What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 311 The first confrontation between the God of Gamblers and the God of Gamblers

Text Chapter 311 The First Confrontation Between the God of Gamblers and the Master of Gamblers

Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Squad.

"Name?" Zhou Xingxing said resentfully.

The case has already been solved, and now he is called to make a statement, so he can get some credit for it.

"Uh—! Gao Jin!" Gao Jin smiled all over his face: "Brother, I want to find out why my lawyer hasn't come yet? My name is Gao Jin."

"Gao Jin? Isn't your name Fan Jin?" Zhou Xingxing worked seriously. He compared the information given by Instructor Hu, and soon discovered that Gao Jin's confession was inconsistent.

"No, no, it's Gao Jin! The beautiful police officer was registered wrong!" Gao Jin hurriedly said, "My lawyer should have arrived!"

"My job is to record your statement. The lawyer will arrange it for you later!" Zhou Xingxing said angrily, "Be honest, give me your ID card."

Gao Jin holds an American passport, so naturally he won't have an ID card for Zhou Xingxing.

"Are you playing with me?" Zhou Xingxing stared coldly at Gao Jin's pig-headed face: "I'm not in a good mood recently, don't force me to beat you up."

"I really left my passport at home. I'm from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Don't you have a computer? It's easy to find my clearance information." Gao Jin reminded Zhou Xing.

Zhou Xingxing gave Gao Jin a cold look: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

"Don't dare! I'm just making a suggestion." Gao Jin turned his palm on the table as he said, and a Hong Kong dollar in a thousand-dollar bill appeared on the table.

"Sir, you dropped a bill!" Gao Jin said with a smile.

Zhou Xingxing was overjoyed when he saw the banknotes, and then his face turned green.

"Are you trying to bribe me?" Zhou Xingxing snorted coldly.

Gao Jin, a fake foreign devil, doesn't understand the situation in Hong Kong Island. If he offered a hundred yuan, Zhou Xingxing would immediately accept it. After all, Zhou sir has been very poor recently, but one thousand yuan can already affect Zhou Xingxing's future. Sir Zhou really didn't dare to accept it.

"No, sir, this is really your money. I was caught in the detention room for gambling, and my body was emptied long ago." Gao Jin said with a smile, the greed in Zhou Xingxing's eyes had already been seen through by him, Gao Jin has sharp eyes, and he has seen too many people like Zhou Xingxing who have a strong desire to make money and get promoted.

"Uh——!" Zhou Xingxing was stunned for a moment when he heard Gao Jin's words. Gao Jin had been searched, so he really shouldn't have money on him, but it was impossible for Zhou Xingxing to have such big bills as 1,000 yuan.

"You're fucking stealing other people's money! If you confess, you will be lenient, if you resist, you will be strict, or you will be charged with theft!" Zhou Xingxing has indeed been to the mainland, and this small slogan is quite fluent.

Gao Jin's face turned dark, but his words really reminded Zhou Xingxing. Zhou Xingxing turned on the huge computer, accessed the entry-exit database, and checked Gao Jin's personal information.

"Damn it, you're the God of Gamblers?" Zhou Xingxing carefully looked at Gao Jin's pig-headed face. In order to vent his anger on Li Er, Ma Jun's actions were very dark. Gao Jin's pig-headed face couldn't get rid of the swelling of.

"This is a ridiculous compliment from friends in the world." Gao Jin said modestly.

Zhou Xingxing took out a deck of playing cards out of nowhere.

"Come, come, turn all fifty-two cards into aces for me." Zhou Xingxing said curiously.

Gao Jin:""

"Can't do it?" Zhou Xingxing asked with a frown.

Gao Jin shook his head.

"Then you still dare to be called the God of Gamblers?" Zhou Xingxing curled his lips: "Do you know what my nickname is?"

Gao Jin called a lawyer for Zhou Xingxing to help him, and shook his head in cooperation.

"Bet—!" Zhou Xingxing raised his voice: "—Holy!"

Gao Jin:""

"You guys still have to cheat out of gambling, I don't use these low-level tricks!" Zhou Xingxing stared into Gao Jin's eyes seriously and said, "Have you heard of supernatural powers? I learned them from mainland China."

Zhou Xingxing is a weird guy, I haven't seen him learn good things, and he really likes to delve into this kind of weird heresy.

Gao Jin felt that his brain was not enough. He very much doubted whether the guy in front of him had some brain problems. Talking to him by himself was a waste of time!

"Watch it!" Zhou Xingxing slapped the poker cards on the table in a very handsome gesture.

Gao Jin:""

"Please, bet-san, debut!" Zhou Xingxing raised his eyebrows proudly: "This audience, see clearly, fifty-two aces."

Zhou Xingxing spread out the playing cards under his palm, and it turned out that every card was actually an ace, and all of them were aces of spades.

Gao Jin's eyes froze, and he realized in the next second that Zhou Xingxing must have taken a deck of cards that were all aces.

Zhou Xingxing was full of pride: "See, this is the primary usage of supernatural powers, changing cards!"

"" Gao Jin has no interest in talking.

Zhou Xingxing felt that he had shocked Gao Jin, and put away the playing cards in satisfaction.

"I also have a super-high-level clairvoyance. Once I use it, any ghosts and ghosts will be invisible in my eyes." Zhou Xingxing looked at Gao Jin warningly.

Gao Jin curled his lips, Zhou Xingxing's tricks are in the world of thousands of arts, not even a clown who is just getting started.

"Huh——! It seems that you don't really believe in my special function, let me see through your pants with my celestial eye." Zhou Xingxing opened his hands very seriously, pressed two fingers on his temples, and widened his eyes Look at Gao Jin's crotch.

"I'm going--! You bastard, you're actually wearing a pair of pink underwear!"

Zhou Xingxing looked up at Gao Jin, and the two guys' faces changed color.

Zhou Xingxing is so busy on the street, he won't really have any weird skills in the mainland, right?

Li Er walked into the office with a clean face. The guy raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was already 11:30. He could sit down for 20 or 30 minutes, touch the fish, and then he could leave the morning shift.

"Uncle Ying!" Li Ershen mysteriously pulled Lin Haiying to a corner, and asked in a low voice, "Do you have any secret recipes to enhance a man's true qualities?"

"What?" Lin Haiying didn't realize what Li sir wanted to ask for a while.

"It's about enhancing that aspect." Li Er had an expression that you understood.

"Yes, there is, but Li sir, you probably don't need it!" Lin Haiying said with a strange expression.

Li Er is stronger than Ma Jun, and there is indeed no sign of Brother Wei.

"Li sir, it's better to be restrained in these matters!" Lin Haiying thought she had guessed the point, and kindly reminded Li Er.

"That's not it!" Li Er waved his hand to retort.

Li Er has already made up his mind. Some things, if you don’t work hard, others will work hard for you. He feels that he should suffer a lot and suffer some hard work, and Lin Haiying also guessed wrong. Li sir is still very restrained. But a good girl Fei Han, a good girl like He Min, can drain Li Sir dry in one go.

Li sir still has a faint backache.

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