What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 644: Take the initiative once, bastard

When the ponytailed female doctor walked through the corridor, Li Xianying and Ma Jun were both stunned. Especially the bastard Ma Jun, who was drooling. He had an inexplicable liking for women with long legs.

Miao Zhishun glanced at the ponytailed female doctor warily, but as a normal man, his eyes naturally shifted to her big breasts.

This shift of gaze made him relax immediately.

'Nice perfume smell. ’

All the police officers in the corridor sniffed subconsciously.

"No, there's something wrong with that big-breasted female doctor with ponytail." Chen Jiaju finally came to his senses.

"Attention everyone, there is a problem with a big-breasted female doctor in a white coat with a ponytail." Chen Jiaju immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted loudly.

Li Xianying, Ma Jun, Miao Zhishun and others quickly drew their guns.

As soon as they touched the pistol at their waist, they felt a sense of powerlessness, followed by a very uncomfortable dizziness.

Jump on the street.

Perfume is poisonous.

The police officers in the corridor fell one after another.

The ponytailed female doctor casually picked up a walkie-talkie.

"I realize now, is it too late?" Yoshimura Notaro, a master of cross-dressing, sneered.

Everyone's face turned green.

When they rushed into Li Jiacheng's ward.

Li Jiacheng and his son all turned into pig-headed faces again.

The murder weapon, a new rolling pin, was thoughtfully left at the scene.

The walls of the ward were also spray-painted with the words "It is only natural to pay back debts."

You can tell at first glance that he is a very professional debt collector.

Although Li Jiacheng had promised to repay the money, Yoshimura Notaro demanded that his reputation be restored, and he publicly apologized in the newspaper and admitted in the newspaper that the Li family had maliciously defaulted on the debt.

Otherwise, before twelve o'clock tomorrow night, they will come again and buy a new rolling pin. Of course, it may also be a mace.

"Fools, you are all losers."

Liang Jiaren acted first. Before Li Jiacheng and his son got angry, he stood beside Li Jiacheng and cursed Li Wenbin, Instructor Hu and other police officers.

Li Jiacheng, however, went berserk unexpectedly. They had been beaten to numbness.

"Superintendent Liang, we have sealed the building, and the other party is still inside the building." Instructor Hu had to remind Liang Jiaren that the first priority now is to arrest Notaro Yoshimura, not to blame.

"Yes, yes, I must catch him this time. Turn the whole hospital upside down and catch him." Liang Jiaren roared angrily.

I don’t know if they turned over the entire hospital in the end, but they definitely couldn’t catch Notaro Yoshimura. This guy had already left the hospital on a women’s motorcycle.

Liang Jiaren, Li Wenbin, Instructor Hu and others were so tired that they vomited blood, but they couldn't even find a hair on Taro Yoshimura's head.

However, Chen Jiaju found the message left by Yoshimura Notaro in the ward where Hong Dingbang was killed.

"It's unlikely. Wang Yifei's kidnapping was planned by Hong Dingbang?"

Yuan Haoyun didn't believe it, but there was no need for Yoshimura Notaro to unjustly accuse a dead man.

Moreover, Yoshimura Notaro is not a good person, so he would be so kind to remind the police?

"Believe it or not, just call Lu Qichang and we will find out. We have nothing to lose."

Chen Jiaju had a wide network of contacts, so he immediately answered Lu Qichang's call. Lu Qichang was searching the city, and he was so tired that he peeed blood.

Chen Jiaju informed Lu Qichang that Hong Dingbang might be the main culprit in kidnapping Wang Yifei, and that Wang Yifei was hidden in a scrapped cruise ship at Wanchai Pier.

Lu Qichang was so excited that he said on the spot that if he found Wang Yifei, half of the credit would be given to Chen Jiaju.

"No! So good?" Chen Jiaju put away the phone in confusion.

"Save it for yourself! You can do what Lu Qichang said. He doesn't have the final say at the Wan Chai Police Station. You should call Cao Dahua directly." Yuan Haoyun shook his head angrily.

It would be nice to patrol the streets together, but he didn't want Chen Jiaju to be left alone to bask in the sun after his reinstatement.

When Yoshimura Notaro returned home, hot handmade noodles were served.

This was the first time he had eaten noodles that were all handmade from kneading, kneading, pressing, and cutting. This guy thought that the noodles just need to be torn out of the package and boiled in water.

"Hmm——! There's not enough chili pepper." Yoshimura Notaro commented expertly.

Zhang Xiaomeng quickly added a little chili oil.

This guy's taste is so tricky. Sometimes he thinks it's too spicy, and sometimes he doesn't think it's spicy enough. It's really hard for Zhang Xiaomeng to grasp it.

"Did you really go and fight them?" Zhang Xiaomeng asked in a low voice.

Although she stayed in her room and did not go out, she still watched TV, and she had a good habit of reading newspapers.

The reporters' sense of smell on Hong Kong Island is comparable to that of the police's professional intelligence team. The recent events in Li Ka-cheng's family have long been dug out.

Some astute reporters even judged that Zhang Mazi must have hooked up with Li Jiacheng's daughter-in-law Zhang Xiaomeng.

Taking so many ** pictures and you don't take part, this is not what real men do at all.

Zhang Xiaomeng was furious, but had no way to clarify.

"Isn't this nonsense? They want to blame me, how can I thank them?" Yoshimura Notaro took a big mouthful of noodles with satisfaction.

"No, no, that's not what I meant. I was worried. No, I meant there are so many policemen here. How can you help?"

Why--! Women are gossips. At this time, Zhang Xiaomeng looked at Notaro Yoshimura very gossipily. That's right. She was so idle, so she was probably more gossipy than other women.

"So what about the police? I can beat the police without fail." Yoshimura Notaro knocked on the table arrogantly.

Zhang Xiaomeng quickly poured a cup of tea for Yoshimura Notaro.

Yoshimura Notaro didn't like to drink tea, but Zhang Xiaomeng was very good at making tea. The tea she brewed was full of freshness and not astringent at all, which made Yoshimura Notaro not even like Jianlibao anymore.

"But, can you beat such a policeman?"

Zhang Xiaomeng seemed to be very interested in Yoshimura Notaro's fighting ability, and she seemed to be evaluating something.

Only then did Yoshimura Notaro realize that Zhang Xiaomeng had asked too many questions. He raised his head and looked at Zhang Xiaomeng: "It's none of your business. If you can't beat me, won't you run away?"

"Oh——!" Zhang Xiaomeng said in disappointment.

after awhile.

Zhang Xiaomeng suddenly asked: "Who is more powerful, you or Li Er from Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station?"

Yoshimura Notaro was shocked.

"Do you know Li Er?"

Zhang Xiaomeng shook his head: "I read in the newspaper that 'Detective Death' Li Er is the most capable policeman individually, and you are the number one killer on the killer list. I'm just curious."

Yoshimura Notaro has not answered yet.

Zhang Xiaomeng quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, did I ask a question I shouldn't have asked?"

Yoshimura Notaro did not answer.

Zhang Xiaomeng became even more nervous.

Looking at Zhang Xiaomeng's delicate bun face, Yoshimura Notaro wanted to pinch her face, but because he was not familiar with it, he decided not to do it.

"Because your noodles are so delicious, I will answer you once. From now on, just gossip about others. Don't gossip about my information." Yoshimura Notaro looked at Zhang Xiaomeng warningly.

"Uh-huh—!" Zhang Xiaomeng nodded desperately like a chicken pecking at rice.

"In a head-to-head confrontation, I don't know who can win. There is a high probability that we will fight together."

Yoshimura Notaro said that he found that Zhang Xiaomeng was really gossipy. Not only did her face turn red, but her breathing became heavier. Her gossiping spirit was gone.

"But when it comes to assassination and killing someone by any means necessary, the one who dies must be Li Er."

After Yoshimura Notaro finished speaking, he noticed that Zhang Xiaomeng's face was full of joy.

‘Is this woman in love with me? ’ Yoshimura Notaro thought narcissistically to himself.

'It's a pity, I'm known for being passive. ’

‘Unless you take the initiative! ’

Taro Yoshimura hinted with his eyes that Zhang Xiaomeng took the initiative and could not change his personality.

"What's wrong with your eyes? Are they hot?" Zhang Xiaomeng obviously couldn't understand Yoshimura Notaro's overly subtle hint.

Yoshimura Notaro: "."

"I'll pour you a glass of milk. Milk is very effective in relieving spicy food." Zhang Xiaomeng quickly ran to the refrigerator and poured milk.

Yoshimura Notaro turned to look at Zhang Xiaomeng's back.

Tsk tsk, this figure, you can tell at a glance that it is very suitable for... from behind.


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