What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 633: Got the wrong chips

Zhang Mazi was going to make a miscalculation after all.

Before he sent his work to major news media, Li Jiacheng had already announced that Li Jiayi and Zhang Xiaomeng had ended their relationship.

This time, it was Zhang Mazi's turn to have a hard time eating. He worked hard as both a director and a photographer for several hours, but all the efforts were in vain.

"Miss Jiu, tell me, what's in the package sent by Zhang Mazi?" Ma Guoying asked very curiously.

The two men were lying on the wall of Li Jiacheng's house at this time.

None of them could imagine what Zhang Mazi had sent that could make the Li family and his son so angry.

"It should be related to Zhang Xiaomeng. Didn't you see that Zhang Xiaomeng ran out?" Long Jiu boldly guessed.

"Is it related to Zhang Xiaomeng?" Ma Guoying suddenly thought of something and looked at Long Jiu with wide eyes.

"What do you mean?" Long Jiu looked at Ma Guoying's strange eyes.

Her thoughts are not as dirty as Ma Guoying's, and she can't get the look in Ma Guoying's eyes at all.

"Zhang Mazi kidnapped Zhang Xiaomeng for a few hours. As long as he was a man, tell me, did something happen during this period?" Ma Guoying had no choice but to explain.

"What story?" Long Jiu still didn't understand.

Ma Guoying: "..."


"They might have been eating hot pot and playing poker together." Ma Guoying said angrily.

Long Jiu was even more confused about the lake.


The other side.

Zhang Zihao heard that Gong Muhong had been killed, and he immediately bailed out of the detention room of the police station.

"Brother Hao, what a big earthquake! Taro Yoshimura has blackmailed half of Hong Kong Island's rich circle." Zhang Zihao's men said excitedly.

Zhang Zihao curled his lips nonchalantly. He had already heard about this in the detention room. In his opinion, Notaro Yoshimura was just a fool. He only extorted a little property for such a good opportunity.

"I heard that there is a new character named Zhang Mazi on Taoism." Zhang Zihao was even more interested in his family.

"Yes, this man is even more awesome. He won Li Jia 17 billion on the cruise ship. It's 7 billion, not 70 million, nor 700 million." Zhang Zihao's men worshiped Zhang Mazi to death.

In fact, ever since the news that Zhang Mazi won 17 billion from Li Jia spread throughout Hong Kong, those young people who longed for some sudden wealth have all regarded Zhang Mazi as their idol.

"Can you find Zhang Mazi?" Zhang Zihao asked.

"Ah???" Zhang Zihao's men were stunned for a moment: "Brother Hao, what are we looking for Zhang Mazi?"

"Of course it's a partnership to make money. Li Jiacheng's money is hard to come by. If he can't get it, I can help."

Zhang Zihao's vision is indeed unique, but it's a pity that he doesn't know that Zhang Mazi is a lone ranger.

"That's right! Why the hell didn't I expect such a good thing? Even if we split it into four or six according to industry regulations, we can still divide more than 20 billion and make a fortune." Zhang Zihao's men immediately jumped up excitedly.

"Brother Hao, I'm going to inquire about Zhang Mazi right now." Zhang Zihao's men were about to do something.

Zhang Zihao stretched out his hand and grabbed the other party's back collar: "Go to Li Jiacheng's house and guard. There will be news there."

"It's okay. With such an opportunity to make a lot of money, I will soon find a group of brothers. Then there will be people guarding everywhere." Zhang Zihao's men patted their hearts with confidence.

Zhang Zihao nodded with satisfaction.

As long as he could reach a cooperation with Zhang Mazi, he would not hesitate to spend this little money.

Not long after Zhang Zihao's men arrived at Li Mansion, they saw Zhang Xiaomeng running out with her face covered.

"Brother Fat Corpse, Li Jiacheng's daughter-in-law! Do you want to follow?" asked a younger brother.

"You lead two people to guard here, and I'll follow!" Brother Fat Corpse volunteered to follow Zhang Xiaomeng.

Zhang Xiaomeng did not know at this time that she had been targeted.

This woman walked aimlessly on the street for more than an hour. When she looked up, she came to the first floor of the Yifeng Building where Zhang Mazi kidnapped her.

"Hi——! Beauty, how much does it cost for one session?" A wretched old man with dark circles asked the price playfully.

Zhang Xiaomeng was in a daze and did not hear what the other party was saying.

"Beauty, how about two hundred yuan? Let's do this. I'll add another hundred or three hundred, but your service will be better." The wretched uncle was quite willing to spend money.

It just looks like not many people know Zhang Xiaomeng, a stay-at-home girl. Otherwise, as the daughter-in-law of Li Jiacheng and the daughter-in-law of a rich man, she would have to pay an extra 150 yuan.

"Ah——! Go away!"

Only then did Zhang Xiaomeng come to her senses. The wretched uncle reached out to touch her. She raised her hand and patted his hand away and hurriedly ran into the building.

"Damn it, it's obviously for sale, why are you pretending?" the wretched uncle cursed angrily.

"Champagne Mansion?"

Brother Fat Corpse also watched in shock as Zhang Xiaomeng ran into the famous Sister Feng Building.

"It can't be that Li Jiayi doesn't provide for the family, and his wife sells it to subsidize the family, right?" Brother Fat Corpse shook his head to drive away his mindless fantasy, and hurriedly followed in.

"Oh, there's a new girl here! Beauty, what's your room number? Brother will help you with your business."

Zhang Xiaomeng was so frightened that she didn't dare to sit in the elevator anymore. She picked up her skirt and ran towards the fire stairs in a panic.

Zhang Mazi was not expecting the attitude of Li Jiacheng and his son to cut off their arms. The material he worked so hard to shoot has no use except benefiting netizens.

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Zhang Mazi was thinking about how to make Li Jiayi cry when the door was opened.

This bastard forgot to lock the door.

As soon as Zhang Xiaomeng opened the door, she quickly locked it. She had just discovered that the fat corpse was following her.

Zhang Mazi looked at Zhang Xiaomeng in shock.

Didn't I let you go? Why did you come back by yourself again? Do you really think I can't get hard?

Zhang Xiaomeng locked the door in shock, and then realized that Zhang Mazi was pointing a gun at him at the desk in the living room.

Zhang Xiaomeng was frightened and immediately opened the door and fled.

Zhang Mazi didn't stop her either. This woman had no use value now.

Zhang Xiaomeng had just opened the door and saw the fat corpse looking for her in the corridor.

Zhang Xiaomeng hurried back again.

All the door locks clicked.

"It's over, right? You really think I can't do anything to you Li family?" Zhang Mazi was messed up by Zhang Xiaomeng.

Zhang Xiaomeng looked at Zhang Mazi in fear, and she did not dare to speak.

God knows how a woman's brain circuit is wired, but she actually ran back in circles to find Zhang Mazi.

Zhang Xiaomeng's eyes were red and filled with moisture. She looked so soft and weak. Zhang Mazi had never dealt with this situation before.

Kick him out? This is not good, after all, this guy has just filmed someone else's AV, and they were very cooperative.

"Is there someone following me outside?" Zhang Xiaomeng said nervously.

"Did you call the police?" Zhang Mazi sneered.

"No, no, I swear!" Zhang Xiaomeng really raised his finger and swore a poisonous oath.

"I...if I betray you, I will be struck by thunder and die badly."

Zhang Mazi could hit a hundred women like Zhang Xiaomeng, so he ignored Zhang Xiaomeng and turned around to look for information useful to him on the computer.

‘Zhang Zihao actually posted a message on the road looking for him? ’

Zhang Mazi sneered after seeing this news. He could tell with his toes what Zhang Zihao was thinking. But cooperating with such a person would only lower his own standards. Zhang Mazi thought that he was a noble person. people.

It is only natural that he owes debts and repays them.

Zhang Zihao is a real kidnapper and blackmailer.

But Zhang Zihao was able to extort money from Li Jiacheng, so why would he not be able to get the money if he collects debts seriously?

Was my approach too gentle?

Zhang Mazi has some doubts about life. It seems that people can't be too nice.

‘I am bullied by others when I am good, but my ancestors will never bully me. ’

Zhang Mazi turned to look at Zhang Xiaomeng again.

Zhang Xiaomeng looked at Zhang Mazi nervously. Only then did she realize that she was so dizzy that she ran back here unknowingly.

"No, I got the wrong fucking chips!"

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