What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 614: Now it’s too big

"Yoshimura Notaro!" Rosen shouted in surprise.

"Damn—!" Yoshimura Notaro's face turned green.

This guy Rosen definitely did it on purpose.

Sure enough, in the next second, Miyagi Hiroshi nervously ordered his men to shoot and kill Yoshimura Notaro.

"Kill him!" Miyagi Hiroshi almost shouted.

The number one killer in the killer world got on the boat, so naturally he didn't come to see the scenery.

Miyagi Hiroshi's men pointed their guns at Yoshimura Notaro.

'good chance! ’

Luo Sen, Chen Yaxie, Xu Zhengyang, Xiao Fu, Long Jiu, and Haitang immediately seized this opportunity.

Two playing cards were shot at the two gunmen in the southeast corner. It was Rosen and Chen Yaxie who took action. When the playing cards flew out, they also rushed out.

If they don't join forces at this time, they will be the ones who die after Miyagi Hiroshi kills Taro Yoshimura.

Long Jiu and Haitang also pounced on the gunman closest to them.

"cover me!"

Xu Zhengyang's eyes were sharp. He wanted to capture the thief first. This guy ignored the minions and rushed towards Gong Muhong in a straight line. Although he might be hit by Gong Muhong in a straight line, this was the only way to approach Gong Muhong as much as possible.

Xiao Fu was almost mad at Xu Zhengyang. If you wanted to cover him, you should have said so earlier. People rushed five or six meters away, and I was still covering for you.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

More than a dozen bullets hit Yoshimura Notaro.

Gong Muhong discovered that Xu Zhengyang was targeting him, so he quickly turned his gun and shot Xu Zhengyang first.

"Boom boom——!"

Xu Zhengyang groaned, he was hit by Gong Muhong, but this guy also successfully rushed in front of Gong Muhong and held Gong Muhong's wrist with his left hand.

Ding Yao stared at his most hated enemy, Yoshimura Notaro.

More than a dozen bullets were fired at Yoshimura Notaro, but none of them hit Yoshimura Notaro. Ding Yao's lungs were about to explode. Are these people blind? No, even a blind man could hit Yoshimura Notaro. .

"Puff, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, boom—"

Guns were fired randomly, bullets flying everywhere.

Long Jiu and Haitang successfully seized the gun from Gong Muhong and immediately began to fight back.

After brothers Rosen and Chen Yaxi killed two of Gong Muhong's men, they also grabbed pistols and fought back.

However, in terms of the fierceness of the counterattack, the one who deserved the death was Yoshimura Notaro. This guy held a pistol in each hand and fired bullets continuously.

Half of Miyagi Hiroshi's men were sent away by Yoshimura Notaro in one fell swoop.

"Stop, stop everyone, don't move!" Miyagi Hong shouted loudly.

Xu Zhengyang grabbed Gong Muhong's right hand, but his left hand could be moved.

Miyagi Hiroshi's left hand didn't know when he held a detonator.

"I packed the entire cruise ship with bombs and put down the gun if I didn't want to die together." Miyagi promoted the black detonator in his hand.

So everyone didn't dare to act rashly after hearing Miyagi Hong's words.

No, except for one person.

This person is none other than our coquettish male protagonist, Yoshimura Notaro.

"You said that a bomb is installed. I don't believe it." Yoshimura Notaro's next words almost made everyone present angry to death: "Unless you detonate the bomb and let me see it."


Miyagi Hiroshi also looked at Yoshimura Notaro in disbelief.

‘Is this guy serious? ’

"You should detonate it!" Yoshimura Notaro urged Miyagi Hiroshi desperately, and Miyaki Hiroshi's face turned red with anger.

The rich people in the gambling hall were also frightened. If Yoshimura Notaro hadn't had a gun in his hand, they would have started to curse.

"I bet that shitty thing in your hand is a TV remote control. Just press it if you want. Don't let me watch you to death."

Yoshimura Notaro walked towards Miyagi Hiroshi with a look of disdain on his face.

"Baga, you lunatic, don't come here, I will really detonate the bomb and let everyone be buried in the sea." Miyagi Hong cursed loudly.

Yoshimura Notaro was indifferent, he was already standing in front of Miyagi Hiroshi.

Seeing that Miyagi Hiroshi did not dare to detonate the so-called bomb, everyone speculated that the detonator in Miyagi Hiroshi's hand might really be a bluff.

"I don't believe it, prove it to me." Yoshimura Notaro had already raised his pistol and pointed it at Miyagi Hiroshi's head.

"I'll count to three, everyone press it together!"

Miyagi Hiroshi: "..."

Yoshimura Notaro: "Three——!"

'puff--! ’

Yoshimura Notaro pulled the trigger.

Miyagi Hong fell down in confusion.

Yoshimura Notaro reached out and caught the detonator in Miyagi Hiroshi's hand.

He looked at the weird looks in everyone's eyes and asked awkwardly: "Didn't I tell him that I should start counting from 'three'?"

If they didn't know that this guy was the notorious Yoshimura Notaro, everyone would definitely think that this guy was a fool.

"Boom boom——!" Two bullets hit the back of Yoshimura Notaro's head.

It was Yokooka who fired the gun. He had just repaired Li Jiayi to be docile. When he opened the door, he saw Miyagi Hiroshi being shot in the head by Yoshimura Notaro.

Yoshimura Notaro subconsciously shrank his head and managed to avoid Yokooka's bullet. Xu Zhengyang, who was closest to Yoshimura Notaro, was shocked that someone could really dodge bullets.


Yoshimura Notaro raised his hand and shot Yokooka away. If Yokooka ran fast enough, he should be able to catch up with Miyagi Hiroshi.

At this time, everyone was shocked by Yoshimura Notaro's shooting skills.

You won't just come out of the wolf pack and then fall into the tiger's mouth again!

Xu Zhengyang, Xiao Fu, Luo Sen, Chen Yaxie, and Long Jiu quickly exchanged glances and surrounded Yoshimura Notaro in a tacit understanding.

However, Yoshimura Notaro's shooting skills were too sharp, and none of them dared to shoot first, lest they encounter Yoshimura Notaro's desperate counterattack.

Yoshimura Notaro also quickly discovered that his current situation was very unfavorable.

Haitang tightened the pistol in her hand. She was about to sneak attack Long Jiu and create a chance for her lover to break out, but she was quickly stopped by Yoshimura Notaro's cryptic look.

"Xiao Fu, why don't you throw a fucking gun over here to me." Mr. Gao cursed loudly.

Xiaofu didn't know the relationship between Yoshimura Notaro and Gao Lao, but Gao Lao would never let his daughter become a widow.

Yoshimura Notaro raised his hand and shook the detonator in his hand.

"Miyagi Hiro is unwilling to press the detonator even to the death. Do you think this thing is real?"

Yoshimura Notaro said, his finger already on the detonation button.

Everyone's worries that had just been put down were raised again by Notaro Yoshimura. If they played like this a few more times, they felt that sooner or later they would be played to death by this bastard.

"Don't press it!"

Long Jiu spoke half a beat slower, Yoshimura Notaro had already pressed the detonator.


An explosion sounded from the cabin, and the entire cruise ship shook violently.

"Oops, there really are bombs that haven't been defused! Now I really have to swim back to Hong Kong Island."

Yoshimura Notaro found that he had caused trouble and did not give others a chance to criticize. He took advantage of the panic and slipped away.

A big hole was blown out of the bottom of the cruise ship, water poured into the cabin crazily, and the cruise ship would soon sink into the sea.

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