"You...what are you going to do?";

"What are you doing, hum, ***!" Luo Hanguo shouted loudly.

"Oh——!" Li Jiaer breathed a sigh of relief. Whether it was robbing wealth or robbing sex, it was a small problem.

But the beauty star's face changed drastically. She can play for rich people, but not for those who look like they are poor.

"Why are you so shameless, you dwarf?" American ginseng slapped Luo Han Guo hard on the head.

"You...don't you want to?"

Luo Han Guo glared at American Ginseng angrily. He could allow others to hit him on the head, but he would never allow others to hit him on the head in front of a beautiful woman.

"I think so, but asking a woman to do it would be too selfish." American ginseng's suggestion was well received by everyone.

"Ah——!" the beautiful star screamed, turned around and ran away.

The curly hair hidden behind the wall pillar knocked out the beautiful star with a stick.

Luo Hanguo hurried over and saw a huge red mark on the fair face of the beautiful star, looking very miserable.

"You beast, how could you do this?" Luo Hanguo pointed at Curly Hair and cursed.

Curly raised the short stick in his hand.

Luo Han Guo ran quickly.

"You bastards, can you do serious things first? If you have money, you still have to worry about not having a woman." Curly Hair walked towards Li Jiaer carrying a stick.

"Do you want to go by yourself, or do I give you a stick and drag you away." Curly Mao was still very reasonable, and he gave Li Jiaer a choice.

"Brothers, let me give you money. I have cash in my car, one hundred thousand, is that enough?" Li Jiaer said quickly.

The eyes of Partridge Cai and others immediately lit up. These guys are big thieves. One hundred thousand yuan is a lot of money.

"Uh-! One hundred thousand per person?" he asked after swallowing his saliva.

"Okay, 100,000 per person, but I don't have that much cash in the car. Can I write a check?" Li Jiaer said, already taking out the check.

"Do you think we would be stupid enough to take a check and go to the bank to withdraw money?" Curly snorted.

The calmest one among the group is Curly Hair.

"Tie him up. I believe Zhang Zihao doesn't want to believe these rich guys." Curly Mao looked at Partridge Cai.

Partridge nodded in agreement, and he immediately rolled up his sleeves and walked towards Li Jiaer.

"Don't come over here." Li Jiaer suddenly pulled out a pistol.

This guy actually has a gun, which is something Partridge and the others never imagined.

"Dear friends from the martial arts world, we have no grievances. Let me treat you all to tea with the money. If there is an emergency in the martial arts world in the future, feel free to ask, as long as I can help."

Li Jiaer held a gun in his right hand and pointed it at Partridge Cai and the others. With his left hand, he took out a bag of cash from the sports car and threw it on the floor.

Partridge and others were stunned.

It has to be said that Li Jiaer still has some skills, and the rabble like Partridge Cai didn't know what to do for a while.

A gentleman does not stand in danger. Li Jiaer took the opportunity to get into the car. He wanted to start the car and escape from here.


Li Jiaer was about to twist the car key when he suddenly sneezed.

Partridge and the others woke up immediately, with Curly Hair reacting the fastest.

"Duang" hit Li Jiaer hard on the head with a stick.

Li Jiaer now regrets that he bought a convertible.


Curly Mao hit Li Jiaer with another stick, knocking him out.

"Even if we tie you up, the money still belongs to us." Curly Curly cursed and picked up a stack of cash on the ground.

"That's right, that's right, come here and help us carry him into our van." Partridge hurriedly waved to American Ginseng.

Luo Hanguo picked up the pistol that Li Jiaer had dropped and pulled the trigger with his hands.


Partridge and others were startled by the sound of gunfire.

beautiful woman lying on the floor

The star's eyelids trembled and he quickly closed his eyes.

"Luo Han Guo, you are looking for a beating, aren't you?" Curly Mao yelled.

"You...don't try to bully me. I have a gun in my hand now." Luo Hanguo said forcefully.

"..." Curly Mao raised his short stick: "Say it again if you have the guts."

Luo Hanguo quickly put away his pistol: "I only say good things once."

The group of people got on the car noisily.

"What should I do with this girl? I don't want to waste it. It's good to touch it to get addicted!" Luo Han Guo suggested.

"Bang bang bang..."

Luo Han Guo attracted fists from everyone.

"I won't do anything against a woman's will." Curly said with principle.


Several other people nodded, but their faces were full of regret, who let Curly, the bastard, hold a stick in his hand.

As soon as Partridge's car drove out of the garage, the beautiful star who was lying on the ground immediately sat up.


The beautiful star was knocked unconscious by a knife and lay down again.

Li Er didn't want her to call the police too early.


Zhang Zihao’s base camp.

Zhang Zihao looked at Partridge Cai's motley crew dumbfounded.

"Did you kidnap Li Jiaer back?"

Zhang Zihao blinked dumbly.

Zhang Zihao originally wanted to use Partridge Cai and this group of weird people to confuse the public. Who would have thought that he did not kidnap Li Jiayi, but these guys kidnapped Li Jiaer.

"Yes, look at the photo, the nose is the nose, the eyes are the eyes, they drive a red Ferrari, wear floral shirts, and white pants, they are exactly the same." Partridge took out the photo Zhang Zihao gave him.

Zhang Zihao naturally recognized at a glance that it was Li Jiaer who was tied up by Partridge Cai.

"How did you tie him up? Didn't this guy bring a bodyguard?" Zhang Zihao still couldn't believe it.

"There were no bodyguards, he was just picking up female celebrities in the parking lot. We easily knocked him down with a stick." Partridge said proudly.

"Uh--!" Zhang Zihao was furious. If he had known better, he would have asked these weirdos to kidnap Li Jiayi and leave Li Jiaer to himself.

"Well done! Ten thousand yuan each." Zhang Zihao gathered his emotions and immediately started to ask Li Jiacheng for the ransom.

"Thank you, Brother Hao!" Partridge Cai and the others quickly thanked him.

These guys very cunningly hid Li Jiaer's 100,000 yuan and had no intention of sharing it with Zhang Zihao.

"Don't worry!" Zhang Zihao patted Partridge on the shoulder with great satisfaction: "When I get the ransom, everyone."

Zhang Zihao pointed at everyone at the scene and said proudly: "At least one million for each person. I, Zhang Zihao, said that I will never treat my brothers badly."

"Thank you, Brother Hao!" Although they didn't know whether it was true or not, a group of minions shouted one after another.

"Hey——! Second Young Master, wake up!" Zhang Zihao poured a basin of water over Li Jia'er to wake him up.

"Don't, don't kill me, you have money, you have money, you have money!"

Li Jiaer is really very knowledgeable. Before Zhang Zihao even started to speak, he took the initiative to "surrender".

"very good!"

Zhang Zihao helped Li Jiaer tie his loose shirt buttons with a smile on his face.

"I've always hated pretty boys." Zhang Zihao suddenly remembered Li Er, this bastard.

"But I like you surprisingly much."

Zhang Zihao reached out his hand in a friendly manner and patted the dust off Li Jiaer's shoulders.

Li Jiaer's heart trembled. He knew how friendly the other party was now, how ruthless he could be in the future.

"Second Young Master, please stay with me for one night. Have a good sleep and let your father have a good sleep. Please behave well tomorrow and don't let me live up to my expectations of you."

"Understood! I will definitely cooperate." Li Jiaer immediately expressed his position very well.

The more Zhang Zihao looked at Li Jiaer, the more he liked him. He couldn't help holding Li Jiaer's head and kissed Li Jiaer hard on his forehead.

"..." Li Jiaer felt a chill in his heart, but he still managed to squeeze out a flattering smile.

"Sleep well. If everything goes well, the second young master can go back to your house to sleep and play with your female star tomorrow." Zhang Zihao walked out of the room laughing.


Li Er thought who was trying to blackmail Li Jiacheng, but it turned out to be Zhang Zihao.

Naturally, Li Er would not interfere with such a happy thing. Having the right path is where disasters and blessings depend, and blessings are where disasters lie. If he does bad things with good intentions, wouldn't it be very imperfect?

The most important thing is that Judy Tang and Tong Keren are currently sniping at Li Jiacheng's real estate company with great fanfare. If they don't help, they can't cause trouble for their lovers.


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