What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 273 Pretending to be aggressive has a price.

"What should I do if I open the wrong plug-in ()"

"Why are you so afraid of death?" Fang Jiexia said contemptuously to Li Er when the gunfire stopped.

"I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of pain!" Li Er explained solemnly.

Fang Jiexia rolled her eyes speechlessly. Naturally, she would not believe Li Er's nonsense, but after thinking about it carefully, what Li Er said was not completely unreasonable. If you are injured and your body is not in pain, then a person who is not afraid of death will really There are quite a few.

Li Er bowed his head and carefully changed the magazine. Although this guy's character was average, Fang Jiexia had to admit that Li Er's marksmanship was really excellent.


Suddenly a violent explosion blew away more than a dozen glass windows, and the fragments of the glass windows flew out. The policemen on guard around the hospital hid behind the bunkers one after another. Cao Dahua skillfully picked up a shield in front of him. Although the explosion of the bomb Violent, but impossible to hurt him.

"Hey!" Cao Dahua turned his head and gave Li Er a smug look, as if I could get things done without you.

Li Er: "..."

Both Cao Dahua and Fang Jiexia thought that Li Er didn't want to do anything and wanted to share the credit.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the two idiots Li Xianying and Ma Jun were still fighting in the hospital, Li Er would turn his head and leave now. Really don't care at all.

"Ring ring ring ring..."

Li Er's cell phone rang, and he raised his hand to answer it. It was Ma Jun calling.

"Hey! Boss, how do you defuse this kind of bomb in the hospital?" Ma Jun asked nervously.

"Who told you that I can dismantle bombs?" Li Er glanced at Fang Jiexia and motioned her to help him block the direction of the hospital. Fang Jiexia was also happy to steal the teacher, and hurriedly stuck to Li Er's side, eavesdropping on what Li Er was saying.

"Brother, what's your name, oh! Jiang Lang." Ma Jun reported to Li Er: "A brother named Jiang Lang said it."

"You met Yuan Haoyun and Jiang Lang, those two unlucky ghosts?" Li Er was stunned for a moment, and asked quickly.

Li Er directly used the mustard space to devour bombs, and he knew shit about bomb disposal techniques.

"Yes, we have found Johnny Wang's grandson, and we are joining forces to kill the fuck. Boss, Johnny Wang has a bomb detonator in his hand. We must first resolve the bomb crisis."

Li Er faintly heard the urgent gun battle on the other end of the phone.

"The solution to the bomb crisis is not to dismantle the bomb. Kill Johnny Wang and grab the detonator." Li Er said viciously.

"Understood!" Ma Jun didn't think about what Li Er said, and hung up the phone to fight Johnny Wang's gang.

"Li sir, grabbing Johnny Wang's detonator might force Johnny Wang to detonate the bomb in advance, right?" Fang Jiexia looked at Li Er suspiciously and asked cautiously.

"Then what do you say?" Li Er asked, spreading his hands.

Fang Jiexia shook her head: "I don't know, but snatching must be risky."

Li Er nodded in agreement: "Well, if you kneel down and lick each other, there will be no risk. If you are afraid of danger, you will sit in an office and work as a clerical worker, stupid!"

Fang Jiexia blushed and glared at Li Er angrily.

The bomb disposal team finally arrived at Shanshan and began to enter the hospital.

Li Er naturally wouldn't believe these so-called bomb disposal experts. In order to prevent Li Xianying from paying back the money he owed him, he quickly connected to Li Xianying.

"Eagle, after killing Johnny Wang as quickly as possible, exit the hospital area quickly. Don't touch those bombs. Do you hear me? Don't worry about the bombs. Bomb disposal experts have already entered the field." Li Er spoke very quickly. said quickly.

Inside the hospital, it was Ma Jun and Jiang Lang who were chasing Johnny Wang. Li Xianying and Yuan Haoyun were helping to rescue the patients trapped in the hospital.

"Kill Johnny Wang first?" Li Xianying quickly grasped the key point in Li Erhua.

"Old Yuan, I'll help Ma Jun get rid of Johnny Wang first, and you can handle it yourself! By the way, did you tell the people outside to call the fire brigade? Why hasn't anyone come to put out the fire for so long?" Li Xian Ying was sweating profusely and stuffed the baby in his arms to Yuan Haoyun,

The explosion caused a fire in the hospital, and they had to move the incapacitated babies.

"Ah! Didn't you call the fire brigade?" Yuan Haoyun asked Li Xianying back.

Li Xianying's face, which was scorched black by the fire, suddenly turned extremely black.

"Fuck the street, go to hell!" Li Xianying was so angry that he almost kicked Yuan Haoyun's ass. Maybe Li Er was right, Yuan Haoyun really did more than fail.

Li Xianying hurriedly asked Li Er for support from the fire brigade.

"Did you hear that?" Li Er turned to Fang Jiexia and asked.

"Hmm!" Fang Jiexia nodded solemnly.

"Then hurry up and report to your white rice king!" Li Er spread his hands and said.

Fang Jiexia swallowed her saliva.

In the current situation, the hostages inside will be burned to death if they don't enter the scene to save people, but if they go to the scene to save people, they have to beware of bombs that may explode at any time. Cao Dahua's beautiful vision of besieging Johnny Wang until he surrenders is about to come to nothing.

"Li sir, how will you break the game?" Fang Jiexia asked in a low voice.

"Do you think I will answer?" Li Er gave Fang Jiexia a sideways look.

"Of course not!" Fang Jiexia was immediately discouraged, how could a treacherous and ghostly guy like Li Er take the initiative to cause trouble.

After Fang Jiexia reported the battle situation in the hospital to Cao Dahua, Cao Dahua had a headache.

"What can you two do?"

Lu Qichang had already rushed into the hospital, Cao Dahua could only ask Fang Jiexia and Miao Zhishun.

"There is no other way. We can only rush in and try our best to save people. Although Johnny Wang may take the opportunity to escape, he can still be arrested in the future. No one can bear the responsibility of hostage casualties." Miao Zhishun's three views are extremely positive said.

Fang Jiexia immediately agreed: "I agree with Sir Miao's idea."

Cao Dahua looked at Li Er nervously. Half of this guy was really nervous, and half was pretending. He mainly wanted to pull Li Er into the water. Unfortunately, Li Er is also an actor. Li Sir's expression was a little dull. degree angle to the sky.

Being the commander on the scene, of course, has to bear the responsibility.

"Cao sir, I can't wait any longer." Miao Zhishun reminded that he really wanted to do something practical.

"Keep ten, no, keep twenty guys for me, and take the rest away!" Cao Dahua finally stiffened.

"Yessir!" Miao Zhishun's face was full of determination.

Cao Dahua's face was full of gloom. There is a saying that "the man who sees the wind and the rudder is a hero". He is already considering whether to lower his figure and invite Li Er, a bastard, to be the commander. In this kind of situation, he is not capable enough , It is indeed impossible to hold.

"Why are you still here?" Cao Dahua looked at Fang Jiexia and scolded with a dark face.

Cao sir was upset, and when he saw Fang Jiexia still standing still, he got angry. She was so cute. As soon as this woman saw Li Er, she ran over to show her hospitality, and didn't consider her boss's feelings.

"Cao sir, I'll follow inside, it won't help me." Fang Jiexia retorted.

"Then you're saying I was wrong?" Cao Dahua snorted coldly.

"Uh——! You're right!" Fang Jiexia said with a bitter face. She was very smart and soon realized that she was an innocent disaster.

"Since I'm right, it's your fault. Go!" Cao Dahua stuffed a shield into Fang Jiexia's hand, and played the game of overwhelming others. Cao Dahua is simply very talented and very handy.

Fang Jiexia looked at Li Er, blinking desperately to use the beauty trick.

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