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"Hey! Brother, are you still alive?" Yuan Haoyun knocked on the iron gate and shouted loudly. A person who dares to be Johnny Wang's father should not be an enemy even if he is not an ally.

Johnny Wang and his team were also very surprised. Carbon dioxide is not a poisonous gas that kills when touched, and there is a button to open the iron gate from the inside of the arsenal. Why didn't the mysterious man open the door to escape, and there was no other movement.

Johnny Wang shuddered when he thought of the word 'mysterious man'.

"Li Er, you are fucking Li Er!" Johnny Wang yelled angrily.

Yuan Haoyun and Jiang Lang were also stunned when they heard Johnny Wang's words. Li sir is a celebrity in the police circle. Whether it is Yuan Haoyun or Jiang Lang, an undercover policeman, they have all heard the name of "Death Detective" Li Er for a long time.

Li Er had finished harvesting at this time, and after he left a little space to put the personal belongings he cleared out, the whole space was filled to the brim. Verify it!


The iron gates of the arsenal opened.

Li Er's identity was exposed, and he simply removed the uncomfortable disguise on his face.

Yuan Haoyun and Jiang Lang clenched their pistols and carefully looked at the smoky arsenal. Johnny Wang also stared at the surveillance camera in the corridor with wide eyes.

"Li sir, is that you? We are our own!" Jiang Lang knew Li Er's marksmanship well, and he shouted loudly while guarding the arsenal.


Suddenly, a piercing fire alarm sounded throughout the hospital.

It was Yuan Haoyun's girlfriend, Cheng Silin, who rang the fire alarm, and the policemen from the West District Police Station who had lurked into the hospital started to act.

"What's going on?" Li Yi immediately asked Zhou Xingxing.

"It's unlucky, I met a fellow from another police district to handle the case, I suggest withdrawing and go to another hospital for examination." Zhou Xingxing said with a slightly changed face, this guy is really smart enough, and he understands that no amount of credit can be as good as protecting the head The safety of the family is very important. If Li Er finds out that he has neglected his job for the sake of meritorious service, the traffic team will have to fuck him all year round.

"Withdraw!" Li Yi was much more decisive than Zhou Xingxing, and had already run to the obstetrics and gynecology department, while Wang Gangsheng and Zhu Wanfang were still there.

When Zhou Xingxing and Li Yi ran to the obstetrics and gynecology department, they encountered several plainclothes policemen evacuating patients outside, and Zhou Xingxing became more nervous.

"Ale, you idiot, where did you die, go to the obstetrics and gynecology department immediately to protect my sister-in-law." Zhou Xingxing picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted nervously.

Wang Gangsheng had just finished the examination and walked out of the consulting room when he saw many panicked patients running outside in the corridor, and she was passively pushed outside by the flow of people.

"Xiaofang, here!" Wang Gangsheng saw Zhu Wanfang huddled in the corner, and hurriedly waved his hands and shouted.

"What are you two still standing here for? Didn't you hear the fire alarm? Hurry up and evacuate outside, don't block the path of the patients behind." A plainclothes policeman saw Wang Gangsheng and Zhu Wanfang stop and scolded loudly.

"I'm sorry, I have to wait for my husband." Wang Gangsheng pulled Zhu Wanfang aside, stubbornly waiting for Li Yi to come back before walking.

"Bang bang bang..."

Suddenly there were several ear-piercing gunshots in the noisy hospital.

Johnny Wang's men made a move.

"Damn, if you want to catch me, I've always been the only one who can drive others crazy. No one else can force me to do things." Johnny Wang looked at the police in the surveillance video and groaned coldly as he watched the evacuation of patients.

"Bang bang bang bang..." In order to prevent the patient from escaping, Johnny Wang's subordinates killed anyone they saw, frightening the rest of the patients to kneel down with their heads in their hands.

"Close all the exit doors of the hospital and take the patients as hostages. I will accompany these dead cops to the end." Johnny Wang smiled confidently.

Johnny Wang's subordinates swallowed. These people are not idiots, and they all understand that confronting the entire police force will not end well.

"What are you afraid of,

The cop has a gun, don't you? The note uses .38, but you use AK. "Johnny Wang said, looking at his confidantes with contempt: "If you can't beat this, then you deserve to go back to the crotch of a woman and rebuild." "

"Boss, we listen to you." Johnny Wang's subordinates were aroused and shouted in unison.

"Very good! Fill the entire hospital with remote-controlled bombs, and I want those scoundrels to know how much it will cost to win me." Johnny Wang clapped his hands and laughed.

When Johnny Wang's subordinates heard about this crazy plan, they became full of confidence. As long as there were hostages in hand, the police would naturally be wary.

"Back back, all back!" One of Johnny Wang's men fired two shots at the ceiling, forcing the patients in the corridor back.

"Bastard, come down, if you're a second late, I'll shoot you in the head." Johnny Wang's men pointed a gun at a guy on the ladder.

"Are you sure to let me down!" Ma Jun said unhurriedly. The metal box in the arsenal cut off the signal. Ma Jun couldn't contact Li Er. He didn't know whether to fire, but the other party pointed a gun at him now. head, there is no reason not to fight back.

"Damn it, I think you really want to die!"


As soon as Johnny Wang's finger was on the trigger, Ma Jun fired first, and it was a headshot. Of course, the distance was less than one meter, and Ma Jun had nothing to be proud of.

"Boss Ying, my identity has been exposed." Ma Jun notified Li Xianying through the communicator with some concern.

Ma Jun was mainly afraid of affecting Li Er's plan, but he didn't know that Li Er had a plan, and Li Sir's purpose was very simple, which was to make a bomb, and it had already been completed by this time.

"You're still showing your fart! This side is already desperate, hurry up and come to support!"

"Da da da......"

Li Xianying's voice was mixed with gunshots. It seemed that the battle was indeed fierce. Li Xianying was not Li Er after all. As soon as he saw the staff of the West District Police Station in trouble, he immediately rushed to help.

"Stop, all squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands..."

Li Yi and Zhou Xingxing just ran across a corner, and were unlucky to run into a gunman under Johnny Wang.

Zhou Xingxing was about to draw his gun sideways when Li Yi shot.

"Ka--, bang--!"

Li Yi shot quickly, and inserted a finger under the wrench of the opponent's pistol. The opponent pulled the trigger vigorously, but found that the trigger was held by Li Yi's finger and could not be pulled down. He was about to raise his fist to fight Li Yi back.


Li Yi's fist had already hit the gunman's face, the gunman's eyes darkened, his body fell back, and Li Yi snatched the gun.

"Hey, Boss Yi, you...you can't use a gun." Zhou Xingxing was taken aback by Li Yi's skill, and thought to himself that Atou's eldest brother is not a chef, how can he be so good at cooking?

Zhou Xingxing was intimidated by Li Jie last time, and now he dare not say casually like 'you can use the gun if you can grab it'.

Li Yi ignored Zhou Xingxing and hurried to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Zhou Xingxing quickly followed.

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