What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 702: He wants to meet Li 2

Latest website: Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Unit.

Ma Guoying carefully screened the insiders in the exhibition company under the Tong Group, and she actually found out some information.

On the day the exhibits were stolen, eight people came to the entire monitoring room. If you want all the surveillance cameras to be disabled at the same time, you must enter the control room and block the host. Otherwise, even if you destroy the cameras, you will only get a black screen one by one.

"Annie, the exhibits were stolen at night, and these two senior officials came to the control room during the day. We should be able to rule out suspicion!" Ma Guoying said as she crossed out two names on the list.

Bai Anni glanced sideways at Ma Guoying and said nothing.

A female police officer in charge of technology in the intelligence team quickly explained: "Bell, it can't be ruled out like this. It's not too difficult to insert a timing code into the computer to start the timing. He deletes the code afterwards and we can't find any traces. ”

"Ah! Can it still be like this?" Ma Guoying hurriedly re-wrote the crossed out names on the list.

Everyone looked at Bo Anne.

Bai Anni blinked and spread her hands easily: "No need to exclude, why waste that time? Bring all eight guys on the list back to the police station and ask for confessions one by one."

"Madam, in fact, we have just done something, but these guys are not cooperating, either because they are not available, or they have various excuses, and some say that it has affected their work and they want to sue our serious crime team for compensation." Just now. The female police officer who spoke said softly.

Bai Anni took out her mobile phone and dialed Tong Keren's number.

"Okay, these eight guys on the list have all been suspended without pay by their companies. If they still have excuses, tell them that what is waiting for them is a dismissal notice from the Tong Group Corporation."


The female police officers in the intelligence team all grinned. Sir Li must be awesome. I really don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup he poured into Tong Keren. Tong Keren was actually willing to listen to Annie. Shouldn’t these two be fighting?

Ma Guoying was secretly thinking that this case was related to the Tong Group, and Anne was willing to help, so Anne should be generous.

"Brother Hai, you will help me with the interrogation when the time comes." Bai Anni walked towards Lin Haiying who was fishing at his desk.


Lin Haiying hurriedly sat up straight. In the Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Unit, offending Bo Anni was no different from offending Li Er. What's more, Bo Anni often brought breakfast to everyone, which was very impressive.

"However, if they complain -!" Lin Haiying reminded in a low voice.

Lin Haiying's interrogation method means that 120% of the suspects will file a complaint.

"Don't worry, my master will take care of anything that happens." Bai Anni said with a smile.

Lin Haiying felt relieved now. He was different from the rich second generation like Bai Anni. Bai Anni worked as a hobby while he made a living.

The other side.

Zheng Yijian started his sexy operation.

"Sorry, if you don't have an appointment, I'm sorry I can't help you transfer the call to the president's office." The receptionist of Tong's Group said and was about to hang up the phone.

‘Who does this person think he is? He wants to contact Miss Tong directly without making an appointment. Even the assistant in the president’s office is too lazy to talk to you. ’


Zheng Yijian found out that the call girl was really going to hang up on him. After secretly cursing the little devil for being difficult, he hurriedly said: "Tell Tong Keren that the three stolen exhibits from your group are in my hands. If you still want to take them back, Get ready 20 million dollars in cash.”

After Zheng Yijian finished speaking, he took the initiative and decisively answered the call of the girl.

‘Is this blackmail? Or is it a harassing phone call as a joke? ’ The wiring girl was stunned.

With her level, she didn't know that several exhibits were stolen from the group's convention and exhibition center, and she was an operator at the group's head office. With so many branches under the group, it would be crazy for the other party to make the extortion call to the head office!

In accordance with the group's operator's work rules, the call girl directly transferred the recording of the call with Zheng Yijian to the security department of the head office, and then calmly checked the time.

I will get off work in an hour. As a worker, extortion has nothing to do with me.

"What? Blackmail, and a blackmail of 20 million?"

After listening to the phone recording, the security department of the Tong Group called the police without hesitation. No matter whether it was a prank or not, you can explain it to the police yourself. The legal department of the group is also busy.

At this time, Zheng Yijian didn't know that his blackmail call had been made, but Tong Keren didn't know about it at all. Even the assistants in the president's office didn't know that someone had just called to blackmail the group.

Ten minutes later, Zheng Yijian made another blackmail call.

"Hello! Please wait!" The receptionist transferred Zheng Yijian's extortion call to the security department.

"I am Zhang Jianjun, the director of the security department of Tong Group. I don't care if you are playing a prank or not. I give you 24 hours to surrender to the police, otherwise you will have to wait for a lawyer's letter from our group's legal department." Zhang Jianjun wrote down the phone number of the caller. After the number, it was sent to the Central District Police Station.

"." Zheng Yijian suddenly had black lines in his head. He was a magician and a thief, but he was treated like this.

In fact, he had already understood that Tong Keren probably did not take the stolen exhibits seriously, and his extortion call should be made to the general manager's office of the Convention and Exhibition Center of Tong Group.

Understandably, Zheng Yijian was not reconciled. Although he was extorting money, his posture must be handsome.

This is important.

‘Tong Keren must be taught a lesson. ’

There are bodyguards in Tong Keren's company and residence, and there are at least four bodyguards following him even when he goes in and out. However, Zheng Yijian is a brave man and does not take these cowardly bodyguards seriously.

"Hey -! Zheng Yijian, you are so fucking crazy! I asked you to blackmail the person in charge of the exhibition company, or the person in charge of the insurance company that underwrote the insurance. Why are you blackmailing Tong Keren from the Tongshi Group Corporation? You don't know she is Whose woman?"

As soon as Zheng Yijian put down the phone at the public phone booth, his personal phone rang. As soon as he answered the call, he was cursed.

"Don't be so nervous!" Zheng Yijian chuckled: "But you are quite well-informed. I just called the Tong Group President's Office and you received the information."

The person on the other end of the phone turned green with anger when he heard Zheng Yijian's understatement.

"You idiot, Mr. Tong called the police. The call was received by our police headquarters. I just received the news that the superiors are planning to transfer this case to the Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Squad. I suspect that Li Er has received the news. What the hell are you doing?" Get out quickly."

"'Detective Death' Li Er? Hehe, I really want to meet him." Zheng Yijian took a deep breath of his cigar confidently.

This guy Li Er has been rumored to be amazing by the news media in Hong Kong Island, which is indeed very challenging.

The voice on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time.

In fact, he also wanted to meet Li Er for a while, after all, who didn't have a dream yet.

Everyone is on duty, why is Li Er so fierce?

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