What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 328 Zhou Xingxing is the God of Gamblers

"Gao Jin!" Zhou Xingxing saw Gao Jin as soon as he reached the second floor.

'It's unexpected that such a complete gambling stall is hidden in such a place with clear wind and cool water. ’ Zhou Xingxing looked around and found that although the room was crowded, there were all kinds of gambling methods available.

"Gao Jin?" Chen Xiaodao heard the name again, and quickly turned to look at Zhou Xingxing.

Chen Xiaodao looked at Zhou Xingxing suspiciously: "Are you Gao Jin?"

"Huh?" Zhou Xingxing glanced at Chen Xiaodao in a daze. Sure enough, he was so handsome that he had no brains. Zhou Xingxing ignored Chen Xiaodao and looked at Gao Jin, and then he found Gao Jin looking at him with a dull face. .

Zhou Xingxing: "..."

‘I don’t know you anymore if you change your hairstyle? ’ Zhou Xingxing felt that the back of his head was insulting his IQ.

"Yes, I am Gao Jin!" Zhou Xingxing said seriously with his hands clasped behind him.


Chen Xiaodao, Dakoujiu and the others took a step back one after another. These bad gamblers, none of them have heard of the name of God of Gamblers Gao Jin.

"You...you are the God of Gamblers?" Chen Xiaodao's voice trembled with excitement.

"Gao Jin, this name is so familiar." Gao Jin shook his head with a painful face.

Zhou Xingxing's attention was always on Gao Jin. He saw Gao Jin's reaction at this time, and he was also very surprised. Did I admit the wrong person, Dao Youquan cheated me for 500 yuan?

"That's right, I am the legendary gambling god." Zhou Xingxing desperately pushed his bangs back to the back of his head, trying to get a big back.

"Are you really a gambler?" Dakoujiu was also full of excitement when he saw Zhou Xingxing.

"..." Zhou Xingxing was dumbfounded when he saw Dakoujiu. Isn't this the robber he met at the jewelry exhibition before?

"Ahem—!" Zhou Xingxing raised his head and chest, and cleared his throat: "I am Gao Jin, and I will give it to you."

Being able to pretend to be the other party in front of the real deity and still not change his face, Zhou Xingxing relies on nothing else, it is purely thick-skinned.

"Boss God of Gamblers, do you want to take care of us when you come to a small gambling stall like ours?" Dakoujiu said with a nervous smile, "If you can come to our place, our entire North Ridge of Saigon will shine brightly.


"Brother Jiu, that's called Pengpi Shenghui." Dakoujiu's subordinates reminded.

"That's right, that's right, it's the ashes that have grown out of Pengpi!" Dakoujiu scratched his head and said with a smirk.

"No! You're not Gao Jin!" Gao Jin suddenly pointed at Zhou Xingxing and shouted.

Chen Xiaodao also looked at Zhou Xingxing suspiciously. Leaving aside his temperament, Zhou Xingxing's slippers and stockings are too dramatic.

"I'm not Gao Jin, so are you Gao Jin?" Zhou Xingxing looked at Gao Jin with a smirk in his heart, making you pretend to have amnesia.

"I'm Gao Jin?" Gao Jin's face froze, he suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his head, and pulled his hair in pain.

"Fuck you all over the street, where is the family shoveling you, dare to come to amuse me, and don't ask who I am, Dakoujiu."

Da Koujiu and Chen Xiaodao were not fools, they immediately understood that Zhou Xingxing was playing tricks on them.

"I'll count to three, you'd better let go immediately, or I'll let you know how to write regret." Zhou Xingxing snorted proudly.

"Grass!" Dakoujiu lifted Zhou Xingxing even higher, and sprayed his saliva on Zhou Xingxing's chin: "I haven't read a book, and Bruce Lee can't even write three words, let alone regret it."

"Hey!" Zhou Xingxing shook his head and sighed, "I'm uneducated!"

"Damn it." Dakoujiu raised his fist, about to beat Zhou Xingxing violently.

Zhou Xingxing shook his finger, Dakoujiu immediately put down Zhou Xingxing.

"I'm here to gamble, don't you welcome me? If you don't welcome me, tell me earlier. I'll go back to Tsim Sha Tsui and tell everyone that you in Saigon don't welcome us to come and play." Zhou Xingxing held two banknotes between his fingers, and his face was terrified .

"Why not welcome, we Saigon people are the most hospitable, warm welcome!" Dakoujiu laughed with a smiley face, this guy's service awareness is not bad.

Chen Xiaodao: "..."

"Chocolate, are you okay!" Chen Xiaodao patted Gao Jin on the shoulder, he still needs to rely on this big man to make money, so he can't let him rest.

"I'm fine, Daozi, who is Gao Jin?" Gao Jin asked Chen Xiaodao with a dazed expression.

"Gao Jin, God of Gamblers! God of Gamblers, do you know?" Chen Xiaodao shook his head, thinking to himself, you are an idiot and I won't explain it to you.

"God of Gamblers!" Gao Jin muttered his nickname to himself, frowning into a word of Sichuan.

This guy is also unlucky, he is not easy to mess with, but he has messed with the broom star, the name of the broom star is not in vain, otherwise the inferior trap set by Chen Xiaodao can be seen by anyone who is not blind. The ghost covered his eyes and didn't pay attention, he sank in all of a sudden, if he just fell and gnawed shit, it would be fine, but he also injured his head, which is nothing but a few stitches, but Gao Jin is very stupid Bloody knocked his head and lost his memory.

"Hello! I have all kinds of games here, what do you want to play?" As long as Dakoujiu has money to make, its service attitude is comparable to that of a mother on Bolan Street.

Zhou Xingxing ignored him, his attention was on Gao Jin, Gao Jin's painful and confused expression was too realistic, which confused Zhou Xingxing.

"Is this big backed head showing off his acting skills? Or has he really lost his memory?" Zhou Xingxing planned to call his assistant. Anyway, he didn't bring a gun now, so it would be safer to call a gun.

So the question is, who should I call?

Zhou Xingxing rubbed his chin to think, and then he looked up and realized that he had already sat at the gambling table for no reason.

"Hello! What's going on?" Zhou Xingxing opened his mouth wide in surprise, what the hell? The cards are already dealt two.

Zhou Xingxing hurriedly touched his pocket.

"Ah! There's a pickpocket, my 2,000 yuan is missing." Zhou Xingxing almost jumped up from his chair in shock.

Chen Xiaodao sneered and said, "You bumpkin, your money has already been exchanged into chips, otherwise where did you get the two thousand chips in front of you?"

"Throw—!" Zhou Xingxing realized that there were really twenty chips in front of him.

"Hey, are you going to follow the cards or not? If you don't follow, discard the cards quickly, don't waste our time." Dakoujiu shouted impatiently.

Zhou Xingxing lowered his head and glanced at his own cards, yes, he actually took a K, this guy flipped over his hole cards, and hit the street with a shovel, so biu Buddha, this is giving me money ?

Zhou Xingxing's hole card is also a king, and this guy has a pair of kings.

"Uh--! How much is the ante, and who was shouting just now?" Zhou Xingxing suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and asked with a flat face.

"I'm shouting, five hundred! Do you follow or not? If you don't follow, you must discard your cards quickly. Don't waste our time." Dakoujiu said, patting the table.

"No—!" Zhou Xingbiao shook his finger at the same time as he spoke, "I don't study much, so don't scare me."

"I will never let anyone stud in front of me." Zhou Xingxing said with a serious face.

Chen Xiaodao was powerless for a while, who the hell studs, this is the second card, and the bet is only 500.

Zhou Xingxing suddenly opened the belt of his sports pants, and squeezed out five thousand yuan bills from the inside seam of the belt.

"Exchange them all for chips." Zhou Xingxing waved his hand heroically, and Dakoujiu's subordinates immediately exchanged chips for Zhou Xingxing.

"Don't waste time, Stud!" Zhou Xingxing studded.

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