What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 337 God of Gamblers vs King of Gamblers

Lee Kee Catering Company.

General Manager's Office.

"What? Fishing again?" Seeing Li Yi's unkind expression, Li Er immediately cursed with a sullen face: "That bastard Gao Jin must be playing for fun, let him go!"

Li Er decisively hung up the phone.

Li Yi glared at Li Er coldly, he was not in the mood to talk to the idiot in front of him now.

"Master, who is it?" Bo Anni asked curiously in a low voice.

"Eagle called, saying that Gao Jin wanted to talk to me." Li Er said casually.

Li Yi had almost explained the company's affairs, and he was explaining something to Li Shan in a low voice. Li Shan didn't know if he really understood, so he just nodded frequently in response.

"Brother, you don't need to be so troublesome about such a trivial matter!" Li Er shook his head to persuade Li Yi: "If you don't let the third child go, the third child should have been in charge by himself long ago."

"I, I, second brother, I can't do it."

Li Er just finished speaking, Li Shan shook his hands nervously.

"You haven't even gone, how do you know you can't do it?" Li Er was really pissed off by Li Shan's lack of self-confidence: "Could it be that you have the ability to sit in the company?"

Li Shan didn't answer Li Er's words.


Li Er found that the room was too quiet, and turned his head to look in the direction of the desk.

"Play sitting in town, you can't really do it?" Li Er asked hesitantly.

Li Shan nodded confidently, Li Shiya looked at his second brother with disdain, Li Yi turned his head and looked around, trying to find something convenient to use, and teach Li Er what brotherhood is.

This guy Li Er really doesn't understand the third child of his family. Li Shan may lack the courage to expand the territory, but he is more than enough to keep the success. In fact, Li Yi is the general manager of Li Ji Catering Company in name, but most of them All the work is arranged by Li Shan, and Li Yi is only responsible for making important decisions.

"Brother, you can visit relatives when you go back to the mainland. Why do you bring your sister-in-law with you? Isn't your sister-in-law inconvenient now?" Li Shiya said reluctantly.

Li Shiya's relationship with her sister-in-law is getting closer and closer. Wang Gangsheng is going to return to the mainland, and it will take a long time. She is really very sad.

"Brother, when he returned to the mainland, he didn't just visit our relatives, but also your sister-in-law's relatives, and then set the wedding date for banquets. Don't talk too much if you don't understand these things." Li Er received Li Yi's eyes, Quickly explained to Li Shiya.

Of course, Li Er knew that Li Yi wanted to bring Wang Gangsheng with him to cover him, otherwise people on Hong Kong Island would definitely be suspicious of Li Yi and his brothers returning to the mainland frequently.

"Sister-in-law, here is my eldest brother's hometown return certificate and all your documents. I have already done all the stamping for you, and I will exchange 10,000 yuan in RMB for you." Bai Anni handed over a kraft paper bag Wang Gangsheng.

Wang Gangsheng happily took the kraft paper bag, and he deserved that Bai Anni is attractive, such a well-behaved character who knows how to do things, it is very difficult to be hated.

"Brother, when you arrive in the mainland, Yang Jianhua will send someone to contact you. Anyway, you don't care about the wasteland or not. You want all the land in Futian and Luohu." Li Er motioned Li Yi to go aside, and the two brothers whispered.

"Are you a pig? If you don't choose the land in the provincial capital, what's the use of choosing the land in the development zone? How many unfinished projects have been developed on Hong Kong Island, let alone the mainland." Li Yi looked at Li Er like an idiot, he Now he is very sure that the guy in front of him is his own brother, this guy has not changed, he is still as stupid as ever.


Li Yi's words made sense, but Li Eryi was speechless for a while.

"Didn't I consider that the provincial capital is a bit far away, and I've already settled this matter with Yang Jianhua, so now I'm back, do I have any face?" Li Er said pretending to be embarrassed.

Li Yi also had a headache. The second child, who is usually very smart, suddenly became stupid. Now he can only see Yang Jianhua first, and take a step forward.

the other side.

Gao Jin put down the phone with a strange expression on his face.

What the hell, such a good promotion and salary increase win-win plan,

How could that fellow Li Er not be interested?

"Mr. Gao Jin, there is not only one policeman on Hong Kong Island. Since Li Er does not cooperate, we can also find other policemen." Long Wu said suddenly.

Gao Jin glanced at Long Wu, but didn't speak.

Chen Xiaodao retorted: "Although there are many policemen on Hong Kong Island, Mr. Li is the most powerful. We must ask him for help."

Chen Xiaodao admired Li Er unexpectedly. In fact, this guy had seen Li Er's majestic deeds on TV, and he was greatly encouraged. If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't read all the words, he would also want to apply for the police academy.

"Gao Yi has hooked up with Chen Jincheng. This old guy is insidious and cunning. Other ordinary people may not be his opponents."

While Gao Jin was thinking, his fingers were shaking unconsciously, a piece of chocolate was flying between Gao Jin's fingers, it looked very gorgeous, and Chen Xiaodao was envious.

Long Wu thought for a while, and asked straightforwardly: "Then do I need to kill Gao Yi, I'm 100% sure."

Gao Jin waved his hand and vetoed: "No need, Gao Yi, a traitor, I want to do it myself. The problem now is that this old fox, Chen Jincheng, is mixed with scum. I only have one chance to take action and get rid of both of them together."

Long Wu stopped talking, he was not a talkative person.

Chen Xiaodao wanted to help Gao Jin, but his brain was not very bright, and he really couldn't think of any good way, and Gao Jin didn't expect this guy to be able to help.

"Brother Jin, we have few enemies and many enemies. Is it possible to drive a wedge between Du Wang and Gao Yi and make them two quarrel." Chen Xiaodao thought for a long time, and finally came up with a poisonous plan.

Gao Jin's eyes lit up, he recruited a bum like Chen Xiaodao to be by his side, just to lull Gao Yi and relax his vigilance, unexpectedly Chen Xiaodao was really tricky.

"Daozi, I want you to do something for me. I wonder if you would like to?" Gao Jin said to Chen Xiaodao with a smile on his face.

"Of course I do, Brother Jin, I will do whatever you ask me to do!" Chen Daozai regarded Gao Jin as an idol, and immediately nodded in agreement.

"Very good!" After Gao Jin finished speaking, he punched Chen Xiaodao in the face.

Chen Xiaodao was stunned.

"Brother Jin, this is it!"

Before Chen Xiaodao finished speaking, Gao Jin greeted him with another punch.


Chen Xiaodao's cheeks, which hadn't completely subsided, suddenly swelled up again.

"Bang bang bang!" Gao Jin beat Chen Xiaodao's handsome face into a pig's head with one punch after another.

"Knife boy! Have you ever heard of bitter tricks?" Gao Jin finally stopped.

"Ah???" Chen Xiaodao was dumbfounded: "Brother Jin, I have never heard of you teaching me. Do you want to be so ruthless?"

Gao Jin nodded solemnly: "I'm just teaching you now."

"Oh!" Chen Xiaodao suddenly realized, in fact, this guy didn't understand at all, why he had to beat himself up first after learning this stupid trick.

Chen Jincheng Villa.

Gao Yi really became Chen Jincheng's guest.

"Chen Sheng, Gao Jin has already accepted the August 15th bet. You should also give me my money." Gao Yi reminded Chen Jincheng.

"Hmph! Gao Yi, you're a fool. Shang Shanhong asked Gao Jin to promise a game early in the morning." Brother Nan, who was supposed to be in prison, pointed at Gao Yi's nose and cursed: "You Qidi, have been Hiding the news from us, he wants to collect money from both sides."

Gao Yi rubbed his hands in embarrassment: "Chen Sheng, you are the king of gambling, you have a lot of money, you promised to give me five million, you won't break your promise!"

Before Chen Jincheng could speak, Brother Nan had already sneered.

"We are making a gamble. When you see a cheater, you will tell the truth."

"I will still give you the money." Chen Jincheng finally spoke.

"What are the opening odds for the bet between me and Gao Jin in Jianghu?" Chen Jincheng was lighting a cigar.

"Hey, Chen Sheng is worthy of being the king of gamblers. He has seen through the key points at a glance. The battle between the king of gamblers and the god of gamblers, the odds in the market outside are generally 1 to 3."

"It seems that everyone is not optimistic about me!" Chen Jincheng said with a smile, the old guy is very generous.

Gao Yi chuckled: "The higher the odds, the more you win, Chen Sheng, and the more we will win."

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