? I leave it to you to watch my place, and you should be responsible for losing things!" Boss Liu said nervously.

Liang Kun proudly accepted the responsibility: "I am responsible, but I asked you to add a little insurance premium and let me add a few brothers to help you watch the venue, but you don't want it, your business is so hot every night in such a big venue , I only have eight brothers, how can I see it."

Boss Liu immediately admitted that if the note came to check the cards every night, the business would be impossible.

"Brother Kun, let's add 3,000 yuan a month as a protection fee! Now you have to settle this matter immediately, and quickly find the police officer's things!" Boss Liu wiped the hot sweat on his forehead while A thousand yuan was stuffed into Liangkun's hand.

Liangkun laughed, and the guy patted his chest to assure him: "Boss Liu, don't worry, I'm going to do things now. It's hard to say if I can get the lost property back tonight, at least I can't let those notes come to the venue tomorrow to make trouble."

"Yes, yes, go and get busy! All the drinks and carriages tonight will be mine." Boss Liu said gratefully.

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