"What should I do if I open the wrong plug-in ()"

Outside the gate of Mingxin Hospital.

"Huang Qifa, Inspector of the Serious Crime Squad of the Western District, you are surrounded by us, you are given three minutes to release all the hostages, surrender your weapons and surrender." A ruddy guy with a loudspeaker shouted loudly.

At this time, the large police force arrived and surrounded the entire Mingxin Hospital. Huang Qifa was confident that the gangsters inside would be hard to fly. However, Johnny Wang didn't seem to be planning to break out of the encirclement and escape.

Johnny Wang glanced at Huang Qifa in the monitor like an idiot, then turned his head to look for Jiang Langyu Yuan Haoyun on other monitors.

"They're going up to the fourth floor. Send a team of brothers to stop them. They will die or not." Johnny Wang groaned convulsively. The two guys, Yuan Haoyun and Jiang Lang, killed many of Johnny Wang's men along the way. , their target is obviously Johnny Wang in the monitoring room.

"Where's that bastard Li Er?" Johnny Wang quickly searched for Li Er's trace.

As a hidden assassin, Li Er has his own anti-reconnaissance ability. Every time this guy finds a surveillance camera, he shoots and blows it up. Johnny Wang wants to see Li Er in the monitor. It's not too difficult.

"Looking at the damage sequence of the surveillance cameras, he went in the direction of the obstetrics and gynecology department." Johnny Wang's subordinate judged.

"Why did he go to the obstetrics and gynecology department?" Johnny Wang was a little confused. In fact, Li Er's work was floating and his logic was chaotic. Many people were confused about Li Er.

"Maybe it's to rescue someone?" Johnny Wang's subordinate pointed to the monitor screen of the camera at the entrance of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department.

"Notify the brothers in the obstetrics and gynecology department, open fire with all your strength, and I will let you save the corpse." Johnny Wang sneered.

"Understood!" Johnny Wang's subordinate picked up the phone and nodded.

At the same time, people from the Wanchai Police Station and an ambulance arrived on the scene.

It was the first time for these ambulance workers to go to the hospital to rescue the wounded. When they saw the looming black gun barrel behind the glass window, they were all scared and huddled behind the police car, refusing to go forward to rescue the wounded.

"Which police station are you from?" Cao Dahua shouted domineeringly as he pushed away a group of uniformed policemen with a beer belly.

"I'm Huang Qifa, Inspector of the Western District Serious Crime Squad!" Huang Qifa said proudly with his head raised.

"Inspector of the Western District Serious Crime Squad?" Cao Dahua glanced at Huang Qifa, who was in a neat suit, and took out his police officer's card and pinned it to his coat.

"Wan Chai Police Station!" Cao Dahua turned his head and squinted at Huang Qiqi from the corner of his eye at a forty-five degree angle: "Senior—inspector, Cao Dahua."

Sure enough, as long as the soft food is good, promotion is indispensable, and Cao Dahua seems to have been promoted again. After leaving the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, this pretentious old guy has been promoted all the way.

"Hello, Sir Cao!" Huang Qifa found out that Cao Dahua's police rank was higher than his, so he hurriedly greeted him with a smiling face.

"What's the situation? When will it be your turn to take care of the affairs of our Wanchai Police Station's jurisdiction." Cao Dahua said with a curled lip.

"Uh——! Sir Cao, Johnny Wang's single arms case is being followed up by our West District Serious Crime Squad. Our Superintendent Peng has already reported to your director." Huang Qifa quickly said.

'Johnny Wang's arms case. ’ As soon as Cao Dahua’s eyes lit up, he immediately remembered that this was the same case as the wharf warehouse case.

Cao Dahua, an old guy, can't do anything, but he is definitely the number one in taking credit.

In fact, Ye Dexian had already told Cao Dahua a few days ago that the West District Police Station was going to cross-districts to handle the case, but Cao Dahua was absent-minded at the time and didn't take it to heart.

"The Wanchai Police Station and the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station have been involved in the investigation of Johnny Wang's arms case. If you haven't watched the TV news, you should read the newspaper. We seized a large amount of arms at the warehouse at the Wanchai Wharf." Cao Dahua said with a straight face. .

"Cao sir, that's not the case. Our West District Serious Crime Squad has deployed an undercover investigation of Johnny Wang a few years ago." Huang Qifa said anxiously, Superintendent Peng's operation was not a good command,

He wanted to disguise himself as a doctor and enter the front line. Now that Cao Dahua was bullying others with his high police rank, Huang Qifa couldn't stand it.

"That's it. Your West District Police Station has been working on this case for several years. We have taken over this case, and now the suspect is still in our Wan Chai area. It is reasonable and reasonable." Cao Dahua patted Huang Qifa on the shoulder and smiled. : "Have Johnny Wang and his gang of gangsters been trapped in the hospital?"

"Yes, but there are also many patients who have been taken hostage inside! Many!"

Huang Qifa's tone was very warning. He tried to make Cao Dahua back out of difficulties. Unfortunately, in addition to his proficiency in grabbing credit, Cao Dahua was also adept at throwing blame.

"What? You let the gangsters take the patients in the hospital as hostages?" Cao Dahua yelled angrily, "Is this how you planned your actions? It's unforgivable!"

Cao Dahua was even more outraged when he saw many reporters' cameras pointing at him.

"Back off!" Cao Dahua repelled Huang Qifa "angrily".

"Lu Qichang, this case is now being taken over by our Wanchai Serious Crime Squad, come up with a safe plan for me immediately." Cao Dahua beckoned Lu Qichang and Miao Zhishun over: "Listen, I don't want any innocent Citizens are hurt."

Lu Qichang and Miao Zhishun looked at each other, and both of them cursed in unison in their hearts, "Mom sells criticism", this bastard is playing tricks again, if someone is held hostage or killed at that time, he will definitely pass the responsibility to Lu Qichang and Miao Zhishun Shun, these two unlucky ghosts.

"Cao sir, let's call the Flying Tigers!" Lu Qichang suggested. Lu Qichang is a practical man. As soon as he arrived at the scene, he asked Huang Qifa's subordinates. He knew that the gangsters in the hospital had very fast firepower.

"Can't our Serious Crime Squad handle this case by ourselves?" Cao Dahua asked in a low voice. Although this guy has no skills, fortunately he has self-knowledge and knows that Lu Qichang and Miao Zhishun should be in charge of this aspect of work.

Lu Qichang and Miao Zhishun shook their heads together.

Just then there were rows of gunshots coming from the hospital building.

Miao Zhishun said with certainty: "This kind of continuous gunfire is either AK47 or MP5. We can't do it with 38."

"Okay, I'll call the Flying Tigers right away, but there are so many reporters here now, show me the prestige of our Wanchai Police Station." Cao Dahua said with a straight face.

"Understood! Then save the wounded at the door first." Lu Qichang replied.

"Miao Zhishun, a few people from your team are responsible for covering me." Lu Qichang quickly organized a rescue team, and a dozen police officers held shields and pushed towards the wounded lying in front of the hospital.

"Da da da da da..."

The gunman ambushing at the window of the hospital building immediately raised his AK47 to shoot at the rescue team.

Cao Dahua was shocked when he saw the bullets flying horizontally, and quickly retreated behind a police car.

"Miao Zhishun!" Lu Qichang yelled loudly, trying to shrink his figure as much as possible to hide himself behind the police shield. The opponent's firepower was too fierce, and a row of bullets swept across, leaving the police shield with pits and holes.

Lu Qichang suspected that the shield would not be able to stop the opponent's second round of strafing, so he hurriedly ordered the rescue team to speed up their pace, and dragged the wounded under the shield.

"Bang bang!" Although Miao Zhishun had a '.38' pistol, he only fired two shots and almost headshot an AK47 gangster.

"Bang bang!" Miao Zhishun continued to shoot, but still missed. The range of '38' was limited, and the opponent's distance was too far.

Miao Zhishun took a shield and planned to rush forward, get closer and shoot.

"Miao Zhishun, use my gun." Cao Dahua stuffed his Glock pistol to Miao Zhishun, the sharpest marksman in the entire Wanchai police station.

After Miao Zhishun changed his equipment, he immediately rushed forward holding his shield.

"Bang bang—!"

Miao Zhishun fired two more shots.

An ak47 gangster was headshot by Miao Zhishun, and his body fell straight from the window.

"Good job!" Cao Dahua excitedly clenched his fists and shouted.

Miao Zhishun's efforts really boosted the morale of the police force. The rescue team took the opportunity to pull five or six injured people back, and the medical staff of the ambulance rushed to take over.

"Da da da da da..."

Miao Zhishun was taken care of by the firepower, and he quickly walked up holding the shield snakeskin.

"Don't fucking watch the show! Come and cover me with some people!" Miao Zhishun screamed, Lu Qichang's judgment was correct, the police shield really couldn't stop the second round of AK47 shooting, but luckily Miao Zhishun didn't like to pretend Forced, he was wearing a bulletproof vest, and after a few bullets passed through the police shield, they were blocked by Miao Zhishun's bulletproof vest.

"Aren't you going?" Cao Dahua asked Huang Qifa who was unwilling to leave.

Huang Qifa quickly shook his head, this guy looked at the high-spirited Cao Dahua, feeling sour in his heart.

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