"Brother, if you put a reward of 1 million to find such a person, it will be much more profitable than us being killers."

"That's right, that bastard Hong Kong businessman asked us to kill that Yang Qian'er, and he only gave us half a million. We might as well go find this one-million-dollar Zheng Yijian."

A dozen middle-aged men covered in sweat were crowded inside a residential building in a factory building.

"Don't make any noise. We are not familiar with the place here. We can't even recognize the bus signs, and we still want to make this million."

Wang Jianjun stared at his group of men coldly.

"This is the job of local gangsters in Hong Kong. Let's think about how to kill Yang Qian'er. The information given by Zhao Guoming said that there are two Hong Kong spies protecting her."

"Damn, I'm really unconvinced when I think about it. These locals from Hong Kong have no ability at all, but they still dominate us." A scarred-faced killer said angrily.

Wang Jianjun said nothing and opened the snakeskin bag at his feet. There were more than a dozen pistols in it.

"Things here are extremely expensive. Each person gets a gun and twelve bullets. Don't take more."

Wang Jianjun's face was full of pain. If he had known that arms here on Hong Kong Island were so expensive, he would have bought some rocket launchers, explosives, etc. to sell.

"There are only twelve bullets, and not even one magazine can be loaded." A young and energetic killer complained in a low voice.

Wang Jianjun glanced at the other person. If it weren't for his own brother, he would have slapped him away.

"Hey——! Brother Jun, I seem to have seen this guy somewhere before!"

A killer who had received his gun boredly picked up the newspaper on the table with Zheng Yijian's picture printed on it.

"Have you really seen it?" Wang Jianjun's heart moved.

The other killers also looked at the killer who spoke excitedly.

"Hmm——!" The Talking Killer frowned and thought hard.

"Ah——! I remembered that I saw him in the elevator just now when we came back from dinner. He was on the eighth or ninth floor."

The talking killer looked excitedly at his other dark-skinned companion.

"Ah Yue, you were with me at the time. You should have seen him, the man in the windbreaker with a slightly swollen face, and the one who smelled of bruises and alcohol."

"When you say that, it seems to be quite similar. He is in the elevator down from the ninth floor." The dark-skinned killer obviously has a good memory.

Wang Jianjun was overjoyed. He had no expectations for one million, but it was different when he took the initiative to deliver it to his door.

"Brother, let me go check it out. If I admit the wrong person, forget it, but if it is true, we will tell you." Wang Jianguo stood up with eyes shining.

"No, let's go together." Wang Jianjun waved to all his men.

This kind of factory building is a mixed bag of good and bad, and everyone is there. If you don't show your strength, you will easily be bullied.


At this time, Zheng Yijian, who was in a room on the ninth floor, did not realize that he was going to be unlucky.

This guy originally lived in a high-end residential area, but unfortunately he was too high-profile and was quickly reported.

Not to mention staying in star-rated hotels, even the front desks of small hotels are like Sherlock Holmes, observing every middle-aged man who comes to book a room.

Zheng Yijian had no choice but to hide in a rented house with a mixed bag of good and bad people like a factory building.

"Bang bang——!"

Wang Jianjun knocked on the door himself.

A fat, bald man opened the door.

"Is something wrong?"

"Isn't this 902? Sorry, I knocked on the wrong door." Wang Jianjun said perfunctorily.

The fat bald man saw the men behind Wang Jianjun looking fierce, so he muttered something and hurriedly closed the door. Living in a place like this, he naturally knew who he could and couldn't mess with.

"Bang bang——!"

Wang Jianjun and others continued to knock on the door, and soon they found room No. 906 where Zheng Yijian lived.


Zheng Yijian shouted in the room very vigilantly, but he didn't let anyone know where he lived.

"It's 806 downstairs. What the hell are you banging in your room in the middle of the night? It's so noisy."

Wang Jianjun gave a signal to his men and asked them to move to both sides of the gate.

Zheng Yijian glanced outside through the peephole on the door.

Wang Jianjun is a handsome guy and doesn't look like a villain at all.

Zheng Yijian estimated that even in a one-on-one situation, he could easily handle such a pretty boy. He made a careless move and opened the door.

Wang Jianjun smiled.

His subordinates are really sharp-eyed. The guy in front of him is not the Zheng Yijian wanted in the newspaper, a walking millionaire!

Zheng Yijian was a very quick-witted person, and he knew something was wrong as soon as he looked at Wang Jianjun's eyes.

"Why do you come here empty-handed? Where is the goods? I have all the money ready for you."

Zheng Yijian's words stunned Wang Jianjun for a moment.

'rich? Then can’t I make two fortunes by myself? ’

When Wang Jianjun's smile was in full swing, Zheng Yijian kicked Wang Jianjun on the chest.


Wang Jianjun was stunned, and so was Zheng Yijian.

Wang Jianjun looked down at the foot imprinted on his chest. Even a fool with zero IQ could understand that the other party had played a trick on him.

Zheng Yijian was shocked by Wang Jianjun's fighting power. He had tried his best. Wasn't this guy in pain?

"Fuck you."

Wang Jianjun quickly raised his foot and hit Zheng Yijian in the chest with the same kick.


Zheng Yijian flew upside down from the door to the living room and smashed a glass coffee table.

Zheng Yijian got up from the ground vomiting blood.

Wang Jianjun has already entered the room.

In Zheng Yijian's desperate eyes, seven or eight men with shining eyes walked in behind Wang Jianjun.

"." Zheng Yijian's hair grew cold.

The expressions of the guys who entered the room were full of evil intentions, and the last guy even locked the door. They were all men, and Zheng Yijian's anus tightened.

"Everyone, is there any misunderstanding?" Zheng Yijian shouted quickly.

"No misunderstanding!" Wang Jianjun walked towards Zheng Yijian with a happy face.

Zheng Yijian hurriedly punched Wang Jianjun. He was so regretful now that he put the pistol in the drawer without taking it with him.

Wang Jianjun raised his hand and easily grabbed Zheng Yijian's wrist.

Zheng Yijian quickly punched Wang Jianjun with his other hand. Wang Jianjun clamped Zheng Yijian's other hand under his arm with the same hand.

"That's great." Wang Jianjun restrained Zheng Yijian's hands. He reached out and grabbed Zheng Yijian's chin, and looked carefully at Zheng Yijian's face from left to right.

Zheng Yijian felt a chill in his heart. For the first time, he regretted that he was too handsome. Why didn't these bastards take the ordinary path? There were so many Feng sisters nesting in the factory building.

"Brother, no need to look, it's him."

One of his men excitedly placed a photo from the newspaper on the side of Zheng Yijian's face so that Wang Jianjun could compare Zheng Yijian's face one-to-one.

Although Zheng Yijian's face was a little swollen, it was still easy to see that he was the same person as the person in the photo.

Zheng Yijian glanced at the photo in the newspaper and breathed a sigh of relief. He thought his anus was about to be ruined, but it turned out that these guys were after the one million reward.

If money can solve a problem, it's not a problem.

"Everyone, you want money, right?"

"It's only one million. Let me go. No, cooperate with me and I'll give you one million."

"One million each!" Zheng Yijian shouted very proudly.

"Suck——!" Wang Jianjun and his group almost sucked Zheng Yijian's room into a vacuum.

"Are you serious?" Wang Jianjun stared at Zheng Yijian with disbelief.

"I have seven or eight hundred thousand in cash in my drawer. You take it first and treat it as a tip for everyone. It will not be included in the one million."

Zheng Yijian's eyes flashed, and he suddenly thought that he could not defeat Li Er alone, so why not use these desperadoes in front of him?

Wang Jianjun quickly asked his men to search Zheng Yijian's drawer and found a large amount of cash.

"Misunderstanding, really a misunderstanding, haha!"

Wang Jianjun excitedly patted Zheng Yijian on the shoulder. He gave each of his men 10,000 yuan and kept the rest.

Wang Jianjun's men were not too few, and they all happily put the money into their pockets.

"To show my sincerity, I will withdraw one million in cash later and share it with everyone." Zheng Yijian paid special attention to the expressions of Wang Jianjun and his men.

Sure enough, several people's eyes flickered.

Wang Jianjun didn't notice anything wrong. He held Zheng Yijian's hand very excitedly: "Good brother, I forgot to introduce myself. Wang Jianjun, just call me Ajun. From now on, we will all be brothers."

Zheng Yijian smiled. He naturally knew that it was impossible for him to be trusted by Wang Jianjun and his group now. These guys just wanted to squeeze him dry.

But now it’s important to save your life first, let’s see who kills whom in the end.

Zheng Yijian faced a room full of country bumpkin killers, and he had a sense of superiority in terms of IQ.

He had already thought of how to save He Shangsheng.

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