What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 629: Don’t mess with that man

Latest website: Li Jiacheng Villa.

"Miss Ninth, aren't we Chaji Murano Taro? Why are we staring at Li Jiacheng and his son instead?" Ma Guoying asked in confusion.

"Because I suspect that Zhang Mazi is Yoshimura Notaro, and Yoshimura Notaro is Zhang Mazi." Long Jiu said and handed a piece of information to Ma Guoying's hand.

"It's so hot, please turn on the air conditioner!" Ma Guoying said while flipping through the information.

"No! We are just following him. If we start the car and turn on the air conditioner, we will be exposed." Long Jiu refused decisively.

Zhang Mazi found no such person, but Liang Qiqi's information was easy to find. Liang Qiqi's father, E Lao, was a killer agent, and Liang Qiqi might also be in this business.

Moreover, Long Jiu suspected that Liang Qiqi was Yoshimura Notaro's agent.

"It will be clear if we arrest this Liang Qiqi and interrogate her." Ma Guoying looked at Long Jiu with some confusion.

Doesn’t your Political Department like to arrest people for no reason?

Long Jiu glared at Ma Guoying angrily: "You think I don't want Liang Qiqi to disappear."

Ma Guoying: "So?"

"So now there is only one line left. Li Jiayi lost 7 billion to Zhang Mazi on the cruise ship. It's a total of 7 billion. Zhang Mazi will definitely come to demand the account." Long Jiu said with great certainty.

"No!" Ma Guoying opened her mouth in surprise: "I thought those gossip magazines were bragging. They really lost 7 billion."

"I don't think Li Jiacheng will give me this much money. Besides, does Li Jiacheng have so much money?"

This cannot be entirely blamed on Ma Guoying. In fact, Li Jiacheng cried about poverty all day long. He said that he did not make much money from real estate, and all the money was used for charity. He had three dishes and one soup every day.

"It's better if you don't give it." Long Jiu said with a bad smile. She knew that Zhang Mazi was not an easy person to talk to.

Only then did Ma Guoying look at Long Jiu seriously. She already understood Long Jiu's plan.

"Miss Ninth, have you ever thought about it, whether Zhang Mazi is Yoshimura Notaro or not, if he really shows up, whether the two of us can beat each other, I think your information says Zhang Mazi is very powerful." Ma Guoying quickly reminded Dragon Nine.


Long Jiu smiled awkwardly.

The two of them were really in danger of being pushed to the floor by Zhang Mazi and rubbed against each other.

"So I asked Li Er to act with me. What's the point of him sending you here?" Long Jiu said angrily.

"I don't believe you have no back-up plan." Ma Guoying looked at Long Jiu with disdain. You're so young, you still want to lie to me.

"I really have no backup plan." Long Jiu smiled bitterly: "I plan to notify Li Er after Zhang Mazi appears."


Ma Guoying looked at Long Jiu's plump chest speechlessly. What's the use? It was really unlucky to be paired with her.

"Hey! Miss Jiu, have you noticed that your car is moving?" Ma Guoying glanced out of the car window with a strange look on her face.

"Are you kidding? My car didn't even start." Long Jiu was stunned for a moment after saying that her car was really moving forward.

"Hey, hey, help me pull the handbrake quickly, the car is slipping." Long Jiu was sitting in the back seat. Her hand couldn't reach the brake, so she hurriedly asked Ma Guoying to brake.

How could it slip away for no reason?

Ma Guoying turned to look behind the car.

A guy in black clothes and black pants was pushing the trunk of the car.

"Stop!" Ma Guoying immediately drew her gun.

She doesn't know Zhang Mazi.

Zhang Mazi kicked the car on the butt, and Long Jiu's car went straight down the slope.

"Jump out of the car quickly!"

After Long Jiu finished speaking, he jumped out first.

Ma Guoying discovered that the brakes were malfunctioning and suspected that the brake line had been cut by someone, so she quickly jumped out of the car.

The car crashed through the cement barrier on the coast and plunged into the sea.

Long Jiu simply wanted to die. This was a new car she bought, and she had only paid off the first installment of the car loan.

"Zhang Mazi, I'm going to kill you." Long Jiu was furious.

When Ma Guoying heard that this person was Zhang Mazi, she was so frightened that she quickly lay on the ground and fired.


Zhang Mazi retreated calmly.

Ma Guoying was stunned for a moment. Didn't he say that Zhang Mazi was very powerful?

Long Jiu had already rushed to chase Zhang Mazi. Ma Guoying was worried that Long Jiu was in danger again, so she also hurried after him.


Zhang Mazi retreated unhurriedly. Sometimes he even stopped, waiting for Long Jiu and Ma Guoying to catch up.

"No, Miss Jiu, stop chasing. This is trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain. His target is Li Jiacheng and his son." Ma Guoying reacted quickly.

Long Jiu actually had a faint feeling that something was wrong. Now that Ma Guoying reminded her, she immediately understood that something was wrong.

"Quick! Withdraw—!"

The other side.

Li Jiacheng and Li Jiayi had already heard the gunshots outside.

"Isn't it Zhang Mazi who came to kill him?"

Li Jia boasted that he was not afraid of Zhang Mazi, but in fact he was still very afraid of Zhang Mazi.

"Definitely not." Li Jiaer, Li Jiacheng's second son, shook his head and said with a smile: "Our house has no security guards outside the door. If he wants to shoot, he should rush in and then shoot!"


As soon as Li Jia Er finished speaking, the big iron door of their house was kicked.

"Quick, call the police."

Li Jiacheng is used to pretending to be close to the people, and his stinginess is as stingy as Li Er's. The whole family only hired one security guard, and he was a fifty-year-old security guard.

"." Ma Guoying looked at Long Jiu who kicked at the door speechlessly.

No wonder your breasts are so big.

Long Jiu limped back two steps.

"Let's climb the wall!" Long Jiu said awkwardly.

"It's good that you know. The door is not that easy to kick. You support me hard and I will climb over and open the door for you." Ma Guoying said angrily.


Ma Guoying took a few steps back to start running. Long Jiu held Ma Guoying's hands and supported her. Ma Guoying successfully climbed up the wall.


As soon as Ma Guoying put her head into the wall, she was hit on the head with a stick by an old nanny in her forties or fifties.

"Hey, you're crazy, I'm a policeman, open the door quickly." Ma Guoying covered her head and cursed.

"Bang bang——!"

Ma Guoying's head was hit twice more, and the hillock immediately bulged.


Ma Guoying angrily fired a shot into the sky.

"Open the door! I'm so angry."

She has been unlucky since she got together with Long Jiu, and she doesn't know where she got her bad luck.

"Are you really the police?"

Long Jiu and Ma Guoying have entered the living room of Li Jiacheng's house.

"Inspector Long Jiu of the Political Department, this is Inspector Ma Guoying of Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station." Long Jiu flashed his police officer ID card.

Li Jiayi also recognized Long Jiu, whom he had seen on the cruise ship.

"Dad, she is indeed a police officer."

"What's going on? The police can't break into private houses!" Li Jiacheng shouted with a straight face.

"We just met Zhang Mazi outside the door. You should have heard the gunfire. We were worried that Zhang Mazi's target was Mr. Li, so we climbed over the wall and came in." Ma Guoying glanced at Li Jiacheng unhappily.

"Since you are not welcome, let's go."

"No, wait a minute, you can't leave." Li Jia suddenly became anxious.

"Is it really Zhang Mazi who is here?"

Li Jiacheng was also anxious: "I ask for police protection."

"Of course there is no problem." Long Jiu gave Ma Guoying a wink.

Ma Guoying checked around and found that Zhang Mazi had not come in yet.

"Zhang Mazi was supposed to be here just now, but he was unlucky enough to be encountered by us. We can't guarantee whether he will be so unlucky next time."

Of course, it was impossible for Long Jiu to tell Li Jiacheng that it was Zhang Mazi who found them and pushed her car into the sea.

Li Jiacheng and his son turned pale when they heard Long Jiu's words. They were very happy when they were relying on Zhang Mazi, but now they remembered that a desperado like Zhang Mazi could do anything.

"Mr. Li, I hope to know what happened?" Long Jiu quietly made a gesture to Ma Guoying.

Li Jiacheng didn't believe the two policewomen, Long Jiu and Ma Guoying, so he called the Commissioner of Kowloon Police Station directly.

Hearing that something was wrong with Li Jiacheng's family, Liang Jiaren rushed over with a group of men.

"Irrelevant parties can leave now."

Liang Jiaren took advantage of his title as superintendent and drove Long Jiu and Ma Guoying out, while he went to flatter Li Jiacheng.

"Li Weng, don't worry. With the protection of our elite police officers from the Kowloon Police Department, it doesn't matter whether he is Zhang Mazi or Li Mazi." Liang Jiaren boasted.

Li Jiacheng felt relieved after looking at a group of police officers with live ammunition.

"Thank you, Superintendent Liang!" Li Jiaer stuffed a red envelope to Liang Jiaren without leaving any trace.

"Thank you for your hard work. I'll treat you all to tea."

"Haha, thank you, thank you. It is our police's responsibility to protect good citizens." Liang Jiaren squeezed the red envelope hard and guessed that there should be a lot of money.

"How is it? Have the bugs been installed?" Long Jiu asked Ma Guoying outside the door.

"What bug?" Ma Guoying looked at Long Jiu in confusion.

"." Long Jiu: "I gave you a gesture, didn't you see it?"

"I see it!" Ma Guoying nodded.

"Are you making gestures to ask me to install a bug?" Ma Guoying was speechless at once: "Sister, we just met yesterday. If you have something to say, just tell me directly. Don't give me riddles. I can't understand."

Long Jiu: "."

The tacit understanding between these two people is also amazing.

"This Zhang Mazi is so strange. Could it be that he just pushed your car into the sea, and Li Jiacheng didn't lose anything?" Ma Guoying has an excellent attitude in doing things.

Long Jiu also began to think about this issue.

Li Jiacheng saw that his family was safe and went upstairs very satisfied.

The next second.

Li Jiacheng suddenly woke up. Such a big thing happened at home, and his daughter-in-law didn't even go downstairs.

"Go and see if your wife is in the room." Li Jiacheng quickly urged Li Jiayi.

Li Jiayi pushed open the door.

His wife was not in the room, but there was a note on the bedside table.

‘I heard your wife is very sexy, I don’t believe it, I’m going to give it a try, and I apologize to you if I’m wrong. ’

‘Zhang Mazi left a message. ’

The Li family's father and son looked at each other in shock. A living person was just kidnapped out of thin air.

Li Jiacheng felt a chill in his heart. If Zhang Mazi could kidnap his daughter-in-law silently, he could also kidnap other people silently.

"Fight, call him, I want to talk to him." Li Jiacheng was shocked and angry.

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