What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 341 Li 2 is dead! dead!

"Second Brother!" Zhu Wanfang woke up and hugged Li Er tightly with red eyes when she saw Li Er.

"Second brother, I thought we were all dead!" Zhu Wanfang exclaimed in fear.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, good people don't live forever, and the disaster will last for thousands of years. It's not so easy for a bastard like your second brother to go to the street." Li Er comforted Zhu Wanfang by patting Zhu Wanfang's back.

"No, second brother, you are not a bad person." Zhu Wanfang shook her head and objected.

"So your second brother is going to hit the street soon." Bai Anni couldn't stand it any longer, she put her hands on her chest and snorted coldly.

"Ah! Sister Anni, why are you here!" Zhu Wanfang realized that Bai Anni was there, and she quickly let go of Li Er's arms, and looked at Bai Anni with some anxiety.

"Okay! Don't pretend." Bai Anni rolled her eyes: "This is my home, I'm not here, so I can let you two spend the night!"

"Not good!" Zhu Wanfang said quickly, she glanced at her surroundings, she found that this was indeed Bai Anni's house, and what she was lying on was really Bai Anni's bed.

"Lie down well, you!" Seeing that Zhu Wanfang was about to get up, Bo Anni reached out and pressed Zhu Wanfang's shoulder.

Zhu Wanfang felt dizzy and lay obediently on the bed, but she still looked at Li Er questioningly.

Li Er was naturally happy to hug left and right.

"It's okay, the three of us will sleep together tonight." Li Er said with a chuckle.

"It's a good idea!" Bai Anni threw a pillow at Li Er: "Sleep on the sofa!"

Li Er walked out of the room awkwardly with a big pillow in his arms.

"Annie, isn't the air conditioner in the living room broken?" Li Er was about to turn back.

Bo Anni slammed the door shut with a bang.

Early the next morning, the news of Li Er's assassination spread throughout the police force.

"Is this true?" Chen Jiaju's first reaction was that this was fake news.

"It should be true. The news came from Li Xianying." Li Wenbin reported in a low voice.

Chen Jiaju nodded: "Is Li Er okay?"

At this moment, Chen Jiaju remembered to ask Li Er if he had rushed to the street.

"It seems that he was shot twice. The killer took advantage of Sir Li's unpreparedness and shot Li Sir from behind." Li Wenbin said with an ugly face. Li Er is the most prominent star policeman in the Hong Kong Island Police Force. What happened last night is undoubtedly Slapped the entire police force in the face.

"No way! Li Er was attacked by surprise?" Chen Jiaju's expression was inconceivable. Guys like Li Er like to walk against the wall when they walk. Even if they go to a restaurant to eat, Li Er only chooses the position against the wall, and there are still people Can sneak attack him.

"Who did it?" Chen Jiaju called Li Er's mobile phone while talking.

"We haven't had any cases in the Central District recently. You should immediately contact Li Xianying and ask him if he needs any help." Chen Jiaju turned to Li Wenbin while taking advantage of the phone call.

"Okay!" Li Wenbin smiled slightly. He was waiting for Chen Jiaju's words. Li Wenbin was not very familiar with the people in the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station. It would be different if Chen Jiaju spoke. Both Chen Jiaju and Zhang Dazui came out of the Tsim Sha Tsui patrol team. The relationship with the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station is not too familiar.

"By the way, hurry up and tell me about the case." Chen Jiaju looked at Li Wenbin, Li Er didn't answer the phone yet.

"Well, what I know so far is that there were three killers who assassinated Sir Li. Sir Li killed two killers on the spot, and the other killer was captured alive by Sir Li. He is now being interrogated by the Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Squad. Other news is not very clear. " Li Wenbin thought for a while and said, "I'll contact Li Xianying immediately to get information. According to Li sir's style of work, Li Xianying should be responsible for this case."

Chen Jiaju nodded, someone wanted to kill Li Er, Li Er would naturally not treat him to dinner and drinks, this guy would definitely fight back, and he would fight back fiercely.

Chen Jiaju knew very well the team under Li Er's second hand. For a case that needed to be executed quickly and accurately, Li Er would definitely hand it over to Li Xianying. Instructor Hu's team could only serve as assistants at most.


Li Er's call finally got through.

"Fuck you, what kind of crazy? It's only nine o'clock, and you still keep people from sleeping."

As soon as Chen Jiaju got on the phone, he was scolded by Li Er.

"Uh—!" Chen Jiaju looked at Li Wenbin questioningly.

'Is this the fucking guy who got shot? '

Li Erzhong's angry scolding made Li Wenbin start to wonder if he had received the wrong information.

"Li Er, my Jiaju!" Chen Jiaju scratched his head and said, "Didn't you get shot? Which hospital are you in?"

"Who told you that I was shot?" Li Er said inexplicably: "I'm sleeping at home. I hang up if I have nothing to do. If I have something to do, I will come to me after noon. It's bed time at eight or nine o'clock. You don't understand Don't hurt me for health care."

"What the hell?" Chen Jiaju looked at the phone in his hand that was hung up by Li Er, then turned to look at Li Wenbin: "Isn't nine o'clock the time for work?"

"Uh——!" Li Wenbin looked at the ceiling in embarrassment: "Li sir's things are unfathomable, I can't figure it out."

Chen Jiaju waved Li Wenbin to leave, and he called Li Xianying himself to find out the situation.

On the other side, Li Er, who knows how to keep in good health, is lying in the middle of the bed hugging left and right. On his left is his good apprentice Bai Anni, and on his right is the well-behaved student girl Zhu Wanfang.

Bai Anni obviously locked the bedroom door last night, who knows how Li Er fell asleep on the bed from the sofa.

"What? Li Erhuang?" Yuan Haoyun was riding on a traffic police motorcycle, holding soy milk in one hand and a pineapple bun in the other.

"Improbable?" Yuan Haoyun shook his head in disbelief.

"Really, those guys in Tsim Sha Tsui ransacked the whole city like crazy last night. Something must have happened to Sir Li." A traffic policeman swore.

"I seem to have heard that last night a gang of gangsters fired hundreds of shots on Observatory Road in Tsim Sha Tsui. When the uniformed police arrived at the scene, there were bullet casings all over the ground." Another traffic policeman also added.

"Ah??? Hundreds of bullets, then Li Er was swept into a sieve." Yuan Haoyun said in amazement.

"I'm afraid it's almost the same. With hundreds of bullets, even if he shoots blindly, Li sir will not escape."

"Hey!" Yuan Haoyun sighed, snatched a cigarette from the mouth of the traffic policeman beside him, and took a deep drag.


a coffee shop.

"This is absolutely fake news!"

Lin Xin'er disdainfully threw the newspaper into the trash can. These gossip newspapers, in order to attract people's attention and increase sales, are not the first time to report false news on the basis of rumors. Didn't several major newspapers mention this matter?

A few minutes later.

Lin Xiner picked up the newspapers in the trash can.

"Li Er can't be so unlucky, can he?"

As Li Er's psychological counselor, Lin Xin'er sometimes even understands Li Er better than Li Er. Li Er's kind of insecure guy, who even has slight fantasies of being persecuted, wants to kill him. Difficult thing.

"Hello!" Li Xin'er finally dialed Li Er's mobile phone.

Li Er was about to swear, when he heard a nice female voice, he choked back the cute mantra.

"Which one?" Li Er leaned against the head of the bed and asked in a low voice.

Zhu Wanfang was still sleeping, but Bai Anni was already awake, strangling Li Er like an octopus.

"I, Li Xin'er, Li Er, are you alright?" Li Xin'er knew that there was nothing wrong with Li Er as soon as Li Xin'er heard Li Er's tone.

"Why should something happen to me?" Li Er was really surprised. Why was everyone expecting something to happen to him so early in the morning? Is my character so bad?

Li Xin'er: "..."

"As long as it's okay! I'll just ask casually, hang up!" Li Xin'er said and hung up the phone hastily.

Li Xin'er is a psychologist, she knew what Li Er was doing, and after hanging up the phone, she blushed and cursed Li Er as a bastard. This kind of person should be messed with. Killing with a gun is justice.

Li Er threw the phone at the end of the bed with an innocent expression on his face. I am a serious boyfriend and girlfriend, what's wrong with doing a morning exercise?

It seems like nothing is wrong.

It's just that both Li Er and Bo Anni forgot one thing, there was Zhu Wanfang on the bed, at this time Zhu Wanfang's sister tried her best to close her eyes tightly, but her face was red behind her ears.

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