What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 296: Domestic Version Jailbreak

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"Brother, who are you?" Bao Qiang turned his head and found that Jiang Lang and Zhou Xing Xing had followed, and he was secretly proud that he had finally tricked these two bastards once.

"Brother Bao, I was called by La Jixiong, follow me, this way, we have already explored the way here." Chen Jiaju shouted nervously.

"If you say go this way, go this way, but I want to say go that way!" Zhou Xingxing said habitually.

"Listen to him." Jiang Lang said coldly.

Chen Jiaju had already ran away with a figure-of-eight stride. This guy looked slow, but his actual speed was astonishing. He ran out of sight of Bao Qiang and the others.

"Follow him and run together." Bao Qiang said hastily. At this time, who the hell would be leisurely and sneak into the labor camp to joke with you.

"I warn you two, if you are caught escaping from prison in the mainland, you will be targeted. If you don't run as hard as you can, just wait to be targeted!" Leopard Qiang bullied Jiang Lang and Zhou Xingxing for being uneducated, and made up threats.

"Ah——! So serious!" Zhou Xingxing's expression changed in fright, he thought what Bao Qiang said was true: "Why are you so startled, run away!"

Zhou Xingxing said that he should not be in the same way as Chen Jiaju, but he chased Chen Jiaju honestly.

"They're in the East Eighth District, catch them quickly." The prison guard captain ran to a high place, and immediately found the location of Bao Qiang and the others.

"Shoot, sniper, shoot them." The captain of the prison guard didn't know about the undercover plan. He saw that someone dared to escape from the prison, so he gave the order to kill them in a rage.

Naturally, there would be no gunshots, but Bao Qiang and the others ran even faster when they heard that they were going to shoot.

"Surrender, I surrender, don't shoot." It was Zhou Xingxing who spoke.

"Run, idiot, you will be shot if you surrender."

Leopard Qiang grabbed Zhou Xingxing's back collar. This guy didn't want to save Zhou Xingxing, but that if he ran together, he could distract the sniper.

"Surrender and kill?" After Zhou Xingxing was stunned for a moment, it was Bao Qiang and Jiang Lang's turn to be dumbfounded in the next second.

Zhou Xingxing's feet stirred rapidly, as if a bicycle had a tire, "Shuo—" suddenly disappeared from the sight of Bao Qiang and Jiang Lang, Zhou Xingxing quickly caught up with Chen Jiaju, and the next second, he disappeared again In Chen Jiaju's sight.

"Ah!" Chen Jiaju shook his head, making sure that he was not hallucinating.

"Officer Li's subordinates are really full of talents!" Yang Jianhua looked at Zhou Xingxing who was running and sighed. It's a pity that such talents don't become athletes and win glory for the country in the Olympics.

"So-so!" Li Er suddenly became humble again, he was only worried that Zhou Xingxing, a floating guy, would ruin the plan.

"Big nose! Are you kidding us? There's no way up there." Zhou Xingxing turned back and grabbed Chen Jiaju's collar and shouted.

"You...you have already run to the top of the mountain." Chen Jiaju looked at Zhou Xingxing as if he had seen a ghost.

"This is no nonsense, the road is dead, are you playing tricks on us?" Zhou Xingxing glanced at Bao Qiang who had arrived, and snorted at Chen Jiaju.

"Bastard, who are you?" Bao Qiang was shocked when he heard Zhou Xingxing's words. Now there is only one way up the mountain, and the road behind is blocked by prison guards.

"Let go, let go, this road is chosen by the hot chicken, it will definitely not be a dead end, run!" Chen Jiaju yelled swearing.

"How did you run so fast?" Jiang Lang asked Zhou Xingxing strangely.

"Am I running fast?" Zhou Xingxing seemed even stranger than Jiang Lang.

Jiang Lang: "..."

"Ouch, my foot hurts so much, it looks like it's about to break." Zhou Xingxing suddenly screamed.

Jiang Lang frowned and looked at Zhou Xingxing. Zhou Xingxing's face was pale, his mouth was purple, and his head was covered in cold sweat. It didn't look like he was pretending.

"Can I still go?" Jiang Lang asked.

"I can't walk anymore." Zhou Xingxing said with a sad face.

"Hmm!" Jiang Lang nodded.

"What are you going to do?" Jiang Lang looked behind Zhou Xingxing with a slightly changed expression, and Zhou Xingxing turned his head quickly.

Jiang Lang raised his foot.


Jiang Lang kicked Zhou Xingxing's butt, causing Zhou Xingxing to roll off.

"Isn't he your brother?" Chen Jiaju looked at Jiang Lang in shock.

"He can't run, and following him will only hurt me. I will burn three sticks of incense for him every Qingming Festival in the future." Jiang Lang said without changing his face.

"It's ruthless—!" Bao Qiang gave Jiang Lang a thumbs up. This time, he really admired the ruthless and decisive guy in front of him. This kind of person, as long as he has a chance, he will rise to the top sooner or later.

"Ouch ouch."

The slope of this small mountain road is actually quite large, and Zhou Xingxing's curled up body rolled faster and faster.

"Jiang Lang, I'm fucking your ancestor." Zhou Xingxing scolded sharply.

"Run! Run!" Leopard Qiang hurried up the mountain.

"Where's the road?" Bao Qiang and Jiang Lang stared at Chen Jiaju panting.

It was very windy at the top of the mountain, and the three guys were messy.

"Didn't you fucking say there is a way?" Bao Qiang was also anxious, as Zhou Xingxing said just now, this is a dead end, dead end.

"Huh?" Chen Jiaju was also dumbfounded: "Here, La Jixiong told me that there is a road on the mountain."

In fact, it was Yang Jianhua who told Chen Jiaju that there was a road on the mountain. Naturally, Yang Jianhua would not lie to Chen Jiaju, but this is obviously a cliff, and there is a way.

"Believe it or not, I kicked you off." Jiang Lang snorted coldly.

Chen Jiaju's face turned cold when he heard Jiang Lang's words, and he quickly took a step back.

"It's just the two of you, hmph! If I hadn't charged La Jixiong's money, you would have both feet enough for me to beat by myself. Let's see who kicks who off."

"..." Jiang Lang suddenly turned black. He purposely intensified the conflict in order to win Bao Qiang's trust, but Chen Jiaju didn't understand it. It's funny to kick down a hill.

This side of the mountain top is a cliff, no more than the slope at Zhou Xingxing's side, people will die if they fall down from this side.

"The road La Jixiong said, it can't be the cable for transporting goods!" Chen Jiaju's eyes were sharp, and this guy quickly saw the lower right of the top of the mountain, and there was a cable for transporting goods between the two mountains.

"Depend on--!"

Chen Jiaju didn't see Bao Qiang and Jiang Lang when he turned his head. He turned his head again and found that Bao Qiang and Jiang Lang had already run towards the high-altitude cable. There was only one pulley frame on the cable. Jiang Lang and Bao Qiang grabbed one end of the pulley frame. I am about to leave Chen Jiaju and run away.

"Pujie shovel, wait for me, if you dare to slide the pulley away, I will break the cable and make you fall halfway, let's all rush to the street together!" Chen Jiaju shouted loudly.

Bao Qiang and Jiang Lang quickly restrained their strength and stopped the pulley of the cable. They looked at each other and found that each other's face turned green.

"Brother, don't be stupid, we are just pulling the pulley for you. I, Leopard Qiang, are the most loyal people. If we want to run, we must run together." Leopard Qiang vowed.

"Really?" Chen Jiaju said suspiciously.

"Hurry up! The prison guards are about to catch up, otherwise they will be the ones who will cut the thread later." Jiang Lang reminded.

In the end, Bao Qiang, Jiang Lang, and Chen Jiaju successfully slipped out of the labor camp.

"Brother, how long have you been with La Jixiong?" Bao Qiang asked Chen Jiaju warily while walking.

"Who said I'm with the hot chicken." Chen Jiaju has memorized this line very well: "I'll be with whoever has money."

Leopard Qiang was taken aback for a moment: "Aren't you La Jixiong's subordinate?"

"I took two thousand dollars from La Jixiong, and I was only responsible for getting you out of the labor camp." Chen Jiaju patted his head suddenly as he spoke, and stretched out his hand to Bao Qiang, saying, "By the way, La Jixiong only gave me one thousand yuan." The first one, I just hid in the dark and saw that La Jixiong was dead, so you have to give me the remaining one thousand yuan."

"Brother, do you think I look rich now?" Leopard Qiang spread his hands and said.

Bao Qiang was still wearing a labor camp uniform, and he had some money.

"Damn it, I knew that I had to collect the full amount for such a mindless thing." Chen Jiaju was very annoyed.

"Get out! I'm afraid I can't help but beat you up." Chen Jiaju snorted angrily.


Bao Qiang gave Jiang Lang a wink, and the two turned around and left.

"..." Chen Jiaju Smecta.

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