When Zhou Xingxing found Sao Ba Xing, Gao Jin had already knocked Sao Ba Xing unconscious and was lying on a chair with a suit jacket covering his body.

"Hey——! Sao Ba Xing, wake up! Are you okay!" Zhou Xingxing was shocked when he found that Sao Ba Xing was knocked out. Although Zhou Xing Xing was nonsensical, he was not stupid. When an accident happened while he was partnering with him, even if Li Er didn't punish himself to death, that old fat man Huang Bingyao could still play with him.

"Ah——! I'm fine, but my neck hurts, and that big back is so treacherous. I lied to me that there was a flying saucer behind me, and it knocked me out all at once." Sao Baxing rubbed the back of his neck painfully.

Zhou Xingxing was speechless for a moment, do you believe low-level lies like flying saucers?

"It's fine! If you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. If that big back dares to hit you, let's go and fuck his wife." Zhou Xingxing shouted angrily, pretending to be self-serving.

This time it was Sao Baxing's turn to be speechless, and she had the opportunity to accuse others for the first time.

"Can you be a little promising?" Broom Xing said with a contemptuous smile on Zhou Xing.

"Ah!" Zhou Xingxing was stunned. He was actually told by the most worthless person that he was worthless. Is this a mountain shorter than a mountain?

"Then what do you think we should do? Tell Li sir directly that we lost our target?" Zhou Xingxing said with a frown.

"Hmm!" Sao Baxing's small eyes blinked: "Zhou Xingxing, let's follow the wife with a big back."

"..." Zhou Xingxing looked at Broom Xing with contempt, asking you to pretend to be a good person.

In fact, Zhou Xingxing can't report to Li Er. Li Er and Annie left Hong Kong Island early this morning. Now Li Xianying and Instructor Hu have the final say in the Tsim Sha Tsui Serious Crime Unit.

Somewhere in Southeast Asia, a military base. .

Li Er has already set up the sniper rifle, and Bai Anni is in charge of watching the wind and acting as an observer for Li Er.

"Master, there are so many mosquitoes!" Bai Anni complained in a low voice, "We can just wait in Kuala Lumpur, but we have to come to these places to suffer."

In order to hide her position, Bai Anni lay down on the grass and did not dare to move. Her fair face had already been bitten by mosquitoes into a disfigured face.

Li Er adjusted the sniper rifle seriously, but did not answer Bai Anni's question. Bai Anni pouted angrily, if she knew that she would not have come to such a place with Li Er to suffer, it was so boring.

"Master, you don't really want to kill that army leader, do you?" Bai Anni glanced at the sight of Li Er's sniper rifle, and found that Li Er was really aiming at the army leader sitting in the main seat, and she suddenly became a little nervous .

"Hmm!" Li Er said "hmm" and made the final fine-tuning of the sniper rifle.

"Master, if we really kill the leader of the army, it will be very difficult for us to escape." Bai Anni worriedly pointed to the tanks and helicopters on both sides of the school grounds. It's not very useful, but once the helicopter takes off and locks on Li Er and Bo Anni, they will really be in a tragedy.

"It's okay, it will be messy later, your master and I are best at fishing in troubled waters." Li Er said with great certainty.

"But, it's useless for us to kill this army leader!" Bai Anni tried to convince her master: "In this chaotic area,

When a leader of the army dies, another person will immediately take his place. It is still drug production and drug trafficking, which does not help. "

Li Er turned his head and looked at Bai Anni in surprise, his precious apprentice's vision was not bad. It's a pity that he couldn't explain to Bai Anni that the 'General' was his target for the assassination mission, otherwise he would not have come here from Kuala Lumpur's beaches, fine wine, and bikinis to the golden triangle The place.

Li Er was thinking of an excuse to prevaricate his beautiful apprentice, when the beautiful apprentice suddenly reported: "Master, it seems that Guanchaiba has arrived."

Li Er took Bai Anni's binoculars, and it was Guan Caiba who came, and this guy only brought Bao Qiang and Jiang Lang to the meeting, even Chen Jiaju didn't see it.

Usually, Guanchaiba is the first to arrive at this kind of drug distribution conference every year. The reason why this guy is late this year is because of some minor accidents.

"Master, look over there!" Bai Anni noticed the trembling bushes not far away, picked up her own binoculars to look at it, and quickly laughed: "Hehe, I see. Master, you must have received the wind a long time ago, and you didn't tell me, which made me worry for nothing."

"Oh! Not good, they are sneaking towards us." Bai Anni was complacent, and suddenly her expression changed.

No, Li Er and Bai Anni's current lurking position not only has an excellent view, but also has a natural bunker with a big rock. They can see this kind of good position, and Guanchaiba's group will naturally take a fancy to it.

"How many people are there?" Li Er temporarily put down the sniper rifle in his hand, turned his palm over, and a dark black dagger appeared in his hand.

"There are three people, but there is only one guy with a big nose sneaking towards us." Bai Anni reported after careful observation.

"Huh!" Bai Anni wrinkled her small nose, "Master, this guy with a big nose seems to be Chen Jiaju!"

Li Er looked in the direction of Bai Anni's line of sight, it was really Chen Jiaju, this guy walked cautiously towards Li Er with his unique horoscope crab steps.

After Chen Jiaju arrived at the big stone, he untiedly opened his trousers chain, and was about to open the gate to release the water. Suddenly, someone covered his mouth from behind. Chen Jiaju's face changed drastically, and he rushed to the street, being ambushed.

Chen Jiaju didn't have time to pull up his pants chain, so he hurriedly raised one hand and put it in front of his neck. He predicted that the other party would wipe his throat with a knife in the next step. It is better to cut off one hand than to have one's throat blocked, and at the same time the other Grabbing his hand behind his back, and attacking the other party's lower body with a trick of monkey stealing peaches, Chen Jiaju doesn't care whether he is vicious or not at such a critical moment of life and death.

"It's me, you idiot!"

Chen Jiaju was terrified of his monkey's poisonous trick of stealing peaches, and was caught by the wrist after being cracked by the other party. Suddenly, he realized that it was Li Er's voice.

"When did you arrive, where are the others?" Chen Jiaju was overjoyed when he saw Li Er and Bai Anni.

"Guanchaiba that bastard wants to take advantage of others, and is so mad that he wants to deal with his entire regular army." Chen Jiaju hurriedly pulled up his trousers while reporting the latest information to Li Er.

"The army is an army, but it's hard to say whether it's regular or not." Li Er shrugged his shoulders and said.

"What do you mean?" Chen Jiaju frowned and asked.

Li Er pointed to the west of the barracks. Hundreds of soldiers were busy manufacturing drugs with a detailed division of labor. Even if such an army was a regular army, it would not go anywhere seriously.

"So what, they have guns and cannons, they can kill us a hundred times." Chen Jiaju said seriously.

Li Er pouted disapprovingly.

"By the way! Where are our people?" Chen Jiaju asked, looking around.

Bai Anni compared a pair of scissors with a smile: "It's all in front of you."

Chen Jiaju's face froze, and he turned to Li Er and said in a deep voice, "This can't be true! Didn't you mean to help the Interpol? They didn't send anyone?"

"I'm not fucking Interpol, how would I know!" Li Er said rascally, spreading his hands.

Chen Jiaju's face turned dark, and the communicator on his shoulder rang.

"Hey——! Lin Fusheng, have you arrived at the predetermined location? Wait a minute, do you have any problems finding a way to deal with the machine gunner on the wooden tower?" one of Guanchaiba's subordinates asked.

"Ugh!" Chen Jiaju craned his neck to look at the big machine gun on the tower, and then looked down at the small pistol in his hand.


'Fuck you! ’ Chen Jiaju cursed secretly, and said with a smile on his face: "No problem, wait for the operation to start, and the machine gunner on the tower will be handed over to me."

Guanchaiba's subordinates continued: "It's not just the machine gunners on the high tower, did the seven or eight people in the pavilion in the southeast corner see that after killing the machine gunners on the high tower, these people were killed."

Chen Jiaju: "Damn—!"

Guanchaiba's subordinates: "What did you say?"

Chen Jiaju: "I said there is no problem."

Only then did Guanchaiba's subordinates hang up the communicator with satisfaction.

"What should we do now? The old fox Guanchaiba is too cautious. I still don't know what he really wants to do." Chen Jiaju asked Li Er with a headache.

"No rush!" Li sir was very calm at this moment.

"Of course you're not in a hurry. You're just in charge of support from the outside. I might die every minute of being an undercover agent." Chen Jiaju said speechlessly.

"Don't worry! I'm sure you won't die." Li Er firmly patted his chest, Chen Jiaju had the aura of the leading role, and it was indeed not so easy to hit the street.

Chen Jiaju was overjoyed when he heard Li Er's words.

Li Er added: "Unless I'm wrong."

"..." Chen Jiaju muttered angrily, "How about I punch your lungs?"

Bai Anni couldn't help laughing when she saw Chen Jiaju bickering with her master.

"Here you are!" Bai Anni generously stuffed two grenades into Chen Jiaju's hands.

Chen Jiaju hurriedly put two grenades into his pocket. He had to deal with seven or eight people with one pistol, so he wouldn't push it around hypocritically.

"Li Er, help me snipe the machine gunner on the tower." Chen Jiaju saw Li Er's sniper rifle on the ground. This guy has no confidence in his marksmanship. One second must be a bullet rain coverage-level strafing.

"Okay!" Li Er agreed casually.

Bai Anni rolled her eyes, she knew that her master must have killed her target first, and then it would be the turn of the machine gunner on the tower.

On the other side, Guanchaiba, Bao Qiang, and Jiang Lang had already entered the general's meeting hall.

"Very, very sorry everyone, I'm late." Guanchaiba smiled gracefully and said, "The development of the Golden Triangle is really getting better and better. When I first came here to do business ten years ago, even a decent There are no roads, and now there are traffic jams on the roads."

"Haha——! Guanchaiba, welcome!" The general on the main seat changed his face slightly after hearing Guanchaiba's words, and then greeted him with a smile.

Guanchaiba was almost the first batch of big drug lords who came to develop the Golden Triangle, and his network even the generals would be afraid of three points.

After the "Sawadika" Guanchaiba demonstrated, he immediately gave the general a step down: "The general is really getting more and more powerful."

"Hahahaha, it's easy to talk!" The general stretched out his hand and laughed: "Please sit down!"

Guan Caiba pulled out a chair and sat down, while Bao Qiang and Jiang Lang stood behind him.

The drug distribution conference officially started.

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