What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 285: Zhou Xingxing wants to take the lead

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"Strengthening the mountain and surpassing the world!"

"When the time is bad, the time will never die!"



"I hope you call me by my full name, Da-Wenxi."

"Okay! Wenxi!"

"Ah Qi, the country has a mission for you this time."

Zhou Xingxing sat slumped on the sofa in a slumped posture, eating instant noodles and watching movies at the same time. He always felt that the handsome pork guy on TV looked a bit like himself.

"It's just that my temperament is not as chic as mine!" Zhou Xingxing murmured confidently. In terms of appearance, Zhou Xingxing is very confident in himself. He always believed that Li Er's appearance is only half of his height.

Zhou Xingxing was slandering Li Er in his heart, when Li Er called.

"Tou, I'm here, I'm here!" Zhou Xingxing said nervously, "I didn't say anything bad about you."

"What the hell?" Li Er on the phone said, "I'll be in the office tomorrow, and I have an important task for you."

"Does the country have a task for me?" Zhou Xingxing asked reflexively without turning his head.

Li Er had already hung up the phone, which was fortunate, otherwise Li Sir would definitely feel that the sky was thundering.

"I'm afraid it's going to be prosperous, and the Dapeng will rise with the same wind one day—!" Zhou Xingxing was excitedly preparing to recite a poem.

"Uh..." Zhou Xingxing, who was very popular with poetry, thought for a long time, but he couldn't remember what the next line of the poem was, but he must mean soaring into the sky.

"Don't eat instant noodles! On such a happy day, go downstairs and have a fast food to reward yourself!" Zhou Xingxing covered the leftover instant noodles, dragged the crab and walked out of the rental house.


After Li Er hung up the phone, he turned his head and glanced at Xu Rulin's brightly lit villa, started the car and left. Xu Rulin, an old guy, wanted to cheat himself, but there was no way!

"Why are you here all the time? Are you homeless?" Li Er went to He Min's house and was very upset when he met the big light bulb like Salina again.

"It's up to you, I'm not eating your family's food." Salina curled her lips thickly, she has taken it for granted that Cengfan is now a matter of course, if Li Er doesn't come, let alone eat, she can talk to He Min Sleeping on the same bed made Li sir a little nervous, afraid that he would be cheated on, and the temperament of the ghostly woman called Selina was attackable and tolerable.

Salina wore men's clothes, she was three points more cheeky than Li Er, and she would definitely lose half of the young women's circle.

"Come back! Come here, dinner is ready!" Seeing Li Er coming back, He Min hurriedly turned off the TV in the living room.

"Uh——!" Li Er looked at a table of good dishes and felt a headache. This guy had already had dinner at Tong Keren's restaurant, and then he was dragged to his house by Xu Rulin to fill his stomach with food. Now Li Er The second is that I really can't eat it anymore.

"You've eaten!" He Min was very smart, seeing Li Er's expression, he guessed that Li Er might have already had dinner.

"Sure!" Salina squinted at Li Er and sneered, "This flirtatious guy has so many lovers, he's definitely stretched to the neck."

"Damn—! Who said that?" Li Er insisted on sitting down and groaning, "I'm very hungry now."

"I'm going to leave Hong Kong Island for a while soon." Li Er looked at Selina who kept feeding him food with murderous eyes.

"Eat it! The steamed pork ribs made by Amin are delicious." Salina said innocently and courteously.

"Annie, what's the matter?" He Min asked with concern. She knew that Annie had gone to Taiwan Island for more than a week.

"No! Other business!" Li Er shook his head and said, then turned his head and glared at Salina: "If you bring me food again, believe it or not, I'll stick a chopstick into your nostril."

"Oh! Is there any danger?" He Min couldn't help asking, Li Er seldom told He Min when he was doing things, it should be a very important thing for him to propose now.

"Dangerous?" Li Er frowned and thought for a while. He was already well-known on Hong Kong Island, and he would definitely not show up for this operation. Zhou Xingxing and Jiang Lang would be involved in the thrilling incident.

If there is any trouble, just run away, there should be no danger at all.

"Surely there is no danger! This guy is as wicked as a ghost, if there is any danger, he would have slipped away." Before Li Er could speak, Salina defined Li Er first.

Li Er: "..."

"Eat the sausage, you talk so much, I won't rape anyone!" Li Er gave Salina a cold look, then turned to He Min and said, "There is no danger, I am the commander, not the front line." The police officers fight with their brains."

Salina's face flushed red with anger from Li Er's words, her chest heaved unceasingly.

'Am I that bad? '

"Anyway, if you have something that you can't solve, you can ask Eagle for help, or you can ask Instructor Hu, but you still have to divide something. It's very important. It's best to find Eagle." Li Er told He Min, "I'm leaving Hong Kong. During this time on the island, you will not be able to contact me."

Li Er's close relationship with Li Xianying and Instructor Hu is already obvious. Instructor Hu can use it, and it is very useful, but this guy trusts Li Xianying the most.

"Ah——!" He Min didn't pay much attention at first, but when he heard Li Er say that he would lose contact, he was immediately frightened: "Is it very, um! Very important task."

Salina also looked at Li Er curiously, forgetting to be angry.

"Secret missions need to be kept secret. It may take a long time. Don't worry! I'm at the command level now. Even if I want to charge, the leaders above will not be willing to let an outstanding talent like me take risks." Li Er Said proudly.

Salina immediately slapped her face.

"It seems that someone was threatened with a gun by a gangster just now, so he took off his pants in public!" Salina pointed to Li Er's pants and said with a smile: "Red underwear."

Li Er put down his chopsticks.

"If you talk too much, believe it or not, I'll strip you naked, the kind that doesn't even leave your underwear."

He Min gave Li Er a white look, and was about to reconcile the atmosphere in the restaurant when Salina stood up.

"Hey! Amin, don't stop him. I really don't believe it. If you have the guts, you can pick it up. If I make a move, I will lose." Salina said with her hands on her chest, looking at Li Er contemptuously.

"Ah—???" Li Er thought he had heard it wrong, but after seeing He Min's astonished expression, he was sure that there was nothing wrong with his ears.

"Amin, you heard me, she insulted me! She's insulting me!" Li Er jumped up angrily.

Li Er: "I won't take you seriously today, I, Li Er, wrote the word 'two' upside down."

Shalena snorted coldly, adding fuel to the fire: "Wow——! It scares me!"

"Stop bickering! What Salina said was angry! Sit down to eat soon, the food is cold!" He Min said quickly.

"Okay! I'll save face for you."

As soon as He Min finished speaking, Li Er immediately showed his masculinity and sat down to eat seriously.

Salina: "..."

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