What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 650: The tough male protagonist

"Are you in such a hurry to leave?" Haitang's desire and dissatisfaction were written all over her face.

"if not?"

Yoshimura Notaro puts on his pants as fast as he takes them off.

"I don't have to go to work!" Yoshimura Notaro glanced at his watch. There were still four hours left before boarding the plane.

"Huh?? You have to go to work? Aren't you a professional killer?"

Haitang felt that her IQ would be reduced by itself when she met Notaro Yoshimura. It was really damning.

"Let me say it for the last time, I am a dedicated food delivery person. Being a killer is just my part-time hobby. I can't lose my job because of my hobby!" Yoshimura Notaro said with a responsible hand. .

"Huh????" Countless question marks suddenly popped up in Haitang's mind.

"are you serious?"

"Of course it's true. I never lie to my own women." Yoshimura Notaro said solemnly, silently adding two words in his heart: 'That's weird. ’

"Well, don't go back to Hong Kong Island. I'll support you."

Haitang hugged Notaro Yoshimura from behind very charmingly.

"Please put on your clothes first, Hun Dan, are your curtains transparent? Didn't someone peek at us just now?"

Yoshimura Notaro threw her over the shoulder neatly, causing Haitang to lie on the bed in an unsightly posture.

Don't think that because you are a beauty, I will give you special treatment, just take it.

"Get dressed and go downstairs. I have something important to tell you."

Haitang wanted to cry.

This bastard is a scumbag.

....."Ding Yao knew you were coming to Taiwan, and she contacted me and wanted to cooperate with you."

Haitang thoughtfully poured two glasses of red wine and walked to the sofa in the living room.

Unfortunately, Yoshimura Notaro is not very good at drinking.

"Ding Yao wants to cooperate with me?" Yoshimura Notaro's eyes flashed and he put the red wine glass on the coffee table.

"Don't pay attention to her." Yoshimura Notaro decisively refused: "You should also have less contact with her."

"Why?" Haitang actually hates Ding Yao, but she doesn't think it is a bad thing to cooperate with Ding Yao at this time.

"Why, you should give me a reason to cooperate."

Yoshimura Notaro slumped lazily on the sofa. Although the Haitang family's sofa was too big and took up space, it was suitable for lying flat on.

"I've heard that Lei Fufang wants to integrate all the gangs in Taiwan. This person is too ambitious. I would rather choose Ding Yao to be the leader of the Sanlian Gang."

Haitang's pattern is actually quite big. She is not as short-sighted as Yoshimura Notaro, who only does things based on preference.

Of course, Yoshimura Notaro relies on his preferences because this guy has the ability to do things based on his preferences.

"That's it?"

Yoshimura Notaro looked at Haitang suspiciously. It was undeniable that Haitang had big breasts, but she was not without brains.

Haitang pretended to be stupid and blinked sweetly.

Yoshimura Notaro was so angry that he wanted to kick her in the chest.

"Don't you think that Ding Yao has no ambition? Moreover, I don't believe that you have no ambition." Yoshimura Notaro looked at Haitang with a sneer.

Haitang smiled awkwardly.

She was originally satisfied with controlling the Donghu Gang's three-thirds of an acre, but now Yoshimura Notaro gave her the confidence to be ambitious.

If anyone dares to disobey her, she will kill Taro Yoshimura.

"I have already made an agreement with Ding Yao. As long as we help her deal with Lei Fuhong, after she becomes the leader of the Sanlian Gang, all the forces of the Sanlian Gang will withdraw from Tainan. From now on, there will be no harm." Haitang looked at Yoshimura Notaro hopefully. .

Yoshimura Notaro thought seriously for a while.

"I suggest that no one should help and let them go their own way. As for the Sanlian Gang who have entered Tainan, won't you beat them out?"

Haitang's eyes lit up after hearing Yoshimura Notaro's words. Oh, at this time, neither Lei Fuhong nor Ding Yao wanted to have another enemy. It was a good opportunity to clear the situation.

"Uh-! Husband, you are so kind."

Haitang kissed Yoshimura Notaro hard, then lay on Yoshimura Notaro's body like a vixen.

Unfortunately, Yoshimura Notaro's sage time has not faded yet, and Haitang's beauty trap is of no use to Yoshimura Notaro.

"I have a sum of money that I want to enter Taiwan. You can help me clean it and I will give you a commission based on the going rate."

Maybe Haitang really served Yoshimura Notaro very comfortably, and it was rare that Yoshimura Notaro didn't bargain with Haitang on the commission.


If business comes to her, Haitang will naturally not refuse.

"How much?"

"Seven billion Hong Kong dollars." Yoshimura Notaro said lightly. The guy looked at Haitang's shocked expression with great satisfaction, finally regaining his dignity as a man.

"Is it the money that Li Jiayi lost to you?" Haitang reacted immediately.

"Then the money comes from normal sources, so there's no need to wash it?" Haitang looked at Yoshimura Notaro with some confusion.

"I know, but I don't want others to know the final destination of the money." Yoshimura Notaro glanced at Haitang, and he felt that Haitang would understand what he meant.

After Haitang was stunned for a moment, he took a deep look at Yoshimura Notaro.

"Husband, I want to take a good look at your face." Haitang smiled flatteringly.

"No!" Yoshimura Notaro decisively refused.

Haitang really understood now that Yoshimura Notaro was definitely a big shot in Hong Kong Island.

"You don't have to tell me what you guessed. If you do your job well, I won't treat you badly." A murderous look flashed through Notaro Yoshimura.

Haitang naturally understood Yoshimura Notaro's warning. What a smart woman she was, she immediately fell into Yoshimura Notaro's arms with a smile on her face.

"I know!" Haitang smiled every day. She already understood the reason why Yoshimura Notaro could not stay in Taiwan.

"Husband, Matilda has some of your abilities, why not let her pretend to be you? I really need your name to help me scare some unsighted guys."

Yoshimura Notaro was overjoyed when he heard Haitang's words. He had never thought of such a brilliant idea. He was really stupid.

Yoshimura Notaro held Haitang's head. Since she had just taken him into her mouth, Yoshimura Notaro kissed Haitang hard on her forehead.

"Just do it and let Matilda use my identity. She happens to know the ID password of my killer number." Yoshimura Notaro thought a lot at once.

"Zhang Xiaomeng also stays on Taiwan Island, which is more solid evidence that I am still on Taiwan Island."

"Ah——! I don't want it, I want to follow you."

As soon as Yoshimura Notaro finished speaking, Zhang Xiaomeng came out of nowhere.

"You're crazy. Why should I follow me? I'll make sure you are safe." Yoshimura Notaro ignored Zhang Xiaomeng's opinion.

Zhang Xiaomeng was so frightened that she quickly ran upstairs.

"Don't worry, ordinary people are no match for Matilda. She is definitely capable of pretending to be me. You can leave some difficult things to her that you can't solve."

Yoshimura Notaro has great confidence in Matilda. This is the apprentice he and Peng Yixing jointly taught. She is more than enough to deal with pussies like Lei Fuxing and Ding Yao.

"Really?" Haitang smiled in surprise, her cunning eyes rolling around, who knew what she was planning.

Those who oppose her in the East Lake Gang are afraid that they will be crippled by her.

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