What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 723: Help Sir Li do good deeds

Chapter 723 Help Sir Li do good deeds

Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

Li walked into the office carrying a black plastic bag in his pocket.

"Master, how did you know that Zheng Yijian was going to run away from the beach of Repulse Bay?" Bai Anni asked curiously as soon as she saw Li Er.

Instructor Hu and Ma Guoying in the office also quietly pricked up their ears.

They were also curious that the person Li Xianying couldn't find was actually found by a lazy person like Li Sir.

"I said they came up to show off in front of my eyes. Believe it or not."

Li Er glared at the gossiping Bai Anni angrily.


Bai Anni and others didn't believe it at first, but considering that Li Er lived in the villa area of ​​Repulse Bay, Zheng Yijian and He Shangsheng wanted to run in that direction. It really seemed like they were rushing to die.

"Master, what is this?"

Bai Anni strangely opened the black plastic bag that Li Er threw on the desk.

"Ah——! These are the three antique exhibits that Mr. Tong lost." Bai Anni looked at Li Er in surprise.

"Yeah, let's call their exhibition company and ask them to send someone over to go through the formalities and take the things back." Li Er nodded.

Sir Li still understands criminals. Zheng Yijian and He Shangsheng have already planned to run away, so they naturally have to take the stolen goods with them.

Without much effort, Sir Li found these three antique exhibits in the secret cabin of the speedboat that Zheng Yijian found.

But Li Er searched hard all night for the 20 million in cash that Zheng Yijian stole from Huang Qifai of the Western District Police Station, but he couldn't find it. You know, Tong Keren took out this money in real money. Yes, this is to let Sir Li's blood go.

Li Er now regrets killing Zheng Yijian too early.

"By the way, we must focus on following up on Keren's 20 million cash. I don't care who Zheng Yijian gave the money to. This is stolen money and must be recovered. Otherwise, we must find a way to make the Western District Police Station pay compensation."

As expected, Sir Li was used to being thrifty, but when he couldn't find the money, his overall mental state was very bad.

"Uh--! Sir Li, Miss Tong will most likely have to go to the Western District Police Station to claim compensation for the 20 million. Tong has a team of professional lawyers." Ma Guoying said in a low voice.

"What do you mean?" Li Er gave Ma Guoying a murderous look.

Ma Guoying carefully handed today's Hong Kong Daily to Li Er.

"Sir Li, take a look at the headlines of today's morning newspaper."

Li Er frowned and took the newspaper.

The first thing you notice is the huge front-page headline: 'Hong Kong Island's mysterious philanthropist selflessly donates 20 million candies to help poor children around the world look happy at Christmas. ’


Li Er looked at the photos of a group of black children and his lungs were about to explode.

"Sir Li, I'm afraid Zheng Yijian used your, er, Miss Tong's money to do charity. It happened to be 20 million, and the time was right."

Ma Guoying's analysis was very reasonable, and Li Er wanted to thank her profusely.

Bai Anni winked at Ma Guoying desperately, and Ma Guoying realized belatedly that she was rubbing salt into Sir Li's wound.

"Ah——! I'm going to kill those two Yan family shovels."

Li Er covered his chest in pain, and then he remembered that Zheng Yijian did donate money to Africa in the original drama.

Zheng Yijian just donated money, but he donated the money abroad to show his own style, which really made Li Er so angry that he vomited blood.

You know, at this time, let alone the mainland, there are many people in Hong Kong who need to receive relief funds.

"Sir Li, you seem to have killed both of them." Ma Guoying stabbed Li Er again.

Bai Anni found that Ma Guoying was hopeless and ran away.

Li Er took a deep breath to make his lungs less painful. He now extremely regretted killing Zheng Yijian and He Shangsheng too early. These two people should have been whipped to death for jumping on the street.

"Xiaoying, come here, I promise not to pinch you." Li Er waved.

"Sir Li, our intelligence team still has a case, I'm leaving first." Ma Guoying was just slow, but she was not stupid, so she ran away immediately.

Li Er had nowhere to vent his anger, and his face turned red with anger.

All the police officers in the serious crime team lowered their heads and worked to keep themselves busy. Never meet Li Sir's eyes.

Taiwan Island.


Liang Qiqi stretched out boredly, and several wretched Taiwanese men in the distance swallowed their saliva.

Liang Qiqi has a mediocre chest, but her long and delicate legs are enough to make those loser Taiwanese guys drool, but no one has the courage to walk over and strike up a conversation.

Everyone in Tainan didn't know that those women on the beach were VIPs of the East Lake Gang.

"Matilda, don't you think it's strange? After your master returned to Hong Kong Island, he seemed to have disappeared. I didn't see him taking even one assassination order." Liang Qiqi sat on the beach chair, her eyes crossed. Zhang Xiaomeng, who was in great shape, looked at Matilda.

No matter how beautiful the beach is, if you leisurely bask in the sun every day, there will be a day when you get tired of it.

Matilda lay flat on the sand, impassive.

"It's not like you don't know how lazy my master is. It's normal for him to provide for his old age before all the money is spent."

"Really? Why do I feel that your master has died? I checked the login records of several killer accounts of your master. He has never logged into the killer intranet once." Liang Qiqi is Yoshimura Notaro's killer manager. Several of Yoshimura Notaro's killer accounts, Liang Qiqi, have login passwords.

"Haha!" Matilda chuckled, but she wasn't worried at all. It would be strange if her master logged into the killer website and didn't accept orders.

In Yoshimura Notaro's words, it's already here. If you don't kill a few people and make some extra money, you can't bear the load of the earth's rotation.

"This bastard is the same. He agreed to send a text message once a month, but he immediately lost contact. He didn't answer the phone and didn't reply to the email." Liang Qiqi angrily picked up the cold drink next to her and took a deep sip: "No, I want it back. Let’s see if Hong Kong is really dead.”

"It's so troublesome to prove whether my master is really dead." Matilda took off her sunglasses and sat up.

Without Taro Yoshimura, Matilda has also learned to be lazy. She doesn't exercise and eats delicious food all day long. The waistcoat line on her abdomen has long since turned into a white belly.

Matilda tightened her belly in embarrassment.

"Isn't it the end of the month again? You asked Sister Haitang to send the money for this quarter to my master's account a few days later to see if he comes back to life."

Liang Qiqi's face lit up, Matilda had to understand her master.

Both Liang Qiqi and Zhang Xiaomeng also believed that this trick would definitely be useful for Yoshimura Notaro. They were afraid that Yoshimura Notaro would jump in the next day after the payment was late.

"This is a good thing to note, but who is going to convince Haitang?"

Haitang didn't dare to take advantage of Taro Yoshimurano's account.

Liang Qiqi looked at Zhang Xiaomeng, who hurriedly closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. Being transparent was her natural skill, and no one could match her at this point.

Liang Qiqi also knew that she couldn't count on Zhang Xiaomeng, so she looked directly at Matilda.

Matilda smiled and pointed at the huge diamond necklace around Liang Qiqi's neck.

Liang Qiqi: "."

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