What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 674: Confining Zhang Zihao

Just as Li Er finished speaking on the commendation stage, he received another call from Cai Yuanqi.

If Zhang Zihao has a history of kidnapping and extortion, then Li Er has the experience of successfully arresting Zhang Zihao.

"You don't want to tell me that you have no confidence in dealing with a little brat like Zhang Zihao, do you?" Li Er directly despised Cai Yuanqi.

"I'm not putting safety first!" Cai Yuanqi laughed awkwardly and immediately hung up the phone.

I am really confused. I am just Zhang Zihao. What do I ask that bastard Li Er to do? Do I need to share the credit?

Cai Yuanqi directly called the Flying Tigers, he wanted to torture Zhang Zihao to death.

"Sir Cai, do we need to notify people at Wan Chai Police Station?" Cai Yuanqi's men asked.

"What are you telling them to do? That idiot Cao Dahua succeeds more than he fails." Cai Yuanqi cursed angrily.

"Uh-! Let's follow the procedure and call their director's office!" Cai Yuanqi thought of something and changed his mind as soon as he finished speaking.


At this time, Zhang Zihao did not know that Li Jiaer's kidnapping had been personally intervened by the police. He thought that Cao Tat-wah, the leader of the Wan Chai Heavy Duty Group, was in charge, and did not realize that the danger was coming.

"Partridge, you guys go down the mountain to buy some good wine and food and come back to find out the news. As soon as a large number of police officers are mobilized in Wan Chai Police Station, you will notify me as soon as possible." Zhang Zihao said confidently.

"Okay, Brother Hao!" Partridge nodded and rubbed his fingers.

Of course he has the money to buy food and drinks, but buying food and drinks for everyone is a public job and he shouldn't spend his own money.

"Go! The rest is for you." Zhang Zihao threw 10,000 yuan to Partridge Cai very generously.

"Thank you, Brother Hao! Long live Brother Hao!" Partridge caught the money thrown by Zhang Zihao with both hands in a funny way, turned around and ran quickly.

A few people in Dashengdi were worried that Partridge Cai had swallowed the ten thousand yuan alone, so they hurriedly chased after him.

"Brother Hao, why do I feel that these guys are so unreliable!" Zhang Zihao's men reminded him while looking at the backs of Partridge Cai and the others.

Zhang Zihao glanced coldly at his subordinates.

"Unreliable? Li Jiaer was kidnapped by these guys. Would you be able to do it if you were a loser?"

Zhang Zihao's subordinates suddenly did not dare to say anything.

In fact, it was precisely because it was Partridge Cai and the others who kidnapped Li Jiaer that Zhang Zihao could rest assured that they were the first offenders if the eucalyptus was exposed.

Partridge and the others drove their van down the mountain. While waiting for the traffic light at the bottom of the mountain, they encountered an oncoming vehicle and a van was also waiting for the traffic light.

"Partridge, we can't spend more than 2,000 yuan on wine and vegetables, and the remaining 8,000 yuan should be divided equally." American Ginseng suggested 'selflessly'.

Everyone agreed except Partridge.

Partridge didn't answer. He stared at the opposite van with a serious expression.

"Do you think the van opposite is a little strange?" Partridge asked in a low voice.

"There's nothing strange about it. They're all four-wheeled vehicles. Don't try to change the subject." American Ginseng warned Partridge Cai.

Partridge's expression changed.

"Pujie, there's something wrong. That's not an ordinary van, it's a Flying Tigers vehicle." Partridge's expression changed as he spoke.

Ordinary kidnappers can't tell the difference between an ordinary van and a Flying Tigers vehicle, but Partridge had suffered a lot from Instructor Hu, and he knew the camouflaged vehicles of the Special Forces.

"What's wrong, we must have been exposed." Dashengdi, who was in the back seat of the car, immediately turned around and took a short shovel and held it in his hand.

"Not necessarily!" Curly Hair on the passenger seat said quickly: "Don't panic, everyone."

"Maybe Zhang Zihao was exposed." Partridge Cai immediately thought of this.

The green light comes on.

Partridge hurriedly shifted into gear and passed by the Flying Tigers van.

"What should we do? Let's go back and rescue Zhang Zihao and the others."

Luo Hanguo had just finished speaking.


Everyone gave him the middle finger.

"We've already gone down the mountain, it's none of our business." Curly Hair firmly opposed turning around.

Another five or six cars passed by Partridge Cai and the others.

"Look, they're all fucking police. Run away."

Curly's expression changed when he saw Partridge take out his mobile phone.

"Partridge, what do you want to do?"

"Call Zhang Zihao to inform him. We have taken advantage of him a lot, so we can't be so unloyal." Partridge Cai said very righteously.

Curly Mao thought for a while, but did not stop or notify Zhang Zihao. If the police failed to surround Zhang Zihao, and Zhang Zihao ran away, wouldn't he have to settle accounts with them?

"Hey! Brother Hao, something bad has happened. We met a lot of policemen at the foot of the mountain."

"They are here for Li Jiaer. Several police cars have already rushed up the mountain. We are also being chased by two police cars. Run away!" Partridge said in an urgent tone and hung up the phone quickly. .

Everyone in the van gave Partridge a thumbs up.

Zhang Zihao put away the phone with an ugly expression.

"Brother Hao, what's the matter?" asked a young man.

"It's okay, everyone should keep their positions. This vote is worth one billion. After completing this order, everyone will not have to worry about it for the rest of their lives." Zhang Zihao said loudly.

"Don't worry, Brother Hao. The King of Heaven is here, and we dare to fight him to the death." Several of Zhang Zihao's men said with a smile.

"That's good!" Zhang Zihao asked his men to bring their pistols and cannons, and then turned and walked towards the room.

Cai Yuanqi put down the telescope in his hand: "The small cement building looks very solid. Have you confirmed that the kidnapper is there?"

"We intercepted the phone number the kidnapper called Li Jiacheng at Li Jiacheng's residence. If we call the kidnapper again, we can determine the location 100%."

Cai Yuanqi's men replied rigorously: "But calling the kidnapper suddenly will most likely arouse the kidnapper's alert."

"Give me the phone and let me make the call." Cai Yuanqi asked his subordinates for the phone number.

He turned to look at a masked strong man.

"Instructor Xu, take your Flying Tigers to sneak over first and wait for my signal to launch an attack."


As soon as Zhang Zihao knocked Li Jiaer unconscious, his mobile phone rang.

"Hello, hello! I am a senior salesperson from Fortis Insurance. Our company has recently launched a new financial management project. Sir, are you interested in learning about it? It will be very helpful for you to manage your property reasonably." Cai Yuanqi's tone was very official asked.

Cai Yuanqi's men gave an OK gesture to Cai Yuanqi.

‘The lock was successful and the target person is in the cement room. ’

"Sir, don't worry about it. I don't have money to spend. I won't kidnap you?"

Zhang Zihao's words made Cai Yuanqi's eyes widen in shock.

"Everyone, be careful. The kidnappers have discovered us. We must ensure the safety of the hostages." Cai Yuanqi quickly picked up the walkie-talkie to inform.

Zhang Zihao in the cement room had already guessed that the phone had exposed him, so he smashed his latest mobile phone with a brick.

I hope those idiots outside can withstand the police attack for a while longer!

Zhang Zihao pulled open an iron plate under the bed. This guy was probably not a rat, because there was another tunnel under the iron plate.

"Lawyer Zhang, let's go!" Zhang Zihao asked Lawyer Zhang to go down first, and then threw Li Jiaer down as well.

This guy obviously didn't want to inform his subordinates.

If we go together, no one can escape.

"Brother Hao, hiding here is not an option. If the police search carefully, they can still find us."

"Why hide? Carry this guy forward. There is a road ahead. I hid a car at the exit."


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