What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 626 The debtor is coming

Latest website: Li Er is in a bad mood, so he naturally wants to make others feel less happy.

Li Jiayi was just glad that he didn't receive a debt collection call from Zhang Mazi, but Li Er immediately put an end to his lucky fantasy.

"Hey, you don't think I'm dead, do you?"

"I'll give you half a month to prepare the money, and I will contact you again in half a month."

Li Jiayi had no chance to refute, as the other party had already hung up the phone.

"Dad! He called." Li Jiayi rushed into Li Jiacheng's office in a panic.

"Don't you know how to knock on the door?" Li Jiacheng cursed angrily.

"Zhang Mazi called." Li Jiayi's face was as pale as paper. He was not as panicked as he was now when he lost money.

"What is supposed to come will always come." Li Jiacheng took a deep breath.

"I asked some old friends to check Zhang Mazi's background. This person has never appeared before."

Li Jiacheng hasn't finished speaking yet.

Li Jiayi asked excitedly: "Then we don't have to pay him. This is Hong Kong Island, and I don't think he can do anything."

Consistent with Li Jiayi's thoughts, Li Jiacheng also believed that Zhang Mazi had some dark background. It was unlikely that a person like him would resort to legal means to collect debts.

"If you don't give me money, do you want everyone in Hong Kong to see our Li family's jokes?" Li Jiacheng said and was going to hit Li Jiayi on the head with the plan book on the table.

After all, Li Jiayi wrote the IOU, not to mention that there were so many rich people on the scene as witnesses.

"Talk to him and see if we can pay him one billion first, and we will divide the remaining six billion into ten years and pay him six hundred million every year." Li Jiacheng said seriously.

This old guy dares to think that six billion will depreciate in ten years.

"I'm afraid he won't agree to this." Li Jiayi said with a bitter smile.

"You haven't even talked about it yet. How do you know that the other party won't agree?" The plan book in Li Jiacheng's hand had already hit Li Jiayi's head.

"He is a gambler. What he is best at is weighing gains and losses. If you want it, you can have it. If you don't want it, there is nothing we can do."

Li Jiacheng felt that Zhang Mazi would most likely agree. After all, the money was earned.

As for the remaining six billion, ten years was a long time, and Li Jiacheng never thought of paying it all.

It's a pity that Zhang Mazi never thought of talking to Li Jiacheng. He is strong, but Zhang Mazi is an even stronger guy.


Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

"Don't you really fall in love with me?" Li Er thought he was very handsome and lifted his short bangs.

"Although I have saved your life, you really don't have to pledge yourself to me. Other methods will do." Li Er gave Long Jiu a friendly suggestion: "For example, give money."

Long Jiu rolled his eyes angrily.

"My monthly salary is only a small amount, and I'll give it all to you that you don't like." Long Jiu didn't know Li Er yet. This guy was one of the major shareholders of "Li Ji", and his net worth was not even 100 million but tens of millions.

Well--! It can only be said that Long Jiu knows nothing about Li Er's earning ability.

Li Er's current net worth, even if 100 million were dropped on the ground, Li Er would not be able to put it in a sack.

"I'm here to apologize to you." Long Jiu nodded sincerely.

"Apologise with empty hands. There was a fruit basket yesterday?" Li Er looked at Long Jiu with dissatisfaction: "Don't you know that I attach great importance to the ritual of apology."

"How about I treat you to dinner? I just happen to have something to ask you." Long Jiu said cheerfully. Although she was poor, she was very generous.

"No! You'd better treat our police station's most popular person to dinner! Hey, she even mentioned you to me this morning and said you're a very nice person." Li Er said with a serious face.

Long Jiu's face immediately turned green.

She looked at the door with some fright, and was relieved when she saw no one came in.

"You're going to die for making such a joke with me." Long Jiu pinched Li Er ambiguously.

"Don't you believe in evil?" Li Er smiled and took a sip of tea.

Long Jiu glanced at the Chongqing Organization Office Hall and found that no one was paying attention to the tea room. Then he whispered: "I don't believe in evil, but the broom star of your police station is too evil."

"You don't know, I went home last night and the key was stuck in the keyhole. I just used a little force and the key broke in the keyhole. I slept in a hotel last night."

Long Jiu is really unlucky. She is still a beautiful woman, and Li Er despises beautiful women the most.

Because he can't help but laugh.

"Pfft!" Li Er sprayed Long Jiu in the face.

"Sorry, I haven't received professional training after all, so I can't hold back my laughter." Li Er quickly wiped the tea from Long Jiu's face with a handkerchief.

"You did it on purpose." Long Jiu glared at Li Er angrily.

This bastard was definitely seeking revenge for doubting him.

Li Er: "I can tell you responsibly, it's really not the case. Trust my character."

If it weren't for the last sentence, Long Jiu would have almost believed Li Er.

He couldn't beat Li Er, and this was his territory, so Long Jiu had no choice but to swallow his nerve and invite Li Er to investigate the case of Thor's murder.

"What's there to investigate? You've already said that the murderer is Notaro Yoshimura." Li Er shook his head and objected.

Long Jiu was now even more sure that he had really thought wrong. Li Er could not be Yoshimura Notaro.

"Then we must catch this person and bring him to justice!" Long Jiu said while wiping the tea stains on his face.

Li Er immediately gave Long Jiu a thumbs up.

"You're awesome, go ahead, I support you." Li Er took out a handful of walnuts from his pocket to feed Long Jiu's brain.

"If you don't help me, how can I be my opponent?" Long Jiu was very self-aware.

Li Er laughed angrily and said: "Boss, you haven't really slept with me, why should I help you? Didn't you see me turn around and run away when I met Thor?"

"Have you slept with me before you helped me?" Long Jiu asked seriously.

"Are you kidding me? I have so many lovers. I don't want to sleep with anyone. Don't think you have a good figure. My wife's figure is much better than yours."

Li Er told the truth. Long Jiu's figure was very good, but it was not as good as He Min's, let alone Ma Danna's.

"Capture Yoshimura Notaro, the number one killer in the world! I don't believe you can't be tempted by such a high-ranking person." Long Jiu looked at Li Er with bright eyes: "I have fought against him, and his hands and feet are very good. , but his shooting skills are definitely not as good as yours, not even as good as Thor’s.”

"Do you praise me like this?"

Li Er smiled, feeling secretly worried that Long Jiu might have really mastered some information about Notaro Yoshimura.

"Well, I believe you!" Long Jiu nodded sincerely.

In her heart, although Li Er was greedy for money, lustful, shameless, and had all kinds of flaws, his overall strength was definitely the strongest.

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