What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 631: Not suitable for children

"Press-! Yes, raise your butt higher."

"Oh my, my life has been in vain for decades. It's still a rich man like your husband who knows how to play. Forget about black ribbon letters and tear a few holes."

Zhang Mazi was directing and recording at the same time.

"Okay! Very good. Turn around slowly, put your hands on your chest, and smile at the camera."

"This group is over, let's change to a pair of stockings, this time white ones."

Zhang Mazi threw a pile of stockings to Zhang Xiaomeng.

Zhang Xiaomeng glanced at Zhang Mazi with a strange expression. She had already confirmed that this person was a pervert, otherwise no one would carry around a dozen pairs of stockings of different styles.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, look how skilled you are. You can write and direct by yourself. Hey, hey, don't pull your clothes down. If you pull them down any more, you'll be exposed."

"I would also like to watch you show off some of your exposure, but I'm afraid that it won't pass the trial and no one on the TV station will dare to broadcast it."

Zhang Mazi spilled the beans, and Zhang Xiaomeng immediately pulled up her clothes.

"Didn't you say this was taken for you alone?" Zhang Xiaomeng was so angry that her lips trembled.

"Of course I watch it too, but I'm not that selfish. Why don't I benefit everyone by watching it? Be good, let go of your hands, don't be afraid of showing off your good figure." Zhang Mazi continued to encourage.

"No, I won't take pictures anymore." Zhang Xiaomeng covered her face with her hands.

"You'd better not force me, look at my pants like a small tent."

"I can spend 600 yuan to go to the next room to call for special services, or I can save the 600 yuan." Zhang Mazi warned.

Zhang Xiaomeng looked nervously at Zhang Mazi's pants, which were really stretched out. She was so frightened that she quickly forced out a smile.

"Brother, you have to keep your word and let me go after I finish filming." Zhang Xiaomeng said nervously while touching her breasts and buttocks.

"Don't worry! Big brother is easy to talk to. As long as you shoot well, I might give you a little rocket back."

Zhang Xiaomeng didn't quite understand what Zhang Mazi said, but she also understood that she had to please this man now, otherwise he would immediately put her down.

Zhang Mazi had to sigh, Li Jiayi's bastard wife is really suitable for making small movies. This woman looks like Zhao Liying, but she looks like Zhang Tianai when she is sexy.

Fortunately, our male protagonist had good concentration and did not do anything wrong.

"Brother, did you really let me go?" Zhang Xiaomeng looked at Zhang Mazi nervously.

"Otherwise? Do you still want to rely on me to provide food and accommodation? Get lost -!" Zhang Mazi looked down at his shooting results and had no time to talk to this other person's wife.

"Brother, I'm really leaving, take care of yourself!" After Zhang Xiaomeng finished speaking, she still looked at Zhang Mazi suspiciously.

"Damn it, do you still want me to drive you home?" Zhang Mazi was so angry that he wanted to pull his belt.

Zhang Xiaomeng quickly opened the door and escaped.

Zhang Mazi tied up his belt angrily. He was made passionate by Zhang Xiaomeng. Zhang Xiaomeng continued to provoke him regardless of life and death. He really thought that our male protagonist was just a decoration.

Although this guy doesn't last long, it's more than enough to take someone's virginity four or five times in one minute.

"Brother, if I really leave, I will not call the police, nor will I tell the police that you are hiding here." Zhang Xiaomeng suddenly opened the door again and added.

Zhang Mazi immediately pounced on him.

Zhang Xiaomeng closed the door and fled.

Zhang Mazi opened the door angrily, just in time to see the back of Zhang Xiaomeng running downstairs.

Good luck to you, you ran 0.23 seconds faster, otherwise I would have made it impossible for you to leave today.

The other side.

Long Jiu and Ma Guoying have returned to the police station to bring in reinforcements.

"Bell, what's wrong with your forehead?"

Bai Anni saw Ma Guoying's forehead red and swollen from a distance.

"I was beaten!" Ma Guoying covered her forehead with her hand, looking unlucky.

"No, who is so bold as to hit the police?" Ma Jun stood up immediately.

"Sit down, you are not my type. We are just as good as brothers." Ma Guoying directly exposed Ma Jun. She is excellent at this. She does things happily and never drags others down.

Ma Jun's face turned red.

"Ha, this is what you said. Be good brothers from now on. In fact, you are not my type. I like people with long legs."

Ma Guoying: "."

Who doesn’t like long legs? I do too!

"Now, this bottle is live oil, and this bottle is iron wine. Your injury is not broken, so you should use live oil, but be careful, you don't get it in your eyes when you wipe it." Ma Jun skillfully opened the drawer and took a bottle Give a bottle of medicine to Ma Guoying.

"Why did you prepare so many medicines?" Ma Guoying gave Ma Jun a strange look.

"What's so strange about this? If you were beaten three times a day by Tou Tou, you would also have so many wounds." Ma Jun said proudly.

Not everyone can withstand Sir Li's beating three times a day.

"Really? I haven't seen Sir Li beating you in the past two days?" Ma Guoying took the active oil and started rubbing it.

"Uh-!" Ma Jun scratched his head in embarrassment.

Of course Li Er won't be sparring with Ma Jun anymore.

Li Er improved as if there were no bottlenecks. He was too strong now, and Ma Jun didn't want to be abused by him.

"Annie, where is your master?" Long Jiu couldn't find Li Er, so he had to ask Bai Anni.

"I don't know! I was here just now, maybe I went to the cid department!" Bai Anni wrote a work report with a headache.

She didn't like to manage people in the first place, but Li Er wanted to split up an intelligence team to be responsible for the intelligence work of the police station. Bai Anni was naturally the leader of this team.

Long Jiu knew that Li Er was in charge of both departments. She was about to go to the cid department to find Li Er when she suddenly remembered that the broom star was in the cid department, and Long Jiu flinched a little.

If he said that his recent series of unfortunate accidents had nothing to do with the broom star, Long Jiu would not believe it even to death.

"Why didn't your master answer the phone?" Long Jiu continued to call Li Er helplessly.

Bai Anni curled her lips: "What's so strange about this? You're not me. It's normal for my master not to answer your call."

Long Jiu: "."

"Annie, please help me. I really have something to do with your master. Use your mobile phone to call your master." Long Jiu had roughly guessed that Li Er should have two mobile phones.

"What are you looking for me for?"

As soon as Long Jiu finished speaking, Li Er returned to the police station.

"Zhang Mazi appeared." Long Jiu said quickly: "He and Yoshimura Notaro are definitely the same person."

"???" Li Er: "Then what?"

"Help, you don't think that Ma Guoying and I are rivals of Yoshimura Notaro!"

Long Jiu quickly explained the situation they encountered today.

"No way! They almost pushed you both into the sea, and you realized that you are really tough." Bai Anni gave Long Jiu a look of disdain.

"Something's wrong. Zhang Mazi can't just go and flirt with you and then retreat." Although Instructor Hu was not at the scene, she immediately discovered the problem.

"Bell, are you sure nothing happened to Li Jiacheng's family?" Instructor Hu turned to look at Ma Guoying.

Ma Guoying shook his head: "It's okay. Zhang Mazi didn't even enter Li's house. Li Jiacheng and his two sons were in the living room."

"Is it so strange?" Instructor Hu frowned. She had never dealt with Zhang Mazi, so it was difficult to guess his personality.

Maybe there are really some perverts who like to tease policewomen.

"Didn't you just say that Liang Jiaren of the Kowloon Police Station has taken over? What else are you meddling in?" Bai Anni was speechless and Long Jiu was nosy.

"How can this be the same? They are definitely no match for Zhang Mazi." Long Jiu had inexplicable confidence in Zhang Mazi.

Instructor Hu patted Long Jiu on the shoulder.

"You must give up this idea. It is taboo to take credit from your colleagues, especially Liang Jiayan from the Kowloon Police Station. This person is very difficult to deal with. He deserves the credit for good work. If you make any mistakes, you will take the blame."

Instructor Hu obviously knows Liang Jiaren very well.

"Instructor Hu, you have forgotten that she is from the Political Department and likes to take credit from those of us in the branch." Hui Yinghong couldn't help but contradict Long Jiu.

Long Jiu blushed immediately.

The reputation of the Political Department is indeed average.

"Now I know you are very unpopular!" Li Er struck twice.

Long Jiu was about to say something.

Li Er raised his hand and said, "Unless you invite all of us to lunch today, maybe we will change our minds about you."

Long Jiu quickly looked at everyone in the crime team.

Everyone in the crime team nodded in unison. These guys' cooking skills were already in a league of their own.

"What's the matter? Let's go. I'll treat you to the lunch meal!" Long Jiu waved cheerfully.

Bai Anni asked in a low voice: "Master, do we really want to get involved in this case? This case is so hot that it shouldn't be too obvious."

"Li Jiacheng and other established rich people are not easy to deal with, and I know that Judy is a sworn enemy of the Li family. If Judy knows that you are helping Li Jiacheng, she will be very angry."

Instructor Hu also looked at Li Er worriedly. As a shrewd person who seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages, she was naturally more opposed to intervening in this case.

"I didn't say I would definitely help. I'll leave after eating." Li Er said very shamelessly.

Everyone in the crime team carried Long Jiu on their backs and gave Sir Li a thumbs-up sign.


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