What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 715: I only deserve to have Sir Li say ‘oh’ once

"Tou, all the gangsters are upstairs. Be careful, these guys are all armed with guns." Lin Xiaoya had already dialed Li Er's number.

Li Er took out a headset and hung it on his ear: "I know, don't hang up the phone, stay in communication at all times, and report Zheng Yijian's location to me."

"Tou, Zheng Yijian didn't go upstairs. This guy retreated when he reached the courtyard gate on the first floor." Lin Xiaoya hurriedly reported.

"." Li Er's face suddenly turned dark.

"Then what kind of people are there in the police station?"

"Uh--! I don't know either. Anyway, they came with Zheng Yijian. They should be accomplices!" Lin Xiaoya answered cautiously.

"Have others block a few exits. Eagle, Ma Jun, come up with me." Li Er pulled out his police gun with an unkind look on his face.

This guy hasn't used his gun for a long time since he was promoted to the police station.

"Sir Li, and me!" Zhou Xingxing hurriedly appeared.

"Follow me!" Li Er went upstairs without looking back.

Li Er took the elevator upstairs in a very disgusting manner.

Zhou Xingxing hurriedly squeezed forward.

"Tou, there is a gangster at the elevator door on the third floor!"

Lin Xiaoya saw Li Er, Li Xianying, Ma Jun, and Zhou Xingxing on the elevator monitor, and her tone was very relaxed.

'Ding--! ’

The elevator reaches the third floor.

At the elevator entrance, a gangster with a fierce look on his face sneered as the elevator door slowly opened.

"." The vicious gangster's sneer froze.

He had a gun in his hand, but what stared at him in the elevator were three dark muzzles.

"Don't get killed." Li Er said quickly.

Zhou Xingxing was overjoyed, it was a good opportunity to make a contribution.

The guy immediately stretched out his palm, grabbed the collar of the gangster at the elevator entrance, and pulled him closer to the elevator.

'Ding--! ’

The elevator doors are closed.

The sneering gangster disappeared, leaving only a pistol on the floor.

"What's the name of your leader?" Li Er asked with a frown.

Several people in the elevator were veterans of the police force, and the gangster in front of them looked like new immigrants.

"Hmph——!" The sneering gangster looked up at the elevator ceiling proudly.

‘It’s time to show off again. ’ Zhou Xingxing was overjoyed and immediately showed his casserole-like fist.


Zhou Xingxing aimed at the sneering gangster's face and punched him harder on the bridge of his nose.

"You'd better answer our boss's question honestly." Zhou Xingxing said in a low voice. This guy had a dark heart. He really hoped that the other party would continue to resist so that he could continue to perform.

"Don't fight, my boss's name is Wang Jianjun." The sneering gangster said quickly.

"Wang Jianjun?"

Li Er frowned and looked at Li Xianying. This name was ordinary. Anyway, he couldn't figure out who this person was.

Li Xianying shook his head. Wang Jianjun and his group were active in the Saigon and Dapu areas. Li Xianying had never heard of Wang Jianjun's name.

"Catch them all and beat them up, and there will be results." Ma Jun said confidently.

"You're right, don't beat everyone to death." Li Er patted Ma Jun on the shoulder with satisfaction.

'Ding--! ’

The elevator reached the fourth floor.

Li Er asked Li Xianying and others to get out of the way, and everyone took the steps in one direction to go downstairs.

Zhou Xingxing was afraid that Ma Jun would take the credit if he was slow, so he immediately ran to the nearest step ladder.

On the side of Wang Jianjun's head, he heard footsteps coming from upstairs.

‘There’s someone on the fourth floor. ’

Wang Jianjun hurried to the stairs.

Zhou Xingxing rushed to the third floor quickly. This guy ran so fast that he almost kissed Wang Jianjun at the corner of the stairs.

Wang Jianjun and Zhou Xingxing were both startled. They punched each other in the face at the same time.

‘Bang—bang—! ’

The two unlucky guys each received a heavy blow from the other.



Wang Jianjun held his nose and took half a step back, while Zhou Xingxing also held his nose and took a small step back. Both of them punched with all their strength, knocking each other's eyes out of tears.

Wang Jianjun quickly drew the gun with his other hand, and Zhou Xingxing was not slow in his movements, but his pistol was in the holster, so he was slower in drawing the gun.

Fortunately, Zhou Xingxing had a bright idea. He was at a disadvantage when he drew the gun, so he simply refused to let Wang Jianjun draw the gun smoothly. The guy immediately kicked Wang Jianjun's elbow. Wang Jianjun just held the pistol, and Zhou Xingxing kicked his elbow, causing the pistol to fly away. Got out.

"Hey——!" Zhou Xingxing smiled and put his hand into his holster.

"Fuck you." Wang Jianjun cursed angrily and hit Zhou Xingxing's head with a high kick.

Zhou Xingxing's face changed slightly, and he knew the strength of the opponent in an instant. The guy in front of him was obviously difficult to deal with. Zhou Xingxing gave up drawing his gun and put his hands in front of his head.

‘Bang——! ’

Zhou Xingxing took two or three steps back before standing up, his arms temporarily paralyzed.

‘Push to the street, this bastard is so strong. ’

Zhou Xingxing accidentally suffered a loss, but his face looked disdainful: "Oh, that's it? You haven't eaten!"

Wang Jianjun was furious.

Another high kick flew towards Zhou Xingxing.

"Come here again, fuck you."

Zhou Xingxing did not retreat but advanced, holding his head in his hands and rushing towards Wang Jianjun.

‘Bang——! ’

'puff--! ’

Wang Jianjun kicked Zhou Xingxing again, but Zhou Xingxing also hit his knee in the crotch of Wang Jianjun's wide open center goal.


Wang Jianjun screamed, holding his crotch with both hands and beating his body.

Zhou Xingxing also felt dizzy, but he still seized the opportunity and quickly drew his gun.

Wang Jianjun is not stupid either. When this guy bent down and hugged his lower body, he also took the opportunity to pick up the pistol on the ground.

The two men obtained the pistols almost at the same time.

"Die, Yan family shovel!"

"Why don't you die?"

"Bang bang——!"

"Bang bang——!"

Wang Jianjun and Zhou Xingxing shot almost at the same time. Wang Jianjun hit Zhou Xingxing, but Zhou Xingxing's bullet was empty.

However, Zhou Xingxing was wearing a bulletproof vest. The moment Wang Jianjun thought Zhou Xingxing was dead and distracted, Zhou Xingxing seized the opportunity and continued to shoot.


Wang Jianjun immediately understood that the other party was wearing a bulletproof vest, and quickly turned around and retreated to the other side of the stairs.

The two faced each other across a wall.

The other side.

Sir Li is not as busy as Zhou Xingxing.

This guy had the pistol in his hand all the time. As soon as he came down the stairs, he saw an unlucky man with his back to him in the corridor.

Li Er didn't even remind the other party, he raised his pistol and shot the unfortunate guy in the back of the head.


Before the unlucky guy could figure out what was going on, he had already received his lunch box and returned to his hometown.

Li Er's gunfire attracted two gangsters holding AKs.

"Sir Li, be careful. Two gangsters are coming from the corridor in front of you. They are using submachine guns." Lin Xiaoya in the monitoring room hurriedly reminded.


Sir Li said "Oh" casually and neither hid nor ran. He just stood there and waited for the two AK gangsters to rush over.


Two more gunshots rang out.

Li Er shot so fast that the two AK gangsters didn't even have time to raise their pistols and were hit by two bullets in the head.

"." Lin Xiaoya was speechless. She was a member of the original female SWAT team of the "Bawanghua". Naturally, she had heard that Li Er's shooting skills were very sharp, but seeing it with her own eyes was still shocking.

"If there is anyone in the corridor, please report it to me directly."

"Oh, there is another gangster rushing towards you from the corridor on your left." Lin Xiaoya said quickly.

Gunshots continued to ring out from the third floor of the police station building.

Wang Jianjun's men were not unpowerful. With their superior weapons, they fought back and forth with Li Xianying and Ma Jun.

But those unlucky ones who met Li Er were in misfortune. Li Sir's attacks were quick and insidious. Wang Jianjun's men didn't even have a chance to shoot. Li Sir was the one doing the damage throughout the whole process.

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