What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 309: Gambling Is a Crime

Chapter 309 Gambling is also a crime

"Ah! I recognize you, don't slap your face!" Gao Jin yelled miserably.

"You think well!" Ma Jun had already punched Gao Jin five or six times in the face while Ma Jun was speaking.

Ma Jun doesn't care about his rough skin and thick flesh.

"Boss, even if you beat me up, you still have to give me a reason! What is it for!" Gao Jin yelled angrily, this guy accidentally blocked Ma Jun's fist, and immediately hacked one Panda eyes.

"There's no reason, it depends on your displeasure!" Ma Jun snorted recklessly.

"Ah!" Gao Jin quickly retreated and ran around a tree, because Li Xianying had already forced him up.

The last time Gao Jin was beaten by Li Xianying and Ma Jun, he lost a few of his teeth, and now his words are still leaking.

"Don't come here, I have a gun." Gao Jin hurriedly shouted.

Li Xianying was startled when he heard Gao Jin's words, and quickly pulled out his pistol.

"Put down the gun, immediately!" Li Xianying warned loudly.

Gao Jin shook his right hand, and a very small golden gun slipped from Gao Jin's sleeve to the palm of his hand.

‘Yejiashovel, it’s so fun to beat me up! ’ Gao Jin murmured.

Gao Jin's ears are very sensitive. This guy has a big tree on his back, and he can already judge the positions of Ma Jun and Li Xianying by hearing without sticking his head out. He doesn't want to kill people, but he must give Li Xianying A painful lesson with Ma Jun, avenging the last "millennium kill".

"Come out—!" Ma Jun shouted loudly: "If you have the guts, come out and fight!"

As soon as Ma Jun made a sound, Gao Jin was able to pinpoint his position more precisely, and the small golden pistol slowly protruded out of the tree trunk.


"Ah!" Gao Jin clutched his right hand in pain, his palm was pierced by a bullet.

'There is a third person! '

Gao Jin's small golden pistol had fallen on the grass, and before he could pick it up, Li Xianying had captured it.

"Hold your head with your hands!"

Li Xianying stepped on Gao Jin's small pistol that had fallen on the grass, and cautiously signaled Ma Jun to handcuff Gao Jin.

"You...you are the police?" Gao Jin was surprised to find that Li Xianying and Ma Jun were the police until he was handcuffed.

At this moment, Gao Jin is very messy, can the police handle the case like this? And Wang Fa? Is there still a law? This fucking is even more bandit than bandit.

"You two sirs, why is this?" Gao Jin asked sadly and angrily.

Li Xianying knew what Gao Jin wanted to ask, but he would not explain it to Gao Jin.

"We are gamblers, we gambled in the villa just now!" Li Xianying said with a straight face.

Gao Jin was almost so angry by Li Xianying's answer that he died on the spot.

"Is this fucking gambling?" Gao Jin couldn't help beating his chest in grief and indignation: "You two bastards beat me up twice and even fired, just to catch gambling!"

"That's right! We are now suing you for gathering a crowd to gamble. You have the right to remain silent, and you can also speak, but we will record every word you say with pen and paper, and it will become evidence in court." Li Er walked away He came over and said very seriously.

"You fired the gun just now?" Although Gao Jin was an interrogative sentence, his tone was very affirmative. This was the first time he met Li Er, but Gao Jin felt that he had known Li Er for a long time, and the guy in front of him Seems to hate himself.

"How is it? Your marksmanship is good!" Li Er said and snapped his fingers at Li Xianying.

Li Xianying handed over the small golden pistol seized from Gao Jin to Li Er.

"Did we have a festival before?" Gao Jin looked at Li Er's face carefully, and was very sure that he didn't know Li Er before.

Li Er was playing with Gao Jin's small golden pistol, it was so delicate, Li Er pressed the magazine, and there were six bullets in it, it was not too delicate, so it was confiscated.

"No holidays!" Li Er looked up at Gao Jin: "It's just,

I am a soldier, you are a thief! "

Gao Jin looked at Li Er with a headache. He was 100% sure that the guy in front of him wanted to beat him up again, but Gao Jin really couldn't figure it out. Why was it that he was really unhappy just looking at my face?

"Brother, don't be joking. Even if I gamble together, I will only be fined 2,000 yuan. There is no need to investigate. I plead guilty. I have 10,000 yuan in cash in my left pocket. Take it all away, and the rest will be treated as money." I paid the fine four times in advance." Gao Jin wisely admitted that the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie.

Li Xianying looked at Li Er, such cooperative criminals were rare, even if Li Xianying and Ma Jun wanted to beat Gao Jin again, there was really no excuse.

"Bang bang bang—!"

Li Er was about to punch Gao Jin's unbeaten face, making him a pair of panda eyes, when suddenly there was a burst of gunfire from a distance.

"Annie—!" Li Er immediately used the communicator to contact Bai Anni.

"Master, it's okay. These idiots only have knives and no guns. We have subdued them all." Bai Anni smiled easily: "Now we can collect the net."

Brother Nan sent people to intercept Gao Jin, but failed to intercept Gao Jin, but blocked Gao Jin's cousin Gao Yi. Unfortunately, when they were fighting, Instructor Hu and the people from Bai Anni's team Arrived and put them in a pot neatly.

Li Er turned his head and glanced at Gao Jin.

Inexplicably, Gao Jin felt a chill in his heart, and quietly unfastened half of the handcuffs and locked them again.

A pair of ordinary police handcuffs, of course, can't trap a super old man like Gao Jin. In fact, as long as Gao Jin is willing, he can uncuff the handcuffs in a second, but he is very afraid of Li Er's pistol.

Although it was the first confrontation, Gao Jin didn't quite understand Li Er, especially when Li Er inadvertently retracted Gao Jin's pistol, almost staring Gao Jin's eyes out of their sockets.

Gao Jin's title of God of Gamblers is naturally not for nothing. This guy looks humble, but he is actually very proud. He claims that his eyesight and hand speed are unparalleled in the world, but he couldn't see clearly just now, how did Li Er put his golden little The pistol was stowed in the sleeve.

Gao Jin only saw the small golden pistol in Li Er's palm, and it disappeared out of thin air in a flash. It really disappeared out of thin air. Gao Jin couldn't see the signs of Li Er's finger strength and ejection at all.

"Super expert!"

This is Gao Jin's evaluation of Li Er.

Gao Jin was very curious about what Li Er was going to do, he wouldn't believe it even if he was beaten to death, Li Er was here to catch a bet.

Nange Villa.

"Brother Nan, I'm sorry! I want to bother you again, here I come again." Gao Jin waved and smiled when he saw Brother Nan from a distance.

Anyway, he was already unlucky, and being able to drag Nan Ge into the water, Gao Jin's mood finally improved.

Brother Nan's face turned green when he saw Gao Jin, especially when he saw the scar boy behind Gao Jin.

"Scarboy, you idiot, didn't I ask you to deal with the person and then bring me the money?" Brother Nan scolded angrily. He obviously didn't see the bad look on Scarboy's face clearly.

"Who are you two?" Brother Nan frowned as he watched Li Xianying and Ma Jun approaching. He had a faint feeling that something was wrong. Scarboy seemed to be restrained by Instructor Hu and his team.

"What are you going to do?" Brother Nan took a step back carefully.

‘It’s not that I was cheated and overturned, but I was cheated by the other party instead! ’ Brother Nan swallowed, he remembered that Ah Xiang had said that Instructor Hu was the mistress of a very powerful guy.

"Police!" Li Xianying raised his police officer ID.

"Fuck!" Brother Nan breathed a sigh of relief, turned his face and cursed: "Almost scared me to death, you bastards, leave my place immediately, immediately, do you know what a private site is, be careful I will sue you You have nothing to eat."

Ironically, Brother Nan and others are afraid of the underworld, but they are not worried about the police at all.

Li Xianying turned to look at Ma Jun.

Ma Jun quickly raised his foot and pointed it at Brother Nan's chest.


Brother Nan's butt fell backwards, and he flew upside down five or six meters before falling to the floor.

Ma Jun sighed, but it was still not strong enough for the boss, and Li Er was able to kick him more than ten meters away with one kick.

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