water dungeon.

The mighty Guanchaiba was a little confused by the cold water.

"Boss, boss, you must not fall asleep. If you are soaked in water, you will not be able to wake up after falling asleep." Bao Qiang hurriedly shouted loudly.

Leopard Qiang was also hung in the water dungeon with his hands tied, but this guy's physical fitness was very good. Although he was swollen from being soaked in cold water, his spirit was not too weak.

Of course, the smartest one was Jiang Lang. This guy was knocked out by the general's subordinates at once, and he was lying in the hospital enjoying the high-end treatment of electric fans.

"Jinsha, a shoveler, just wants to show me off. Leopard Qiang, stretch your leg over and let me cushion it." Guan Caiba shook his head vigorously, trying to keep himself awake. He knew in his heart that Jinsha must Will let myself go.

"Brother!" Bao Qiang hurriedly stretched one foot towards the sole of Guan Caiba's, lest Guan Caiba be drowned in the water, but in this way, Bao Qiang's feet were spread out, and half of his head was soaked in the water. He raised his head desperately so as not to drown himself first.

On the other hand, Mr. Jin Sha, the real storyteller of the Golden Triangle, has just attended the general's funeral. He has already found out that the general's life was killed by a bullet, a bullet from a sniper rifle. There are no snipers at all.

Mr. Jin Sha has already ordered the whole city to search for Li Er, the guy who fired the black gun. Unfortunately, Li Er has already escaped from the Golden Triangle and went to Thailand to see the shemale.

"Li Er, we are safe, but Jiang Lang is still under Guanchai Ba's hands, so he will not be in danger!" Chen Jiaju asked Li Er worriedly while sipping skewers with cold beer.

After all, Chen Jiaju is still more loyal than Li Er. Since he and Jiang Lang have been partners these days, he has already regarded Jiang Lang as his brother.

"Hey!" Li Er took a sip of the strange but good Thai cold drink, gave Chen Jiaju a glance and said, "Do you know who Jiang Lang is? If you die, he may not be all right."

"Isn't Jiang Lang one of your subordinates? You guys from the CID in Tsim Sha Tsui!" Chen Jiaju said with a frown. He also felt that Jiang Lang was not like an ordinary CID policeman. , Chen Jiaju even thought about poaching Li Er's corner and letting Jiang Lang work with him.

"Eat less spicy food!" Li Er tapped Bai Anni's hand with a barbecue stick. Bai Anni has a bad stomach, but she also likes spicy food very much. Whenever she encounters delicious seasonings, she desperately adds seasonings.

"Oh—!" Bai Anni put down the spicy seasoning jar in her hand, and brushed soy sauce on the skewers.

It seems that Li Er is not as careless as his precious apprentice on the surface.

"Master, here it is!" Bai Anni handed a skewer of grilled beef to Li Er's mouth.

"Hey, hey, I'm still here, don't be so sleazy as a show of affection!" Chen Jiaju raised his hand in protest and shouted: "Li Er, hurry up and talk about Jiang Lang, I'm very interested in this guy."

Originally, an undercover police officer like Jiang Lang who had been in the underworld, especially the second-in-command of the underworld, Li Er, like other high-level police officers, didn't trust Jiang Lang very much, but Li Er really He couldn't think of any reason why Jiang Lang could harm him, so he just used it, but Li Er still believed in Jiang Lang's ability to save his life.

Jiang Lang really lived up to Li Er's trust. This guy was eating in a luxurious restaurant, and his food was better than Li Er and Chen Jiaju combined.

"Understood, understood, it is inconvenient for Mr. Jinsha to come forward, I will explain it clearly to my boss." Jiang Lang continued to nod and said: "The murder of the general was definitely an accident, give us ten people who dare not touch Mr. Jinsha , not to mention it’s still in your territory.”

Across the table was a guy in a military uniform,

As hell, he is the general's younger brother, his own younger brother.

"Do you know, I can't wait to tear you bastards alive right now." The general's younger brother said with a grim expression.

Jiang Lang smiled and shook his head. If he could appear here, this guy knew that his life was safe.

"I believe your words, but as far as I know, all six sales colleagues who came to the meeting yesterday are dead." Jiang Lang spread his hands and said: "People outside don't know what happened here. If our last If one buyer is dead, then those idiots out there who don’t know the truth will think that Mr. Jinsha is cheating and hacking all the buyers’ money, and then no one will dare to come to the Golden Triangle to buy.”

Brother General: "Continue talking."

Jiang Lang nodded calmly.

"My boss is willing to pack all of Mr. Jinsha's goods by himself. In the future, Mr. Jinsha will no longer have to worry about sales. Also, we will come forward to clarify yesterday's accident, and it will definitely not affect Mr. Jinsha's reputation."

"Of course, we will also compensate for all the losses in the accident. What do you think?" Jiang Lang put down his empty wine glass after finishing speaking.

The general's younger brother frowned: "What you said, can you be the master?"

Jiang Lang shook his head decisively: "What I say doesn't count."

The general's younger brother's face darkened.

"But I'm 100% sure that I can convince my boss to agree to your terms." Jiang Lang said confidently, "Otherwise you wouldn't be looking for me, would you?"

"Things have already happened. Even if you kill us, it's just to vent your hatred for a while, but the business has been cut off since then." Jiang Lang knocked on the table and said, "Anyway, I'll settle it for you. Not worth it."

"Papa papa—!"

A burst of applause sounded from the screen behind the general's younger brother.

"Jiang Lang, aren't you helping Guan Haishan in the arms business on Hong Kong Island? When did you become interested in our Golden Triangle business?" the voice behind the screen hummed.

Jiang Lang's eyes flickered. He should have heard this voice somewhere, but he couldn't remember who it was for a while.

A smiling middle-aged man stepped out from behind the screen.

Jiang Lang frowned: "Kuntai? Are you working for the Golden Triangle military?"

Kuntai grinned. He is Mr. Jinsha's most trusted confidant. He used to help Mr. Jinsha's military camp smuggle firearms and weapons, and traded a large amount of arms with Jiang Lang on Hong Kong Island. The two had cooperated several times, and they were old acquaintances.

"Now I understand why Guanchaiba has to suffer in the water dungeon, and you can have a big fish here!" Kuntai clapped his hands and laughed: "You helped me on Hong Kong Island before, now we settle the matter."

Jiang Lang neatly gave Kuntai a middle finger.

"Such a low-level joke, you use it to tease me." Jiang Lang sneered: "I'm sure that the big fish and big meat have other purposes."

"Uh——!" Kuntai shook his head: "Jiang Lang, do you know that you are so smart that you are so annoying."

Jiang Lang shrugged his shoulders, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Kuntai didn't know his identity as an undercover agent.

"I propose three conditions, you'd better accept it, and you can only accept it." Kuntai said solemnly: "This is Mr. Jinsha's meaning."

"The first condition, you will help us do things in the future, keep an eye on Guanchaiba!" Kuntai said, looking into Jiang Lang's eyes.

The corner of Jiang Lang's mouth grinned, how could he have imagined that while working as an undercover agent, he could still be considered as a double undercover agent?

"Five million dollars!" Quintiles held out a palm: "Every year."

Jiang Lang touched his brow.

'Could it be that I was born to be a twenty-five boy? '

It is impossible for Jiang Lang not to be tempted by the annual income of five million dollars, but he is too aware of the pissing nature of people in the underworld, so this money is not easy to get.

"You help us get the full list of Guanchaiba Bulk Cargo's next home, and we will be our own people from now on." Kuntai patted Jiang Lang's shoulder and smiled.

Jiang Lang curled his lips. Sure enough, there will be no pies in the sky. Mr. Jinsha has already started to be wary of Guanchaiba.

"Okay——! I promise you, but I want 10 million, one-time, and give it immediately when I get the list." Jiang Lang nodded in agreement with Kuntai's request, and at the same time put forward a small condition. Jiang Lang is very experienced as a second-five boy , know to do so in order to win the trust of employers.

Sure enough, Kuntai laughed. He didn't believe that Jiang Lang wouldn't see the annual remuneration of five million dollars. Bully list scheme.

"That's no problem, my friend." Kuntai smiled brightly, and continued to discuss the remaining three conditions with Jiang Lang.


water dungeon.

Guan Caiba and Bao Qiang raised their heads in pain, looking at the well-dressed Jiang Lang in disbelief.

"Alang, you...why are you fine?" Bao Qiang asked in disbelief.

Regardless of the stench of the water prison, Jiang Lang jumped straight down and untied the ropes from Guanchaiba and Baoqiang's hands.

"I have negotiated with the other party, and it has been settled. They are willing to let us live." Jiang Lang said in a low voice.

"Have you seen Mr. Jinsha?" Guanchaiba asked hurriedly, his expression changed.

Jiang Lang shook his head: "I didn't see it, Mr. Jinsha sent a representative."

"How did you talk about it?" Guanchaiba asked after he climbed up to the water dungeon, he was very tired, and he lay down directly, regardless of the muddy water on the floor.

"The other party asked for 30 million, worth three of our lives." Jiang Lang said in a low voice.

"Fuck, this is fucking extortion, you must agree!" Leo Qiang jumped angrily.

"I don't agree. Now the three of us are stubborn." Jiang Lang said with a bitter face.

"You did the right thing!" Guanchaiba raised his hand to stop the angry Leopard Qiang: "No amount of money is as important as life, Leopard Qiang, I am very satisfied with the younger brother you accepted this time."

Guanchaiba's current grief and indignation are actually no less than Leopard's. He has clearly reminded his subordinates many times not to hurt the general. Who knows if the general is too unlucky to be shot to death by a stray bullet or something.

"If there are any other conditions, tell them all. I don't believe that Mr. Jinsha let go of this matter so easily." Even if he was lying on the dirty floor, Guan Caiba was still very magnanimous.

"There are no other conditions. Everything else is beneficial to us." Jiang Lang said with a smile: "Mr. Jin Sha agrees that we will monopolize all the goods in the Golden Triangle in the future."

When Guanchaiba heard Jiang Lang's words, his face was not happy, and he asked vigilantly, "Conditions."

Pay attention to the official account: pay attention to get cash and coins!

"Hey, Boss, you are still as hot as a torch." Jiang Lang smiled awkwardly: "I promise them that on the original basis, the price will increase by 20% per kilogram."

"Twenty percent?" Guanchaiba's face twitched, and he finally sighed: "It's okay, let's save money and eliminate disasters. We have taken care of all the supply of goods. When the time comes, we will increase the price downstream and spread the cost back."

"Also, we have to clear the goods in Mr. Jinsha's warehouse within a month, and we will pay with one hand and carry the goods with the other." Jiang Lang continued.

Guanchaiba's face twitched again. The Malaysian police arrested his wife. What Guanchaiba lacks most now is cash flow.

"How many goods are there in Mr. Jinsha's warehouse?" Guanchaiba shook his head, put aside these troublesome things, and asked Jiang Lang seriously. He found that Jiang Lang was really a talent, and he was able to talk to Mr. Jinsha's people. .

"Ten tons!" Jiang Lang nodded.

Guanchai Baso sat up from the floor.

"You are fucking insane! You bought ten tons of goods for me?" Guan Caiba excitedly grabbed Jiang Lang's collar.

Jiang Lang: "Hmm—!"

"Huh???" Guanchaiba was so soaked in water that he couldn't lift his strength, otherwise he would have punched Jiang Lang in the face.

"Boss, the other party's two AK47s are pressing against my temples on both sides. I can't shake my head." Jiang Lang smiled wryly.

Guan Guaiba thought for a while, and he could probably think of Jiang Lang's situation, so he patted Jiang Lang's shoulder and comforted him, "You did the right thing, very good!"

"What other conditions does the other party have, you can tell them all at once!"

Jiang Lang continued, Guanchaiba's face continued to turn green.

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