What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 293 National Sports Drink

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Fat Guy Dong listened to Li Er brag about the history of the "Li Family Tea Restaurant" as if he was listening to the Arabian Nights, his expression changed from unbelievable to dull.

"So, brother Yi's tea restaurant has now become a big company?" the fat man said gruffly.

"Fat guy Dong, I also have a share in the company." Li Er reminded helplessly.

The fat guy cast a sideways glance at Li Er: "I know, you don't need to remind me, but Brother Yi started the tea restaurant."

Li Er shrugged his shoulders. He had been ignored for a day or two, and he didn't bother to explain. Anyway, he and the two brothers Li Yi just had a heart-to-heart talk about it.

In fact, with a deeper understanding of the company, Li Shan also knows the importance of his second brother to the company. Although Li Er seems to be doing nothing, in fact, every move of Li Er is an important decision that determines the fate of the company. , if it were not for Li Er, 'Li Ji Tea Restaurant' would only be a tea restaurant.

"Fat guy Dong, actually, have you ever thought that you started the tea restaurant?" Li Er was really cheap, and he wanted to see Fat Guy Dong's expression that his intestines turned green with regret.

Li Er was disappointed.

Fat Guy Dong smiled magnanimously and said, "You don't have to mock me, I won't be fooled. I have opened a tea restaurant on Hong Kong Island for so many years. If I want to develop, it would have developed long ago, and brother Yi can make the business so big, I can only be happy for Big Brother Yi."

Li Er scratched his head: "Didn't you say ten fat people and nine stingy ones?"

"You're so stingy!" Fat Guy Dong scolded.

"Brother Dong, can you come here first, I have something important to see you."

Li Er was talking with Fatty Dong when a middle-aged man walked over excitedly.

"Awei, don't you want to borrow money again? Don't talk about it. You have already borrowed more than 10,000 yuan from me. It's not like you can't see what's going on in my garment factory." Fat guy Dong babbled as he walked: "If you want me to say, you should quit your job at the city's Academy of Sciences. Now, whoever is capable will not go to sea to do something on his own. You come to work in my textile factory, and I will let Anan I can arrange a sales manager for you, or even a deputy factory manager."

"Are you kidding? I don't want to take any risks because the salary of the Academy of Sciences is so stable." Ah Wei refused decisively.

Fat Guy Dong shook his head resentfully: "As a cousin, I will never be without your pair of bowls and chopsticks if I want to eat, so there is no way to borrow money."

It seems that Fei Laodong is not only a good friend, as a relative who has been taken advantage of, he is also considered unparalleled in the world.

Chen Nan is planning to expand sales channels recently. The old sales channels of their garment factory are too slow to pay back, and the foundation of the garment factory is too weak to afford consumption. Brother Fatty Dong has long wanted to stop supplying. The sales channels have been redeveloped, and now everything needs money.

"Whoever told you that I want to borrow money, you look down on me so much, I'm here to pay back the money." Ah Wei snorted unhappily.

Fat guy Dongzheng looked down to count how many dustpans he had in his hands, and didn't want to talk to Ah Wei, when he suddenly heard the words "repay the money, repay the money", he raised his head suddenly.

Are you going to get lucky?

Fat Guy Dong borrowed money from Ah Wei more than a dozen times, but he never heard the word 'repay'.

Ah Wei took out a thousand dollars in a dignified manner: "I will pay you back one thousand first."

Fatty Dong immediately reached out to take the money and stuffed it into his trouser pocket. Although it was borrowed money by himself, Fatty Dong felt that he had made a thousand dollars, and it was really difficult to pay debts, especially the debts of relatives and friends.

"Didn't you have something to say just now? What's the matter?" Fat Guy Dong then asked.

"I want to say that I developed our first sports drink in China. The owner of a winery took a fancy to it and offered to buy my formula patent. He gave him 5,000 yuan." Ah Wei didn't know if he still A thousand dollars went out, and the mood was not very high.

"Five thousand dollars is so much? Why don't you tinker a little more to get rich?" Fatty Dong asked in surprise.

Ah Wei rolled his eyes, as expected, he played the piano to the cow, and silently took out his semi-finished product and put it on the dining table for everyone to try.

"Try it. There are more than a dozen people in our Academy of Sciences, and all of them say it's delicious." Awei couldn't help but feel a little proud when talking about his own work.

Fat Guy Dong poured a small cup for everyone at the table, and drank the rest of the bottom of the bottle by himself, smacking his lips and saying, "It's not bad, but I still prefer Coke."

Li Er looked at the transparent liquid in the cup curiously, picked it up and sniffed it, it did smell of soda, took a sip, um, it smelled very familiar, and took another sip.

"What about the second one, you drink Coke most often, isn't it similar to Coke?" The fat man asked Li Er eastward.

"What coke, this is obviously Jianlibao, change to a plastic bottle, and then remove the added pigment, you are fooling!" Li Er stared at Ah Wei and snorted coldly. Although Li Er had no relationship with Fat Guy Dong, he didn't want to Seeing Fat Guy Dong being fooled by someone.

"Jianlibao? What Jianlibao?" Ah Wei was stunned for a moment. He couldn't understand what Li Er was saying. He turned his head to look at Fatty Dong. Fatty Dong didn't understand either, so he turned his head back to look at Li Er.

"Haven't you never drank Jianlibao?" Li Er asked strangely.

Everyone shook their heads together.

Li Er: "..."

Li Er seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up, and he quickly closed his eyelids.

"Uh! That Viagra, isn't it!" Li Er hooked Ah Wei's shoulder with a smile.

"Just call me Awei, who are you?" Awei is not used to others being too enthusiastic.

"Call me second brother!" Fat Guy Dong warned Ah Wei.

"Second brother!" Ah Wei nodded.

"Who did you just say you sold the formula patent of this drink to? Is it a small state-owned winery?" Li Er asked.

"That's right! Didn't I just say it? It was sold to our county winery in Sanshui." Ah Wei nodded.

'Pujie, come a step late. ’ Li Er was very upset.

'Liji Food Company' is also cooperating with Tong Keren, and wants to develop a bottled black tea beverage product, but Li Er has no confidence in his own formula. If Jianlibao's formula patent can be obtained, Li Sir's waist disc protrudes Straighten in no time.

"You really researched the formula of this drink?" Li Er asked holding the drink bottle.

"Uh! Actually not!" A Wei shook his head: "It was researched by several colleagues from the Provincial Academy of Sciences with me, but I spent 2,000 yuan to get everyone's assignment."

"Huh?? Two thousand yuan??" Li Er's eyes twitched.

"I also treated him to a meal." Ah Wei said seriously.

Li Er: "..."

Ah Wei was full of complacency, he earned 3,000 yuan every time he came and went.

"The recipe has already been given?" Li Er asked.

"Not yet, but I have already received the money." Ah Wei said I was very smart.

"Why don't you sell it to me! I'll offer you 10,000 yuan." Li Er said brazenly.

"Ah?? Really?" Ah Wei was taken aback for a moment: "You run a beverage factory?"

"That's right! Second child, why do you want this thing?" Fat Guy Dong couldn't help asking.

"I want to use it for tea restaurants." Li Er said perfunctorily.

Fat Guy Dong frowned: "If you really want to use it, I'll ask Ah Wei to secretly copy a copy of the formula for you, so why spend that money."

Li Er shook his head: "That's not it, I don't take advantage of this, I must respect intellectual property rights."

Li Er's words made Ah Wei's impression of him straight up. As a developer of new technologies and new products, Ah Wei naturally hoped that everyone would respect intellectual property rights.

"Although the price you offered is high, I have already agreed to him. If I go back on my word now, it is very dishonest. If my colleagues in the Academy of Sciences find out, I will lose face in the Academy of Sciences in the future." Ah Wei said after taking a deep breath. .

"Twenty thousand!" Li Erbi called out his name.

Awei widened his eyes.

Fat Guy Dong also looked at Li Er as if he had seen a ghost. Although he knew that Li Er was a prodigal in Hong Kong Island, he didn't know that Li Er was such a prodigal. It's really hard for Fei Laodong to persuade Li Er not to bid, otherwise Ah Wei will hate him to death.

"Let's not talk about it, fifty thousand, this is my limit, all my net worth is gone." Li Er said honestly.

"Are you serious?" Ah Wei asked seriously.

Li Er: "Speak out!"

Ah Wei looked at Fat Guy Dong, he didn't know Li Er, he wanted to see if this guy could come up with 50,000 yuan.

"Ah Wei, he is rich, and he just repaid my elder brother hundreds of thousands." Chen Nan reminded Ah Wei that Chen Nan didn't know Li Er well, so he naturally took his cousin's side.

"Cough, cough, cough—!" Ah Wei coughed desperately: "Brother Dong, lend me the one thousand yuan just now, and pay it back to you another day."

"Why?" Fat Guy Dong was taken aback for a moment.

Ah Wei had already inserted his hand into Fat Guy Dong's trouser pocket to take out money.

"Return the five thousand yuan to the other party." After getting the money, Ah Wei turned around and ran away.

"You're not eating!" Fat Guy Dong shouted.

"Don't eat, when I come back I will invite you to the White Swan Hotel for a big meal." Awei said and ran away.

"Wait, Second Li, do you have so much money? Is this your money, or Brother Yi's money?" Fatty Dong asked worriedly.

"Nonsense, of course it's my money." Li Er pouted and said, "Look down on me, can't I have money?"

"Oh! It's your money!" Fat Guy Dong breathed a sigh of relief: "Then you continue to do it! You deserve it if you die."

"Fatty Dong, I'll hit your lungs."

"Hoo-!" Fat Guy Dong sneered at Li Er's scolding: "It's time to eat! If you don't eat, the food will be cold."

Li Er sat down to eat speechlessly, regretting that he should have called 30,000 first, hey! His social status has increased, and his personality has become exaggerated. Li Er has a little self-reflection.

the other side.

Jiang Lang and Zhou Xingxing also had dinner.

The two of them were undercover agents, so the food in the labor camp was naturally not very good, two steamed buns and a bowl of porridge, not even a leaf of green vegetables.

"How do you eat this?" Zhou Xingxing said with a bitter face.

Jiang Lang had already finished eating a bun in silence.

Bao Qiang gave one of his men a wink, and the two prisoners stood up and walked slowly towards Jiang Lang and Zhou Xingxing who were squatting on the ground to eat.

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