What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 279 It's very important to stand in line

Police Department.

After the meeting, Xu Rulin gave Huang Bingyao a wink, and Huang Bingyao soon came to the office of Xu Rulin's deputy director of the operation department.

"Xu sir, I'm sorry, the matter of Mingxin Hospital made you lose face, I will definitely teach that bastard Li Er a lesson when I go back." Huang Bingyao, an old guy, can speak in a serious manner.

Xu Rulin glared at Huang Bingyao, and shook his hand speechlessly. He obviously knew Huang Bingyao very well, and he didn't take Huang Bingyao's clichés to heart. He pointed to a chair and said, "Sit down! I have something to talk to you about."

It seems that the friendship between these two old guys is not ordinary.

Huang Bingyao shrugged and sat down.

"Cai Yuanqi, you go out first, I have something to talk to Huang sir." Xu Rulin asked Cai Yuanqi to close the door.

"Yes, sir!"

Cai Yuanqi gave Huang Bingyao a strange look. Xu Rulin has a very wide network of contacts. Although Cai Yuanqi is Xu Rulin's confidant, it is impossible to know all of Xu Rulin's circle of friends.

Xu Rulin walked to his desk, turned around and found that Huang Bingyao was not sitting on the chair, but Huang Bingyao, an old fellow, walked to the sofa and sat comfortably.

"I thought you were going to sink, but I didn't expect to find a good general. Li Er is a talent." Xu Rulin walked to the sofa and sat beside Huang Bingyao.

Huang Bingyao curled his lips and said, "If you want to tell me, even a blind person can see this."

With Xu Rulin's ability, he returned to the police station in the morning, and within an hour, he had a thorough understanding of the entire Mingxin Hospital case. It was not for the intervention of the Tsim Sha Tsui police officers led by Li Er, the loss of Mingxin Hospital would definitely not stop there.

"First of all, I'd like to say hello to you. The matter of Mingxin Hospital is settled. The responsibility is mainly borne by the people from the Wanchai Police Station and the West District Police Station. The three of you will share the credit equally." Xu Rulin patted Huang Bingyao on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"That's so good!" Huang Bingyao was overjoyed, and then immediately glanced at Xu Rulin warily: "Fang Paulo seems to intend to get closer to you, and you will let him take the blame?"

Paul Fang is the director of the Western District Police Department.

Xu Rulin looked at Huang Bingyao's distrustful expression and shook his head.

"Couldn't you beat him if you get closer?" Xu Rulin smiled meaningfully.

Huang Bingyao's heart trembled. Sometimes Huang Bingyao really couldn't understand Xu Rulin's methods. He deserved that this bastard could stand firm in the police department, but he would be kicked to work in the branch office.

"I want to transfer Li Er to our operations department." Xu Rulin said suddenly.

"Just think about it, Li Er is our Tsim Sha Tsui's 'treasure of the town store', you can tune it!" Huang Bingyao looked at Xu Rulin with a sneer, as if I had seen you have a conspiracy.

Huang Bingyao has already seen that the serious crime team under Li Er's jurisdiction, whether it is Li Xianying, Ma Jun, or even Zhou Xingxing, who has recently risen to the top, is a leader in talent.

But Li Xianying and these bastards are also very troublesome thorns at the same time, that is, Li Er can suppress these guys. If Li Er is transferred away, the entire serious crime team will definitely be thundered. Huang Bingyao just enjoyed Li Er The dividends brought will never let people go.

Xu Rulin nodded, but did not speak.

"Unless you have the ability to transfer me back to the police department, just assign me a random position in the five major departments. You also know that I am never picky. Anyway, it is not the first time I have worked under your command. " Huang Bingyao said suddenly.

Xu Rulin smiled.

"Arrange as you say. Don't forget, I'm just a deputy now." Although Xu Rulin said this, his face was full of confidence.

"Then there is nothing to say, let's go!" Huang Bingyao stood up impatiently as he said.

"Wait—!" Xu Rulin reached out to stop Huang Bingyao, and said with a smile, "I have a reliable source of information. Ye Dequan has reached a certain kind of agreement with the director. You don't want to see me lose!"

"That's it?" Huang Bingyao spread his hands and sneered, "You are ashamed to use such a low-level provocative method, and even use it on me. I'm sure you can't lose."

Huang Bingyao was surprisingly confident in Xu Rulin, but Ye Dequan and the top leader of the police force couldn't make Xu Rulin retreat?

Xu Rulin smiled when he heard Huang Bingyao's words.

"But the two of them teaming up will get me in trouble."

Xu Rulin didn't refute Huang Bingyao's words. It wouldn't be true that the second-in-command and the first-in-command of the police force would not be able to make Xu Rulin, an old guy, bow his head!

"Trouble is right. Didn't you like trouble the most before? It's just what you want." Huang Bingyao smiled gloatingly.

Xu Rulin shook his head with a wry smile.

"Time is not forgiving!"

Huang Bingyao's face froze, and he suddenly lost the interest of stalking others.

"If there is anything I can help, I will ask Li Er to help. As for the transfer, don't even think about it." Huang Bingyao's voice came from behind.

"It's done!" Xu Rulin smiled.

When Huang Bingyao walked downstairs, he had a faint feeling that he might have been tricked by Xu Rulin again. Maybe Xu Rulin didn't want to transfer anyone at all, but just to spy on his bottom line, and it was true that he had a task for Li Er.

the other side.

Police Administration.

A thin old guy stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, watched Huang Bingyao's car leave, and sighed.

"Although Huang Bingyao went to Xu Rulin's office, if this old fat man doesn't get in, he may not necessarily be on the same team as Xu Rulin." A middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and looking very gentle said.

"What do you know? Huang Bingyao used to work under Xu Rulin. Even if he didn't stand on the same team as Xu Rulin, he would never stand with us." The skinny old man snorted with a gloomy expression.

This thin-looking old man is Ye Dequan, one of the deputy directors of the police department. Although this person is at the same level as Xu Rulin, he doesn't have the slightest aura. Everyone in the affairs office thought he was just a transparent person with a quota.

"That's enough. Xu Rulin's minions can hold one at a time." The middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses smiled.

Ye Dequan turned around and glanced at the man with gold-rimmed glasses, his face was full of disappointment.

"You don't have to listen to Du Weilian. I know exactly what he has in mind. Don't be used as a gun." Ye Dequan warned: "To deal with Xu Rulin, you don't even have the qualifications to be a gun, let alone think about it." Use it as a gun."

"I see!" Although the middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses said so, he didn't take Ye Dequan's words to heart.

Du Weilian is already the 'first brother', how else can he use himself.

Seeing the expression on the middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses, Ye Dequan knew that the other party didn't take it seriously, so he shook his head in great disappointment.

Ye Dequan knows his son too well, he likes to be ambitious, but he thinks he is smart.

"Dad, can you arrange for our people to handle that big international drug trafficking case of Interpol?" the middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses asked.

Ye Dequan glanced at the other party: "This kind of case is usually handled by the Operations Department. Why do we have to get involved?"

"Didn't the Operations Department just stumble in the case of Mingxin Hospital? We just took the opportunity to fight back, otherwise everyone would think that we would not be able to handle the case if we were in an office." The middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses said a little angrily.

The case of Mingxin Hospital, although there are constant praises in the news media, is the result of Xu Rulin ordering the public relations department to operate. Xu Rulin suppressed the discordant voices with force. The hospital case has been concluded.

The case of Mingxin Hospital caused too many casualties and serious property losses. It was a complete failure caused by improper command.

Ye Dequan looked at the middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses in great disappointment. He was almost in his thirties, and he was so naive. He dared to challenge his operations department in the familiar field of the operations department.

"You've already done something, haven't you!" Seeing the proud face of the middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses, Ye Dequan's heart tightened suddenly, and he thought of the worst possibility.

"Yeah—!" The middle-aged man with golden glasses nodded complacently: "Raymond's police station has a capable subordinate named Chen Jiaju. I have seen his resume, and he is completely qualified for this international drug case."

Ye Dequan's face turned green when he heard what the man with golden glasses said. Lin Leimeng had just decided to join his camp, so he couldn't cheat him like this!

At this time, Chen Jiaju was inviting Li Er to have a dinner together. Their level is no different from that of a young man, so naturally they will not understand the torrents and undercurrents of the high-level police force.

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