What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 704: Sir Li is famous for his fairness

Latest website: "Why did you come just now?"

Tong Keren and Bai Anni both gave Li Er a big roll of their eyes.

"Uh--! I overslept." Li Er made a random excuse.

Now Tong Keren and Bai Anni were even more speechless. It was three o'clock in the afternoon. What kind of sleep did they have.

"Now, I've given you the money. It's 20 million US dollars in cash. If you can't get it back, don't worry. Pay attention to safety." Tong Keren said nonsense. Why should Sir Li pay attention to safety?

However, her attitude of treating 20 million as two thousand yuan still shocked Ma Guoying and other female police officers from the intelligence team.

Didn't you say that Sir Li is a cute pretty boy? Why doesn't he look like him at all? With this kind of treatment, they wish they were a man and could be taken care of by a beautiful and rich woman.

Li Er waved the other female police officers from the intelligence team to go out first.

"You two, do you want to be so honest? I want-!" Li suddenly paused before he could finish his words.

"When someone asks for 20 million, he really gives 20 million. Why should he cut the price?" Li Er said and gave Bai Anni a gesture.

Brianne knew immediately that something was wrong.

"Yes, I also think 20 million is too much, otherwise I would just give 10 million." Bai Anni said to deal with it.

Tong Keren knew something was wrong when she saw the faces of Li Er and Bai Anni. She walked around the desk without hesitation and trotted up behind Li Er.

Li Er and Bai Anni quickly found a miniature bug on the inner wall of a decorative flowerpot in the corner of Tong Keren's office.

"Forget it, one more thing is worse than one less thing. Tens of millions is not a big sum of money to the group, so just treat it as a waste of money to eliminate disasters." Tong Keren said loudly at Li Er's suggestion.

"Stop talking about these unhappy things, I'll treat you to dinner!"

Tong Keren, Li Er, and Bai Anni walked out of the office.

"Master, people from the Western District Police Station just came to the location where the bug is installed." Bai Anni immediately reminded Li Er after leaving the office.

"Huh??" Li Er was stunned for a moment. He thought it was Tong Keren's business competitor who did it.

"Let me go take a look." Bai Anni said and tiptoed into Tong Keren's office again.

A few minutes later, Brianne came out.

"It's 100% certain that the guy who installed the bug is definitely someone from the Western District Police Station." Bai Anni said with great certainty. She just checked the bug. The current and voltage of the machine were full. It was obvious that it had just been installed. It didn't take long to boot up.

"Will it affect your work?" Li Er turned to look at Tong Keren.

"No, please tear it down!" Tong Keren shook his head.

With Tong Keren's intelligence, she naturally guessed that Li Er and Bai Anni wanted to use bugs to give each other false information, but she was very uncomfortable with being spied on.

"Tear it down!" Li Er patted Tong Keren's shoulder nonchalantly: "It's okay, I already know who installed the bug."

"Yes, it doesn't matter. This stupid thief wants to extort cash. He will definitely show up. As soon as he shows up, I will definitely make him cry." Bai Anni is very confident in this aspect, not to mention that Li Er will be on the scene this time. 100% sure.

Tong Keren was relieved when he heard Bai Anni's explanation. It would be best if it did not affect the solution of the case.

"Okay, I'll call and transfer Xu Zhengyang to your side to be responsible for security for a period of time. I'll also train your bodyguards. That guy is very experienced in counter-eavesdropping."

Li Er said that he had already taken out his mobile phone to make a call.

Zheng Yijian does have some magical methods, and Li Er is really worried about Tong Keren's safety.

If Zheng Yijian really kidnapped Tong Keren by surprise, then Li Er would be really embarrassed.

"Master, since the gangster has an accomplice in the Western District Police Station, who do you think is most likely to be? It won't be Huang Qifai, right? I feel that this person is a bit stupid." Bai Anni expressed her views on Huang Qifai intuitively. .

"No need to guess, it's He Shangsheng, he is the gangster's mole in the police force." Li Er told the truth directly without hiding it from his apprentice.

"Ah? He Shangsheng, that dark-looking guy who looks very honest at first glance." Bai Anni was stunned for a moment. He Shangsheng's appearance was very deceptive. She really didn't think that he was a mole.

"Yes, that's him, but don't start playing tricks with him first." Li Er rubbed his chin in a pretentious manner.

"..." Bai Anni and Tong Keren rolled their eyes again.

"I think if we arrest the people directly and hand them over to Lin Haiying for interrogation, we will definitely be able to dig them all out." Bai Anni said something important suddenly sounded.

"By the way, the results of Lin Haiying's previous interrogation of several suspects in the Convention and Exhibition Center came out. A deputy manager named Luo was indeed bribed. He destroyed the surveillance system of the Convention and Exhibition Center, but he has never seen the gangsters behind the scenes. , he contacted the other party over the phone and collected payment in a locker in the mall."

"Okay, I get it."

Li Er nodded clearly. He was not surprised by this. Zheng Yijian didn't really know how to do magic. If he wanted to successfully steal the exhibits under surveillance, one person couldn't steal things while destroying surveillance.

"Keren, take the money back and prepare an equivalent piece of paper for me." Since Li Er already knew Zheng Yijian's details, it was naturally impossible for him to coddle him and foolishly carry the cash to his doorstep when he asked for cash.

"Okay, I'll have someone prepare it for you." Tong Keren naturally followed suit.


Western District Police Station.

When Huang Qifai and his group rushed back to the police station, Zheng Yijian had already escaped. Huang Qifai thought that Zheng Yijian took the risk to come to the police station to make blackmail calls just to trick the police. Instead, Zhang Zhiheng became suspicious. Unfortunately, although he was not bad at vigilance, But his IQ is too low to guess Zheng Yijian's logic.

Of course He Shangsheng knew that Zheng Yijian came to the police station to arrange the props to be used tomorrow. He would definitely not say anything. Instead, he secretly helped Zheng Yijian check for leaks and fill in the gaps.

"Are you all pigs? The suspect walked into the police station in a big way, and no one of you asked the other person's identity, and you even asked someone to go to my desk to make a phone call." Huang Qifai pointed at the civilian police officers in the office and cursed .

"Sir Huang, I asked, and he said he was looking for you, and that you asked him to sit at your desk and wait for you." A female police officer from the serious crime team defended.

Huang Qifai was about to scold, "You won't call me to confirm," when he suddenly thought that there was really no need to call to confirm such a trivial matter. He could only be angry at Zheng Yijian, the bastard, for being too bold.

"Huang Qifai, has the police station been robbed? It's so lively."

When Huang Qifai heard someone calling his name behind his back, he immediately turned his head angrily.

He faced Li Er with his hands behind his back and a smile on his face.

Huang Qifai immediately put away his anger and tried his best to smile.

"Hello, Sir Li! Why do you have the leisure to come to our Western District Police Station? The case at the Convention and Exhibition Center was a misunderstanding. Your apprentice and I have already agreed that your Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station will be responsible for it."

Although Li Er's level is higher than Huang Qifai's, this is Huang Qifai's territory, and there is no need for Huang Qifai to be afraid of Li Er.

It's a pity that Li Er is famous in the police force for being generous and magnanimous, and he is not petty-minded or vindictive at all.

Huang Qifa really didn't want to offend people like Li Er.

"Don't! I'm known for being fair. Since this case happened in the West District, there's no reason to leave your police station alone. Otherwise, what will others say about me behind my back? You don't want to harm me, do you?" Li Er First he sighed to himself magnanimously, and then gave Huang Qifai a malicious look.

Huang Qifa's face turned red. Although he often told lies, he could never tell lies like Li Er with his eyes open and with a righteous expression.

"Then...then our West District Police Station Serious Crime Team will cooperate with you?" Huang Qifai asked cautiously. He suddenly felt that there was something to be done. Li Er investigated the case himself and would definitely be able to solve it. No matter how small the credit is, it is still credit.

"Hey! That's too polite. The case happened in your Western District. You were supposed to take the lead. Our Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Team fully cooperated. But since you are so kind, it's hard to refuse, so just cooperate!"

Li Er reluctantly agreed to Huang Qifa's request.

"It should, it should." Huang Qifa chuckled with a smile.

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