What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 266 I’m Actually a Cook

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Zhou Xingxing patted Chen Baila on the head hard.

"Are you kidding me? I need body armor even more at this time." Chen Baile retorted.

"You idiot, this is an order, take off the body armor immediately." Zhou Xingxing cursed angrily.

Zhou Xingxing had already taken off his body armor and put it on for Wang Gangsheng.

"Don't scare me with orders, I'm sorry, I'm quitting." Chen Baila snorted.

"That's right, return the bulletproof vest from the police station, and you can get out." Zhou Xingxing was about to take off the bulletproof vest that Chen Baile was wearing, and this guy really spared no effort in flattering.

"Don't make noise, someone is coming." Li Yi made a warning gesture.

Zhou Xingxing was stunned for a moment. Li Yi's hand gestures were clearly used by the police force, but his movements were very skillful. Is this a fucking must-have skill for a chef?

"Don't shoot, let me do it!" Zhou Xingxing said in a low voice.

Zhou Xingxing was cheated by Li Jie last time and became very cautious.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, Zhou Xingxing jumped out suddenly, pressed the person who was walking on the ground, and covered his mouth with his hand.

"Why is it a woman?" Zhou Xingxing was dumbfounded.

"Crazy, why don't you press her hands and press her chest?" Zhou Xingxing scolded Chen Baila angrily.

There is no need for Zhou Xingxing to scold, Chen Baile will receive the retribution he deserves in the next second.


Chen Baila covered his crotch with both hands, lying on the floor in pain and twitching.

"It's -!" Zhou Xingxing hummed to relieve his hatred.

"I'm sorry, we are the police, I thought you were a gangster just now." Zhou Xingxing let go of the woman's mouth and explained.

"Which department do you belong to? Why don't I know you?"

It was Cheng Silin who came, and she thought she had met Johnny Wang's subordinates, so she was almost scared to death.

"Uh, you are also a policeman?" Zhou Xingxing responded immediately, "We are from the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station."

"Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station?" Cheng Silin did not ask Zhou Xingxing's police rank, and immediately directed Zhou Xingxing: "I am Cheng Silin Probationary Inspector of the Western District Police Station, hurry up and help transfer the baby in the delivery room."

The corner of Zhou Xingxing's mouth twitched, not to mention that he had a mission to protect Li Yi's family. Even if he didn't have a mission, Zhou Xingxing didn't want to get involved in this muddy water.

On the way back to the obstetrics and gynecology department from the registration hall in the hospital lobby, Zhou Xingxing had already encountered many innocent patients who were shot and killed by gangsters, while the people from the West District Police Station were still fighting on their own, failing to organize an effective attack. Zhou Xingxing is not Li Xianying, he still wants to be promoted, so he must not take the blame with others.

"I'm sorry, I still have tasks and I can't help you." Zhou Xingxing directly refused.

"What did you say?" Cheng Silin thought he heard it wrong.

Zhou Xingxing didn't want to have anything to do with these walking scapegoats, he didn't even bother to explain, so he signaled to Chen Baile that he was going to leave.

"Da da da da da..."

Another row of violent gunfire sounded.

Zhou Xingxing quickly squatted down. The gunshots came from upstairs. Four or five gunmen set up submachine guns on the windows and fired wildly at the patients who escaped from the hospital. A large number of innocent patients who were shot fell down downstairs. Xing Xing and Chen Baila carefully glanced out of the window, their faces turning pale.

"I'm fucking your ancestor!" Chen Baila was incompetent but courageous. This guy raised his .38 pistol and shot at the gunman upstairs from a sideways position.

"Bang bang bang bang bang..."

Chen Baila fired all six bullets, not even hurting the gangster's hair.

"Back back, back up, back into the room."

Seeing Chen Baile revealing his position, Zhou Xingxing was furious, but he had no choice but to raise his gun to accompany Chen Baile to shoot, and cover Li Yi and others to avoid it.

"Bang bang bang—!"

Zhou Xingxing fired three shots in a row, but all of them missed. At this time, the two gunmen upstairs had already turned their guns.

The two AK47s pointed obliquely at Zhou Xingxing's position.

Zhou Xingxing flashed behind Chen Baile eye-catchingly, and the ghost said that you have a bulletproof vest and I don't. In fact, the bulletproof vest has a very limited effect on ak47. It's just that Chen Baile, a military illiterate, doesn't understand, this guy just changed the bullet , relying on his bulletproof vest, he was planning to use his '.38' pistol to kill the opponent's ak47.

"Da da da......"

The bullets from the AK47 were thrown at Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baile like money. The two guys panicked and their marksmanship became even worse.


Suddenly two gunshots sounded from behind Zhou Xingxing.

It was Li Yi who fired the gun. Li Yi hit a gangster holding an AK47, and the bullet passed through the opponent's shoulder. This was not a fatal injury, but the gangster aimed at Zhou Xingxing and others in the window better. Sitting straddling the window, his shoulders hurt, and he withdrew his body. He lost his grip on the window frame and fell down from the seventh floor of the hospital unluckily. This time he was dead.

"There is one more, shoot!" Zhou Xingxing stopped thinking about a cook at this time, why he could cook and shoot, and urged Li Yi to quickly kill another gangster.

"Da da da da..."

A row of bullets swept past.

"Ah! Damn it hurts so much!" Chen Baile was hit by the blow, and he collapsed on the floor and rolled over.

"The other party is condescending, we don't have the right place, cover me!" Li Yi said, and rushed to the window at the end of the corridor.

Zhou Xingxing pulled Chen Baile back while shooting to cover Li Yi.

Li Yi's body was leaning against the wall, and half of his eyes were slightly exposed, aiming diagonally upwards. By chance, he could see half of the opponent's head.


Li Yi quickly pulled the trigger, and four bullets were fired at the same time. He didn't know which bullet hit the opponent, and the gangster's body fell on the window sill.

Li Yi hurriedly shifted his position and ran back into the room.

Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baila were already furious at this time.

"Without the certainty of absolute suppression, your West District Police Station dares to act in a place like a hospital where there are a lot of people?" Zhou Xingxing looked at Cheng Silin as if he had seen a ghost, and his heart was cold. So many innocent citizens were shot dead, Zhou Xingxing Although he was angry with the gangsters, he was more powerless towards the West District Police Department.

"Who are these bastards, and how many are there?" Chen Baila peeled off the body armor, and desperately slapped his chest, which was shot. Of course, pain in Chen Baile's body was inevitable.

"I don't know how many people there are?" Cheng Silin was stopped by Chen Baile.

"Ah???" Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baila twitched uncontrollably. The two of them were at the bottom of the CID in Tsim Sha Tsui, but they suddenly felt smarter.

"I only know that the leader is Johnny Wang." Cheng Silin added.

"Johnny Wang?" Zhou Xingxing's eyes lit up. He knew that Li Er was searching for Johnny Wang, and the report said it might be a great achievement.

"No matter what kind of dog it is, hurry up and call for support. Haven't you seen how fierce their firepower is? You like to overdo your own strength and die, and don't harm those unlucky patients. What kind of grudge does he have against you?" Chen Baila covered his chest and jumped.

"I think your skills are average!" Cheng Silin's face was extremely ugly when Zhou Xingxing and Chen Baila yelled at her. She just looked outside and saw that the two gunmen were shot dead by Li Yi.

"What's the name of this guy? Are you sure to block the other party, let's rescue the children first!" Cheng Silin asked Li Yi.

Li Yi gave Cheng Silin an embarrassed look, and said seriously: "Actually, I'm a cook, I'm not a policeman."

"Brother Yi, don't go!" Wang Gangsheng also hurriedly hugged Li Yi's arm, shaking his head nervously. Just now Li Yi was exchanging fire with the bandits outside, and Wang Gangsheng was scared to death. This time, no matter what, he couldn't let himself be a man. Take half a step away from yourself.

"Brother Yi, let's notify Second Uncle immediately!" Wang Gangsheng said nervously.

"Yes, yes, tell the boss quickly, and send our people over. With these idiots, we are dead." Chen Baile hurriedly echoed, Chen Baile was upset about many things, except for killing people. Li Er admired him to death, "Death Detective" definitely did not spend money to let the media blow it out.

Zhou Xingxing and Li Yi also discovered that the other party's gunman was ambushing in the dark and covering the entire downstairs. Now the danger of going downstairs to escape is too great, so they can only temporarily hide in the building, and reinforcements are definitely needed.

"The large force of our West District Police Station will soon block the hospital building, and the first priority now should be to evacuate the patients." Cheng Silin retorted: "This is a case of our West District Police Station."

"I think you are crazy at the West District Police Station. The culprits have guns in their hands, and the firepower is fierce. You evacuate the patients. Are you trying to force the other party to kill?" Although Chen Baile was nonsensical, what he said meant something. In essence, Johnny Wang's purpose is nothing more than to take patients as hostages. The more he runs, the more he will be shot and killed. As for how to rescue the hostages later, that is the responsibility of the police, which is also the second step.

Chen Baila was even more furious when he saw Cheng Silin holding a baby like a virgin. There were dozens of babies in the whole baby room, and several of them could carry a few with two hands, in case they bumped into each other Whoever is responsible for the babies, even if Johnny Wang's people are all pigs, they will not kill these little babies who are not threatening but can be used as important bargaining chips.

"Tell her that I have to save some time to bet on horses, lest she lower my IQ." Chen Baila said to Zhou Xingxing, he no longer wanted to talk to Cheng Silin.

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