What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 639: This is my own fault

“It’s great to have money!”

Li Jiacheng made a phone call to the police station, and all the best police officers in the police force had no rest.

Li Er is no exception.

Li Er sat on a bluestone outside the villa with a very foul look on his face.

He suddenly remembered that he was also very rich. Should he take a break from now on and ask Judy and Keren to call the police to complain, otherwise they would think that he was easy to bully.

"Hey -! Why are you dazed? It's only ten o'clock and you're sleepy so early?" Chen Jiaju saw Li Er looking up at the stars listlessly and handed Li Er a piece of meat floss bread.

Li Er is a person who eats hot pot with freshly cut boneless fish fillets, so how could he care about these low-grade ingredients.

Chan Ka-Kui originally worked as his own traffic policeman, but when an emergency occurred, no one was available at the Central District Police Station, and Chan Ka-Kui was transferred back to the heavy duty team.

Li Wenbin is a good man in managing the police force, and the men he brings out are also talented. But if something really happens, Lin Leimeng and Uncle Biao will immediately think of Chen Jiaju.

Li Wenbin was so angry that he quietly replaced his gold-rimmed glasses with low-profile plastic frames.

"I'm so sleepy, I want to rush in with a baseball bat and beat up those three father and son." Li Er accidentally said what was on his mind.

"Here! Sir Li, I support you." Yuan Haoyun came out of the corner and handed Li Er a baton.

Li Er and Chen Jiaju looked at the baton in Yuan Haoyun's hand, and then at the dirt on this guy's body.

"You idiot, don't you really want to sneak in and beat Li Jiacheng and his son?" Chen Jiaju asked in horror.

"I want to, but I don't dare." Yuan Haoyun spread his hands and smiled.

This guy is not afraid of gangsters, drug dealers, and gangsters. He is only afraid of rich people. Rich people in Hong Kong have money and leisure. People will hire a lawyer to crucify you and prevent you from being promoted for the rest of your life.

"Na——!" Li Er and Chen Jiaju both gave Yuan Haoyun a middle finger.

"I thought you were Huang Silang, but you turned out to be worse than Zhang Mazi." Li Er deeply despised Yuan Haoyun.

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"Ah?? What Huang Silang?" Yuan Haoyun was a little confused.

Maybe Li Er's level is much higher than Yuan Haoyun, and Yuan Haoyun often doesn't understand some of Li Er's words.

Li Er was too lazy to talk to Yuan Haoyun. He saw Cao Dahua walking over as if he didn't recognize his relatives.

This bastard seems to be enjoying the soft rice very well, and his belly is getting bigger again. I really want to give him a stick.

Li Er now has a handy rolling pin hidden in the Mustard Seed Space. He wants to hit anyone like this when he sees him unhappy.

"Hi! Sir Li, long time no see." Cao Dahua greeted Li Er with a smile.

After Li Er glanced at Cao Dahua, he shifted his attention to a fatter man next to Cao Dahua.

‘Hong Dingbang! ’

"Hehe! It's been a long time indeed. I heard that you have been promoted to superintendent." Li Er said with a smile, with a lewd expression that any man can understand.

Cao Dahua's reputation as the soft rice king has been resounding throughout the police force.

Both Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun had disdain on their faces. Of course, no one knew whether they were secretly envious. After all, no one could achieve the position of superintendent by eating soft rice.

"Hello, Sir Li!" Hong Dingbang nodded to Li Er in a low-key manner. He always felt that Li Er looked at him in a strange way.

"Sir Li, that Zhang Mazi won't come, there are so many of us."

Li Er doesn't like Cao Dahua, but Cao Dahua is happy to chat with Li Er.

Cao Dahua felt that he and Li Er were the same kind of people, both were soft-boiled people.

This is indeed what the gossip magazines published.

People have carefully demonstrated how Li Er was able to take advantage of Judy Tang and Tong Keren. Otherwise, why would he have become the superintendent at such a young age?

"It's hard to say. There were a lot of people watching last night. They came and beat up Li Jiacheng and his son." Li Er said and glanced at Liang Jiaren, who was walking over with a look of misfortune on his face.

Liang Jiaren's face suddenly darkened. It was obvious that he had been scolded by his superiors.

Today's newspaper headlines even rated him as the worst police superintendent in Hong Kong, which is very outrageous.

However, Liang Jiaren's face was so dark that he really didn't dare to offend Li Er.

"Superintendent Liang was not prepared yesterday, which allowed Zhang Mazi to take advantage of the loophole. If Zhang Mazi dares to come again today, he will never be able to escape."

Cao Dahua was very discerning and handed Liang Jiaren a step.

"Haha! That's right, I didn't expect Zhang Mazi to dare to come last night." Liang Jiaren gave Cao Dahua a grateful look.

Start bragging right away.

"His attack was a sneak attack. If he has just arrived tonight, all of you, please don't take action. That's all." Liang Jiaren raised a finger arrogantly: "I want to fight Zhang Mazi one on one."

"Uh-!" Everyone in the police stations was sweating coldly. They still don't know who you are, Sir Liang.

Li Er looked around and realized that almost the entire police force's powerful characters were here.

It's just that these guys are all slanderous, as if someone owes them hundreds of dollars and hasn't paid them back.

Li Er only thought about it for a moment, and soon figured out the reason.

Li Jia took the upper-level route and called directly to ask the top brass of the police force to provide him with the highest level of protection. He was happy, but the person doing it was very unhappy.

Small middle- and low-level leaders like Cao Dahua, Liang Jiaren, and Li Wenbin, who don't have a lot of money to follow up, are now sent as bodyguards. It's strange that they feel frustrated.

However, Li Jiacheng doesn't care about the mood of these 'low-level' police officers. They only deal with senior officials at the director level.

Cao Dahua squeezed in and sat down next to Li Er. Although this guy had no ability, he had a group of capable people. Lu Qichang and Fang Jiexia had already taken the initiative to approach Instructor Hu and the others and exchanged useful information.

When the elders like Cao Dahua and Liang Jiaren arrived, Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun naturally lost their positions. These two guys left in disgrace.

"Let's talk about it first. If something happens, who will take the blame?" Liang Jiaren asked realistically.

Cao Dahua understood immediately. He glanced at Li Er and said, uh, I can't afford to offend this.

"Of course it's Li Wenbin from the Central District Police Station. You see, he is the most active." Cao Dahua suggested.

"Well said, Sir Li, what do you think?" Liang Jiaren gave Cao Dahua a tacit thumbs up.

Persimmon is naturally picky. Li Wenbin is the representative sent by the Central Police Station, and his rank is the lowest. He can't be tricked.

Li Er looked at Cao Dahua on the left and Liang Jiaren on the right. These two bastards were a perfect match.

"Don't look at me. As long as you don't mess with me, it's none of my business what you do." Naturally, it was impossible for Li Er to help Li Wenbin stand out.

He didn't help Chen Jiaju and just stepped on Li Wenbin.

"Okay! With Sir Li's words, we can rest assured. In short, if there is credit among our three families, if there is blame, let them, Central District Police Station, take the blame." Cao Dahua immediately made up his mind.

It seems that this guy is not a complete idiot, he still has some skills in doing things.

"Ah Xiu——!"

Li Wenbin sneezed for no reason. He looked at the weather strangely. It wasn't cold at all!

"You two guard the southeast corner. If something happens, make a move as soon as possible. Don't play heroes. You are no match for Zhang Mazi."

Li Wenbin arranged his men in an orderly manner. He could not direct the men who were with Chen Jiaju, so he simply let Chen Jiaju take charge.

He would also like to join the discussion group of Li Er, Cao Dahua and Liang Jiaren, but his level is too low, and he will definitely be ridiculed if he goes there, so he might as well take command on the front line.

Inside the villa building.

Li Jiacheng, his father and his son, were so panicked that they were confused.

As a successful businessman, Li Jiacheng never puts his eggs in one basket.

This guy has two sides. He not only grovels to please the British Hong Kong government, but also takes the initiative to show his goodwill to the mainland. He has benefited from both sides.

But I am not a fool. Since I have received benefits, there are conditions.

Li Jiacheng signed some unspeakable hidden conditions with both parties. Now all these things have been stolen by that bastard Notaro Yoshimura who added ten levels.

Li Jiacheng and his son were very worried. They gave the money and Yoshimura Notaro would blackmail them again.

This was because they were overthinking it. In fact, Yoshimura Notaro had never opened their very important file box at all.

This is also to blame for Li Jiacheng's own stupidity. It's just a box for putting documents. He insisted on getting a high-quality mahogany and edging it with gold. Naturally, Yoshimura Notaro wanted to get something like this that was very valuable at first sight. Go.

Whenever he changes to a tin box or a plastic box, Yoshimura Notaro won't even bother to look at it.

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