What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 665: The grenade is fake


The bomb exploded in Li Erjiezi's space. Fortunately, this guy had been tricked several times. He had already bought several safes and threw them in Jiezi's space.

The bomb of the thin gangster doubled the size of the safe in the mustard space, but Sir Li's personal collection was not damaged at all.

Although he didn't know why the explosion didn't sound, the fat and thin gangster still seized the opportunity and ran away.

"Are you okay?" Fang Jiexia hid behind Ma Guoying and looked at Li Er.

Li Er weighed the replaced grenade in his hand and deliberately said loudly: "It's okay, this thing is fake.


The thin gangster and the fat gangster had already run to the playground outside the building. The people from the Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Unit were afraid of the bombs in their hands, so they all moved back.

The thin man looked down at the grenade in his hand, and subconsciously let go of the grenade's safety grip.

"***'s fried fish is strong, sell me fake——!"


A violent explosion sounded.

The thin gangster watched helplessly as his palm disappeared in an instant, and in the next millisecond, he himself also lost consciousness.

The fat gangster was standing behind the thin gangster. He stretched out half of his head curiously to look at the grenade in the thin gangster's hand. Now his face was half black and half white lying on the playground.

Ma Guoying hurriedly stopped. She was the first to rush out to catch the fat and thin gangster.

"No...didn't you say the bomb was fake?" Ma Guoying turned to look at Li Er in horror.

"I guess, this one didn't explode!" Li Er said and threw the grenade in his hand to Fang Jiexia.

Fang Jiexia instinctively reached out to catch the grenade. When she reacted, she almost died of fright.

"Hey——, this grenade is really a model, so light and airy." Fang Jiexia said this, but she still dared not let go of the grenade's grip.


"Brother Yuan, it's Da Pang and Xiao Qiang. The police's target is indeed us." Ah Zhong said nervously.

Chen Yiyuan and Ah Zhong were at the glass window at the end of the corridor. They witnessed the fat and thin gangster being blown up.

"It's not a good place to stay here for long, retreat——!"

Chen Yiyuan's expression was very strange. Although it was night, the lights on the playground were brightly lit. He could clearly see that Big Fat and Xiao Qiang were killed by his own grenades.

"Brother Yuan, what's going on?"

The explosion on the playground shocked everyone.

Wu Song immediately called Chen Yiyuan to ask.

"It's okay, I threw the bomb and killed two policemen." Chen Yiyuan calmly dealt with Wu Song.

Wu Song breathed a sigh of relief. When he went downstairs just now, he heard footsteps upstairs and thought the police had begun to attack.

"Don't move! Don't move at all. Put down the damn gun." Ma Jun shouted loudly.

Wu Song didn't have time to hang up the phone.

Chen Yiyuan also heard Ma Jun's shouts on the other end of the phone.

"Stop, shoot!" Chen Yiyuan ordered decisively.

"Don't move, you are already surrounded." Li Xianying rushed out from under the stairs in time, and surrounded Wu Song and the short gangster with the horse army.

"Okay, don't shoot. Let's abandon our weapons now." Wu Song said, slowly bending down and preparing to put down the pistol in his hand.

"cover me!"

Wu Song gave the little gangster a wink.

"Don't make small moves!" Li Xianying warned very vigilantly.

A grenade rolled along Wu Song's sleeve and toward the downstairs where Li Xianying was standing.

"I'll fuck you!" Li Xianying gritted his teeth and retreated to the fire door behind him. If it were before, he would have tried his best to shoot Wu Song twice before retreating.

But now that he has a family and his wife is just pregnant, Li Xianying is under great pressure and does not dare to work hard like before.

"Bang bang——!"

Li Xianying did not dare to fight, but Ma Jun dared to fight. When he saw the opponent resisting, he immediately shot.

The short gangster immediately raised his pistol and exchanged fire with the horse army.

"Boom boom boom——!"

Wu Song also took the opportunity to pick up a pistol and shoot the horse army with the short gangster.


There was an explosion in the stairway, and all three people were dizzy.

"Bang bang bang——!"

Ma Jun gritted his teeth and continued to fire. Li Xianying immediately rushed out of the fire door to support Ma Jun. However, just as he rushed out of the fire door, he saw another grenade rolling down towards him.

"I fuck your grandma."

Li Xianying quickly closed the fire door.

Ma Jun also saw a grenade thrown towards him.

"Fuck you, uncle, I'm not afraid of you." Ma Jun suddenly picked up the grenade and threw it down.

Wu Song: "..."

Short gangster: "..."

The two guys hurriedly ran to the fire door next to them.

Wu Song moved more quickly. He ran behind the fire door and immediately hid behind the fire door.

The short gangster was miserable. As soon as he ran to the fire door, the grenade exploded.


The shock wave of the explosion knocked the short gangster to pieces, and his entire back was a bloody mess.

Wu Song quickly pulled off the weapon bag from the short gangster and escaped alone.

After a brief confrontation, Wu Song had already discovered that he was no match for Li Xianying and Ma Jun. He just wanted to escape now.

"Ma Jun——!"

After the explosion, Li Xianying kicked open the fire door.

"I'm fine!" Ma Jun replied angrily, "I'm wearing a bulletproof vest."

Although the bulletproof vest cannot protect against the shock wave of the explosion, it can protect against bullets. Wu Song and the short gangster hit Ma Jun several times, all of which were on the bulletproof vest.

"Annie, where did the gangster go?" Li Xianying helped Ma Jun and quickly asked Bai Anni at the switchboard.

The short gangster had been killed.

"Hey, he ran upstairs." Bai Anni paused when she saw Wu Song running towards the fire stairs at the other end, and then went upstairs instead of going downstairs.

"Eagle, be careful, he wants to sneak attack you. He is currently in the corridor one floor above you and is heading towards the fire stairs at the other end of you." Bai Anni quickly informed Li Xianying and Ma Jun.

After Wu Song ran to the fire stairs at the other end, he suddenly felt that if he didn't kill Li Xianying and Ma Jun, he would be bitten by these two mad dogs and unable to escape.

"Sneak attack on us?" Li Xianying and Ma Jun looked at each other and smiled.

The two guys pointed their guns at the stairs upstairs, waiting to give Wu Song a big surprise.

"You two idiots, did you forget that the other party has a bomb? There is still time, go to the stairs to the upper floor."

Li Er had returned to the command vehicle. He almost died of anger when he saw the stupid behavior of Li Xianying and Ma Jun.

Only then did Li Xianying and Ma Jun wake up. If Wu Song rolled a bomb downstairs, they would not be in trouble.

Li Xianying and Ma Jun hurriedly ran up the stairs to the upper floor.

The three women in the command car already understood Li Er's intention, and they all sighed to themselves. When it comes to women committing deception, they still have to look to Sir Li.

Just as Li Er expected, Wu Song quickly ran to the fire stairs on the upper floor, quietly pushed open a crack in the door, rolled two grenades down the stairs, and quickly closed the door.

Li Xianying and Ma Jun swallowed, but fortunately Li Er reminded them, so they blocked each other's ears.


"Ah——!" Li Xianying screamed in response.

Wu Song was overjoyed and immediately rushed out of the fire door and fired at the thick smoke downstairs.

"Boom boom boom..."

Li Xianying and Ma Jun were sitting at the corner of the stairs above Wu Song, looking at Wu Song's back like a clown.

The expression on Wu Song's face suddenly froze. He probably guessed something, and slowly turned his head with a stiff neck.

"Shoot, you two bastards, hurry up and help Miao Zhishun." Li Er picked up the walkie-talkie and cursed.

"Bang bang bang bang—!"

Wu Song fell down unwillingly.


Fang Jiexia glanced at Li Er with some palpitations. This guy was really a concubine.


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