What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Three hundred and fortieth chapters gambling boat

A luxury cruise ship is docked at Wanchai pier.

Li Er and Bo Anni had already boarded the cruise ship very early, and behind them was a tow bottle, the eldest lady of the Tong Group, Tong Keren.

Today is the open betting match between the gambling king Chen Jincheng and the gambling god Gao Jin, which is also mixed with the revenge plan of Ueyama Koichi, the president of the Japanese Black Tiger Association.

There are many dignitaries, wealthy businessmen and celebrities who came to watch the game today.

"Master, that seems to be Cao Dahua." Bo Anni motioned Li Er to look at a potbellied guy who boarded the boat.

Li Er and Tong Keren leaned on the railing of the gambling boat and looked down. They really forced Cao Dahua. Not only did Cao Dahua arrive, but Li Er also saw several plain-clothes officers from the Wanchai Police Station, including Fang Jiexia.

Fang Jiexia was very sensitive, she faintly felt that someone was watching her, and quickly raised her head to look above the cruise ship.

'Li Er? '

Fang Jiexia frowned and covered her chest.

Li Er: "..."

'You have no breasts, what the hell are you hiding? '

Ever since Li Er got married with He Min, he couldn't think of any woman's breasts as nothing more than that.

"It's okay, don't worry about them, the people from the Wanchai Police Station may be protecting the wine bags and food bags on the ship." Li Er said with a curled lip.

Li Er's judgment was very accurate. After all, this gambling boat departed from the Wanchai area. Ye Dexian was worried that something might go wrong with the celebrities on the boat, so she sent a group of police officers from the serious crime team to check on the boat.

"Cao sir, the one above is Li Er." Fang Jiexia quickly walked behind Cao Dahua and reported.

"Li Er?" Cao Dahua hurriedly raised his head, his face changed drastically and he muttered: "Li Er appeared on the gambling boat and went to the street, there is no real big case, right?"

This guy Cao Dahua volunteered to carry out his mission to gamble on the boat. In fact, he did it for his own benefit. Cao Dahua bought a 200,000 peripheral Chen Jincheng to win. He wanted to see with his own eyes how rich he was.

Not long after Cao Dahua and his party got on the boat, Li Er and Bai Anni saw two guys in wheelchairs being pushed onto the boat.

It's Gao Yi and Brother Nan.

Zhou Xingxing worked hard to complete the tasks assigned to him by Li Er,

This guy really disabled Gao Yi and Brother Nan, but Gao Yi and Brother Nan were also really disabled. Both of them were bandaged into mummies, and they had to board a boat to participate in the gambling game.

At the same time, in a small room inside the gambling boat.

"Mr. Gao, I have already made arrangements according to your instructions." Long Wu glanced at his boss Hiroshi Ueyama, then turned his head and reported to Gao Jin.

"Very good! Long Wu, your part is very important, and you must be safe." Gao Jin said seriously.

"Understood!" Long Wu nodded confidently.

"Master, I saw Li Er on the deck, but this guy didn't bring any men, instead he brought two beauties." Chen Xiaodao scratched his head and reported: "Is this guy unreliable?"

Gao Jin laughed confidently when he heard that Li Er had boarded the boat.

"Don't worry, my cooperation with Li Er is a win-win situation. Li Er will not let go of the stolen goods and get the chance to arrest Chen Jincheng."

Chen Xiaodao looked at Gao Jin very puzzled, he really couldn't figure out where Gao Jin got the confidence that Chen Jincheng would kill in public.


The gambling ship draws anchor and sets sail.

"Hello Li sir, is there any case today?" Fang Jiexia walked to Li Er and asked straight to the point.

Li Er turned his head and glanced at Fang Jiexia. This guy had a crush on Li Xin'er, but it didn't mean that he would give Fang Jiexia a good look.

"If you have any problems, you can ask your boss to come to me, you—" Li Er curled his lips and said, "Not qualified yet."

Fang Jiexia: "..."

Li Er's aura is too strong, Cao Dahua just didn't want to deal with Li Er, so he sent Fang Jiexia.

Fang Jiexia bit the bullet and said: "Li sir, we——!"

"Hush!" Li Er raised a finger to his mouth, indicating that Fang Jiexia could shut up, which made Fang Jiexia's face turn red with anger.

"Li Er, I found that you really have no manners." After Fang Jiexia walked away in disgrace, Tong Keren couldn't help complaining to Li Er: "A beautiful woman came to you, and you just let go of your popularity like this?"

"Otherwise?" Li Er shrugged his shoulders: "Do you want me to lick her?"

"You!" Tong Ke stomped angrily, "How could I say that?"

"Master, we seem to be under surveillance." Bai Anni noticed that several men in black on the cruise ship looked towards her side intentionally or unintentionally.

"Ah—? Where is it? Annie, is what you said true? Today's gambling game is not really dangerous, is it?" Tong Keren looked around nervously.

Li Er and Bo Anni felt a headache immediately, Miss Tong is already in her twenties, why is she still so cute and stupid.

"Forget it, since the showdown is over, let's be watched openly!" Li Er simply spread his hands: "Let's go to the restaurant to have something to eat first. The boat will not leave the high seas, and the game will not start."

"Oh, I listen to you." Tong Keren hurriedly followed Li Er's footsteps.

"Hey, hey, Miss Tong, this seems to be my master!" Bai Anni really couldn't see Tong Keren hugging her master's arm intimately.

"Do you think I don't exist?"

"Li Er is your master, not your husband!" Tong Keren's honest words made Bai Anni furious.

Bai Anni was about to get mad, but Li Er immediately held Tong Keren with his left hand and his precious apprentice with his right hand.

"Okay, this is the best of both worlds." Li Er smiled shamelessly.

The man in black who monitored Li Er watched Li Er hugging him with envy and hatred. Although there were many rich businessmen and sons hugging him on the cruise ship, there were very few beautiful women like Li Er.

"Chen Sheng, Li Er really boarded the boat, and he has sent someone to monitor him according to your order." One of Chen Jincheng's subordinates reported: "But it's strange, Li Er brought two beauties with vases, but no other subordinates. .”

"Oh! Really?" Chen Jincheng laughed easily. For a capable and rich young man like Li Er, it's easy to understand how romantic he is. Otherwise, why would he need such good physical ability.

It's just that Chen Jincheng didn't know that Li Er's physical function might be good, but his abilities in certain aspects were very common.

Chen Jincheng was about to rest assured that Li Er was nothing like this.

Gao Yi and Brother Nan were pushed in.

Chen Jincheng gasped when he saw the miserable situation of the two guys in front of him.

Chen Jincheng: "Who did it?"

Gao Yi and Brother Nan looked at each other, and said with a sad face, "I don't know."

"I don't know?" Chen Jincheng looked at Gao Yi to the left and Brother Nan to the right in astonishment.

"Needless to say, this matter must be done by Li Er!" Chen Jincheng waved his hands and shouted angrily, the old guy still has some skills, he doesn't have to look for evidence for everything, just see who has that skill and you can guess the result.

"Chen Sheng, do you want us to do something?" Chen Jincheng's subordinate made a gesture of scratching his neck.

Chen Jincheng thought for a while, but still chose to shake his head.

"Forget it, the overall situation is the most important thing. The most important thing today is to win and advance, and everything else is a small matter." Chen Jincheng said with restraint: "All the audience on the cruise ship today are either rich or expensive. In the public, Li Er also Nothing can happen."

Chen Jincheng was wrong this time. Li Er may not be good at construction, but when it comes to destruction, Li sir is definitely a good hand.

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